George Mueller Once Said….

Although this would make a great Memorial Box Monday post, I really can’t wait that long. Monday seems forever away and I just feel it must be shared today. Maybe because I know that many of you are enduring painful trials. Things that have rocked your world. Situations that are out of your control. Deep pain that few understand. So while sharing my story, I pray that your hearts are encouraged and that my merciful Savior is glorified.

Last week I mentioned how the Lord had allowed the results of some tests I had to not be shared until Dw was home. It was clearly God’s gracious hand at work. The next step was to find a specialist, since there is none in our city.

The doctors here refer most everyone with this particular need to a doctor in Grand Junction, which is 4 hours away. Although it is in Colorado, it is through a tricky mountain pass. We drive mountain passes to Denver, but the one on the way to Grand Junction? Yikes.

I told my doctor I just didn’t want to go to Grand Junction. I want a doctor that is easily accessible and one that I can drive to myself. I knew I would not be driving {not ever!} to Grand Junction alone. So where should I go? My doctor has no connection with any other specialist in any other city, besides that one in Grand Junction, which she would get me into had I wanted that.

We spent some time in prayer and I know some of you were praying too{thank you!} . We didn’t want to have to wait a long time for an appointment either. I have been blindly ignoring these symptoms for far too long {and that’s a story for another day}…..

Before I tell you how God moved some mountains, I have to share this: I am very weary of these health issues. I think that’s probably why I ignored things for so long. My body has been betraying me since I was a little girl. I spent chunks of time in Children’s Hospital in Buffalo while growing up. Swollen and hot-to-the-touch joints that wouldn’t work. Incredible pain. Stumped doctors parading in and out. X-rays all the time. Blood draws every single morning. Lots of blood draws every single morning. I rarely mention it all, but really, they were dark days. And then as quickly as it started, it ended. And a few years later it surfaced again. And a few years later it surfaced again. Stumping the doctors over and over. Sprinkle in the whole scenario years of infertility, surgery, loss, tests, loss, surgery, loss, more tests, more surgeries, and more loss.

Somewhere in the infertility I turned 30 and Multiple Sclerosis hit me. MS is a really nasty disease {and is also an auto-immune disorder}. MS wreaks havoc that not many can imagine and leaves many struggles in it’s wake.
Then when I was about 40, the MS kicked into high gear and went nuts. About that time I was diagnosed with two more auto-immune disorders. I don’t really talk about them at all, both can piggy-back on the MS. They are just as much fun as anyone would imagine an auto-immune disorder to be. But their symptoms are not “seen” by anyone else, except probably my family, so I march on, largely attempting to take it all in stride, choosing to rejoice and be thankful no-matter-what!

And now, at 51, there is something new. None of the symptoms are like anything I have ever been diagnosed with. I guess down deep I felt that if I just ignored it, it would all go away. How silly.

Anyway, back to finding a doctor: After much prayer and much talking we decided to try to see a doctor that we had met, one time before, under a different circumstance. He is out of state. I called his office on Tuesday morning, since Memorial Day was Monday. They said that the soonest appointment I could have would be July 28th. I cried. July 28th? Are you serious? Two more months of wondering what exactly all this stuff means? Good gracious. After a couple of minutes of fretting I said, “Okay Lord. You know the whole situation. I will trust you.”

Dw was volunteering at the soup kitchen Tuesday morning, but I called to tell him it was July 28th. He said he had an idea. There is a couple who attend our church. The husband {G} is a specialist {for high risk pregnancies}. He, infact, is the person who introduced us to the specialist who I would be seeing on July 28th. Dw said he would call G and ask if he could get us in any sooner. Okay, that sounded much better to me.
Dw hung up and went back to serving at the soup kitchen. Before long, Dw turned and who would “happen” to be there at the soup kitchen that morning? G’s wife! She was there serving as well. Dw told her of our dilemna and she thought it would be a good idea to call her husband, who was at his medical practice, in the out of state city.

So Dw called G right there. G and his wife, J, are always so sweet. They are both tender-hearted and kind. Anyway, G answered his cell. He was in a meeting but stepped out to talk to Dw. Dw told him what the tests were showing and G said, “Linn definitely needs to get in sooner. I have not seen this doctor in 6 months, but I will do what I can to talk to him about her case.”

