URGENT – Please Pray for Dw

I typed a long post explaining everything but the network at the hospital comes and goes.

Dw went to ER as he seems to be getting sicker and sicker. They have run a ton of tests. He has Hepatitus. Not sure what type. Liver numbers are bad. Please pray. There are no meds available to fight hepatitus. Please pray and ask prayer chains and warriors around the world to pray.

Isaiah is still in the same hospital. Dw is being admitted also now. To say I am overwhelmed would be an understatement. Please pray!!

Will keep updating Twitter on right side bar.

76 thoughts on “URGENT – Please Pray for Dw

  1. I will be praying. I have sent the prayer request out to eveyrone I know.

    May God give you piece while you are there. I wish I was closer to help.


  2. Praying God will heal DW!
    Praying for Isaiah's recovery!
    Praying for your state of mind and health!
    Praying for the family at home!
    Praying for Jubilee!

  3. J and I are praying – God please move in a jaw dropping way in Dw's body today and please comfort Linn, give her strength that even she does not understand. We praise you God for we know you are in control! Amen

  4. Linny,
    We are praying! Hang in there! We will continue to pray that your dear hubby will be healed in Jesus' name!
    Keep us updated.

  5. Linny, we are praying. Also though my best friend lives in Iowa City and her husband is an MD. If you need ANYTHING let me know and I will get her to help. Hugs and prayers,
    Ann Marie joyfullybusy.blogspot.com

  6. Linny, we are praying for you, Dwight, Isaiah, and Liberty in Iowa, and of course your family here. We love you and trust God with you that He has everything you need. He is the mighty God you know Him to be, and He is TRUSTWORTHY! We love you all, and pray for you faithfully!!!!!

  7. Oh Linny, I will definitely be praying for you. When Jadon had his cleft palate repair, David (dh) planned on staying in the hospital with him. He has diabetes and gave himself the wrong shot. His blood sugar was dropping incredibly fast. So the nurses rushed him to the ER. This was so stressful–trying to comfort my son and being so worried about David in the ER. God definitely took care of both of my guys. I will be praying for the same for Isaiah and Dw.


  8. Oh, my goodness! There's viral and bacterial, right? Which does he have? I will be sure to pray for both and will add them to my prayer blog.

    Thank God that they are in the SAME hospital or you would be even more overwhelmed!

  9. Wishing I lived in Iowa, or knew someone who did…

    Praying that God will provide the support you need to manage two patients at once. Praying for quick (and full) healing for both of your guys. Praying for Liberty, and so thankful that Isaiah asked for her to come!

    Any chance they can swing getting a double room together???

  10. Oh sweet Jesus. Please surround Dw and Linn and Isaiah right now.

    Praying for you guys so hard! My heart breaks every time something else goes wrong, as it seems you just can't catch a break in 2009. Know that you've got prayer warriors all over!

  11. Linny,

    We are lifting DW up in prayers! I will add him to our prayer list. Our God is good and He is our HEALER! Praying for strength for you also.

    I am praying in Jesus' name that DW will be HEALED!

  12. Oh sweet friend,

    I'm crying, praying and passing the word to PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!

    We love you guys,

    Oh Jesus,
    Hold Dwight and Linny and Isaiah and Liberty close and bring healing Lord. Healing. In Jesus name, Amen


  13. Sending prayers for your husband's recovery and that God provides assurance for you and the rest of the family that all will be O.K. I am also sending prayers for mental strength for all of you because you have dealt with more then most people can handle. Your faith is an inspiration! I really enjoy reading your blog and hearing how Jesus is working through you and your family. I am also praying that God protects you from Satan's attacks because it is quite obvious that he does not want you to continue with all you are doing and the positive impact you are having on others. May God bless your family greatly!

  14. Bless you sweet friend- we will pray for Dw.

    We are coming to Iowa City tomorrow- late afternoon.
    We will see you at the hospital.


  15. Praying for God to wrap you in His loving arms and give you peace; for speedy, complete, and miraculous healing for DW; protection for your family at home; healing for Isaiah; and for God to bless you with many, many, many Yipee Jesus moments in the very near future!

