Memorial Box Monday – The Van

It’s time for another Memorial Box story. The Lord has been churning some thoughts around my head about something I need to write about, and this story is kind of a backdrop for that. I will mention this story again when I share what’s on my heart in the days ahead.

This Memorial Box Monday story goes back about 24 years. Tyler was just a baby and we needed a new car. Abi and Dw began to work me over to get a mini-van (“everyone had one”). I wasn’t all that interested, but they eventually wore me down.

We had been saving our money for a new vehicle, as we have tried very hard our entire marriage to stay away from all debt, if possible. For this car purchase we were bound and determined to buy with cash. We set a budget and promised ourselves that we would not break it and take a loan. And then we began the search. We looked at several dealerships but didn’t find “our” van. We kept looking and we were doing lots of praying.
A few weeks passed and one day Dw called me. He had found THE van! It was at a dealership, the van had just come in and he wanted me to come see it right then. I asked him how much it was. He told me the price and it was $3,000. over our budget. Hmmmm. What about the deal to stick to our budget?

He was so excited about this van – it had power windows and power locks (both would be a new treat!). I asked him about the $3000.00 difference and our promise. He said, “But Linny, it’s only $3,000 more! And it has power locks and windows!”

I didn’t say anything more. He knew me well enough to know that I was not very excited about going into debt – power windows and locks or not! But Mr. Dw was so excited that he just didn’t really want to talk about that $3,000 thing. In my heart I was not interested in the van at all. We had had a deal about only spending a certain amount and here he was throwing that deal to the wind. What the heck?

At the same time I am a woman whose heart wants to submit in every area to my husband’s leadership. So what did I do?

I didn’t argue with him. I just said, “Okay, I will come look at it.”

I loaded my little Abigail and baby boy Tyler in the car and drove across town to the car dealership. As I was driving I was pleading with the Lord. I said, “We had a deal. He wants to ditch the deal. God you have to do something!! I don’t know what but I know that you can be the deal-breaker! You don’t want us in debt either! You can do something to block this – do something, anything! Pleeeeease Lord!!!”

I had known the Lord to interrupt our lives with His plan so I knew I could trust Him. I was not going to manipulate or control the decision. Dw, as the head of our home, would make the final decision but in the meantime I would pray like crazy!!

When I got to the dealership he was waiting out front. He was beaming from ear to ear – he was so excited he was almost bouncing. He took me right over to the van. He wanted me to test drive it. (He had already done that before I got there.)

So I got in the front seat and went to move the seat forward so I could reach the pedals, since Dw was the last one driving it, my 6’2” hubby had had that seat waaaay back. Dw came around to help me push the electric buttons to move the seat forward. He was so tickled pushing the button. He moved it forward. Surprisingly, my feet did not reach. He tried to lower the seat. Again, my feet did not reach. The salesman came over. My feet weren’t almost to the pedal, they were clearly a foot away from it. Literally.

Dw said, “Hey, how do you move the seat more forward?” The guy showed him the same buttons we had already been pushing. We were doing it right. BUT my right foot would not reach the pedals. No kidding. It wasn’t like a stretch nor were they “almost” there. My foot would not reach for anything. My legs were just dangling off the seat.

Here these two guys were, my sweet hubby and this salesman leaning over trying, pushing, wiggling all to get that seat to move forward more. Nada. Nothing. Not even close.

The salesman had me get out. He climbed in. He tried moving the seat closer, up, down, over….anything to get closer to that gas pedal. He started mumbling under his breath something like this: “This has never happened before. It’s a standard van and standard pedals. Your wife is short, but she’s not that short. This seat should be able to reach. Someone test drove it yesterday and they didn’t have a problem with the seat reaching.”

And honestly, I was trying so hard not to cover my elation. I was almost laughing outloud. (I was now the one beaming from ear to ear! *haha*)

After probably 15 minutes of trying to get the seat close enough that my feet would reach the pedals they both gave up. There was no way we could buy that van when I could not reach. Dw just said, “That is so weird. I guess we have to keep looking.” Ya think?

As I drove home with my sweet kiddos I was just laughing and praising the Lord! I have no doubt that if a little teeny, tiny person had come to buy that van 2 minutes after we left their legs/feet would have reached just fine. I am convinced that God did something just for us and no one will ever convince me otherwise.

He is the God who can make seats not reach gas and brake pedals so people don’t go into debt that they really don’t need! He is the God that heard my cries to block it even though I was submitting to my husband’s call to come look. He is the God of the impossible – He is my Miracle-working, Mountain-moving, Awe-inspiring, Gasp-giving God and He alone is worthy to be praised!! (There will be a tiny van in our Memorial Box to symbolize this awesome story!)

