Would You Help Me? Please?

Before you start reading, would you just stop and ask the Lord for an open heart. This is one of the most important posts I have ever writtten. Please stick with me to the end.

The entire bloggy world is a fascinating thing. It enables us to connect with like-minded friends who can share our joys, burdens, trials, sorrows and life-changing experiences. I cannot help but think that the Lord has allowed this whole bloggy thing for far much more than meets the eye. Could it be that it could be used for something far bigger than we could ever dream? I think so.

First off though, I know you all love me and my family. I know many of you have called me your mentor or “big sister”. I have hundreds of emails from many of you that have encouraged my heart. You have shared with me how A Place Called Simplicity has ministered to you. I am humbled by your words.

Never in my wildest, craziest dreams would I have guessed that God would take the very broken, battered and abused little girl that I was and use my love for writing as a ministry to so many. Never! But God! Someday I intend to write a post about my childhood and you, too, will stand in awe of what only God could do.

But suffice it to say that one of the resounding things I hear in your emails is that you long to hear from God. To have Him speak to you. Personally. Up close. Some think I have a secret connection to the Lord. Not true!! We each have the same access to the throne room!

I am convinced that my walk with God would not be what it is today if I had not walked through the very real trials I have walked in my 50 years AND if I had not fasted so often. Yes, you read that right.


I know I have mentioned fasting from time to time. Friends, it’s huge. There is something about our faith being built as we fast for God to move mountains. There is something about giving up something we love dearly (like food) to say, “God I am giving up the thing that I love to do (eat) to hear you speak. Tell me what you want me to change. Show me how I can be more like you. Speak to me!!”

I have heard from many of you that you have never fasted before. Infact, when I asked for a group fast, the comments were largely silent. In the church we pastor, many have whispered to me, “I’ve never fasted before. I couldn’t do it! I love to eat too much.”

Wouldn’t it make sense that the enemy of our souls wants us NOT to grow deeper with God? Wouldn’t it make sense that the enemy of our souls wants us to think that we cannot live without food for a meal? Two meals? Or even an entire day? Wouldn’t he love you to think that fasting isn’t that important?

So you are reading this and thinking, “Okay, Linny, I hear you. But what’s your point?”

Hang on, I’m getting to it.

In the bloggy world we have opportunity to “visit” with lots of people from the privacy of our own home with just a click of a button. We can even visit with someone new without them even knowing it and decide if we ever want to visit with them again. One click and we can say, “buh-bye”. No doubt we have all done that.

But every now and then you know how it is…..you “meet” someone and say, “wow, I want to linger here. They are so genuine. They make me want to come back and visit with them again.” It might be their family size or their whit or their writing or their love for Jesus or their struggles, but there is just something that makes you say, “Wow, I must come visit with them again.”

For me that happened right after our home burned. A woman started leaving comments on my blog. She was always so sincere. So kind. So genuine. So wise. So tender-hearted. So gentle. So God-filled. I decided I had to “meet” this woman. So I went to her profile and found her blogspot and found out some things that I had not expected.


She has 10 children! (Just like me.)

She loves Jesus immensely (Just like me.)

She has adopted most of her kids. (Just like me.)

She has many little children. (Just like me.)

She has cancer.

Whoooa! Back up! She has CANCER?

I gasped (for real) when I saw that she had been battling cancer for about 2-1/2 years. I could not believe it. How could a mom of 10 kids, many of whom are little, have cancer? We were living in the hotel and I remember just shaking my head: Lord what is going on ??

If you have never been to her site, you must go and meet her. But hang on with me first. Because this is important.

Over the course of the last few months my friend has learned that her cancer has spread. Seriously. It is not looking good from a human perspective. Not good at all.

So I have been praying and talking to the Lord about my friend. I said, “Lord I live across the country. I have ten (almost!) children. What can I do from here? And then it came to me. What if we used this whole bloggy thing for a God-sized move? What if we banned together as one body and asked Almighty God to heal this precious woman? What if we prayed together on one specific day? What if we fasted for her healing? She needs a MIRACLE now!!

