Chuggin’ Along

For six years we have lived here…but we have never had the opportunity to ride the train. People come from all over the world to ride our train. The views are spectacular and the train is powered by coal….and has been riding the tracks for a zillion years….well our little boys have been asking if someday we could ride the train. Dw’s taking a “staycation” so Wednesday we had the opportunity and what a blast we had!! Many of you haven’t been able to ride our train, so I thought you might like to ride along with us… was amazing!!!

It doesn’t get much more beautiful than this….some people are “ocean” people and some are “mountain”….I am a mountain girl…and always will be….what a privilege to live in the mountains and enjoy this breathtaking scenery…

By the way, see that mountain in the distance? God’s word says that if you have a problem as big as that mountain, He not only CAN, but He will move it….it just takes prayer {and fasting!}…how amazing is that? Nothing is too difficult for our GOD…He is MY Miracle-working, Mountain-moving, Awe-inspiring, Gasp-giving God….and looking all day at those mountains…WOW! His handiwork is breathtaking!!

It is a 3.5 hour trip one way….2 hour layover and 3.5 hour trip back. A storm was rolling in as we approached Silverton…Did I ever mention how gorgeous storms are as they roll into the mountains??? I was in heaven….


More pictures from Silverton to follow….

34 thoughts on “Chuggin’ Along

  1. Silverton is one of my all time favorite places to go to, although we can't go often.
    Guess what, we are taking my parents to Durango in Sept.(the week of the 12th) to celebrate their 51st anniv. We are also taking the train ride…can't wait. Any way, may be there could be some way for us to connect with ya'll for a bit?
    My the way, I am also a mountain girl and I LOVE it here!!!!

  2. We are staying in Cortez this week. We are from San Antonio, TX. We went to Silverton on Wednesday. We did not ride the train we drove. I am driving my 80+ year old parents on this trip. They love Colorado and did not think they were up to driving by themselves. I have really enjoyed this time with my parents in the mountians. I love Colorado.

  3. I love the mountains, too. It's hard for me to fathom that anyone can look at His handiwork and not acknowledge Him. I have yet to ride your train, but I have taken pictures of it as it came around the bend coming up out of town. This was before I "knew" you. Sure hope to someday visit again and meet one of my favorite bloggy friends. 🙂 Glad you enjoyed a wonderful family day!

  4. We did this train ride this very week last year, just a couple of months before I found your blog! The views are breathtaking–we have the best pictures! My husband and I would love to move to your area, especially when it is hot and humid here in GA! Thanks for sharing your pics!

  5. We rode the train when we were there last week. It is such a beautiful ride. It was so nice to see you and your kids in the parade. What a vacation surprise that was!

  6. great Pictures Linny, I love the mountains also.

    "To find the universal elements enough; to find the air and the water exhilarating; to be refreshed by a morning walk or an evening saunter; to be thrilled by the stars at night; to be elated over a bird's nest or a wildflower in spring – these are some of the rewards of the simple life. ~John Burroughs

    Aren't you glad that he rewards us even before we reach the other side….

  7. We honeymooned in Durango and taking the train was the best thing that we did while we were there!! We got some totally awesome pics like yours and really enjoyed our time in Silverton. I had fun looking at your pics.

    My dream is to someday take my parents and siblings along too… a little pricey, but worth the ride!

  8. We honeymooned in Durango and taking the train was the best thing that we did while we were there!! We got some totally awesome pics like yours and really enjoyed our time in Silverton. I had fun looking at your pics.

    My dream is to someday take my parents and siblings along too… a little pricey, but worth the ride!

  9. We honeymooned in Durango and taking the train was the best thing that we did while we were there!! We got some totally awesome pics like yours and really enjoyed our time in Silverton. I had fun looking at your pics.

    My dream is to someday take my parents and siblings along too… a little pricey, but worth the ride!

  10. My husband and I were born and raised in Colorado. We recently moved to Montana and I'm so thankful the Lord allowed us to move to another "mountain state". I understand your love of the mountains. Colorado Mountains are breathtaking. Thanks for sharing the photos.

  11. That looks like it was so much fun and absolutely beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing. I read the post of adoptions and family members and it is so us. We are fostering with hopes of adopting. I have had four of my own and the youngest is 17 then we have twins that are 2 and they belong to a stepneice.
    We just got a newborn baby boy straight from the hospital and his 15 month old sister will come on Monday and my heart is full of joy with the hopes we may be able to adopt. We are putting it in God's hands. We will love them as long as we can and go from there. Please keep us in your prayer. We have people tell us were crazy and I say yes we are crazy about God's special blessings.

  12. If it makes you feel any better I've been here for 16 years and haven't ridden the train! What a fun trip. Glad you guys to go and enjoy yourselves. Beautiful!

  13. So excited to see these pics!!! When I was a little girl we lived in Durango…and when I heard that whistle blow in the distance I would ride my bike to the edge of our neighborhood and watch it come home. Praying that someday I will get the chance to ride! Looking forward to the pics of Silverton. My siblings and I would always get rock candy when we went there. So glad your family got the chance to go!


  14. Oh seeing the mountains has made me miss home so much!!! We moved here to NJ three month ago after panting a church in the Lake district (where Beatrix Potter lived) in the UK. How I miss home dreadfully and I am having the most difficult time here wondering what God has for us next. Your post brought back many happy memories and you have encouraged me to have faith in our great God!!!

    How did your biopsy go? wasn't it on Wed?

  15. Oh Linny how beautiful!! Andrew was born with a train fetish… just a gift I guess,lol. Anyway, because of his love for trains we are a family on a mission to get this boy on old steam engines whenever possible. How he would have loved that trip!!

  16. Looks like such fun and beauty!! We were suppose to be going to Colorado this summer but it has been postposed to bring home our Liliana. Maybe next summer? I would love to experience this train ride!

    So grateful we have a God that moves mountains!!!

    Love and blessings,

  17. Wow, how perfect – King of Glory was playing as I looked at those gorgeous photos of the mountains – I am a mountain girl too and been trying to move to them my whole life but adopted kids instead as a single mom! Thanks for sharing your journey – love the family photos of a happy outing!

  18. WOW… this… these… are beautiful and beyond… I have been thru CO. as a young teen-ager looonnnnggg ago, never to Silverton and the train ride. I've been saying we need to put Durango on our itinerary for the mid-western states tour possibly '11, now it's a must!
    Of course your sweet, sweet children are the real drawn. l truly can't wait to play with the lil ones.

    Still prayin'… hugs to all
    Barbara Lyman 🙂
    Marysville, WA

  19. I am thinking you seriously need to find you know who a job in Colorado and we will all follow!!! Love the mountains. I may need to go get a quick fix in Tahoe soon!!!

  20. Oh my, absolutely beautiful! And the scenery's not too bad, either 😉

    I love seeing pictures of your kiddos…reminds me so much of our family…each one is such a beautiful miracle!

    Sounds like like it was a fun day!!

  21. I'm so glad you had such a special day. Your photos are amazing–of the beauty outside the train and the beautiful family within it. This is certainly a trip they will always remember.

    What a nice reminder as you chug along that the Maker of the mountains is certainly able to move the figurative ones in our lives.

    Much Love,

  22. I am a mountain girl too! I think I've told you before that I grew up (well, jr. high and high school) not too far from you, and in all that time we never rode the train either. Even when hubby and I visited a few years ago we didn't get the chance. We were hoping to bring our kids there on vacation this summer, but it just didn't work out. Hopefully next year – I miss it up there!

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