Deeply Troubled

I woke up in the wee hours when it was still very dark this morning. I started praying for Josh and the rescuers. And then as I lay there in the dark, I sensed an urgency to get up and spend time with the Lord. I always check my email just to see if there is anything urgent. Most often there isn’t. But today there was a letter from my sweet friend Tavvy. She is very knowledgeable politically and I have asked her to let me know if there is anything I need to know that is urgent.

When I read her letter I knew that this was why I had woke up in the dark. I needed to pray for our nation and I needed, after my Bible study, to write this post.

I have had a post about our nation mulling around in my head for some time. My heart is so deeply troubled. It actually, at times, makes me sick to my stomach. What is going on with America? What will tomorrow hold? Will we have any of the freedoms we currently enjoy when this first Presidential term is over?

People have said, “It couldn’t happen to America.” Oh really? That, my friends, couldn’t be further from the truth.

Right at this very moment the Senate is rushing through the confirmation process a man named Cass Sunste*n. If you just read the titles of his articles he has written you will shudder. You can find them here. He wrote a book in 2001 entitled: in which he argued that the Internet may weaken democracy because it allows citizens to isolate themselves within groups that share their own views and experiences, and thus cut themselves off from any information that might challenge their beliefs, a phenomenon known as cyberbalkanization. He goes on to say that he would like to see the internet (as we know it) done away with. Yes, friends, the blogs you enjoy could disappear and the freedom to write your own – it could all disappear.

Mr. Sunste*n has an agenda. It is as far left as you can go. Another one of his articles he wrote is entitled: Radicals in Robes: Why Extreme Right-Wing Courts Are Wrong for America (2005).
That’s just for starters. So what exactly is the job that our President would like him to fill? White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. What exactly would he be regulating? How would he be regulating? Given Mr. Sunste*n’s thoughts on things that matter to my heart, I’m deeply troubled. Deeply. Like sick to my stomach troubled.
So what can we do? Three things!! We must not just sit back and wring our hands. We must act now!!

Today we can call our senators. I am programming my Senators numbers into my cell since I will be leaving here by 9 am. I will call as I drive. Please ask them to vote NO to Cass Sunste*n. If you do not know who your senators are here (just click on button at top) list by states. The calls take about two minutes to make. They really do make a difference!!! If you have never called before or never thought anything was important enough to call, please do it today!! Ask your spouses, family and friends to call.

Pray today!! Pray all day!! Pray that God would intervene and that Senators would stand against this man who wants to destroy America. Ask your friends to pray. Ask them to call their senators.

Next Wednesday you can fast with me for our nation. I wrote about the importance of fasting a couple of months ago. Many of you fasted with me for Cindy’s healing. Cindy was not healed like we had prayed. She instead received her ultimately healing (and went to be with Jesus). (Please continue to pray for her family.) But no matter what, I cannot stress the importance of fasting. It draws our hearts to God. It reveals things to us that we were not aware of before. It opens our hearts to hear from the Lord. It gives us wisdom, discernment and insight. It moves mountains.

Would you please call your Senators and ask them to vote NO? Even if they are favorable to Mr. Cass Sunste*n….it is your God-given right and responsibility to stop the evil.
Would you fast with me next Wednesday for the healing of our land? Please?

All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.
Edmund Burke

PS I will update on Josh whenever I hear something. It was front page of our newspaper this morning. Thank you to all who are praying and have asked others to pray. Nate is also out there looking. Pray for the search & rescue teams as well.

24 thoughts on “Deeply Troubled

  1. Linny, Just got done emailing you and decided to check on Josh. Read this post and WOW again. God put it on my heart to fast today ( only my second time ever) and now I know exactly why. I will be in prayer for our country as well as for the rescue efforts. I will make calls, I will spread the news. I will absolutely fast next wednesday!!!!!!!!! Julie

  2. what sickened me most about your post was that you had to obscure the spelling of his name.
    what has this country come to??
    i will indeed call. thanks for the links.

  3. Sounds funny but I've never been more afraid to be an American, than since this administration took over. I don't mean to offend any one but,I get such a feeling , I can't even explain it. There is such a facade surrounding them all. Seriously, and I know this is harsh and I might make some supporters upset with this, but I feel like we invited Satan into the White House with open arms.And he is surrounding homself with people like this Mr.C.S, This administration has no tolerance for the unborn or the old or the weak. Just the fact of even entertaining the idea of having abortions and euthanasia covered under health care is enough to make me sick. But sweets like my Emilia who were born with a pre-existing condition would not be covered for certain procedures(like heart surgery). Nice guy.
    Sorry Linny, I didn't mean to turn my comment into a post. I just get so riled up that most Americans can't see through the smoke screen.
    I'm fasting, and praying for a much needed miracle for our country.

  4. I too am DEEPLY troubled by the direction this country is going. We are rapidly running in the direction of destruction, and whether anyone wants to admit it or not, it is in large part because of those in charge and their policies. If I think too long on the goings on in this nation I can quickly get sick to my stomach and despair. I know we serve an Amazingly Awesome God, who desires freedom for His children. But I also know that same God is a God of Justice, and He tells us when a nation rebels, their rulers are many. We have many oppressive rulers put in place by a domineering government BECAUSE we are a nation that has rebelled against our God and His ways. I humbly submit, that WHEN we turn from our wicked ways as a nation, THEN we once again will have a nation and government that values freedom. In the mean time we pray and call our representatives every chance we can, over every issue that erodes our freedom or is blatantly in the face of God's commands.

