The Battle is Heating Up

All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword
or spear that the LORD saves;
for the battle is the LORD’s,
and he will give all of you into our hands.
I Samuel 17:47
I just finished up counseling a client in my office. Dw is home making dinner with the 5 youngest kids. I asked if he minded if I stay here in my office and type a post. There is something so urgent on my heart I cannot wait to drive home to type it.

A few weeks ago I spoke prophetically about what I believe is happening internationally on the adoption front. I would link to the post, but at this moment I don’t have time to go back and look.

Today a friend emailed me and said it was urgent, could I call her? We were able to talk and about that time my phone started ringing from our daughter Abi, who is currently starting the process (with her hubby) of adopting from Uganda as well. Then more emails started coming. Friends, here’s what’s happening…..

Our United States Government has halted all VISA’s being issued to get these legally processed (guardianship) kids out of Uganda!! There are families in Uganda right now who have completed every single necessary step to bring their kids home and now the Embassy has called and said, “Nope!”
I am crying I am so stinkin’ mad! We must get on our knees and pray. We must!! This is just the beginning guys. I’m not kidding. God’s heart is for the orphan but I am concerned that we are reaping the consequences of years of apathy toward the orphan.

Recently I was speaking to someone and I brought up the orphan. They said, “Well that’s just your thing!” Oh really? Oh really? I mean, Really?

Well friends, it’s not “just my thing”….it’s “GOD’S THING”. He uses orphans throughout scripture, He calls us orphans, He urges us to care for the orphan. He “adopts” us when we ask Jesus into our hearts!! How much clearer could He be that His heart is FOR the orphan??

God’s word says that true religion is “caring for the orphan and widow”….He doesn’t say, “True religion is pastoring a church, leading a Bible study, being a worship leader, teaching Sunday School, driving the church van, being a greeter at Sunday services, being on staff at a church, being a Christian Counselor, doing occasional missions trips, working for a ministry or anything else!!”

He said, “Pure religion is to care for the orphan and widow”.

And maybe at this moment you can’t adopt, but really friend, you can pray. You can fast (even just a meal)…begging God to fight this battle. That He would throw open the doors to international adoption!! That OUR Canadian and American Governments would have an overhaul in how they view the orphan and the entire immigration process!!

Friends we cannot sit back and watch. We must take action – on our knees for starters. If there is someone to contact that would be a help, I will post about that as soon as I hear.

The kids and I are studying I Samuel for our Bible study during homeschooling right now. This week we are taking apart the scriptures concerning David standing up to Goliath. No doubt, the Lord had us memorizing THIS verse THIS week because of this very situation:

“All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the LORD saves; for the battle is the LORD’s, and he will give all of you into our hands.”
I Samuel 17:47

Would you do battle on your knees with me?

Praying, fasting – even tomorrow –
although it is short notice (even just a meal) – pleeeeease?

50 thoughts on “The Battle is Heating Up

  1. Oh my gracious. I can barely believe my eyes. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. I am praying right alongside you.


    β€œAnd looking at them Jesus said to them, β€˜With people this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.’” (Matthew 19:26)

  2. Oh friend, praying and fasting.

    Lord please, please open the eyes and the hearts of those in authority. Let the families who wait know that we are fighting on their behalf. Father, forgive our apathy. Oh Lord, give us Your eyes, that we would see the suffering, Your heart that we would be moved to ACT. Oh Father, wake up Christians everywhere to the responsibility that you have given us ALL–to care for the orphan and the widow, and to do it NOW. We ask Father that you would move the mountains in government that are preventing these orphans from becoming sons and daughters. We love You Lord, and we ask these things in Jesus name, Amen.

  3. Praying with you, Linny.

    Question … your office? a client? I wasn't aware that you had a job or ministry outside of the home. Would LOVE to hear more about what you do when you are not playing with all of your little ones. πŸ™‚

    mama of 13

  4. Absolutely! Have been praying for international adoption and for hearts to be opened to the orphans but will be praying fervently now and tomorrow and will fast at least a meal as well. I feel terrible for those families who are so close and can't get those sweet treasures home with them. Heartbreaking. – Charissa

  5. oh NO!! my friend Salem and her husband are there right now with their new son. they were approved monday…they went today and were having problems getting the letter they need to apply for a passport to get a visa, they have a meeting in the morning..this must be what's up, I'm sick and heartbroken about this, they have waited so long to be parents. please keep them in your prayers as well!

