Would You Please Pray and/or Fast With Us?

Sweet friends we need your help, please.
It is a long story, which I cannot go into, but due to circumstances that were completely out of our control we have not been able to file our paperwork with immigration. (It is near done, but not quite.)
This morning, while grocery shopping I received a phone call from our agency. They had just received word that Ch*na was troubled by the length of time it has taken for our paperwork to get to Immigration, thus they are withdrawing their acceptance of us as Jubilee’s parents. Meaning, we no longer have permission from Ch*na to adopt Jubilee.
I asked our agency what do we do now and they said, “We don’t know. Ch*na has never done this before.” Of course it hasn’t.
Dw and I are grieved, have been crying, and are petitioning the Lord. We believe that one reason we have this blog and you bloggy friends is to join together “for such a time as this.” If you think you cannot believe all the things that have happened to us this year, trust me, we cannot either.
Jubilee is our daughter. She has been our daughter for 18 months as we have dreamed about her, bought things for her and prayed for her. She will be 8 the day after Christmas. She needs to come home. She needs to come home now.

We need a mountain moved, a miracle to happen and great favor to be issued. We are asking God to move on the Ch*nese Government and rescind that decision and allow us to proceed – we are about 2 days from ready to send it.
Hence, we turn to the Almighty-God of the Universe, who we refer to as the Miracle-working, Mountain-moving, Awe-inspiring, Gasp-giving God….He is the ONLY one able to move this mountain.
Would any of you be willing to pray and/or fast with us tomorrow, Thursday, August 26, 2009? Please pray for Jubilee’s protection as well. There is no doubt that things are going on in the supernatural.
PS PLease ask any prayer warrior or prayer chain to pray – please? And feel free to post it on your blog.

107 thoughts on “Would You Please Pray and/or Fast With Us?

  1. Oh Linn. I have just read the blog, haven't been able to keep up in the last few days. I am so sorry. My heart is just breaking, for everyone. Just unbearable. Of course we will be praying, and please let us know if there is anything we can do to help. I love you.

  2. Linny and DW,

    I don't know what to say. Know that we are praying and have linked your blog to ours so that more people can pray.

    God is in control and is working together the details for good. Right now though we grieve along with you but we also remain hopeful.

    Hugs and prayers,

    Ann Marie

  3. I'm in. I'm praying now for God to move this mountain and bring Jubilee Promise home. Tomorrow I will join the fast as well. Hang in there sweet friend; your bloggy friends are bringing you and your family before the Father around the country and the world.


  4. I will pray. Something similar happened to us during our last adoption. The Lord reigned. For me, I spent a week in a turmoil of emotions. I pray you don't but that you have perfect peace and trust in our Heavenly Father. He LOVES these little ones so much, He will not abandon you and He will not abandon sweet Jubilee.

  5. I talked to Rett ealier she and she told me what was going on. I am not waiting until tomorrow to start fasting and praying because Ch*na will be opening their offices in a few hours so I am starting now.

    My heart is grieving with you because I know the pain of losing a child in the adoption process because of someones crazy decision. We didn't even have a picture yet and my heart still grieves for him.

    Jubilee is your child and you have many, many prayer warriors fighting for you and for her. Jubilee needs to be home!

  6. Yes Linn I will be praying and fasting. My heart hurts for you right now. I know God is bigger than this, as we have seen before. Love you, praying, and thinking about you. Sommer

  7. Oh man! Seriously? You better believe I will be praying – God moved that Chinese government mountain once, He can do it again! We are believing in faith for you, dear friends!

  8. You got it Linny!!! Covering all of you now in prayer and will join the fast tomorrow! God is bigger than this, and He can move that mountain! Keep us posted! Love ya!

  9. Linny,
    I will be praying and fasting for your family tomorrow. Our God is MIGHTY TO SAVE! Our GOD moves the largest mountains! Satan is working over-time against the orphan and adoptions. I see that in my own life, BUT Satan is under our feet and has already been DESTROYED! He has NO more power!

    I will post it on my blog for my bloggy friends to pray and fast too!

  10. Linny,I am with you tomorrow and as long as it takes. As I type this your music is moving me, it's so beautiful. as the music sings to me "Nothing is Impossible!!!!!"
    As soon as my hubby returns I will put a post up on my blog.I can't function on this antique I'm using right now.
    It will be Ok! God knows what you need.

  11. Oh Linny…as I prayed for you, this verse came to mind. "See, I have placed before you an open door that NO ONE can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name…I am coming soon. Hold on to what you have, so that no one will take your crown. Rev. 3:8, 11

    Praying with you and sending big hugs,

  12. Linny,

    We are currently waiting for our TA. I can not imagine how you and your husband must feel. I will most definately be praying that they change their minds. I am so sorry.

