Sometime Over the Week-end…

Sometime this week-end a monumental event will occur {at least monumental over here at this Place Called Simplicity}.   A few days ago we noticed that the Site Meter counter was nearing the “big one”. {Right sidebar, beneath Live Traffic feed.}

The thought of having had one million visitors here at Our Place Called Simplicity in just a speck over two years is truly mind boggling.  Who’d have “thunked”?   Certainly not me.  Not even in my wildest dreams. 
In fact the other day Dw got a letter from a gentleman who has been following our story regularly since our Journey to Isaiah on Journey to Me. He went on to say, “In fact when I started visiting at this Place Called Simplicity there were only 2 followers!”  Made us chuckle – this guy’s been hanging around for awhile!  
With such a big ol’ monumental event looming sometime this week-end, just seemed to Dw and I that we shouldn’t let it pass without a little celebratin’ on the front porch….
Dw said to me, “Are you gonna’ have a giveaway to celebrate?”  {He sure knows me good, huh?}
Just think…this pic is of a million people…whoooa.  Bunches of you have moseyed into our lives, visited with us, become our friends and keep coming back to visit…crazy…totally crazy…look at what a million people coming by looks like, in front, behind, everywhere – people{!}…  {No wonder I need new carpet already.  j/k}
So here’s how it works….if you are the one to sign on and scroll down and see the Site Meter say,
then all you have to do is grab your cell phone or camera and email me the picture you captured!!
Let’s make it a little more personal than that… 
I want a picture of you too.  
Come on guys.  
Some of you are in the shadows lurking and you come by to visit, you know lots about us, you hear my heart, know about some pretty vulnerable areas of my life…and ya’ never even have said “hello”…….
so come on, humor an old lady…and email me a picture of you as well.   I will post you as the winner and your picture too.  I will only post your state or country...
Calling all our friends around the world….
this is open to anyone, anywhere!!
Oh my! This is going to be so fun.  Buckle up.  We’re going for a ride! 
As it turns out, also this week-end we have some old friends {three families} coming for a visit {they live out of state}.  These old friends are from my youth group days as a teenager {yeah, I know, that was a really, really, really long time ago}. Our home will be crazy busy with lots and lots of people, plenty of food and gobs of joy.  {I can’t wait!}
So double crazy fun!  Old friends visiting and all the while celebrating with my bloggy friends…all in one week-end – too good to be true!
PS…Email the two pictures to
Which one of you is going to have your sweet picture posted on here? Can’t wait to see!! 

21 thoughts on “Sometime Over the Week-end…

  1. HHHhhhMMMMmmmm!!!! Looks like I missed by just a little bit…LOL

    That's OK I'm not that fond of having my pic taken anyway….

    Have a great Weekend!!!!!! :o)

  2. Your readership has expanded by leaps and bounds since I first was blessed to find your blog. You are a tremendous blessing to so many people!
    I follow quite a few blogs using Google Reader, but I'll have to be sure to visit here "in person" now! Just in case… 🙂

  3. Congratulations!! I love this place, I love the simplicity, your honesty and even your vulnerability at times. I've been following since just before the fire and it's the first place I visit. I love reading about your family and all your experiences. It's been such a blessing and encouragement to me. Hugs and love

  4. Linny, Just so you know, more than 1 person can accidentally be the 1,000,000 visitor. It happened to 8 of us at Stefanie's Ni Hao Y'all. You might want to stipulate the first email with the picture you get! Have fun!!! I was one of the lucky 8 at Ni Hao Y'all that won a free Wild Olive tee

  5. I love to see all the obscure countries that are listed on your ClusterMap especially the ones that have a 1 or2 beside their names.

    I love you blog. You are such a blessing to me. I started a blog but ran out of steam. I just enjoy reading other peoples now.

    May God continue to strengthen you as you tackle each day. As you well know He is a Mountain moving God!

    Love from Australia

  6. oh, fun!! i wanna play.

    you are such a blessing, linny. i'm thankful for you. thank you for allowing Him to use you exactly how He wants.

    hope you have a wonderful weekend with friends and family!!

  7. Congratulations, Linny! Whoo-hoo for 1 million visits! Wow! I truly enjoy visiting your blog whenever a new post pops up in my Google Reader, and even when there's not a new post.:) Sometimes I just stop by to listen to the music that ministers to my heart and to read some of your older posts when I need a little inspiration. I've said it before and I honestly mean it…the love of Christ just exudes from your website whether it's via pictures or words, which I know is simply a mirror of what's in your heart. Thank you for sharing a part of your world with your readers. You have such a beautiful family and I pray God continues to bless you all. May your words continue to be a source of encouragement and inspiration to many, many more around the world!!

  8. Okay I am on the 5th page of our followers. You were like at 40 followers then and now over 1200!! WOW!!!! I am sending my photo now unless you have had 23 more hits since I first logged on! Maybe I will be the one millionth!!!

    Oh but wait, I do have a MB coming in Sept. but wait did you get hood ornament from the rental that carried it from NY to CO???

  9. Okay ten more to go!!! I am getting closer!!!

    Oh I know this no fair when I already have your VT status, your love and a MB but my competitive side makes me wanna win!!!!

  10. Well it's only 9:30 am oklahoma time and only 550 more log in needed!! Off to take a shower and fully expect it to say !,000,000 by the time I'm done!!

    I feel so blessed that you have allowed me to "see" you and your family for this past year here in cyberland and hope someday to meet in person!!

    Have a blessed weekend!

  11. I'm visitor number 999,969! I had to switch over to Internet Explorer because the sitemeter didn't display on firefox!

    I love your blog! We adopted 4 little kids. Our hands are pretty full right now, but I suspect we will adopt more in the future! Thank you for your blog 🙂

  12. OK, I was so going to win!!! I logged in and went straight to the counter and guess what number I was(drum roll please)1,000,001. Oh yeah, not the winner, but the anticipation was awesome!! I love surprises and it was fun while it lasted, lol!! I can't wait to see who won! We still took pictures, because my boys were in on it and were just as excited as I was, lol!! Now we can look back and laugh.

    Have a wonderful weekend with you family and friends. There is nothing better than that. Sip a glass of sweet tea for me:O)

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