    Julie in Georgia

  16. Oh my goodness, Linny. I can only imagine how overwhelmed you must feel. Wish I were closer to be able to help out. PRAYING, PRAYING, PRAYING. Trusting the Lord that Dw and Isaiah feel so much better soon. I have two daughters with Hepatitis–after doing so much research, I know that it is awful when adults get it. Poor guy. Did he pick it up in Uganda?

    Oh goodness, there are no words–but I know that prayers moves mountains. So, consider your family prayed for. Will pass it on to blog friends too.

  17. Praying for you! I am also thinking how wonderful God is that he had DW well enough to travel with you, and even though he is so sick right now, you are able to be with him and Isaiah at the same hospital intead of DW being back home so many miles away and you not be able to be with him! God is good and His arms are holding you up right now when you are so weak! We are praying for your family out here in blog world. Let us help carry your load for you!


  18. Oh, Linn,
    I am so sorry. I had to read it three times to believe what I was
    reading! Praying, praying, praying, for DW. And Isaiah.
    And everyone back at home.

  19. I read your blog often, but have never commented before. I just want you to know this blog reader is praying you through! PRAYING PRAYING!!!

  20. Oh Linny….I have no words–other than I want to jump in the car and drive to Iowa City to sit with you. PRAYING HARD and knowing that God is sitting there with you right now. MUCH LOVE and HUGS…

  21. Kevin just sat down to read his daily schedule of reading the Bible through in a year. He is ahead of schedule and was reading July 24th today. It was Psalm 41:3.

    The Lord will sustain him on his sickbed and restore him from his bed of illness.

    Thought you might need to hear that!

    Our prayers are with you.

    Janet, Kevin, Ted, Philip, and waiting on Eli

  22. Lord this family loves you so and they serve with their whole hearts. Father please intervene on Dw's liver right now in the name of Jesus, Father bring reliefe and healing, Lord for your glory reveal your healing, Lord fill the room with your spirit. May your glory fall in this place. Jesus we love you. Father, calm Linny and the other kids, Father would you speak softly to Isaiah and manage his pain, Lord remind him that you have called him by name, you knit him together and Lord you gave him this family. Lord take him to your secret place and hold him. Father help him to be brave as he heals, Lord you are so loving and kind. Father we are trusting in your provision and no other, you will continue to order this families steps as they walk out your call. Lord…. be Big, bigger than ever before… in your precious name, AMEN

  23. Oh, Linny, I am praying! Our God is still in control! "When I am afraid,I will put my trust in You." Psalm 56:3

    Praying for all of you, dear sister.

  24. I am praying – for your men and for you too. So very sorry for one more Job-like attack on your family.

    Linda from Northern Colorado

  25. OK, we're adding more specific prayer for Dw plus those for Isaiah and all the rest of your fam! ~ Liz & David

    I did some web research and read the following which the doctors there probably already told you but just in case they didn't, read this: If you have been exposed to someone who is infected with HAV, there is a treatment that may prevent you from becoming infected. It is called immune globulin and is more likely to be effective when given within 2 weeks of exposure.

    There are vaccines that work to prevent infection with HAV but they do not work after exposure.

    more info at http://www.emedicinehealth.com/hepatitis_a/page10_em.htm

  26. Dear Linny,
    Just wanted to let you know that I am praying for Dw, and for you, and for all you're carrying at the moment. Our God is a big God-bigger than all of this and big enough to keep carrying you through. May He give you peace, and His healing touch be on your husband and on Isaiah too.
    (friend of Lynsay's- in Australia, and was recently over in Ch*na volunteering at Hope)

  27. praying for Divine intervention, miraculous healing and for increased strength to endure this trial.
    He will continue to be the lifter of your heads.

  28. Praying for you, Linny, and Dwight today. I talked to Steve today and he is keeping me up-to-date. Let me know how I can serve you or support you during this time. Tell Dwight that we are thinking of him.

    Sam and De Rockwell

  29. Tuesday's post brought tears of joy about the hope for Isaiah's hands! (I've been following your blog quite some time.) And now this news of the illness that has hold of Dw. But you already know what a powerful, healing God we serve, who is hearing all the prayers, including mine, going up for your entire family! Our trust is in the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth.

  30. praying here too and praying for the most awesome infectous disease doctor specializing in international infectious diseases! I know of several who have found malaria even after the person has been tested several times. Is malaria possible? Praying! Praying! Wish I could help in some way!

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