Now, it could be said, “If you want to fast Linn, do it privately.”

My response? The Lord must really like Numbers because He named an entire book of the Bible Numbers. And if the numbers of people fasting didn’t matter, Queen Esther in the book of Esther would have fasted alone and watched God move. But instead she implored the Hebrew nation to join her in a THREE day fast to see God move in a huge way and spare the entire nation of Isreal. (Which, as you all know, He did hear their prayers while they fasted and He spared the precious Jewish people.)

Most of the time I do fast privately and no one knows, except maybe my family cause they want me to come and eat and instead I disappear into our bedroom to pray while they eat.

BUT this is different.

It is something bursting in me. So here are some of the thoughts I have:

Some might say, “Well there are children with cancer or serious heart issues whose blogs I read.”

My response: I know!!!?! What would happen if we started fasting for their healing too? What would happen?? I have not ever heard of a group fast for anyone who is sick on the blogs. Maybe I missed it, but I definitely have not heard of it.

Could it be that Almighty God is waiting for group of woman (yes, I know there are some bloggy follower men out there, forgive me – and please K-man, Clayton, James, Justin, Kevin, Chris, Tony & all others, please join with us and fast!)….banned together with reckless abandon saying, “God we want to see your power and your might and your healing touch! We are united and joined together and we are fasting to see you move this mountain! We will not give up! We will stand together!”

Now just incase your final thought is this: Well I don’t really know this lady.

Then my response is: But you do know me! You know that I am not given to asking things like this unless I really feel the Lord wants me to.

And my other comment would be: Suppose you had 10 kids and you had terminal cancer? Suppose it appeared your time was limited? What would you want a group of people, who didn’t even know you, to do for you?

If it was me, sweet friends, I would be secretly praying that God would move on your hearts to fast for me. I know you would pray. But I would want you to fast for my healing.

On that note: I am asking if you would join me in a blog fast for my sweet friend. That God would heal her of her cancer. That He would move mountains. That He would touch her body and every single cancer cell and remove them. We will also ask God to minister to her husband, Howard. Ask God to minister to her children. Ask God to do above all we could ask or think. And we will humbly ask Him to do it Now.

I refuse to sit idly by and not do anything. I refuse to stop knocking on heaven’s door. I remind the Lord of Luke 18 and the persistent widow. She kept coming and coming and coming…..knowing that the unrighteous judge would eventually hear her. How much more the Heavenly Father loves us!!

Would you join me/us?

The Fast: Monday, July 27th

Fast: Breakfast or Lunch or Dinner or All Three

Please, please, please ask your blog friends to join together with us. Please ask your prayer chains, your Bible studies….your prayer groups….your family……all of them….and let’s see what God will do!

And please meet my friend and your new friend, Cindy, at Faithful Promises.
She is a treasure and you will just love her – Promise!! xo

151 thoughts on “Would You Help Me? Please?

  1. I'm in, Lin!!! Just be sure to remind me (via your blog). On second thought, I'll put it on my phone's calendar! There! Count me in! What a wonderful idea!

  2. Fasting on Monday.

    Just a thought – people wonder why their own prayers aren't answered yet Job's prayers were not answered UNTIL he prayed for his friends. Maybe the answers to our own petitions lie in presenting the needs of others to the throne roome.

    Love you.

  3. Please count me in and I would love to fast and pray for your friend. I totally agree with you and feel that fasting is VERY important. I have seen God move MAJOR mountains while a group of people are fasting.

    When this family is victorious, we will lift up our banners to our LORD! Psalm 20:5

  4. I couldn't wait to get to the end of your post because I was so eager to say…

    COUNT ME IN!!!! YES, YES, YES!!!

    This is, I believe, EXACTLY what God wants from us. ALL of us who call ourselves believers, to join in fasting and focused prayer for this sweet mom of 10. I have never been to her blog before. Never. (Yet) BUT, if she knows Jesus, then she's my sister and I will do whatever I can to help her.