  5. Linn, thank you for letting us know about Mr Cass S. I have called both of our senators to encourage them to vote no.

    You're a blessing and an inspiration to me in so many ways. Love to you & your family from me!

  6. just got done calling senator mitch mcconnell(R) from Kentucky-he was not available so i left message for him to call me back and secretary ask what it was in regards to and i simply said sunste*n and she said he is NOT in FAVOR of his nomination. so there you go my friend. call him moonste*n cause GOD is gonna make the SUNSHINE on AMERICA!!!!!

  7. Linny, thank you! I have placed my call, sent an email and told EVERYONE I know to do the same. I am also gona put this on my blog, not, I dont have a larger readership,but I hope that every call will count!

  8. I have never commented on your blog, but felt I needed to after reading this post.
    It is very reassuring to know there are other people in our country with the same mindset as our family!!
    We are extremely concerned about the dramatic changes taking place in our country, and even more concerned that most people are oblivious to the situation.
    I am so frightened of our current administration, their policies and the biased coverage of the media. I too, am sick to my stomach!
    On a totally different note, we have a short blog covering our adoption story. If yu want to take a break from politics, it might be a refreshing change!
    Heidi Garner

  9. Linny thank you for making us aware of this. I for one get very caught up in the life of Barney and Dora and honestly cannot wrap my mommy brain around politics…so THANK YOU for simplifying this in "laymen's" or should I say "mommy-mens" terms. Downright scary and I will be calling our senators. I also am praying for the young man lost in the mountains. And fasting for our country has been on my heart so I will definitely join you next Wednesday.
    Thank you again for sharing this…between you and Ohilda I can somewhat stay abreast of current events…and I am convicted at how little attention I give to the news. Our country and our soldiers and our leaders, now more than ever, need our prayers!!!!!!!!!!
    Lots of love,

  10. Wow Linny, We're on the same page for sure today! Just a little while ago I wrote to our Senators about voting no on Mr. Sunste*n and even quoted the same thing from what he wrote about the internet… he is one scary person!


  11. Wow Linny, We're on the same page for sure today! Just a little while ago I wrote to our Senators about voting no on Mr. Sunste*n and even quoted the same thing from what he wrote about the internet… he is one scary person!


  12. I live in Washington. A state that is divided. The Seattle-Portland corridor is Blue to the core…and the 2/3's of the state to the east of the Cascade Mtns is Red to the core!

    But, due to populations…Seattle decides the direction of our state…and we have 2 democrats for Senators. Yuck – they are awful!!!

    Thanks for the info…

  13. i have called (R) senator mitch mcconnell here in kentucky. i left a message for him to call me and his secretary ask what it was in regards to in which i replied sunste*n and she quickly responded he is AGAINST his NOMINATION. and by all means we should call him moonste*n because OUR GOD IS OUR SUN AND HE IS AND WILL ALWAYS SHINE FOR AMERICA. and by the way my husband is in the army so we are military family too here at fort knox. God bless our troops! HOORAH!

  14. I too am so horrified of what is happening to this nation I love. I have never been this frightened for my children and their future as I am right now. Could you do me a favor and send me a comment on my blog with his whole name so I can try and pronounce it correctly when I call. I will not publish the comment. Thank you your words are so well written. Still praying for Josh and his family.

  15. Thank you for alerting us to this. UGH. Just when I think it can't get worse with this administration, it does. For the first time in my life I am wondering if my children will know what it is like to be free, right here in America. We need to be on our knees in repentance. Maybe God will have mercy.

  16. Thank you for this timely post. It truly is a perilous time in our nation's history and for our freedoms. It seems every day one can turn on the radio and learn of another disturbing bit of news. I recently read a sign which read, "If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention!"

    I used to work on the H*ll and answered constituent phone calls. Ditto — they DO make a difference. Even more so, are those who take the time to hand write or type a personal letter (not a signed form letter). My boss would look at each of those when he signed his response letters mail each evening!

  17. Hello Miss Linn,
    I just wanted to let you know that I called 4 senators. I have a home in Albuquerque and Durango, so I called the senators from both states and I will pass this blog along, Thank you for sharing your heart, and such valuable information with us, your 'bloggy friends'. ~Michaela

  18. Hello Miss Linn,
    I just wanted to let you know that I called 4 senators. I have a home in Albuquerque and Durango, so I called the senators from both states and I will pass this blog along, Thank you for sharing your heart, and such valuable information with us, your 'bloggy friends'. ~Michaela

  19. Linny, thanks for bring this up!
    Tammi, thanks for the link! I just went to the site and got emails off to the senators/representative in Montana. It was so easy and it felt like I had accomplished much!

  20. these days, most days I am just glad I do not have to deal with america. We will be standing with you in prayer and fasting with you over on this side of the world too sister. Thank you for your sweet heart!

  21. Thanks for your insights into what is happening in the US. I am writing from Australia but keenly observe the machinations of US politics. The bible, in Revelation 13, makes it clear that America has a very important role in bible prophecy. In Revelation 13:11 it lauds the nation as one that is founded on the Christ-like principles of democracy and protestantism (the two horns of the lamb). But it also says in that verse that it will speak as a dragon (representing Satan – Revelation 12:9). What the Obama administration is doing is taking the country away from its God-like qualities, and making it speak more like a dragon. It worries me too, but knowing that it is consistent with bible prophecy and that God always triumphs in the end in any contest with the devil, gives me cause for hope and confidence. Falsehood and evil will never ultimately prevail. We can have complete confidence that God will override for His glory in the end. I will join you in praying that God's hand is seen in this particular situation.

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