Yesterday Graham said to me, “Has this been the slowest week ever mom?” Yes, somehow it felt like it has been three weeks since Monday, and it’s only Thursday! What is up with that anyway? I hate to admit it, but this week has been a hard one and so I am right back making Thankfulness/Gratefulness a choice. I have had many sleepless nights this week agonizing in prayer for people I dearly love. Haiti, it’s people and the orphans are all on my mind too.
So this week I thank the Lord for this man who is living with us. Uncle Mark. Really, every home should have the privilege of an Uncle Mark living with them. He is a treasure! And Nelly thinks Uncle Mark came to live with us just so she could have a warm soft sleeping place!
We found this chair downtown! I am thankful how “lodgey” it looks…it reminds us of the log home….
And this lamp? It was exactly like the one we used to have…it had been discontinued, and obviously Home Depot had one stashed away or someone returned it. Either way I literally was jumping up and down in the store when I found it on the clearance aisle! Yippee Jesus!!! 
The sweetest daughter-in-love ever!! (picture taken in rental)….So very Thankful that she was able to come home and stay with us for a few days….please keep praying for her protection. It has been a difficult time since Ty depl*yed…with three very concerning things happening….
What are you Thankful/Grateful for this Thursday?
For the "good work" he has begin in me… in us….. For my sisters in Christ that allow me to be vounerable.
I'm thankful.
Awe this is so sweet. I love that lamp.
-I'm thankful for YOU.
-I'm thankful for the priviledge of praying for dear friends.
-I'm thankful that God see and knows the whole picture when we don't.
-I'm thankful for hubby and C who are stripping wallpaper along with me.
-I'm thankful just BECAUSE!!
hugs and love
So thankful that we are over the stomach bug that hit all seven of us! *shudder* Also thankful that the peoples blogs I happened to follow pre quake were alive and hanging in there. And of course thankful for you Linny for reminding me to be thankful! 🙂
I am thankful to be part of this community called the Body of Christ as we pray and cry out to God for our friend, David Hame's rescue from the rubble.
I have never experienced such amazing peace and unity as I have this week!
I thought you'd like to hear this, to add to the joy of thankful thursday: today 106 Haiti orphans were brought home to their families in Holland!
I'm thankful for so much…but especially beginning another adoption journey to our princess in China!
WOW! That is the only word that I can even think of. I have been on your blog for days reading your blogs. Laughing, crying, and just plain being amazed at our wonderful God! We have 2 "homegrown" children and God has just started showing us that his will for us involves more children. I am so excited after reading your story I know that God does have wonderful things in store for us. Thank you for sharing!!!
Linny, I love the chair…and your walls are painted so pretty. Yippee about the lamp. Love when God does those things for us. Hugs, my friend. You amaze me.
What else happened to Sarah? Gosh, her wallet was stolen, then her car was stolen, and then something else?! Poor girl! 🙁
I know what ya mean- I'm thinking I need to do a thankful/grateful thursday post, too. Really missing our girls in China and concerned for Luke…
I love the chair!! get me a blankie, good book and a coffee- and don't bug me!
God Bless you sweet friend!
I just feel the need to let you know how much I enjoy following your blog. Today I'm thankful for your blog and you allowing me into your life via your blog. I pray you and your family have a great 2010 & especially for Sarah and all the things she has been having to deal with since Tyler's deployment. I have a big heart for our serviceman and their wives. I think the wives deserve a paycheck too for all the work they have to do so their husbands can serve.
I'm thankful for Ineke's wonderful news, praise YHWH!! 🙂 (see her post up there).
I'm thankful that I asked God for more piano students, in a recession, when even the established teachers are low on students, and I got four new ones in the past week! Thank you, Jesus.
– I'm thankful that I live in a place where we have both rain and sun (and snow!)
– I'm thankful for all the blogs I read, and for you, Linny, and your family, and allowing us to follow your family and journey through your blog.