The Biopsy Results

My thoughts and emotions are all over the place, so bear with me.  I need to be able to see through the tears to type as well….I am still sorting it all out….but I wanted to share with you, my sweet bloggy friends, what the doctor said. 

I was at our staff meeting yesterday afternoon at church.  After it was done, I went into my office to get a bit of work done before heading for home.  Before long my cell rang and it was the doctor.  He is such a kind man.  When I heard his voice though, I knew that something was wrong.  He sounded nervous to me.  He said, “Let me read you the report.”  He proceeded to read me stuff that I had never, ever heard of.  Then we talked for quite awhile, trying to explain things, answering questions and then he read me the report a second time. 

The bottom line?  It was inconclusive and the way the doctor made it sound was that the pathologist was also perplexed.  What is going on inside my thyroid?  They’re not sure.  Is it cancer?  Not sure.  It could be.  Is my thyroid very sick?  Yes.  Is it serious?  Yes.  What’s the next step?   He said as far as he could tell there were three options.  I ruled out one immediately.   He said, “Good, I didn’t think that was a good option either.” 

So what are we going to do?  We are praying for wisdom.  We are begging God to speak.   We will be talking to my doctor again in the next few days.  We have a very close long-time friend who is a doctor.   I spoke with him late last night.  He was not looking at the report, but gave me some wisdom and will look at the report, once I am able to get it and FAX it to him. 

How am I feeling?  Scared.  Concerned.  Sad.  Mad.  Overwhelmed.  Weary.   Frankly, I don’t want to do this.  At.all.  I am human.  And I struggle with fear just like you.

What am I doing?  Crying.  Hugging my kids and hubby a lot.  Then crying some more.  I am fasting for wisdom.   We need to know what to do, who should do it, where to do it and when to do it.  And oh yeah.  We need health insurance. 

What do I know for certain?  I know that God has always been faithful to me.  As my blogger profile says, “There has never been a moment in history that He has removed His faithfulness from my life.”    He remains faithful, in spite of circumstances that have me weeping and weary. 

And yes, “The Lord does confide in those who fear Him.”  {Psalm 25:14} My sweet Savior had whispered to me, while I waited for days for the biopsy results that “it would be inconclusive and I would need surgery to see what’s really going on.”   That was comforting to me.  I’m hearing Him.  He is talking.  He loves me.

How can you help?  Pray!!  That is what I need most of all.  We have doctors and specialists we are consulting with so please pray for wisdom for us.  For health insurance quickly.  For the right surgeon with thyroid expertise.  For my vocal chords to be safe during the surgery.  For healing.  For freedom from cancer.  For the kids {they are scared} and so is Whitey.  Thank you in advance for praying and I know many of you have been praying already – thank you for continuing to pray. 

And then, if you are someone who reads this, {even if I don’t know you} and you see me out and about – please say “hello” and then give me a hug.  I love hugs.  I need more than a normal share in a normal day when life is peachy.  Yeah, so, obviously I could really use a whole bunch about now.   And no, I never tire of getting hugs.  And no there has never been a moment in my life that I have said, “I’ve had enough hugs for today.”  Not even once in my 51 years.

180 thoughts on “The Biopsy Results

  1. Linny –

    A million times I have thought about unlurking, you touch on soooo many topics that have affected my life and reflect my values. There can't be a better time than now to let you know how much you are appreciated.

    I so wish I lived near you so I could give you the hugs you so desperately deserve. The best I can do is this {{{{{{HUGS}}}}} and a promise to continue to pray for you and your entire family.


  2. Oh honey! I am so sorry! We are praying for you, and you had better believe there will be a TON of hugs every time I see you. I love you so much, dear lady.

  3. Linny,
    Wish I lived close so I could give you a big hug:) Will be praying in earnest for wisdom and a clear answer on what you should do… am praying for healing of course too!

  4. {{{Hugs}}} from South Carolina! I have only commented a few times, but today you need to hear that we all care for you and are praying for you! I will be praying for wisdom for the doctors and for peace for you and your family!

  5. I'm thinking it's time to get that thyroid out. I've been on thyroid replacement hormone for 17 years and it works great. Hoping and praying that everything works out quickly and you are able to feel good and be healed of this!

  6. So often it seems the Lord confounds the doctors so He ends up getting all the glory. I will pray for answers to all your questions and for your healing, no matter how the Lord orchestrates it. We are going through a time of waiting while the doctors try to figure out if I am pregnant or not. Yesterday, one told me that my baby is dead. Then a few hours later, another told me that the ultrasounds were lousy and that it was too soon to know anything for sure. Today, the ultrasounds were great and my HCG level has gone up. Today we are rejoicing, but the doctors are still unsure. I pray that you feel the Lord holding your hand as you walk trusting in Him and believing in His promises.

