Whew!! What a Week!!

Whew! It has been quite a week! I can’t believe tomorrow’s Monday already. Thursday night we had the privilege of having the Uganda Go 2010 Team come {along with their families} for dinner at our home. We were even able to Skype or talk via cell to the other members of the team that are bloggy friends. So basically everyone met everyone. It was way cool.
Yesterday Girlfriends {the womens ministry from our church} went to neighboring city for a live simulcast of Beth Moore as she spoke on “So Long Insecurity”….it was awesome. Many, many women were forever changed – no doubt – and we had a blast!!!

Gratefulness and special thanks to each of you who prayed as I spoke at both of our morning services today. No doubt the Lord was working and lives were touched and many began the process of being set free from the chains of abuse! Amazing how God can take and make such beauty out of ashes. He is, indeed, the Miracle-working, Mountain-moving, Awe-inspiring, Gasp-giving God.

On a very sad and heartbreaking note, Mark has been very unhappy here for weeks. He is angry. He does not want to live with us anymore and he “is never coming back again.” ugh. Sometimes life is just not ‘fun’. We understand he is grieving and that he has had to leave the only home he has ever known, but he has moved from sad to making life not nice for us. Dw and his brothers have made the decision to move him back. He will probably have to live in a nursing home of some sort. They are from a little teeny, tiny town. Even though he knows he is leaving Mark continues to be mad – especially at me and the kids. It has been a difficult time. We really were excited to care for him for the rest of his life. But it has been some really difficult days. Thank you to all who have prayed. He will be leaving in a few weeks.

Lastly – after hours of prayer and tons of looking – we finally found a 12 passenger van!! We are so absolutely stinkin’ excited about that. I think it is a 2009 {that’s such a guy thing, right? It runs and will seat us all – that’s the details I care about.} Where we found it is the coolest part of all – right near Tyler and Sarah. Is that fun or what?? So in the next few days, Dw & Graham will be flying to stay a night with Ty and Sarah…and then Ty and Daddy and Graham will have a little ‘guys’ trip and drive it across country to bring it home. Tyler will spend a few days with us *giddy with delight* {Sarah is having finals at the moment, but how we wish she could come too!!} But we are tickled to pieces that big brother will be home for a few days {and he’ll get to meet Jubilee!!} – Yippee Jesus!!

15 thoughts on “Whew!! What a Week!!

  1. Oh Linny, I'm so glad that your words touched so many this morning. God is so good to bring beauty from ashes.

    Whooo hooo on the 12 passenger van! (Does that mean you can now adopt 3 more kiddos?)

    So sorry to hear about Uncle Mark, but I'm glad that God is providing other care for him.

    Much Love,

  2. Whew is right! 🙂 It certainly is never dull in your lives! You've had a lot going on. I am so sorry to hear about Uncle Mark. It is very unfortunate that it didn't work out and I will pray for him to be happy back in his home town. I know it was a lot for you and I am sure that this was not what you imagined but I am glad that you will have the time to spend on your precious treasures and the other things you do to serve the Lord. How is Dw's mom doing? So happy for you on all your other news: a successful speech at your services this morning, the van, Tyler coming home, the Uganda team and Bill joining it! Wonderful news! Hooray!

  3. So sorry Uncle Mark is not happy. Maybe it will be better for him to return to his town. You had the best intentions but sometimes it's just doesn't work out the way we hope it will.

    I would love to be part of the Uganda experience, right now I am called in a different direction and need to be at peace with it. So happy for those that get to go and serve our dear Lord and love the sweet children of God!

    You are so lucky to get your 12 passenger van! I am guessing there are seats that need to be filled in it!! Wink, wink!! What a wonderful trip they will have to see Tyler and Sarah!

    Blessings to all of you!

  4. Can't wait to see the van as we are right behind you in getting one too! Still praying over Mark and hope the move back to his hometown makes him once again happy. Loving you for loving him like you did!!!

  5. Hi Linny,
    I came across this website today about a horrific situation in Uganda http://www.sixtyfeet.org – – –
    made me remember your story about how you saved Elizabeth from this other orphanage.
    Wonder if that was the one….
    whew – – –

    Blessings and greetings from New Zealand,


  6. UG!!! I so wish we were closer to Kampala. What dates are they going to be here again? It may just work out-we are going to be in the city May 9-14.

    Love from the North,

    P.S. I would love to hear from you.

  7. Linny,
    Uncle Mark may not be able to appreciate all that you've done for him, but I want to say thank you for him.
    Thank you for caring enough about him to be willing to bring him to your home and make him apart of your family. Thank you for being so selfless.
    Uncle Mark may not be able to say thanks, but your reward is most definitely in heaven.

  8. Linny,

    Happy for your news of the van, Tyler's trip hom, and the mission trip. So sad for you all about Uncle Mark. Will lift that situation up in prayer so that you may find God's peace in your decision and Uncle Mark will find happiness, too!

    Janet and gang

  9. Linny,
    You are all in our prayers. I'm sorry Uncle Mark is having such a rough time.
    Could you give an update on Autumn? How is she doing?
    Blessings to you and your family.

  10. Thanks for the update! Praise God for the van – I'm so stinkin' happy for all of you! And how wonderful that Graham & Dwight will get to visit with Tyler & Sarah. That's sweet!

    Thank you for your courage to share your story at church yesterday. I had always been travelling when you shared it the other times. So I was really looking forward to hearing your testimony. I know that it touched many, many hearts, including mine. You are an amazing woman of God and I am blessed to know you.

    ♥ you guys!

  11. Linny, so good to hear of your full weekend. I am glad that you found a van and will pray that the move will be exactly what Uncle Mark needs.

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