What about you? Has God ever blocked something for you? Has He ever lengthened vans or shortened pedals for you? What has He done for you? Do tell us! Please link your Memorial Box post on MckLinky so that everyone can read your story as well…it will encourage everyone!And please feel free to use the Memorial Box button…

Please comment that you have written a Memorial Box Monday post so I can stop by and I will highlight them…

If you don’t know what exactly all this stuff is about the Memorial Box, it is explained here.

And since it is a long holiday week-end, I am going to do the Memorial Box Giveaway on Wednesday. I guess that means its not too late to join in the giveaway fun….for details,

click here.

I have been trying to get the MckLinky thingy to work. I must need a tutorial. Lord willing, next week.

17 thoughts on “Memorial Box Monday – The Van

  1. Oh how I needed to see this today…we are on a roller coaster ride here right now. I so enjoy reading these memorial box Mondays. They always do something to build up my faith. Hugs and love

  2. Oh honey – I think you missed one very important possibility…

    (As one vertically-challenged mom to another), maybe God didn't lengthen the van or mess up the pedals or seat… maybe God shortened your legs! 🙂

    Temporarily, of course, hee hee

  3. Linny, i have an urgent prayer request…my cousin is currently in the hospital recovering from a hysterectomy and she has had some heart complications after the surgery…she is now bleeding to death…and the doctors say she only has a few hrs left…would you please pray for her? thanks so much!

  4. Linny,
    My husband bought me a memorial box for Christmas, and I have posted my first two memorial box Monday posts at .

    Thanks for sharing this idea with all of us! It's been a blessing.

    Journey to Addie and now Journey to Lucas.

  5. Yet another great story, Linn! Thanks for sharing!

    BTW, I've been looking for small symbols (phone, SUV) to use in my memorial box. I haven't been able to find miniature things anywhere. Where do you find yours?

  6. I am laughing out loud right now. You just won't believe this story. See that picture of the gold caravan with the paneling, well I have that van. We adopted our son in 2000 and we were driving a vw rabbit. Okay that worked for awhile but just before he turned one we had completely ougrown it but had no money for a new car. We got a call one day from a friend to come look at a van his co-workker was selling. It belonged to her father and he had just passed away. It had only 30,000 miles on it and had sat in his garage being driven only occasionally since 1985 when he bought it. They wanted $3000.00 dollars for it and it was absolutely in perfect condition. Old by the date, but not in condition. It was such a gift from God. People totally made fun of us, but to me it was such of gift. Today my husband still drives it for work. When I saw that picture in your blog I just laughed out loud. God is so amazing and he blesses his kids in such amazing ways. Thank you for taking me back to such an amazing moment in my life. This is going in my Memorial Box that I am going to win on Wednesday. (Hee Hee!!!!!)

  7. Funny you wrote about the van today! Well not funny…God knew exactly what I needed to read TODAY!

    I have been thinking lately that I want (not need) a new car. The thought of driving a new car appeals to me..really appeals to me!!!

    In fact, today I sat and googled all sorts of new vehicles. I looked at cars I know I can't eveb afford and tried to justify the debt. I've been thinking how can I approach my husband to "see things my way". He doesn't like debt at all!

    Needless to say…the only thing I'll be approaching my husband about this evening is to apologize for wanting to manipulate him. (ouch…that hurts!)

    I know I can't even think about buying a car…because even if I tried…I know my feet wouldn't reach the pedals either!!!

  8. I did it!!!! My first Memorial Box post!!!! SO excited! NOw just praying God will help me to find a box! So excited to teach my kids of the things God has and IS doing!!!!!

  9. Has God ever blocked something for me? Absolutely! I applied (with very good chances) for a job that I JUST KNEW was what He had planned for me. The rejection was SO painful, but time and hindsight show that HE KNEW where I did NOT need to be.

  10. Another wonderful story! I guess I do not know where or how to like up to MckLinky but I did post my second Memorial Box Monday today on my blog, My Autumn Years, and this one is on how God closed a door, blocking the way and how He blessed us with something even better….two precious babies.
    God bless

  11. Hi Linny,
    I just wanted you to know that I posted my first Memorial Box Monday post! Yay! I am so excited! I don't have a memorial box, but that does not matter! For now, my blog can be my memorial box until I am able to get one. Praying for your family.
    Leigha 🙂

  12. Oh yes- this has happened to me! It is amazing and God's presence is so obvious! I can't share it right now BUT IF someday you want to know- just e-mail me!

    Love ya Linny!
    God Bless,

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