  7. Oh Linny, my heart is HURTING for you!!! Know I am praying here and sending infinite cyber hugs!! I know they are not as good as the real thing but I am praying MANY will wrap you up in their loving arms!! And I know the Lord will hold you oh so close during this difficult time. We have thyroid specialists here in our neck of the woods at both DUKE and UNC. We have a guest room in our home and I am a good nurse 🙂 Sounds CRAZY, but I am serious!!
    Much love to you and your family now and always!!

  8. {{{hugs}}} from afar! <~,~> tears, too. In your utter weariness, may you feel that you are being lifted up in the prayers of others and carried in the all-sufficient grace of God. It must be so encouraging to know He's whispering to you and leading you. You are not alone, this you already know. But, take comfort in the fact that the body of believers are standing with you in agreement for all that you have asked prayer for. May God hold you and your family close and may this time prove to be one of the richest, full-of-His-glory, times of your life, Linny! You are dearly loved and deeply admired by those of us who have never even met you……yet!

  9. Coming out of hiding-have read your blog EVERYDAY since the fire! I will be praying for you during this difficult time and I thank you for sharing God's Word with me! I am taking steps to rededicate my life to HIM and I have you to thank for that! You are in my thoughts!

  10. I am soaking you, your family, and your needs in prayer and sending you a great big hug via a prayer. He is faithful…YES! This is so not fair, but our God is and loves you so much as you often tell your readers….
    All will be well.

  11. I don't know you in real life but faithfully read your blog…BUT I have always felt that if I was ever your way that I would ask to come by so you could pray with me as I feel the love of the Lord pour out of your words…through your blog you show me every day how to be a better mother, a better wife, a better servant for HIM…I will be praying for EVERYONE involved!!! ***HUGS***

    Sand Springs, OK

  12. Oh Linny! Here is a hug from an island in Washington state. Know that we are lifting you up in prayer as you walk this out!! God Bless You through this trial (and bless you with incredible health insurance too =)

  13. I love you so much Linny. Do you know that?

    I have been praying for you constantly and my kids & husband have been praying for you. I want to bug you at all hours of the day but I know you don't need that, so I pray. I so wish I could hug you right now!!! I will NOT stop praying.

  14. Linny, you know we are praying. But listen, i sent you a comment or an email before about our pastor. He had the same issue. lousy thyroid with strange looking nodules. They removed his and he did really well.It actually was cancer! Was that the option you didn't want to do? Look whatever you and your docs decide I'm sure will be the best decision for you. We are all here!!!!!

    I hate that your kids are scared.
    That breaks my heart.

    We have a visit in our future and a lot of apple pies to eat!!! Like I said before, you are going to shine your way through this one! There is a reason, only God knows, but it must be a whopper!!!

    Hang tight my friend!!! all our prayers to you!!!!

    Love and hugs!

  15. Lifting your name to the Almighty. May He bless you with complete healing so that all may see. May He surround you with the Peace that transcends all understanding and may you more than ever feel His everlasting love.

    A big cyber Hug,

  16. Oh, sweet friend. Know that I am continuing to pray for you & your family. And since we have most of the country between us, consider this a virtual hug. So not as good as real ones (which I love, too) but it'll have to do. Praying, praying, praying.

  17. Hug, hug, hug, hug, hug, hug, and more hugs!

    There is a fantastic Thyroid doctor in Knoxville, TN. My friend (whom I have written about)had what he called the worse case in his long career. Her esphogus (sp) was pushed way to the side and the thyroid was huge. Growing inside was a 6cm cancerous tumor. The endocryologist said that she may loose her vocal cords. She is FINE! She was hoarse sounding for 4 days and now is totally back to normal. If you would like his name and info let me know.

    Praying for the right decision.

