“My Mom in America”

I met this little guy when I spoke at the church in Ssenge Village while I was in Africa picking up Elijah and Elizabeth. He hung around me alot. And then he wanted ask me something. I bent over because he was talking so softly. He said, “Take me home with you to America. I want you to be my mom.” It broke my heart. He lives with his grandma. I don’t know what happened to his mom.
When he asked me to take him and be his mom I said, “I cannot take you because your grandma would be so sad, but I would love to be your mom. Can I be your mom in America? Would that be okay?” He looked so sad and dejected. I hated it. I cried. He desperately longs for a mom. How many other millions are there out there desperately longing for a mom?

Anyway, when the team arrived the other day to do the Pastor’s conference, VBS and work on the Boys Home, he was in the crowd that had gathered. He quickly found Emma and said, “How is my mom in America?”

Emma gave him a present for me. But before she could give the gift to him, he handed her a note. On the outside it said: For my mom in America He had written it without even knowing that I had sent a gift for him.

Seriously friends….would you consider taking a missions trip? Loving on the kids who long for love? Who wish they “belonged”? Who only dream of belonging to someone who they can call “mom”?

Emma did not tell me what the inside of the note says. She wants me to see it for myself. I can’t wait….and one day {soon!} I pray, I can go back and spend time with “my son in Ssenge Village”.

31 thoughts on ““My Mom in America”

  1. Breaks my heart to pieces. Gosh, if only more felt the urge to go and love on these kids like a mom does, like He would. If only more would pray for Him to break their hearts for what breaks His.
    I can't wait to hug and kiss those sweet little faces. I just want them to feel love. And then be able to tell them they have a Father who loves them even more – and see their eyes then :))

  2. You have no idea how much I've been longing to go on a missions trip. And with stories like this, no wonder one's heart gets left behind in Africa…or Asia…

  3. Awww! This story makes me wonder what God will do when I visit Uganda (I leave Wednesday!), I know it will be more than I could ever imagine!

  4. Back when I was in high school and then in college God blessed me with the opportunity to go on a few mission trips. A few in the States and a few overseas. Through those experiences God showed to me that he wants me to advocate for the orpans and for vulnerable children. He wants me to hug and love on his precious children. To show them the ultimate love that their heavenly Father has for them. Right now I am waiting for Him to lead me to the means through which I can be his hands and feet in this world. In the meantime I fervently pray that each and every precious child around the world will be loved and cherished as they so very much deserve.

  5. Wow, I have goosebumps. And yes, my dream is to take a missions trip sometime…don't know when. First I'd like to complete our adoption from Ethiopia – though in all likelihood, that's still a few years away.

    If you'd be willing, I'd love it if you would share the note with us when you read it.

  6. oh, linny!!! how precious. i love this.

    would i consider?? YES. we're trying to work out me going on a medical mission trip with our church this fall. i would LOVE for our family to take a trip together. have you all ever done this. i think my husband truly feels that it is impossible. i just feel that if God leads us somewhere, He will have work for us to do. it may not involve us building an orphanage like he's used to doing on his mission trips [since we'll have 5 young children with us] but time invested in just LOVING the people can be just as ministering. i don't know, but it is on my heart lately. a lot.

  7. Oh I want NOTHING MORE than to go on mission trips! My first one is June/july to Mexico! YAY!!

    But, that's not it: I want to go on lots and lots of them. I want to bring some of those beautiful faces home with me!

    I'd sell it all, and move my family anywhere God wants me to go….

  8. YES!!! I want to go on one. I spent time about it in tears this week and ask Rett if God doesn't bring us home a new little one next year that maybe Rett and I could either join your team next summer or try to do one with our church. I want to love on some babies!!!

  9. How sweet! Yes, I always tell my husband, "God created children to have a mama and a daddy." Without that, their little hearts and souls suffer. We are praying about bringing home son number 8 (child number 12). We should find out next week if the village was born in is able to take him back, if not…

    Your 1000th friend,

  10. Wow! The need is so great and sometimes we don't even know where to start, but reading this post today Jesus showed me how He "super-sizes" what little we have to give to make it able to expand to fill a heart forever. Only His love can take our natural outpourings to meet such a deep need. Thanks for sharing Linny. You are such a precious daughter of the King.

  11. This is precious!!! My hubby and daughter just got back from there on their first mission trip, and they are already planning to go back with me in tow…So excited about all God is doing in my family and in the people that they met at Ssenge and Redeemer House.

  12. I want to go on a missions trip SO bad. I seriously need to start praying about it more fervently, because I know God will make a way. I really want to go with Dwight's team next year if they go to Uganda again- but I don't want to wait that long! 😉

  13. Oh, many tears reading this. I'm the "mom in America" to two little girls in Guatemala. The absolute hardest day of my life was taking our adopted son out of their orphanage with them crying, "Adopt us, too. Adopt us, too!" We are trying, but after three years we've made little progress. But we continue to visit so they know we love them and haven't forgotten them.

    I'm so glad Emma was able to bring him your gift. So precious that his letter was written to you before he even knew you had brought him a present. What a difference you are making in his life simply because he knows he is loved.

    I've been praying for you and your family at home and Dw, Emma, Graham, and the team in Uganda. Praying now for their safety as they travel back. I know you ache to see them and hear about all God did on their trip.

    Much Love,

  14. his eyes are so very sad; i can't get them out of my head…right now we are in the process of adopting… waiting for a little girl to add to our brood of boys…but oh, how that little boy pulls at me…how can a face so far away get under your skin and make me…hurt for him…maybe someday, someway…

  15. ok. so i'm secretly (tho' not so secret since i am typing it) hoping you could adopt him…but maybe that wouldn't be prudent if the grandmother depends on him for food, etc. anyhoo…wishing he had you as a mommy.

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