As Dw and G hung up, G said he looked up and, at that very moment, who should be walking by ?? YUP! The very doctor I am telling you of! You know….The specialist I need to see sooner, but couldn’t get into till July 28th? The one G hadn’t seen in six months? Yeah. That guy. =)

G was dumbfounded too! He had not seen this colleague in SIX months!! G told the doctor about me. The doctor actually remembered meeting Dw and I….how crazy is that? He agreed I needed to get in sooner. He called his office. And do you what our Miracle-working, Mountain-moving, Awe-inspiring, Gasp-giving God did? He moved schedules and mountains and appointments and I have an appointment next week!! Can you imagine? Not July 28th, the second week of June.

When I posted about the little hairband for my Memorial Box story this past Monday, I was reminding myself that God would take care of my doctor’s appointment. That He had my back. I mean, really, sweet friends….if He cares about the little hairband….how much more the doctor’s appointment?

Anyway, in the midst of all of this stuff the Lord has been showing me something, cause honestly friends, I am weary of medical battles. I am weary of feeling cruddy. I am weary of it all and with this new medical situation? Yeah. That too.

Then I picked up my favorite book {next to my Bible}. It’s called Streams in the Desert by Mrs. Charles E. Cowman. She and her husband were missionaries to both Japan and China in the early 1900’s until they were forced to return to the United States because of her husband’s health. Her writings are unbelievable. There have been many seasons in my life that God has used what she has written to minister to my soul and to whisper His tender mercies to my heart.

The other day she was writing about something that George Mueller once said. {We named Elijah’s middle name Mueller, after George Mueller because he is my most favorite “modern day” hero.}

Anyway, George Mueller was once asked what the best way to have strong faith was? George Mueller replied: “The only way to learn strong faith is to endure great trials. I have learned my faith by standing firm amid severe testings.”

Wow. George Mueller was no stranger to trials and testings….and he was without a doubt, the greatest man of faith I have ever read about. He knew deep pain, yet he endured with great grace.

And so for my present trial and testing….I am comforted that the Lord has my back. That He who is completely faithful will bring an even greater faith into my own life. I will learn an even deeper trust in Him. In the still moments of my heart I will find a greater peace – a sense of His infinite and absolute Crazy Love for me. Oh how I love my sweet Savior. Always working to make each of us more like Him, if we will only allow it.

Poetry ministers to my soul {both reading it and writing it}. Mrs. Charles Cowman wrote this:

Take heart, O weary, burdened one, bowed down

Beneath thy cross;
Remember that thy greatest gain may come
Through greatest loss.
Thy life is nobler for a sacrifice,
And more divine.
Acres of bloom are crushed to make a drop
Of perfume fine.
Because of storms that lash the ocean waves
The waters there
Keep purer than if the heavens o’erhead
Were always fair.
The brightest banner of the skies floats not
At noonday warm;
The rainbow traileth after thunder-clouds,
And after storm.

39 thoughts on “George Mueller Once Said….

  1. Oh linny, u have been on my heart lately… I just had my first mammogram and as awaited for the results I tried hard to wait on the lord, find comfort in his plan… But it wasn't until the Doctor said I was fine, that I finally felt peace…so much for faith, huh? Later, I just felt like it was a "cheap win". He sure does grow us, though, and boy do I have a lot to learn!!

    Praying for you and your tests…

  2. Thank You so much for sharing this story. God is so good! Thank You for sharing with us your life and how you are obedient to God and how he moves in your life! Keeping you in our prayers.


  3. Linny, it's like you read my mind. You don't know HOW MUCH i needed to hear that exact thing today. Gosh, He got you that appt when you needed it, and He used you to let me hear this :)) Thanks. Love ya! And I'll be praying for you!

  4. The more I read about George Mueller, the more amazed I am by his walk with the Lord.

    I'm so sorry you've been so poorly and I'll be praying over those appointments!

  5. That's so amazing Linny. Thank you God!! I think we ALWAYS need those reminders of how God has our back and cares so so so much about us. Thank you for always sharing- I needed that! I love you!

