Our Back Door

Big families have lots of stuff, think 10 pairs of boots, 10 hats (at least, cause someone is always losing theirs) etc. Add Uncle Mark to the mix and four seasons and I realize I better be organized or else!!
I told Dw I had an idea for the back hall….and I am so excited (and so is the whole family) at the results I had to share….I was going to wait till we get curtains up to post pictures, but really I was giddy with delight…..the back hall is right off the kitchen….and that door is the laundry room door….
Notice the bit of shelving above in this picture….. It holds 5 BIG baskets…one for gloves/mittens….one for hats……one for craft stuff….etc….and although they are up over our heads…super easy….just keep the basket down while needed, while not in use, put up out of the way….

Shoe and boot racks….and that cool antiquey thing I found at an antique store holds lots of shoes. Not a clue what someone, once upon a time, made it for…I actually bought it to be a Memorial Box for one of you(!), but it is heavy as lead so shipping would be pricey…unless anyone out there wants a road trip (to pick it up yourself) if you should win??? =) (Don’t worry I have a beautiful one for the giveaway – which by the way, it is not too late to enter…see post from Monday!)

Notice Elizabeth being goofy with her shirt sort of over her head. Made me laugh.

22 thoughts on “Our Back Door

  1. hehehe…my husband is a carpenter and I am always coming up with little organizational things for him to make. The problem is that people actually have to put their shoes/hats/etc. in the baskets/shoe rack/etc. for it to qualify as organized!


  2. Looks so familiar! We love the shoe racks from IKEA- they are flat against the wall and we have 2 big ones for our family 🙂 We too have the rows of hooks for the coats too. Since we live down south….our gloves/hats are in a closet because we only use them when visiting my family up north 🙂 Love the shelf with the baskets!!! Great idea!

  3. You have given me some great ideas. We were referred twins two days ago and will now have seven. I'm noodling the shelf above the door…awesome!!! I had just told my daughter that all those home makeovers on tv are so pretty, but they NEVER have enough storage :).

  4. I love it!!! I am so glad you are having this giveaway…I had always thought I had signed on before to be a follower…after all I've been following for 2 years!!! But I hadn't!!!

  5. Linny, what a great idea and beautiful baskets. Ok..I need you to take pics of each room and how you organize them. I have almost half the kids you have…and always searching for ideas. Maybe you could do Mr. Linky and everybody post their ideas.

  6. What a fabulous idea, sweet Linny. I love that you have that great space next to your kitchen! So convenient.

    Thank you for your encouragement. Whew–what a crazy journey we have had to Hailee and Harper. I am so relieved that the end is in sight 🙂 I hope!

  7. I love a place for everything! We too have LOTS of shoes, mittens and just plain THINGS that must get out the door each day. I am SO VERY THANKFUL for hooks and baskets and shelves!

  8. You're a very smart and wise woman…organization is key! 🙂

    By the way, how is Miss Jubilee doing? It delights my heart to see her running around playing with her brothers and sisters. I'm telling you it just seems like she's been there all along. God bless you all!

  9. love her shirt over her head!!

    yes, this looks great! i know how much it can be with just a family of 7!!

    i appreciate you sharing some of your beautiful life with us so much!!

  10. Love that idea!! We have no room for anything in our house. Think I'll do that here too.
    Love how Elizabeth wears a shirt. i have a picture of Sophia like that, it's one of my favorites.

  11. Organization is the key with a big family. I have the organizational structure…my struggle is getting the kids to USE the hooks and shoe shelf instead of the floor. 🙂

  12. Love the organization. Our front and back doors (garage) are near each other in our front entry. We have made our coat closet into our "shoe closet". Everyone's shoes go in there as well as their coats (it's getting a bit tight:-). Snowy boots are a whole new story, still don't know where to keep them:-) Dh bought me a bench that opens for our entry and we keep all the hats and gloves in there (once they are dry). I love that you have a whole area for all of these bulky things.

  13. I LOVE the baskets over the door….what a wonderful idea…I only have five children and between hats, gloves, shoes and coats, it gets a little overwhelming…I will have to see if I can figure out a way to make the idea work…
    THanks for sharing…oh and thanks for visiting my blog…I have actually "followed" you for a long time…but never FOLLOWED you…I have you on my blog list on my blog and just click when I see something new…I really love your blog and I really LOVE the memorial box concept…I am hoping to win one, but may buy one when money flows a little more freely here…which I HOPE is very soon.
    How is Jubilee adapting to life now that she has been with you a little longer? It looks like she is getting along wonderfully…I love seeing all the picts of your littles…life with littles is NEVER DULL…I really LOVED the makeup incident….reminded me of so many with my 13 year old…life goes by far too quickly when measured by growing babies…

  14. Ohhhh…I like that idea! 🙂 I have often thought about taking photos of our coat/shoes area but I thought it might freak people out and make them not want to adopt. haha I may have to borrow your idea with the shelving. 🙂

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