The Rollercoaster Ride

The hero (in our opinion) going to bat for Jubilee left Dw a voice mail this AM (he never heard his phone ring). She had been listening to Steven Curtis Chapman’s song as she drove into her office this AM…and the message she left was very moving. There is no doubt that she desperately wants to get Jubilee home to us.
For a fleeting bit yesterday there was even a ray of hope that Jubilee could still be home for Thanksgiving. That is no longer possible (other than a tornado picking her up and whisking her home – which we are not opposed to!)….so now the miracle would still be by Christmas!

What our hero learned is that the US Consulate has just changed “leadership” and that the “new guy” has made a directive: “If any family writes/calls and wants special action, they are to be moved to the bottom of the pile.” Gotta’ love that new guy!! Cause we’re commanded to!!

At the moment we are contacting our Congressmen and trying to find one who will help! I know some of you made that suggestion – so thank you!! Supposedly, when a congressman speaks, the consulate listens (even the new guy – imagine that!). It appears that the prayers now should be that we have favor with the Congressmen here in Colorado: that they will hear our case, be moved with compassion and in turn will move on Jubilee’s behalf.

On a sidenote, we do know that when the spiritual battle was raging when we were adopting Isaiah (and Ch*na had said “no” but we were appealing) there were some things that we didn’t really understand (from a spiritual perspective). I will not elaborate except to ask that with this intense “what more can happen?” situation in Jubilee’s adoption, would you step up the prayers with us specifically for Jubilee’s protection during these “battle” days?

“And all this assembly shall know that the Lord saves not with sword and spear; for the battle is the Lord’s, and He will give you (Jubilee) into our hands.”I Samuel 17:47 NIVPS Did I ever mention that I am not an amusement ride type gal? Not even the merry-go-round….ummmm, no thanks….I will gladly sit with the babies in their strollers and hold everyone elses purses……so the rollercoasters….yeah, you get the idea….

31 thoughts on “The Rollercoaster Ride

  1. You just gotta love all the compassion and "On the people's side" that goes on in government. UUUGGGHHH!! Don't get me started. However I am reminded that with this strong of a battle by Satan, there must be something extraordinary that God wants to do with Jubilee's life. Praying for you and Jubiliee around the clock.

  2. Hey Linny, I have come to my computer multiple times today anxious to hear an update on Jubilee. My stomach is a little queasy from all your recent ups and downs …I can only imagine what your emotions must be doing…Praying for your strength to stand firm in this battle…and for Jubilee's protection …your brothers and sisters in Christ are holding your arms up with prayers being lifted up all over the world!

  3. AHH! I'm not able to check your blog for two days and this is what I find? ARGH!!!!!! Know that our group will be praying especially for Jubilee tonight. Also, if no one has mentioned, you might try to get ahold of Scott McGinnis as well. He is our former congressman, local guy, and is currently running for govenor. He is an amazing man with a ton of connections. Just a thought…

  4. I got goosebumps when I read this. I pray that soon this will all be nothing but a bad memory, and your little Jubilee will be home where she belongs.

  5. Yes…..done…..praying here! Please pray for our Noah, still have not received confirmation letter and now we are told no hope for him to be home for Christmas. He turned 7 years old yesterday.

  6. Wow. What an awesome guy. Do they just NOT get that these families are trying to give these beautiful children a home and love?? I cannot even fathom someone being that heartless. But, you know, I'll love him anyway. 😉

    I will not stop praying!! I will pray for a miracle in every form and will not stop until she's home in your arms where she belongs!!

  7. Linny,
    Standing with you before the Lord. Can I fast for Jubilee???? When we were bringing Georgia home there were many "things" that happened that were difficult to explain and it felt like only fasting & prayer could break them. I would be honored to stand for you guys & Jubilee tomorrow!

  8. Just this morning I was reading Ps. 82:3-4…I will be praying this for Jubilee…
    "Give justice to the weak and the fatherless; maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute. Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked!"
    I am making this my special Jubilee prayer!!!

  9. Praying for you, Jubilee and all involved. Also praying that our government workers are reminded once again that they are "of the people, by the people and for the people" of America!

  10. your new guy sounds like our old guy who left for a new assignmnet the day he told us no visas. period.

    however. despite his no.

    despite having to wait through a full blown investigation.

    despite new leadership at the e*bassy.

    despite having to leave u*anda in july only to return in sept.

    despite spending every last cent.

    despite my husband losing his job.

    despite everything man (satan) threw at us.

    our 3 boys made it home safe and sound…

    i feel certain, jubilee will too.

    God is faithful to his word. He is a promise keeper.

  11. God has been bringing Jubilee to my mind lately, and I have been in prayer for her and your entire family during this time. It is absolutely ridiculous that they make adoption such a difficult process. I understand wanting to be sure that the family is a good fit, safe place, etc, but at the same time these children need parents so stop making it so difficult! Definitely praying for a big miracle for miss Jubilee!


  12. Oh, Linny, I've prayed without ceasing the past 48 hours. My heart is heavy for you, yet I'm still not giving up on her coming home by Christmas. And we will certainly pray a special hedge of protection for her.

    We got our miracle yesterday. It was something so unbelievable that I was afraid to post anything on my blog in case my attorney called and said it was some mistake. Our son is finally ours after 27 months in process and there is a chance that we'll have him home by Christmas!

    I'm believing for the same kind of miracle for Jubilee.

    Still Praying,
    Kathie in Ga.

  13. I dont like roller coaster rides either. I would be sitting with you holding everyones purses. LOl.
    God brings you to my mind throughout the day and I pray and Pray !

  14. Oh Linn,

    Words fail me…thank goodness God hears the prayers of our hearts. I don't know how to begin to articulate what's in there.

    With Love and Prayers Unending,

  15. Oh Linny, I so wish it didn't have to be this way!!!

    We got the help of a Congressman here in CO for Hailee's adoption. He has been AMAZING and has really gone out of his way to help out. If you would like his name, just let me know.

    Love you, dear friend. Hold tight–help is on the way!!!

  16. I heard a preacher on the internet this morning read this verse, and thought about your struggle for Jubilee.

    2 Chronicles 14:11
    "LORD, it is nothing for You to help, whether with many or with those who have no power; help us, O LORD our God, for we rest on You, and in Your name we go against this multitude. O LORD, You are our God; do not let man prevail against You!"

    Praying for you!


  17. standing and waiting with you. can't imagine the frustration, but i'm sure that God knows. . . so rest knowing that he is in control (i know, easy for me to say) and that you are doing all you can from your end. in the middle of all of that is a tremendous amount of prayer.
    covering the situation with prayer. and that jubilee would feel that love on the other side of the world!!

  18. Dear Linney and Family,

    I am new to your blog and have just read it from start to finish like an amazing, heartwrenching and heartwarming book that you just cant put down. You are inspiring me with your incredible faith. I dont understand how anybody could delay in assisting a child being united with her family…the only sense I can make of it is God is using you as his beautiful guiding light, showing people like me, the grace under adversity that can be achieved with a life lived with God. I am praying, praying, praying for your gorgeous Jubilee to finally be re united with the Mother she chose in Heaven . XX Sandie – Australia

  19. My heart is aching for you and for sweet Jubilee! Have you tried contacting Senator Brownback in KS? He has been through this process himself and may have some insight and advice as well as possibly some pull. You are more than welcome to use my name since I voted for him.

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