Isaiah’s Birthday in Pictures

Our Famous Homemade Ice Cream “Cake”

Cowboy Necessities for our Colorado Cowboy Sweet Sisters

Since it was Isaiah’s Birthday and we got to eat a special dinner,
he gets to bow as we celebrate his Ch*nese heritage with Ch*nese food….

Skyping with Abigail & Ryan

Uncle Mark LOVED Skyping too….We even pinky-promise over Skype….
can’t tell you what I was promising….
but my VT will be tickled….Then all of a sudden Abi realized her picture was being taken…..
and this is all she would show…LOL

Yes, indeed a good day was had by all….

And a really, extra special thank-you to all who wished our treasure Happy Birthday!!

21 thoughts on “Isaiah’s Birthday in Pictures

  1. What a precious day! Isaiah has a special place in your family. It does me heart so much good reading about him. I love his adventures with Elizabeth, Elijah and Jubilee. God is an amazing God to knit the hearts of this crew together into a family. My heart is full. Happy Happy Birthday sir Isaiah.

  2. is he just not the cutest thing ever?? (and his little "baby" picture… oh, so cute i could just nibble!) and all the other little (and big) ones in your home. what a special place to call home. . .

    blessings to you all!!

  3. Looks like a fun time was had by all. You have the cutest set of little ones – it warms my heart to no end to see them celebrating their day of birth in a loving Christian family rather than the alternative they faced. I loved going back and reading many of your posts about your journey to adopt Isaiah. I have two girls from China as a single parent, one adopted as a baby and one at 7 from the special-needs program with hand defects similar to Isaiah, I think, (syndactyly), and I SOOOOOOOOO want one more. God seems to have placed a child in my heart that I miss deeply and long for incessantly. It doesn't have to be China and of course can't be at the moment. I was aiming for Ethiopia but I heard they recently closed to singles also. But there are many more places if only I could replace my job that is not producing enough work to support the kids I have.

    At this point, with Haiti heavy on my heart, I am drawn to adopt from there. But I am worried that at nearing 50 and with newly diagnosed diabetes and hypertension since my last adoption that I will not be allowed to adopt from anywhere. Your story was inspiring that God was more powerful in the end than the rules. Of course I knew that but sometimes I don't remember to be confident in my faith and it served as a reminder that God guides our lives, not govt. bureaucracy.

    Anyway, I just so love seeing your beautiful family grow and your posts always inspire me as a Christian homeschooling single full-time mother with almost too much going on to deal with financially and employment wise. You have overcome many obstacles with faith, grace and a wonderful sense of humor. Yippee Jesus indeed! Happy birthday to Isaiah!

  4. The smiles, the joy, the laughter and the challenges I can always see God's love shining through your family, your home, your hearts. Sharing in your joy today.

  5. Love the birthday boy's bow. Love Uncle Mark's grin, Abbi's peace sign, and ALL the baby holdin' that goes on at your house. Bigs and littles cuddled together. Always. Simple sweetness . . . at a Place Called Simplicity!

    Love to all ~


  6. OKAY…EVEN CRAZIER…that was the exact timing we were petitioning for CCAA to change their mind about our Cana… unbelievable!!! Two days after you received your good new, we received ours! HEHEHE…God was working overtime on Director Lu!!!

  7. I am tickled pink, just time it with my trips to China and you will forever remain my VT!!!! Hurry and tell me so I can erase whatever else is on my calendar!!!!

    Life just keeps getting better!!!!

  8. Oh, happy belated birthday to your precious Isaiah!!! Every time I see his sweet face I think, "Dear Lord, can we have an Isaiah, too?" What joy he clearly adds to your home.

    Praise God that he already has an understanding of Christ as his Savior. Not only have you blessed him with a family, you have loved him to the feet of Jesus. Such a beautiful story of God's goodness.

    With Love,

  9. LOVED your comment about how your scratched and sniff hard on your computer screen and couldnt smell the candles…haha! cute! thats exciting that your first grandchild will be from uganda…do they have a blog?

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