Shhhh….everybody’s sleeping

You know how it is? Large families who are away? Big kids, little kids, everyone sleeping everywhere…and then there is that one {usually the youngest} who just doesn’t appreciate the joy of sleeping in….so this handsome little guy was up at the crack of dawn….I tried having him snuggle with me in bed…and that worked for about 43 seconds…and then those three little words…..”Mommy, I hungy”…..{like he pronounces it}…once those words have been spoken, every one of you know….sleep will not be present again anytime soon….
So I maneuvered around in the pitch dark {truly love those room darkening curtains} and found a breakfast bar, washed some blueberries and a bottle of water….and out to this little balcony we moseyed….my little man and me…and we talked and watched the morning doves {in pairs of course}…and watched the ants, and he filled his tummy…and we talked about Jesus…and houses and Africa….and after about 1/2 hour we were joined by these two:

And eventually Miss Liberty joined us…..and I sneakily moved around in the dark scouring about for more breakfast bars, blueberries and water….

And then this princess joined us {her eyes aren’t even completely open when I snapped this picture….I’m sure when she’s older she be so thankful that I posted it. ha!}

And to pass time we played the Bullet {my personal updated version of the Thankful Game – I race my index finger around in the air and point randomly and each person is supposed to say what they are thankful for…the kids get a kick out of my finger racing through the air and then pointing at them – not sure what the thrill is, but since it’s workin’ we’re going with it, maybe cause they are anticipating the “bullet” pointing at them, and now Elijah says all the time, “Mommy, play the Bullet, play the Bullet”}…..

Anyway, since it’s Thursday…and for months and months I did Thankful Thursday…here are some of the things we were thankful for this morning:

Autumn moving home

Elijah helped Jubilee get her water park bracelet off…..
cause she had no clue how to do it…

And the little girls decided to play in my bathrobe…

And all of a sudden I noticed that Miss Lizzie Lu’s sweatin’ something ferocious…

Poor sweet baby girl….and it’s only 8:00am – gotta’ love that Phoenix heat!

After Elijah and I had been outside for a full hour and a half, Daddy sleepily stumbled out to find us. We went inside to make a cup of coffee and the kids wound up in our bed…”hiding”…{aren’t little ones so funny? Like we saw them go under the covers…giggling and laughing…and like we really have no clue they’re there…made us laugh…}

Look at Isaiah’s face…..

Can’t you just hear him saying, “HEYYYYY!!!”…when Daddy pulled the covers off??

Daddy said he didn’t want to sleep the day away – so “let’s go swimming!!”

Which was followed by shrieks of joy!!

So they’re off….and I will join them in a few minutes….

See Daddy and I made a deal…I get up with all the kids while he sleeps in and then I get to write a post while he takes them to the pool. Sweet deal in my opinion…sleeping in is soooo highly over-rated to this chick…..

18 thoughts on “Shhhh….everybody’s sleeping

  1. Gosh I love it! I am so glad you guys are getting a fun vacation 🙂

    And those pictures – *sigh* I love every one of your treasures!

  2. Your family is so beautiful! A beautiful masterpiece handcrafted by God! I was so blessed to stumble across your blog today. We adopted for the first time last month. Adoption is amazing!! Praying for God's continuing blessings on your family!

    My God Given Mission Field

  3. LOVE IT!!! In big families we have to make "deals" sometimes Momma wins others not so much! Hey, how is Jubilee's communication going? Are you learning sign to use with her? Our entire family know sign language only wish the schools would accept that as a 2nd language!

    Have fun, make memories and enjoy them!

  4. Your sweet family just makes me smile. Love it! And these pictures make me even more excited for the day when my family looks a little more like this. 🙂

  5. Enjoy having the Valley of the Sun to yourselves this weekend. I'm pretty sure those of us who live here full time are all heading up north (rumor has it Phx should hit 116)! Enjoy your stay!

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