  13. I am so sorry to hear this news Linny! I can hardly believe that your family is faced with another challenge and that the CCAA would allow sweet Jubilee wait any longer. I will absolutely be praying and will fast with you tomorrow. Please Lord let Jubilee come home to her family!!!

  14. I am praying for sweet Jubilee to come home. Every time I read about her on your blog I hear in my mind, "It's the year of Jubilee. And out of Zion's hill salvation comes! There's no God like Jehovah!"

    Lord, please let Jubilee come home soon. We know that you said, "If you have faith small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, "Move" and it will obey." We're saying "move," to the mountain of red-tape. Lord, please move it.

    Love in Jesus,

    I think there are a whopping 2 or 3 people who read my blog, but I posted your prayer request anyway. Blessings!

  15. Dear Linny,
    I am so sorry to hear that this is happening to you, you have been through so much it doesn't seem fair. I will fast and pray for you. May God give you wisdom during this trial and comfort you.
    Love Sophie Neri

  16. Linny, I will indeed keep you all lifted up in prayer. I have asked my friends/family to pray for you as well. When China said it was impossible for us to adopt our Elijah (PHF), our God said it WAS and that sweet boy is now just a hug away from me in the next room.
    Jocelyn – wolfeshome.net

  17. Linny and Dwight,

    Joining with you in asking our mountain-moving Father God to MOVE this mountain on Jubilee Promise's behalf.

    Lord, We ask for the release of Jubilee! We ask that decisions that have been made by China, would be changed on the Sander's behalf. We know that this is not too big for You. We know that Your desire is for the orphans to be in families. We ask that You remove the barriers, so that Jubilee can come home to her family soon Lord. We pray believing that Jubilee Promise WILL come home! In Jesus name, Amen

    "Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise." ~ Hebrews 10:23, NLT

    Love you guys– praying and fasting,


  18. GOD is able to do immeasurably MORE than all we can think or imagine! HE IS ABLE to turn this around and I will pray for you and believe with you that she WILL come HOME!!!

  19. Linny,

    God drew me to your blog just now. We are waiting for our LOA for our little girl (7 in Nov.). Locked firmly in prayer for your situation and most of all for Miss Liberty.


  20. Absolutely will pray that God will move mountains so your precious Jubilee can come HOME and that China will allow you to finish your process.

    Good luck and will send messages and make calls to my other prayer chains so that we can all agree that you will receive your miracle.

  21. Oh my goodness, Linny–I absolutely cannot believe that!

    As I read your post, everything in my spirit kept shouting "NO DON'T GIVE UP!!!!" Do not give up, Linny. This is a mountain God is more than able to move. Just look what he did for Isaiah! We just recently were told there is absolutely no way we can adopt Hailee–but God has made a way in an impossible situation.

    PLEASE fight. I know you are so tired and weary. I cannot even imagine the toll this year has taken on you. This has NOT taken the Lord by surprise, dear friend.

    Know that your bloggy friends are standing up and fighting the battle for you!

    Fasting and praying!!!!!

  22. I will be fasting and praying with you tomorrow. I have followed your journey to Jubilee from the beginning and she is your daughter!The Lord can and will move this mountain! Keep moving forward and believing!
    another mom to many!

  23. I'm so sorry to read this!! I've only been waiting 6 months for my little boy in Korea and I'm totally nuts! I cannot imagine how hard this has been for you guys. I'll be praying hard that the Lord will bring about the meaning of Jubilee's name and set her free, free to come to her momma and poppa!
    libby in Texas

  24. I simply can NOT believe this is happening AGAIN to sweet Jubilee. I followed her first parents journey to bring her home and thru no fault of their own, she was taken away. Then I find your blog and see you are journeying to bring her home and now the CCAA has rescinded their approval for you – what on earth?? Prayers going up for your family, sweet Jubilee and for God to move upon the hearts in China and turn "the head of the king as He wills".
    In His strength alone, MaryK

  25. i couldn't believe my tweet earlier. especially after the good news!
    i'll be praying for you tomorrow and will fast after i celebrate a seder with some christian friends tomorrow morning. i'm all about jubilee tomorrow.

  26. "Then I proclaimed a fast…that we might humble ourselves before our God to seek from Him a safe journey for us, our little ones, and all our possessions." Ezra 8:21

    I am glad I saw this before going to bed. I will be praying & fasting for you tomorrow. I actually have a meeting regarding the entrance into the adoption phase for our foster daughter that we've had since birth (she's 2). I've been holding onto this verse as well:

    "I will go before you & make the rough places smooth; I will shatter the doors of bronze, and cut through their iron bars." Isaiah 45:2

    Praying & fasting our little girls home ~ Dardi

  27. Absolutely will be praying for you! I'm the worship pastor at our church and the chorus of one of the songs we're going to sing this Sunday is "When I speak Your Name Mountains move, chains are loosed. When I speak Your Name darkness flees, it has no hold on me – Jesus, the most beautiful Name I know…" I speak Jesus into this situation – he is THE mountain mover – El Shaddai, God Almighty! Expecting the report of the Lord!

