Tag: Fasting

Lincoln Tendo
Lincoln continues to need our intercession and prayer. This Mimi has written much about the power of fasting and it is sprinkled throughout eleven years of writing Place Called Simplicity. I actually began fasting as a young girl, probably about 9 or 10 years old because I read my Bible every day and saw that…
This Wednesday
The Secret

“I Don’t Wanna'”
I have to share a story of something that happened with our sweet Jubilee recently. Now I realize the thought of adopting a “lifer” is scary to many. The picture of empty-nesting, carefree travel and retirement can sound so luring, appealing and divine. But friends, every day I say to myself, “I could have missed…

Our Response to Orlando
No doubt our nation was devastated to see the news of the Orlando massacre. Thinking of the precious lives, deeply loved by God, who were senselessly killed, who can imagine? Their families, their friends, their co-workers. The courageous police officers and SWAT team who came to the rescue and had to engage in a gunfight…

Please Friends, Would You Pray and Fast with Us?

As Though We Were With Them….

The Storm Clouds are Circling….