Almost Wordless Wednesday…Veteran’s Day

Home of the Free Because of the Brave My sweet friend Kimmy with our baby boy….
Kim lives across the road from where the log house burned
and it was her home that we ran to……
she homeschools her kids and they attend our church….
she is a precious friend and
I can’t wait to be living across the road from her again….

Blue Star Moms are a-comin’ and the crowds started to clap as we approached…

Emmy carried the sign of another hometown hero

because his mom couldn’t be there to carry it…
While Isaiah ran back and forth
(in a uniform that Tyler had made for him)
handing out candy to those along the parade route….

Our Elizabeth in the foreground, totally dressed in red/white & blue…
loved handing out candy to people along the parade route….
let’s see….”one for you, one for me…one for you, one for me”…

The parade was awesome….

A man standing on the sidelines told Dw that he was enjoying the parade until he saw the Blue Star Moms and he “lost it”….

Yes, all along the parade route people clapped as we came upon them and many, many were wiping their eyes…. even young people – it was amazing. I kept pointing up to my sign with our precious Tyler and mouthing to people, “That’s MY son!” They would nod in understanding and mouth back, “Thank you”.

And yet, around the world there are military families struggling, lonely, grieving. I think of those who senselessly died at Ft. Hood….please pray for their families and all the others who have lost family members…
And may God, yet, bless America!!
If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves
and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways,
then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin
and will heal their land. II Chronicles 7:14

13 thoughts on “Almost Wordless Wednesday…Veteran’s Day

  1. Those pictures are so beautiful Linny!! Thank you from this all-American family too. You raised a very special, selfless boy and we appreciate his sacrifice tremendously.

  2. Our little town does not have a parade. I thought of what a great idea that would be for us and I LLLOOOVVVEEE the Blue Star Families!!!! Thanks for your soldier too!

  3. how beautiful.
    Yes we MUST humble ourselves and SEEK his face…He is faithful.
    My hubby worked in a war zone on veteran's day as did countless others.
    I still believe for America.

  4. How neat that your town has a parade! Wow!

    We live in a small town that has lots of parades … but nothing on Veteran's Day.

    Love the idea of Blue Star Moms. When my son was deployed I would have loved to be involved with a group of military moms. I attended a group one time, and all the other moms were Marine moms, and they were so prejudiced against the army, I almost went home in tears. I never returned.

    Thank you Tyler … for serving our Country.

    Oh … didn't comment on the Grandma blog. Yippee! Wow! Can't wait until my kids get married and start bringing home babies. I'm sure we'll have some bio. and some adopted grandkids.

    mama of 13

  5. Linny, what an awesome parade! And I have never heard of The Blue Star Moms, until you spoke about them. AWESOME!!!!!
    Your town looks adorable, and the kids handing out candy, too cute!

  6. Absolutely amazing the sacrifice of these young men and women and their families make for our freedom. Yesterday God opened my eyes in a new way to Veteran's Day!

    Thank you Tyler! and Linny! You are both an inspiration.


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