  28. I am praying for you and Jubilee. I can not fast tomorrow as my Molly Mei is having surgery and I need to have my strength for her but you will be deeply on my heart and I will fast next Monday for your family, China and Jubilee. Jenne in OR

  29. I will be praying and will fast tomorrow until dinner – I have already planned to go to dinner with someone. I have heard of being "under attack" but this year has been unbelievable. I started reading your blog back in January. Your faith has really been a blessing to me. I pray that very, very soon we will get a post saying, "yippee Jesus" in true Linny fashion. :))
    Sue (in GA)

  30. Linny,
    Praying in Ok with you for your precious Jubilee… I just love that name. Praying for God to move those mountains… how about blast those mountains out of the way.

  31. Linny,

    I will most definitely be praying! Please know that you are going to be in my thoughts and prayers all day, and everyday until you hear that our amazing God has moved.
    Blessings to you all,

  32. Oh Linn, my heart skipped a beat as I was reading this. Somehow though, I felt a peace wash over me that I would be reading another "YIPEE JESUS!!!" post in the not to distant future…

    I will join in prayer and fasting with you tomorrow (Thurs.) and we know that HE understands the END from the BEGINNING!

    A hug to you my precious friend.

  33. Linny,

    I will most definitely be praying! Please know that you are going to be in my thoughts and prayers all day, and everyday until you hear that our amazing God has moved.
    Blessings to you all,

  34. Dearest Linny, How I wish I could wrap my arms around you and just pray for each of you. My heart is sick over this but as we've seen, God still moves mountains and governments and I'm going to seek Him tomorrow on your behalf.
    I will copy and post this on my blog….
    hugs and prayers to you!

  35. Oh Linn, I will definitely pray and fast with and for your family. I am so sorry this is happening. I have just finished reading your story about how God moved on the Chinese government for you to be able to bring Isaiah home, and I know He is more than able to bare His mighty arm and move the government again! In one of those posts, you quoted the song, "We will remember, we will remember, we will remember the works of His hand." We will remember how He brought Isaiah home, and He will bring Jubilee home too!

  36. Linny,

    I am speechless. Praying and fasting in Florida for your sweet girl, for your family and for a huge change of hearts in the officials handling this in China.

    God is so much bigger than they are!

    Love you,


  37. I have been following your blog for a long time, but I'm not sure if I have ever commented. Your family has been such a blessing to me through your blog. Thank you for that….more than you will ever know, THANK YOU!! I am praying for your family…praying that God will move mountains and get sweet Jubilee home where she belongs.

  38. NOOOOOO!!!!!!! This is not the enemy's to claim … it is the Lord's! I am praying … I am calling on others to pray and I cannot wait to share how our Awe-Inspiring, Mountain-Moving, Gasp-Giving God is going to bring about this miracle in your lives. I look forward to seeing what is put into the Memorial Box to commemorate this upcoming miracle!

    Much love, Lisa C.

  39. I will join in praying for a miracle for your girl to come home!! All 4 of our kids are miracles, of course :-), but we experienced a super duper miracle bringing our daughter home in 2008. We know firsthand that God will move heaven and earth to bring home a child to his/her forever family!!

    Carrie – mom to 4 from Korea

  40. I will be praying for your family. For some reason I feel like Satan is putting in an awful lot of overtime lately. I'm really sorry this happened, BUT I am believing with you!

  41. Dear Linny/DW,

    First of all, yes we will stand and pray w/ you in this. We know firsthand how important this is.

    We were in the middle of an adoption from Ch*na in October of 2006 and the Lord brought another little girl in El Salvador into our hearts. He gave us what we perceived at the time to be a bizarre amount of confirmation (scriptural, circumstancial, prophetic, etc.) The story is way too long for this, but fast forwarding to January this year, we received an email stating that our daughter had been assigned to another family in Europe. We were completely blown out of the water at first but we knew what God had told us. Our verse we were given was Isa. 41:8-20 which at the end said that "everyone would see and know and consider and understand that it is I the Lord who has done this." Things were completely hopeless in the natural. We were told repeatedly that nothing could be done because the other family had already accepted the referral. All we could do was obey everything the Lord showed us to do and stand, believing. It is not over until HE says it's over. Long story short, we got the girl 🙂 (home about a month). Her assignment to us is the ONLY reversal of an assignment EVER in ES. God is God and he moves the hearts of the "kings" of this earth. We will pray.