    Thank you for this very important post. I am totally with you on this and I know our sweet Savior is thrilled to know that we are going to approach His throne of grace together, with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.

  5. I am one of those who has never fasted, but I am willing to put my trust in God, and step up for HIM. On behalf of this beautiful family. Thank you for the prompt and the push! I can't wait to see what our AWESOME God can do through this crazy technology we call bloggy friends.

  6. Okay seriously Linn once again I am crying as I sit here and read you heart! I am in…. I am all in! Lets do this and watch our mountain moving God work in the life of this sweet lady and her family lets watch Him move this mountain in her life and give Him praise! Amen!

  7. So i've been a blog lurker since they day after the fire. But I just had to comment on this. Its so funny that you mentioned fasting, for God has been working on me to draw closer to him. I would love to fast at least one meal on monday for this wonderful women of God.

  8. I would be honored to fast and pray with you on Monday for this precious mama, Cindy. I look forward with anticipation to watch what God will do on her behalf! Yeah God!

  9. I stumbled accross your site when i clicked on a link from someone elses blog shortly after the fire. I have been reading updates often and am moved by your posts. I am rediscovering my relationship with God and you inspire me. Reading about the fast a feel a lingering inside that this is something I'm meant to do. God bless you and your beautiful family

  10. Linny,

    I have never fasted before. I didn't read you original blog about fasting. It wasn't something I was too sure about. Since then, the word keeps coming up when I least expect it. Linny, I will join you on Monday. I will pray for your precious friend, (whose blog I, too, enjoy reading), and her DH and children.
    I think this is an awesome idea. What a blessing this could be for us all!
    Thank you for heeding the call, Linny dear. You are a blessing to me.
    mama to 3 beautiful girls, one of whom is still in China.

  11. God is so awesome. Today was our first fast as a family. Our church pastor asked the church family to pick a day this week and fast. We choose today. My husband and I discussed this in front of our children so our 8 yr old daughter decided on her own to fast for breakfast. I would never encourage my child to do this but I believe the Lord layed it on her heart. Our 10 yr old daughter decided to fast breakfast and lunch. I feel like your blog is confirmation on the importance of fasting. So from this "baby" Christian I just want to say thank you for taking the time to minister to me. We love your family and will join you in this fast.

  12. I am in Linn, and I will spread the word! You are such an awesome friend and sister to be doing this for Cindy! She is so very blessed to call you her friend! ((hugs))

  13. I'm IN girl! I tried to get a bunch of people to fast for Abby Riggs but it just didn't happen.
    There is power in fasting and prayer..I know it!
    What an HONOR to be able to join together across the US for this sweet woman of God.
    Yes! Yes! Yes!!!

  14. Linny-

    We are IN! Love your heart dear one… and love that you are using your blog to share it with others to bring so many closer to HIM. Thank you for that… you are a treasure.

    And thank you for sharing her story with us… I am blessed to be able to fast and pray on their behalf..


  15. I will fast and I will pray! It hurts my heart to see a mom (or anyone) go through cancer. I will also fast for a dear friend from church that has battled cancer for 2 years as well. She has ministered to many families in our community who are living in run down motels – doing all she can physically and spiritually for them. She is in a battle and needs a mountain moved. I will pray for both of these wonderful women! Thank you Lord for using Linny to make this suggestion.

  16. I will fast and I will pray! It hurts my heart to see a mom (or anyone) go through cancer. I will also fast for a dear friend from church that has battled cancer for 2 years as well. She has ministered to many families in our community who are living in run down motels – doing all she can physically and spiritually for them. She is in a battle and needs a mountain moved. I will pray for both of these wonderful women! Thank you Lord for using Linny to make this suggestion.

  17. I will fast from my computer. I don't want to discourage anyone else from fasting food, but I cannot right now.

    You don't have to publish this comment, but wanted to let you know I will be praying along side you.