  6. oh NO!! my friend Salem and her husband are there right now with their new son. they were approved monday…they went today and were having problems getting the letter they need to apply for a passport to get a visa, they have a meeting in the morning..this must be what's up, I'm sick and heartbroken about this, they have waited so long to be parents. please keep them in your prayers as well!

  7. I'm in!I fasted today for an orphan in Russia who is about to enter an institution for the rest of her life. Her crime? Down syndrome and she's the ripe old age of four and a half years old. She's overstayed her visit in the orphanage by 6 months!You know the story Linny.
    I'm mad too. My love for the orphan has grown so strong so fast.
    Especially the special needs orphans, something near and dear to my heart. But I've seen adoptions fall through for no apparent reasons, I can only blame it on Satan, how he hates them and all that is good. But prayer is so much more powerful than any evil.
    If anyone might have it in their hearts to adopt please come to my blog where I have links to get in touch with the right people for this precious little one in Russia.
    Linny I didn't mean to turn my comment into a post but your post and the day I've had just kind of riled me up.
    Don't be upset?
    I'm with you tomorrow too! I can't even imagine how the parents of these children are dealing with this ridiculous decision.

  8. Awesome post! Thank you!!

    I will definitely be praying!!

    We have three of our own Ugandan treasures waiting to hear that we are coming to get them!!

    Victory is the LORDS!!

  9. Linny,
    Count me in for praying and fasting tomorrow. I see the battle in our own lives. We are battling countries as well (to adopt). But we know the battle is not ours, but God's. So, if you remember my family in prayer as well as we struggle with countries and these countries allowing us to adopt. We know God has ALL the countries in the palm of His hand!!!

  10. Praying and fasting. I'm also praying that our faith would rise up to BELIEVE that our prayers will be answered. We need to stay on our knees until this changes. This isn't just a one day thing…it needs to be bathed in prayer until God moves. Hugs and love

  11. Oh Linney,
    You are so right Amen!! I'm so frustrated with the attitude people have towards adoption, I mean seriously some people view them as aliens, they are indifferent to God's word. How can someone honestly tell you "that's your thing"! They are not a thing, they are innocent souls, God's precious lambs. I recently asked a local church if they wouldn't mind having an orphan awareness Sunday and the priest asked if I wanted to speak on adoption since I have an adopted daughter, would you please pray for me that God speaks through me?

  12. Everywhere I turn someone in various countries is trying to bring home their children who are adopted or being adopted. More and more countries shut their doors to getting their children out and into homes. More and more doors close to single parents with loving arms and homes. More and more doors close to parents not young, not in perfect health but still perfectly able to parent. It is indeed a sad day for children around the world in need of families. I am praying.

  13. I'm in!!! Praying and fasting plans made about this!! Sadly, it doesn't surprise me and very very sadly I get that comment all the time about orphan care being "my thing" – from my Pastor, housegroup and Bible study leaders and Christian friends. It makes me so frustrated and sad and I'm just trying to pray about it and bring scripture into conversations, but it doesn't feel like anything is happening in their hearts.

  14. Ug, I will pray with you .

    Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him and he will do this:
    He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn,
    the justice of your cause like the noonday sun.

    Psalm 37:5-6

  15. You know I feel the same about what's going on and how many "government" offices are trying to make it SOOOOOO difficult for the orphan to get freedom. I will be on bended knees!

    Hugs and love,

  16. Hi,

    I've been an avid lurker, but now I will speak. Can you add my dearest friend Keltie with her blog called Mercy Moi to the list. She is leaving for Uganda today and has been fighting for her two children from Uganda for the longest now. She was there for three months and sent home without her children.

    I also want to say that I am so very deeply ashamed and sorry that my government has taken this stand against adoption and orphans time and time again. I have adopted twice and had to fight my own government to bring them home both times. The Canadian government has much to answer for.

  17. Linny, I didn't read your post until today, but I would love to join you in prayer and fasting for this situation today. I admit I don't know a lot about fasting, but I want to.

    I have a question I would be interested in hearing your thoughts on if you have the time. It seems we are hearing more and more these days about God's love for the orphan – and I know He has definitely moved my heart with compassion and love and a sense of urgency for orphans – but my question is this: what about the rest of that verse (as you mentioned in your post)? "Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans AND WIDOWS in their distress, AND to keep oneself unstained by the world." James 1:27

    Why do you think it is that the church as a whole has seemed to put all the emphasis on caring for orphans, and not any emphasis on caring for widows? Just curious what your thoughts are. Thanks!

