Update on Dw

People have been asking about Dw….

He describes himself as: weak and frail. He cries easily and often. He is thankful for everything. He is very, very yellow. I am certain he has lost more weight since he is not hardly eating at all. Nothing tastes good. Even water tastes yukky to him.

I am pumping him with Vitamin C that I stir into his water. He is not happy about that, but I am a big meanhead and at this moment I’m guessing I am stronger than him so he has to comply. =)

I am serving him as much fresh/live food as he will take and we are thankful that it is summer and there is so much available.

Tomorrow morning we go to see a specialist here. I am certain they will run more blood work.

In the meantime, Please pray that his appetite will improve and that he will find water appetizing??

Your continued prayers are appreciated more than words can adequately convey….and I am slowly working on the post that will tell you all about the other phone call….inbetween tending to Dw’s needs, tending to Isaiah’s needs and caring for the two little guys who both have dandy colds and are cranky beyond cranky.

Infact, just yesterday Abi texted and asked how daddy was and was he still at home? I assured he was and that I was babying him. I then texted Abi that I actually felt like I was caring for four babies (in a good way)……daddy, Isaiah, Elijah and Elizabeth…and that based on this I am certain that I would be able to swing adopting quadruplets….she replied, “lol”. Not to worry baby girl…I would never….triplets maybe….but not quadruplets…..=)

35 thoughts on “Update on Dw

  1. You are awesome Linny…praying for complete healing for Dw and strength for you…I know how the food and water situation is because my mom has been dealing with that on a daliy basis for several months and it is hard to see her waste away…but i'm not giving up and will continue to pray for your family
    Love you all

  2. Praying for healing for Dwight and for his appetite to return. Have you tried flavored water? Different temperatures of it? (I'm sure you have, I just wanted to think I was helping:-) Praying for you too. Be sure and take care of yourself. I wish I lived closer and could come help, but I'm sure my posse (6 kids under 12) would drive you over the edge:-)




  4. Linny, Sorry I was unable to chat at you when you were out here in flat Iowa – I spoke to DW just a short bit – it was the day your Col friends were driving in. Have you tried cold drinks – when caring for cancer pts, they often enjoyed Carnation instant brkfst ice cream shakes – it gave them nutrition and was more palatable when nothing tasted good. Continue to lift you and Dw up before the thrown of our gracious loving Father. Jer. 17:7+

  5. I am caring for four little ones right now…I can completely identify with your situation. It's tough to be pulled in so many directions, but a blessing to be needed by so many people, too. I am CLINGING to this promise, "The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and I am helped." Linny, I am praying for you to have the strength and wisdom to provide loving care to your family – and for complete healing for Dw, Isaiah, and your littlest ones. 🙂

  6. So thankful for the updates. Great job keeping the fluids going, even if they aren't his favorite! Keeping you all in my prayers.


  7. Oh, Linny, you DO have your hands full! Tell that BIG boy of yours that whether it tastes yucky or not, he HAS to drink, AND eat! Tell him to consider it yucky medicine, and just DO it! 🙂 I SO wish I lived near you, cuz I would be right over to help you in whatever way I could! It's frustrating! 🙂

    Love you guys MUCHLY (which is SO strange, when you think about it…we have never met in person…but there it is…I love you!)

    Nancy in CT

  8. Still praying for all of you!

    I was just thinking this afternoon about your next little one. I guess I need to think and pray about your next 2 or 3. DW better get a LOT of energy back, maybe double what he had before.

  9. Encouraging Word time:
    "Dwight & Linny are strong, vigorous, and very courageous. They will not be afraid, neither will they be dismayed, for the Lord their God is with them wherever they go." Joshua 1:9 Amplified
    I encourage you to say these words out loud over yourselves. As the Lord said to Jeremiah, "You've seen well, for I AM alert and active, watching over My word to PERFORM it." Jeremiah 1:12 Amp.

  10. Oh, Linn, you seem to be keeping your spirits up. I am praying that you will continue to be able to do that! I was just talking to my dear sis-in-law who is pregnant and terribly sick. She can't keep anything down, and despite medication, she has already been in the hospital for dehydration. She is not getting any nutrients in her, and your post about Dw reminded me of her situation. If you could take a minute, could you pray for her too? Thanks!

  11. You are, Linn, by far, one of the strongest women I have ever had the honor of meeting. You simply amaze me. Please know that I've been praying for you daily. I've been praying more in this last two weeks than I think I have in the last six months. Please let us know if we can do ANYTHING to help – we'll be there in an instant! We love you all – and tell Dw there's steak at our house waiting for him when he feels better!