  18. An important post indeed! I'm in too. I have fasted once before, actually at your urging in a private email you so kindly sent after I wrote you. I know it is a pratice I need to more regularly engage in. I'm about to go visit Cindy. Thank you for this 'call'.

  19. I will attempt to fast for one meal on Monday too. I have neurological Lyme Disease so my body dictates its own needs, but the least I will do is pray pray pray and work hard to fast ( for the 1st time in my life).
    I am always encouraged by the love you have not only for our Lord but for others.
    Thank you for asking your readers to participate in such a loving endeavor.

  20. Matthew 18:20 (KJV), "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them."

    Count me in! I will also add your friend to my prayer list. I can't wait to see what God does!!

  21. Linny,

    I will be honest when I say that I have never fasted before (thought about it, but never took the plunge), however, you, this post, has stirred something inside me that wants to do this more than ever.

    I too was a broken, battered, abused little girl who has overcome so much. I am a firm believer that we are who we are because of past experiences. I made the choice to break that chain and work very hard every day to keep that chain broken. It is because of Him that I am here today and because of Him that I am a happy, well adjusted, loved wife and mom.

    Please know that you can count me in.


  22. Count me in- I am hypoglycemic so I have to eat a bit just to keep my BS up-but I will only eat bear min. and drink water! Your suck a sweet person and this woman- I do know her, she is my sister in Christ and needs us!

  23. I'll be fasting for her on Monday! Praying for a miracle for this precious woman of God and momma! Can't wait to see/hear what the Lord is going to do!

  24. I am in!! I know Cindy personally and in fact will be flying back on Monday the 27th from seeing her!! She is an awesome lady!! I am amazed at how many of the blogs I read are intertwined!

  25. Adoption has opened my eyes.
    Adoption has opened my heart.
    Adoption has taught me to love. Adoption has taught me to pray.
    Adoption has taught me to fast.
    I'm with you.

  26. I'm in. I don't know Cindy personally but have been following her blog and love the idea. I'm a pastor and used to be in the habit of fasting whenever I was going to be serving holy communion at church, but I had to give it up when i was serving a church with a really rigorous worship schedule – I couldn't do it physically. I have been wanting to restart the discipline and there is no better reason! God bless.

  27. I'll be fasting on that day for your sweet friend…what an inspiration she is; I just checked out her blog. Thank you SO MUCH for letting us know about her illness and prompting us to pray pray pray and fast fast fast!!!!!!!!
    Amen and Amen!
    I just caught up on your last few posts, and your little Elijah Memorial Box Monday just made me cry! Yes…what if? What if we all prayed so fervently for these little ones…I can't wait until God completes His vision that He has begun to show you!
    I love your heart!
    You are sparking a fire in so many people…I know that is GOD ALMIGHTY working in and through you, Linn!

  28. Linny…I totally believe God has impressed this idea on your heart–and that He wants to show us what He will do when we respond in obedience. Count me in on the 27th!

  29. Aloha! I am totally in… fasting for Cindy on the 27th… and also commit to fast and pray for everyone participating. If you have specific requests come visit Blessed2Serve and leave a comment. My post will be titled "Fasting 4 Cindy" and will be up tomorrow, Wednesday the 22nd.


  30. i'm in. i'm all about it all day long. it will be my honor and pleasure to pray and fast for her complete miraculous healing if this is God's will. He can move mountains.

  31. I never fasted before you came to our church. Never even considered it. Now, it's another facet of my walk with God. Thank you for revealing so much to me about fasting. I will be joining you on Monday!

  32. I've never fasted before, but you have given me the push I need to do it on behalf of your friend. I am excited to see what God will do in Cindy's life, but also what He will do in the lives of all of us who are fasting as well.

    I do consider you a mentor…even though you are many miles away. I really respect what you have to say, and I'm eager to try something new, and to step outside of my comfort zone so I can experience fully what God intended for me. Thank you!


  33. I'm in, Linny. God said it–I believe it–fasting works!!!! Oh how He loves it when His Body is moved to fast and pray.