  6. I'm just going to throw this out there- is it possible you have lyme disease? There is a huge connection between lyme and autoimmunity, specifically MS. There's a ton of controversy around lyme, and the standard tests are pretty terrible at finding it. But there are alternative tests and doctors who know how to treat it correctly.
    Anyway, I'm just throwing out the suggestion that perhaps it would be worth just researching the connection between the 2. Feel free to contact me if you want any further info.

  7. I have tears in my eyes (as I am feeling remarkably human this last week). Thank you for sharing this and not waiting. I needed a reminder of the glory of God today.

  8. Thank you so much for sharing . . . your words could not have come at a better time in my life!! Prayers coming to you from Virginia for God's grace, mercy and guidance in the coming weeks!

  9. so needed to hear this my friend. I have had a flare up on an auto immune disorder I was diagnosed with as well. And, my heart is breaking over having to tell our agency we have to pull out of adoption for a while. I am begging for prayers for our family in this. I need to have hudband and I in agreement on things, and right now the best I can do is agree to no. 🙁 For now, I hope, not forever.

  10. Praying with you through these trials… Praising Him in the miracles that He's performing…and lifting your name to Him for strength and peace.

  11. After reading your blog for like a year and a half now I think, I have NO doubt God has your back and every other body part you have. I'm sure he is placing you in just the right hands at the perfect time on the perfect day because that's how God is.

    Praying for you.

  12. Praise God for the appointment…and lifting you up in prayer for what is ahead…God is in the details and will never leave your side as you well know..

  13. Glad to hear you got in sooner and that once again our faithful Father revealed himself to you so you could continue to strengthen the faith of others!!!

    You are such a blessing to so many!!!

  14. that's amazing! 🙂 thank you for sharing, I am sorry that you've had to endure so many surgeries, etc, it can get tiring after a while. Praying that He'll give the dr wisdom to know what is wrong and the strength for you to endure and experience His mighty provision, even healing. 🙂

    None of all what ever happens to us is an accident, for it was known before the world began, and as we trust in Him for the unknown future, knowing that if we totally put ourselves in His care, He will take care of us.

  15. I was getting so giddy reading how everyone "just happened" to see who they needed to see. I love it!
    What a great quote by G.M. I am going to copy it down and tape it to my mirror. Thanks for sharing.

  16. I will be praying for you, Linny! You are in incredible woman of faith and your example spurs on many – including me!
    May you feel tangibly held in God's strong, tender and VERY CAPABLE arms of love!!!!
    And I speak HEALING and WHOLENESS to your physical body!!!
    Much love from across the ocean,

  17. Linny,
    What a beautiful, amazing story. Thank you for sharing about all of this… it is a real encouragement to me… HE IS FAITHFUL!

    Praying for you and your health issues right now.

  18. I'm ALWAYS blessed when I visit your blog, but tonight I am REFRESHED and RENEWED. Thank you for sharing, for reminding this momma that God is in the itty bitty details. He does loveus so! I am SO thankful He gave you an earlier appointment. May He use this doctor to bring health and healing to you!

  19. OH, my, Linny, once again you have blessed my heart. A friend sent an email to ask if I had read this post yet…for she knew our sweet Ellie has endured a great trial this week. How I pray the trials she will face as she becomes more aware of her "differences" will grow her faith.

    You have been in my prayers, on Monday, in the middle of the night, Josie-Tatum woke me up. Then, I couldn't go back to sleep, so I said, "Okay, LORD, who needs my prayers now?" God spoke clearly that I was to pray for you and DW.

    If you get a minute, check out our blog and help us pray for our Ellie.


  20. oh Linny…how you have been on my heart….how you bless me every day with your heart posts…how i glean from you….how precious you are to me. i too cling to my Streams in the Desert devotional (next to my Bible) and i also get it online at The online one is different then the book, so you get TWO streams to read every day! Here is for June 4th:
    Thy Rod and Thy Staff

    "Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me" (Ps. 23:4).

    At my father's house in the country there is a little closet in the chimney corner where are kept the canes and walking-sticks of several generations of our family. In my visits to the old house, when my father and I are going out for a walk, we often go to the cane closet, and pick out our sticks to suit the fancy of the occasion. In this I have frequently been reminded that the, Word of God is a staff.