  18. I have been a lurker on your blog for awhile now and it is time to for to say….we are praying for everyone trying to adopt from Africa. God can move MOUNTIANS!!! We have seen Him do this in our own adoption. We are hoping to go get our sweet boys from Taiwan in April!!! Can't wait…it has been two long years!!! We will pray hard for your dear friends!!!

  19. I've been following a blog about little Sarah, who is literally dying there in Uganda. All her parents needed was *one* little signature, and they were on their way home. We have to pray!! This is life or death for so many little ones. I'm scared by this attack from the Enemy, but God is *so* much bigger
    than anything that guy can throw our way. I really think you are right Linny, he is waiting for US to care enough, and to practice the true religion as stated in His word!

  20. I am amazed that you listed this story on your blog for this. Last night at a Todd Agnew concert he told this very same story and had an analogy about the story from the viewpoint of the Israelites.And then I realized where he was going….. David was like the "Kinsman Redeemer"! I started weeping. Right now our adoption WILL NOT happen unless our Kinsman Redeemer steps in and kills the giant. Our adoption agency was not given accreditation and as a result we are caught in a red tape loophole. It will take a miracle. I only want Gods will.

  21. Will be praying and fasting with you all. I have to believe too that this is all very interconnected to what is happening in Haiti with adoptions being halted now.Make no mistake we do face dark forces who want the death of God's little ones. I too have been told by other Christians that it was "my thing" cause I was the "adoption Queen". Not said in any nice way that was for sure.I believe you are correct about apathy of the church. My heart breaks for those waiting…

  22. I read Amy's blog last night and was appalled – angry – horrified – sad – disbelieving! Where is the morality in this?!! Satan is having a heyday! I am ashamed of our government! I am with you on fasting and praying, and I want to contact every one I know who could have any influence on the situation.

  23. Just got back from my "prayer walk" in the rain spending the entire time in prayer for orphans, international adoptions and all the hearts that you are making feel uncomfortable by speaking the truth about caring for widows and orphans. EVERYONE can do something!!!

  24. Linny!

    Our prayer group just prayed for the "orphan crisis" yesterday. It started out as praying for a family with a child waiting in Haiti but morphed…you can bet it is on God's heart nig time! I will continue to pray!!!!!!!

  25. There is another family from Canada as well waiting to bring home two children with all paperwork done and no visas…she leaves today to go visit them.

    We had our own NO experience this summer and it is NOT the least bit enjoyable to be told your children may never NEVER receive visas. we came home to wait, and pray, and consider moving to Ug if the visas never came.

    However, the LORD DID MOVE on behalf of our 3 boys. They are home with us.

    And as much as my flesh wants to panic at this current crisis, I am reminded what God wanted from us (our family) this summer::

    "Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth! The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress." Psalm 46:10,11

    And from a song We are United in Jesus Christ :: "The Lord our God is our Sword and Shield, We FIGHT OUR BATTLES on our knees."

    I am reminded how the Lord provided miraculously for George Mueller (who started off as a hellion), who cared for many many orphans by PRAYER ALONE…that amazes me. Why? Because in my flesh I want to scream, holler, shout, throw a fit, jump up and down, shake my fist, call every gov't official i can (which is not bad, mind you)…I WANT TO TAKE CONTROL of the situation because I think I know what is best.

    God required of us

    to HIM…not our g@v't, not Ug@anda, not to Satan, not to ANYONE but HIM.

    Why? So THAT HE COULD BE GLORIFIED AND RECEIVE EXULTATION IN ALL THE EARTH. So the EARTH, the NATIONS, would know HE had done it. Not us. not us not us not us. HIM HIM HIM.

    This is a bloody battle. PRAY. REST IN THE LORD and in the POWER OF HIS MIGHT. pray, fast, rest in Him to work on behalf of these children, the future of adoption from Uganda, the families who ache to bring their babies home…it appears to us that much is going awry…God is in control. He is. Promise.

  26. Ohhhhhh no they didn't. NO!!! Arrrrrgh. Praying here. Read Psalm 94 and was encouraged–God will fight for justice! This week, after my crazy-long work shifts end, I will fast. I will write to the State Department, too. When Canada stopped theirs I didn't write to any government officials there because I was sure they wouldn't care what a non-Canadian citizen had to say about it, so I just prayed. Now I will keep praying and write also. We The People are ticked off about this and we will let the government, OUR EMPLOYEES, know about it!


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