    Count me in to fast and pray the whole day!

    Love you, dear friend.

  34. Count me in too!
    I'm so glad you wrote this post because fasting has been on my mind often lately. I have some situations that keep getting worse and worse or so it seems. I remember when we were trying to bring home our little girl and you mentioned fasting in a comment or something. I guess I didn't reply because you asked if I was offended. I wasn't at all and ever since then, I keep thinking, wow if I really want to see change, I need to be fasting. I also wanted to fast for others, but never really had the motivation I needed.

    I just had to schedule a colonoscopy for myself which of course requires fasting and I thought, how could I be so selfish that I am willing to fast for myself for a medical procedure, yet haven't done so for other more important reasons.

    Long story, to simply say "I'm totally IN!"

    —trying to get back into the bloggy scene…

  35. It's posted on my blog now…God is moving. No matter WHAT….He is faithful and we can trust Him. I have a feeling that all He is calling to participate will be blessed by this sacrifice on behalf of sweet Cindy, sister in Christ, Mother to 10 and dear wife.
    God's ways are amazing.

  36. Count me in. I will fast and pray for this sweet sister in Christ and her family.

    I will also fast and pray for my dad who is struggling with heart blockage, congestive heart failure, and now cancer.

    Our God is mighty to save.

    In Christ,
    Janet, Kevin, Ted, Philip, and waiting for Eli

  37. Yes, I'll join in too. I have to admit that I am puzzled by fasting. I have done it, and actually I have been amazed at some of the results, but I never quite know what I am supposed to be doing (aside from giving up food). Is it the act of giving up something we don't want to that pleases God, or are we to spend the entire time in prayer? I always feel a little guilty that I am not praying a lot more, although I am actually praying more… I'm just uncertain about everything. Maybe you could write a little more about fasting between now and Monday. Thanks for doing this for Cindy – I have been one of her silent readers and prayer partners for a while now.

  38. Oh Linny,

    I'll be fasting for CIndy on Monday. I have always noticed the "Mom of Many" comments on your blog, but I'd never visited Cindy . . . until now. I just spent some time pouring over her blog and the first thing that comes to mind is gentle strength.

    I just read this quote on my daily calender, and thought I'd share . . .

    "Faith is the bucket of power lowered by the rope of prayer into the well of God's abundance. What we bring up depends on what we let down."
    Virginia Whitman

    Oh Father,
    Thank you for the many who have agreed to lower their buckets on Cindy's behalf. Father, as we trust in your abundance we ask that you would bring healing Lord. As we lower our buckets, may we do so ever faithfully, and ever trusting in Your mighty power to move the mountain that CIndy faces. Thank you Father for this opportunity that we have to come together, to You, in love for another. We love You Lord! In Jesus name, Amen and Amen.

    Thank you Linny for gathering us together. Thank you for teaching us, and for the example that you set. Thank you for your obedience to God's calling, and thank you for loving others deeply.

    Love you friend~


  39. Linny,
    I have never fasted before, but I feel the Lord gave you this inspiration. Cindy is someone that I have admired from afar. I have never seen a real, "in your face" miracle like this before, but I have a keen desire to see Cindy post on her blog "the cancer is gone!" My faith isn't always what it needs to be or what it should be. I need to see a miracle, and I need to be a part of it. My faith has never moved any mountains, and believe me, there are some I'd like moved. I am ready to see this mountain moved by our Loving Father!

  40. Linny,

    I've posted it on my blog and have asked our prayer warriors at church to do the same.

    My prayers continue for sweet Cindy. We serve a God of miracles.



  41. Count me in. God had been showing me this as a way to move mountains. Thank you for the challenge. Praying for the family.
    Claiming that she will be healed by God's power and authority.

  42. I am in! I just got home from doing the Esther Bible study by Beth Moore. This week…tonight…we saw the video about Esther calling for the fast. Then she goes on to talk about overcoming fear and gee! what is one of my fears…exactly what Cindy is going through. Oh My! I AM IN!