    Doug & Stephanie

  42. This is just unbelievable! I'm so sorry. You know that I will for sure be praying. I'm way behind on reading blogs but of course this caught my eye. Oh my.

  43. I have been a follower on your blog for a while now, but have never commented. I am heartbroken at your troubling news.
    Please know that I am fasting and praying for your family and Jubilee today. We have just returned from China with our son, so I understand how loved Jubilee already is, and that she truly is your daughter in your heart. Praying that God will do the miraculous on your behalf.
    In Christ,
    Carla in Michigan

  44. Of course!!!! I remember first seeing Jubillee's little face and then you emailed me and said you were her parents and I was so thrilled. She will come home to you , I am sure. We know God can move mountains. She belongs with her family!!!
    Love and hugs,

  45. I came over from Nana Nor's blog after hearing about this. Yes, our God can move mountains! Nothing is too difficult for Him. I will be praying for your precious child that belongs to you.

  46. Praying and fasting with you here in Florida. God is mighty and He will use this to show His glory. I agree with Cate–someday, this will be another story for the memorial box and you can tell it to Jubilee over and over again!

    Remember the words of the song, YOUR SONG, that I hear playing on your blog right now: these are the days of Elijah, AND THE YEAR OF JUBILEE! 🙂

    Peace be with you,

  47. Just logged on to your blog and the song "How Great is Our God" was playing! Praying that He will move the Chinese government and bring Jubilee home and then everyone will see how great is our God!
    Love and blessings,
    Jan, TX

  48. Hi Linny.

    Finally finding time to catch up on my favorite blogs. After reading about Jubilee I stayed up late reading about Isaiah's journey home. Encouraging to see how God moved governments to bring a little boy to his mom, dad, and siblings. As you fast today I'm sure you're looking into Isaiah's sweet face and remembering the miracle God preformed! I'll be joining your fast – praying the Lord would open doors that no Chinese government can shut.

  49. Oh Linn- I am just sick about this- I am so sorry. This precious little girl is your daughter she needs to come home asap. I will pray for God to move mountains and that the Chinese Govt will allow you to bring her home.

    Yes, this is why we are blogging to unit in Christ and support each other on our journeys (sometimes I forget that).

    God bless you all!
    Praying with you!

  50. I could not reply last night because my computer was acting up, but I want you to know that I am joining you in your fasting and praying for little Jubilee. My heart aches for you.

    ~Linda from Northern Colorado

  51. Though I know I posted a comment yesterday, I want you to know we will continue to pray. We have also posted this prayer request on our blog with a link to yours. PRAYING…..

  52. Was given this today for you in my reading:

    The Lord answer you in the day of trouble! The name of the God of Jacob protect you! May he send you help from the sanctuary, and give you support from Zion. May he remember all your offerings, and regard with favor your burnt sacrifices. May he grant you your heart's desire, and fulfill all your plans. May we shout for joy over your victory, and in the name of our God set up our banners. May the Lord fulfill all your petitions. Now I know that the Lord will help his anointed; he will answer him from his holy heaven with mighty victories by his right hand. Some take pride in chariots, and some in horses, but our pride is in the name of the Lord our God. They will collapse and fall, but we shall rise and stand upright. Give victory to the king, O Lord; answer us when we call. Psalm 20

    Can't wait to shout for joy over your victory! Our God reigns!!


  53. I am so sorry to hear this. This breaks my already broken heart even more as we have recently lost a child, (she was killed less than two weeks before she was to come home to us.) I know how hard it is to try to comprehend something like this. I will pray for peace beyond understanding. And I will be praying for you and your sweet little girl and the situation at hand.

  54. Linny, I'm so sorry I haven't checked in on your blog in a bit and I missed the fast. But I WILL PRAY. Yes, God is the ONLY WAY, and He is moving in mighty ways on the Ch*nese officials already. Have you seen about the three heart babies that Half The Sky is petitioning for? IT IS A MIRACLE THAT C@A@ HAS GIVEN THIS PERMISSION. I KNOW the power that be has a HUGE HEART FOR THESE CHILDREN. I witnessed it firsthand while over there; his tears were real and his words were true. I have no doubt.

    Ask your agency to help you write to him. I know you've done it before, but do it again if you have to. I just believe this person wants these children in homes and is moved to see them w/ their families. In fact, I pray for him daily b/c I believe God is working miraculously in his heart and he has a lot of power and influence, but he is also facing opposition from the Enemy no doubt. Email me and I can share more if you want.

    This turn of events w/ Jubilee's adoption is yet another opportunity for God to work in hearts and to show Himself mighty. I believe that w/ all my heart! I'm praying friend!


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