  12. I don't know how you do it. It truly must be from God, because my 2 kids are kicking my butt on a daily basis! Your poor Dw sounds so miserable. I pray for him every time God puts your family on my heart. I will especially pray for wisdom for that specialist, and lots of energy for you as you care for your babies. Thanks for keeping us updated!


  13. Linny, May the Lord renew your strength, each and every day, each and every minute. May you soar on the wings of eagles. May you run and not grow weary. May you walk and not grow faint. Proclaiming God's promises over you today and your precious family.

    Wish I could hug you in person, but know I'm sending you kisses from Costa RIca,
    Sarah Dawn

  14. Oh Linny, I just cannot imagine how awful your dear hubby must feel. So yuk! You had better believe that the Salems are PRAYING for him and trusting that very soon he will start to feel so much better.

    Hang in there, dear friend. A sick family is so NOT fun. But don't you worry about a thing–the Almighty is on your side–bringing healing and restoration to all of them!!!

  15. haha…i especially liked the joke about quads 🙂
    It's wonderful what God is doing for Dw….we just keep on praying and he will get better ….<3

  16. Linny,

    I am praying BIG time for ALL of you!

    Gracious God,

    We thank you for who you are, for what you do and for the promise that you will never leave us.

    Father God, I lift DW to you, I pray that you lay your healing hands on DW, that you remove whatever is causing him to be so sick. I claim your promise that you are the ultimate healer. I ask that you wrap him in your might arms Father and that you bring comfort to him and to those around him. I ask that you give him the desire to eat and drink so that he can regain some of his strength.

    I also lift Linny to you Lord. I know she is tired, I know she is worried, and I know she wants to be there for her family. I ask the you protect her from illness. I ask that you give her super natural strength and I ask that you comfort her as she comforts her family.

    Be with the children as they are worried about thier Daddy. Whisper in eash of thier little ears just how much they are loved. Release the two little ones from the cold that is trying to invade them. And hold the alittle tighter as they deal with this along with bonding.

    And one last thing Father, I ask the you take Isaiah's little hands and his sweet legs Lord, and you mend them, make him complete. remove the pain he is in after the surgery, and make those splints form his hands so that he feels the way he needs to feel…whole, complete, and like everyone else.

    I ask these things in the Mighty, Holy, Strong name of Jesus, Amen.

    P.S.-Linny, let me know if I can do anything!

  17. i will feel so much better fter he sees the specialist tomorrow. Please let us all know as soon as you can. I will be checking the Twitter!! Lots of prayers are coming your way!!!! Dw I hate "seeing" you so sick!! Get better soon!!!!
    Kathie in NY

  18. It breaks my heart to think how miserable he is. 🙁 Are they able to do anything for his liver? Is it still getting better? My grandma turned super yellow when her cancer had spread to her liver and I felt so bad for her. You can just tell how miserable it is. :*( Please know I am still praying constantly for you guys and for your sweet man. I pray he gets better very very quickly! Your photo the other day of him in the hospital made me want to cry.

    I am thinking of you guys!!

  19. I think of you all often and pray for you daily. May God give you the strength to endure, and through it all God is so good. Take care of yourself!

    Angie, OH

  20. I am glad he is home and you are home! It will be good to see a specialist. We are praying for him and you- lots going on so we need to take care of you, too!
    Thinking of you often, praying lots!

  21. Still praying.

    I wish there was a more private way to do this, but I have 2 Starbucks giftcards… one has $10 on it & the other has $15 on it. I would like to give them to you. I never go to Starbucks and over the last several days, I've felt that I should send them to you. I know this is kind of weird/random, but I promise I'm not some crazy person. My only problem is that I don't have an address to send them to. My email address is sjfrey@cedarville.edu.

    -Stephanie Frey

  22. How well I remember that even the taste of water was not appetizing when I had Hep A. I lost so much weight as I didn't eat and had to force fluids down. It's just the way it is with Hep. I also recall the awful pains "behind my ribs"… But once the corner is turned, appetite returns and feeding up is order! Here's hoping DW turns his corner very soon. He is in my thoughts.

  23. You're amazing!! I have no idea how you manage everything!

    Maybe make a pot of what I call "everything soup" for DW? You know, a big pot, toss in a whole chicken, all the veggies in your fridge and then shread the chicken into it after cooked? It might get a few more nutrients into him. Y'all continue to be in my prayers!

    How is Autumn doing? Any updates on her health lately?

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