  43. I'm in! I never really heard about fasting until the post you did a while back. I tried it for the first time after that post. But I really think there will be comfort in knowing others are sharing the struggle. I intended to email you to tell you about my first fast and ask you a question but thought better know all that you have on your plate daily.

  44. I've been thinking of your blog for the last several days, but, each time I have always been away from my computer or on a computer where your site isn't bookmarked. Normally I am good with names and blog addresses, but for some reason I couldn't remember it. Then I had this nagging feeling all day and even tried googling the title, but I never could seem to find it. Now at almost 1 in the morning I couldn't sleep and kept thinking of your blog so I finally logged on to my laptop and read about the fast. I noticed it was posted today, so if I had read it at any of the points over the last several days I probably wouldn't have come and checked in for another week and would have missed it.

    Although my relationship with the Lord has been rocky lately, I think that this fast is something I really need to do. I haven't fasted since high school, so some guidance would be appreciated. But count me in.

  45. Linn

    I am in on this. I believe in the power of prayer and fasting and I too will join you!

    I would hope that if I were in the same situation that someone would think as kindly and do this for me!


  46. Thank you for constantly challenging me at my core to go deeper in my relationship with our Miracle-Making, Mountain-Moving, Awe-Inspiring-Gasp-Giving God. I have been a regular lurking reading since the fire. I am in for Monday. I can't wait to see the Miracles Made, and the Mountains Moved come Monday.

    San Diego

  47. I'm in. I haven't fasted often, but my pastor has recently encouraged us to do this. The Lord put it on my heart then and now again with your post. I want to join with all of you to seek God for Cindy and her family Monday.

  48. Linny, I just went to visit Cindy..what a beautiful women and whole family…Goodness, I hope Jesus sees our efforts. I know He sees, ofcourse.. but I pray it's His will to heal her. She is so beautiful.

  49. yes, I am in. I look at her, life and she lives my worst fear…I am a single mommy, and think so much, what if something happened to me….

    And I think…well God would not let that happen, he knows how my kids need me. Yet, He knows how her kids need her…..too.

    Trust in the midst of not understanding, that is real trust, is it not?

    Teach us how to fast.

    Is it as simple as skip eating and pray instead….and why does it make a difference?

    I will do it. I would just love to understand it.

  50. I too will fast on Monday. I hope Cindy, you have a chance to read all of these sweet words and are strengthened by them along with the prayers lifted on your behalf. Linn, this is a beautiful gift you have given to a "bloggy friend".

  51. Im a newbie to the fasting, but I will say that just after my first fast, I saw God make changes. I was amazed at how quickly he worked. I will deffinently being praying and fasting with everyone else.

  52. Hey Linn

    I've followed your journey since Isaiah's JTM, (love your family!)but have never posted before. I love following other people's blogs, but not brave enough to join in the fun 🙂
    This one's bringing me out of my comfort zone.

    I've just recently started fasting (about adopting), and would love to be a part of what God's going to do in this lovely woman's life.
    Expecting miracles is exciting! Count me in for Monday.


  53. I have loved Cindy for so many years and would be honored, grateful and humbled to be able to fast for such a wonderful Christian lady!! Thank you!!

  54. Well, I just had to figure out how to log in and post a comment for this one. My answer to you is ABSOLUTELY count me in! Who would not want to see this amazing woman be able to see her children grow up. Thank you Linny for sharing her story with all of us! I will be fasting (for the firs time) and praying like crazy every day but especially on Monday! Let's see the mountain move!! – Charissa

  55. I just found Cindy through her blog last week and you are so right….she is such a special lady!!

    Count me in for Monday…what a great idea…will also put a post on my blog.

  56. Yes, count me in. I am new here. I am here from another blog… nogreaterjoymom … But my heart has been so encouraged from friends in this strange blog world, and my heart goes out to this lady whom I have never met!