    During the war, when the season of discouragement and impending danger was upon us, the verse, "He shall not be afraid of evil tidings; his heart is fixed, trusting in the Lord," was a staff to walk with many dark days.

    When death took away our child and left us almost heartbroken, I found another staff in the promise that "weeping may endure for the night, but joy cometh in the morning."

    When in impaired health, I was exiled for a year, not knowing whether I should be permitted to return to my home and work again, I took with me this staff which never failed, "He knoweth the thoughts that he thinketh toward me, thoughts of peace and not of evil."

    In times of special danger or doubt, when human judgment has seemed to be set at naught, I have found it easy to go forward with this staff, "In quietness and confidence shall be your strength." And in emergencies, when there has seemed to be no adequate time for deliberation or for action, I have never found that this staff has failed me, "He that believeth shall not make haste."

    –Benjamin Vaughan Abbott, in The Outlook

    "I had never known," said Martin Luther's wife, "what such and such things meant, in such and such psalms, such complaints and workings of spirit; I had never understood the practice of Christian duties, had not God brought me under some affliction." It is very true that God's rod is as the schoolmaster's pointer to the child, pointing out the letter, that he may the better take notice of it; thus He pointeth out to us many good lessons which we should never otherwise have learned. –Selected

    "God always sends His staff with His rod." "Thy shoes shall be iron and brass; and as thy days, so shall thy strength be" (Deut.33:25).

    Each of us may be sure that if God sends us on stony paths He will provide us with strong shoes, and He will not send us out on any journey for which He does not equip us well. –Mclaren

    Love so amazing…you are being prayed over unceasingly…so excited to see all the Lord has in store for you…He so has your back, your front, your sides…your heart…He's got you covered! <3 cindy

  21. Linny, I too am learning how tender his mercies really are. I am thankful Gos is not human. He is God- faithful and true. Prayers for you.

  22. Hi, I have never posted before but have followed your blog from afar and have been encouraged. Thank you. And thank you for your words today–I needed to be reminded about God's economy and the great things that He does through trials.

    You've been on my mind since reading about your health issues and, I know that everyone has their own ideas because of their experiences, but I wanted to make sure that the doctor also checks for celiac disease. All of your symptoms line up under this and I know that it often takes years and years and doctors and doctors to discover it because it is often overlooked. I could be totally wrong, of course, but it's worth it just asking for testing for that along with everything else!

    Bless you. Thanks again for your encouragement.

  23. many people would attribute those moments as happenstance, coincidence or "luck." but we know who is REALLY in charge!! thanks for always pointing the way to Christ. praying for you, sweet friend!!

  24. Oh, Linny, from hair rubberbands to miraculous healing–our God is so good to care for us. You remain in my prayers.

    George Mueller has been one of my "heroes" since childhood and we are reading the story of his life as a family this summer. Your life is such an inspiration and an encouragement as well, which is why I often have my kiddos join me at the computer screen to read what God is doing in your life.

    Keep praying, keep trusting, keep believing!


  25. Hi Linny,
    I'm new to your blog but just wanted to say that I'm loving it! I have an auto-immune disease as well…just one, diabetes, I've had it for 21 years now and am reading a book called A More Excellent Way written by Henry W. Wright. It talks about the spiritual roots of diseases and when I read the spiritual roots of auto-immune diseases I was bowled right over! It totally matched my past, even the generation sin matched up! I would encourage you to pick up a copy, it has been such a blessing to me! I've just started going through the study guide and am looking forward to some healing up of the inner pain of rejection etc. and even if it doesn't ultimately lead to physical healing at least I benefit from the emotional and spiritual healing!
    Shabbat Shalom!

  26. Linny,
    I have been doing an amazing discipleship program for the past year with Anne Ortlund, a woman who has loved Jesus for many years. Last night she shared about the 5 crowns we are Christians can receive. One is the crown of life for perserverence and I'm sure you will be EARNING THAT CROWN!!!! May God continue to move mountains on your behalf. I love your stories. Thanks for the continued reminders of His goodness.

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