American Girl Place Chicago, Illinois & Beyond….

Chicago was awesome!! Love, love, love that city!! It won’t be our last time there – that’s for sure!!

American Girl Place didn’t disappoint….

Check out the smiles!

Elizabeth and Elijah got little African babies
and Jubilee and Isaiah found Asian babies…boys for the boys, so they can practice being good daddies…and girls for the girls…perfect!

Graham and Josh were able to get into a Chicago Cubs game…and loved every single minute of it, although they hated to miss American Girl Place.

But the highlight of Chicago was our time with my sweet friend, Deb. She went with the missions team this past May to Uganda….so she already knew Dw, Emma, Graham and Josh….

Deb and I have become friends since the trip and have spent time texting and talking on the phone – and I just thought it was time we played – in person! When I knew we might be heading her way, I asked her if we might crash at her home?? She was willing {just goes to show how crazy she is!}…

This bloggy world is the best!! Friends brought together over common hearts….just one more blessing!!

Deb is a single mommy to Seth {a sweet treasure} and she is in the process of adopting another treasure she met on the Uganda trip!! Betty! How amazing is that? {Warning: If you are not interested in falling in love with anyone and bringing them home, our trips just might not be for you!}

I loved my time with her and she was so incredibly hospitable to us…I told her…”No matter how well-behaved 8 kids are…we still land with a thud!” Loved Deb, Seth, her home and our time….such a blessing and I can’t wait till we can play again!!!! We laughed, talked and talked some more….her home is beautiful and her back porch is still screamin my name!!

Yesterday Graham was riding up front with me. He turned to me and said, “This trip has been really, really fun!” Sure made my heart smile. Yes, the destination is wonderful, but the journey should be equally as wonderful. And it was. We sang, laughed, talked and talked some more. Love those kiddos of mine. They’re the best.

We hauled oats and made the 10 hour trip from Chicago to Dw’s childhood home in just about 13 hours. I catheterized all the kids and we hooked up the tubes to a bucket in the middle of the seats. When it filled, we just poured it out. Had to pour it out four times. Amazing how good it work. Might even market it.

Okay, before anyone gets all up in arms, of course, I am kidding.

That’s why it took just 4 extra hours. I mean it sincerely, there are perks to diapers. =)

Anyway, Mr. Whitey was very happy to see us. He did sing, and we will have to see if Graham can upload it to YouTube so you all can see his musical talent. He had the words in his hand written on a notebook paper. My guess is that it was something you guys suggested.

Playing at Deb’s home….

Just as it was getting dark…the sign that brought leaps of joy to my heart and tears to my eyes….

Oh yeah baby…the place I was born and lived for the first 31 years of my life….

More to follow….

Off to the drive-in movies…

18 thoughts on “American Girl Place Chicago, Illinois & Beyond….

  1. Linny, I know just where that sign is! You passed through Erie, PA and that's where I am from! I've never commented on your blog before, but I have been reading for a long time. I love your writing and hearing about your tremendous faith.

    I have been wanting to share a verse from Philippians with you, but I was a little shy about it. Anyway, here goes:

    Do not worry about anything, instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank Him for all He has done. Then, you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. Philippians 4:6-7

    Safe travels to you and your family!

  2. Linny,
    I am so glad the kids loved American Girl! I took my daughter there last year and it was like we gave her the world! She was so cute and worth every penny to see her eyes light up and the smile that was across her face.

    We might have passed each other on your road trip (you going east~us going west)! We were coming home from PA. I think we may have been traveling the same road as you at the same time! Neat, huh!

  3. So happy to hear that your "crazy", spontaneous trip has been so wonderful & memorable & fun! That's what I've been praying for… well as praying for travelling mercies, safety & protection.

    Love you guys!

  4. awww… linny thanks for taking me along. how i've longed to be in your car and entertaining the folks inthe back seat. seriously… what a fun time. and chicago looked like a DREAM!

  5. So happy that you all arrived safe and sound, Linny. I'm not sure how much longer we could have kept Dw entertained in bloggyland. 🙂

    Thankful for a safe trip that was also fun along the way! Love the pics–and everyone is looking mighty cute for road tripping! I'm impressed! Love the new dolls–and your two sets of twins, quadruple cuteness!

    Drive-in movie, fun, fun, fun! Enjoy your time together. Thanks for keeping us posted.

    Love you,


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  7. Ohhh… so American Girls Place is a store that sells dolls!!! I thought it was a trendy town or city somewhere in Chicago where real American girls' culture or trend originated… duh me! LOL 🙂

    I hope you have a lovely time with Whitey!!!! 🙂 Praise YHWH that you all arrived safely. He is so good.

  8. OH LINNY!!!!!!!!! Goosebumps when I saw the 90 East Buffalo sign!!!! I am so homesick I just can't stand it! There is just NO place like home!

    Kelly B

  9. I'm an upstate New Yorker also. Lived in the Syracuse area for 23 years. 🙂 Hope you enjoyed your trip and are greatly enjoying being with DW! Sending up a prayer!

  10. We just returned from Chicago for our annual "Chinapalooza" adoption reunion trip. Me & the girls went to the AG store and had tea with girls from our 2005 adoption trip. Our guys headed over to a White Sox game. Love, love, love Chicago! Glad you had a wonderful time.

  11. How fun!!! I love the American girls store for your diverse American kiddos!!!! Never been but you make it look really fun!!! Loving your photos and stories, heck just love you to pieces!!!

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