  57. I read this yesterday and my gut was YES! I'm in…but there was some underlying uneasiness so before I posted that I would, I knew I needed to pray. I've let so much get in the way of my relationship with my Savior. I am starting on Sunday with what I am going to call, "Angie Unplugged." From 1-6 EST, I will be unplugged from phone, tv, computer, (even my vaccum.) I am hoping to go to a local park. If I stay home there's too much to distract. I need to spend some time with my Jesus. Just preparing my heart and praying for some personal needs.

    Then, On Monday, I will be fasting and praying for Cindy and Kate Mcrae (a 5 yr old with a very aggressive and fast growing brain tumor.) More info at http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/mcraekate

    As I read through the comments tonight…all these people coming together…for a sister many of us don't even know. I love being part of God's family!


  58. Linny i want to fast with you guys! i will be on vacation at that time, but i am plegeing to fast from after dinner on sunday night through to dinner on monday night. so breakfast and lunch on monday (my family is quite unreligious and rather than make a statment to them i really want to concentrate on Cindy's need!). I hope lots of others join in too!

  59. Linny,

    I'm there….joining with you on Monday!

    I have never fasted before, but I NOW know this is something I need to do.

    A dear bloggy friend mentioned fasting to me last week, and probably because I've never fasted before…I put it on a back burner. It has been re-surfacing all week. My friend had offered fasting with me for a need of mine, for dissolving mountains to bring our daughter home who is delayed in China due to H1N1 concerns and the riots, but it's now clear God wants me to fast for someone else. I will listen. I just found your site and my motivation through another bloggy friend:-). I'm looking forward to your post regarding this process over the weekend.

    God bless you and Cindy.

    God is good!!!

    Sea Glass & Jade

  60. News of your project is spreading quickly. Count me in. I think this is amazing and I am happy to do whatever I can for this very inspiring and faith filled woman.

  61. There are tears in my eyes after reading your post. Something hit me when you mentioned your friend's DH is named Howard, the same name as my dearly departed grandpa. I am totally in for Monday's prayers and fasting. I am sure God will hear us all!

  62. linny…this has been on my heart since your last post about it. i read this yesterday and needed to process and pray.
    i have never been spoken to about fasting. i am thankful for you. i'm ready to fast and pray for cindy. i'm ready to joyfully anticipate what God can do as all these sisters in Christ lift her up. amazing, simply amazing.
    it is easy to believe what the world tells us will happen…but that's just putting our God in a little, tiny box. He CAN move this mountain.
    thank you for the education and the push.
    i am in.

  63. Linn, I am IN! I have to say that when I first read this I thought, well I have about a million reasons to fast for myself and then I realized God has been convicting me about my selfishness – so I am SO in and look forward to it! Praise God!

  64. Linn, thank you for inviting all of us to be a part of this with you. I have fasted several times before, but must say I've never seen any "obvious" results from it – certainly not the amazing acts of God others have spoken about. I don't understand it, and have to confess I feel a bit like I'm trying to manipulate God when I do it, but Jesus did it, He tells us to do it, and I want to be a part of what He's called you to do, so count me in!

  65. Count me in.
    Linny- I love God and how amazing he is. I kid you not I had just written a friend in an email about fasting and how I had never done it but was willing to learn more and then appears your blog post. What an amazing opportunity.
    He nudges us ever so gently to take the first step into a whole new level of relationship with him. I am so thankful for you and your writings they truly speak to my heart.

    God bless you friend

  66. Linny – I have been following your blog since the fire, and I have to say, you are such an inspiration to me! I have 4 small children, one of whom is adopted whom I struggle with GREATLY, and although I am constantly in prayer about this (my heart and hers!), maybe fasting is what I need to do in order to hear God. I would love to hear more about your thoughts on fasting, especialy regarding children – should they fast? Do you encourage them to? At what age? Or do you bring it up, do it!, and then see how God moves their hearts????
    All of this to say, I will be leaving for vacation on Saturday, but you can be sure I will be fasting and praying for this amazing family. I wil take their picture, and my Bible, and instead of breakfast, I wil be on my knees for God to move mountains.

    Linny – I don't know you, you don't know me, but I love you!!


  67. I am Mary Hammond, My parents ( Ray and Paula Milburn ) are friends with the Byrds. My parents are new Missionaries with the IMB and have a blog that I read. They have the Byrd on their list of other blogs. I have been following both of their journeys to go to the mission feild…Anyway I am touch with your desire tofast and PRAY for your friend. I am totally in on Monday!!!
    God is GOOD , no matter what !

    Mary Hammond (Korea)

  68. Linny,

    As one of Cindy's actual neighbors, I just wanted to say that she is truly moved, hopeful, and blessed by your call for a fast this Monday.

    No stranger to fasting as a Roman Catholic, fasting is a strong sign to our Father that we are serious.

    Joining you and adding more prayer and fasting warriors from my blog.

    It's nice to meet you!
    Prayers and blessings,

  69. Dear Linny,

    Thank you for sharing this great need of another mom of many. I was very fascinated by your post on fasting in past posts and for the first time I am committing to fast with you on Monday. I can't wait to see what our Lord will do!

    I read in another post that you are possibly headed to Pacific Northwest in the fall. Is there any chance you will visit Whidbey Island??? It is BEAUTIFUL!! (tempt, tempt, please, please!!!) I would love to hug your neck :), hear your voice, and see your lovely kiddos! There is a whole group of us that love your blog in this area!

    Blessing to you all,
    Love, Lurker Lisa

  70. I know that God lead me to read your blog tonight. I am fasting right now for healing for my 10 year old daughter that had a cancerous tumor on her left kidney. The tumor and kidney was removed on June 2.

    There are some other issues related to this that I am fasting for as well.

    I was planning to end my fast on Sunday. But I will continue for one more day and pray for this mom and my daughter.


  71. Yay – I'm so glad I didn't miss out on this opportunity to be a part of what God is doing in this precious woman's life. Wow – she must really be special to Him (as I know we all are) – just look what he's orchestrating!
    Count me in:)

  72. I will be joining you in your fast on Monday. I believe that by depriving ourselves of something that we feel we cannot live without (food), we draw closer to our Lord. I wish I could spend the day in meditation, but I must go to work. My prayers will be with you though.


  73. Oh Linny~ THANK YOU for this post and explaining the reasoning and importance of fasting in your blog. I have been following your blog since shortly after your fire and praying for your family…You've been through so much, yet you are one of the most selfless people I have come to 'know' out here in Bloggyville! (And I'm sorry, I haven't commented in awhile now, but I LOVE to follow along!)

    So how blessed I was to see that you have posted about your friend and fasting, after seeing this post on several other blogs. I have to tell you, I could feel the presence of God as I read this…it is SO powerful and I know HE can do BIG things through the joining together in prayer AND fasting!…I'm a huge believer in 'numbers' just as you are!! <><

    And I was doubley blessed, as I noticed that a dear friend of mine also left a comment on here and is going to be joining along in the fast. Just over a week ago, I offered to fast with her about a situation with their adoption travels and MOUNTAINS that needed dissolving! I told her about how a group of us had joined together on behalf of another fellow-adoptive mommy in England awhile back, and how quickly God dissolved the mountains in their way following the fast. She didn't really respond to it, so I assumed she was a bit uncomfortable with the idea. So how touched I was when I seen that she posted about that here and how YOUR POST has ministered to her about the importance of fasting, that she is joining together with all of us on Monday. I just feel that the Lord is going to move in a BIG WAY through this fast, and that FAITH is going to spread like wild-fire because of it! I've often thought as you do, about how I believe the Lord is using this blogging community to join believers together for a higher and greater cause…and it's a BEAUTIFUL thing to witness. I know that I've personally been touched by many genuine blogger friends, as have you…so I'm certain that God is working in this avenue, as well!!

    Thanks again and God bless you , Linn! <><

    love and hugs,
    Acorns & Cherry Blossoms

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