  18. OH Linny, I am so sorry to hear that the results were inconclusive and you have to have yet more surgery and testing to figure out just what is going on. I will most definately pray for wisdom for everyone involved in your case and for peace in your and your family's hearts as you wait on your Lord. He is faithful. I also wanted to say how much I appreciate your blog and your sweet spirit. You have touched my life more than you will ever know. Your words today that expressed your fear and weariness touched me deeply as I have been struggling through some very tough stuff too and thinking that I was very very wrong for feeling 'oh so human' many days lately. I wish I lived closer and could give you a big hug. I too need more than my fair share and never seem to get enough, lol….
    Much love and many hugs,

  19. Praying with you bloggy friend! I've been praying for days and I will not cease until God moves on your behalf..whatever that looks like!:) But for now..since I'm in Ohio…{{{{{HUGS}}}}}

  20. Linny i am so sorry!!! (((HUGE HUGS))) we have both been praying SO hard for you and will continue to do so… i was praying while reading this and by the end i had such PEACE in my heart!! "its in these times HE WILL carry you!"
    i literally hear the Lord speak to me through every one of your posts, im so grateful that you have decided to include your "bloggy" family in this journey!! We are honored to stay beside you a PRAY YOU THROUGH IT!!! HUGS!!!!

  21. oh how I wish I were there, you have no idea. I am lifting you up in prayer, dear one. All of you.

    " So do not fear, for I am with you;
    do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
    I will strenghten you and help you.
    I will uphold you with my righteious right hand."
    Isaiah 41:10

    Love you, Linny. I will be praying and you know where to find me if you want/need to chat. ANYTIME. I will have my cell by my side.

    Hugs, sweet friend.


  22. I will keep praying.
    Last night the Lord woke me up in the middle of the night again as my son with Type 1 Diabetes was low and needed sugar so he wouldn't go into a coma. He also gave me this verse.
    "Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, 'This is the way, walk in it'". Isaiah 30:21
    Praying you continue to hear God tell you the way to go.

  23. Oh, Linny – we are praying for you here in NY. For peace, His peace that far surpasses our understanding. For wisdom – for you , your family, and the doctors. and for Tons of hugs:) Wish we could be there to give you some:)
    Love you, bloggy friend, Becca

  24. "Dear Father God, we come humbly before your throne this day on behalf of this sweet woman. We ask God that you completely heal Linny of everything that is going on in her thyroid. We ask precious Father that you give wisdom to the doctors and everyone involved. Please give an extra measure of peace, joy and comfort to every member of Linny's family and herself. We ask that you will surround her with many, many people to hug her daily and may she rest completely in you.

    Please wrap Your loving arms around her at this very moment so she feels you so very tightly. Please bless this family with health and strength every day. We praise and thank you in advance for everything you are about to do for Linny. We love you and we know that where two or three are gathered in your name you are there…And God, there will be thousands praying and lifting this special woman up before…and so we ask in faith believing that you will work out everything for Your glory and praise….AMEN"

  25. Linny,
    May the Lord give you grace, encouragement and wisdom. May He fill your heart, home and body with peace. May He provide health insurance through divine intervention with lower premiums than expected. Fear MUST be cast out in the name of Jesus and in its place an oasis of peace, provision and health. In Jesus name we accept these things.

    Thanks for sharing your life with us.

  26. I am sending hugs through the computer to you! I hope you can feel them. You are such an inspiration of faith and perseverance and yet you are so real. Thank you for that! I will be lifting you up in prayer in the days ahead and praying that our Great Physician will heal and provide the wisdom that you seek.

  27. Oh, Linny…I'm loving you from Indiana. I have been praying and will continue. I don't have the words to comfort, but I trust our BIG GOD!

    Love you, sister!

    HHHHHUUUUGGGGSSSS!!!! (and hugs from my kiddos too!)

  28. Oh Linny I am sick to my stomach. The look on my face must have been bad because my 2 year came running over asking "what's wrong mama, you ok, what happened? it'll be ok baby?" We prayed for you together and will continue to do so for you and your family. Wrap up in a blanket and feel my hug from Illinois. God has a mighty plan my friend and I know you will follow it just as he wants. Hang in there you have many praying for you!

  29. I am sorry for what you are going thru right now and even more sorry that I will not see you out and about unless you come to FL. So please accept some cyber hugs and know that I will continue praying for you and for the Drs to reach the wisest decision.

  30. Sweet, sweet friend,

    Oh how I wish I could give you a hug . . . please know that I am continuing to lift you up to our Healer. The battle is HIS! Praying for wisdom and comfort. Praying that he would hold your family (big and small) in His constant, and reassuring, embrace. Praying for insurance, and that the Lord would orchestrate your every medical need! Rest in Him, He is Able.

    I love you,


  31. Oh, Linny! I'm praying! Even though I've never met you in real life, you feel like a kind aunt to me! Or a second mama! I wish I was there to give you a hug!
    Hugs, Savi

  32. Sending a hug your way from Australia, Linny, will keep you in my thoughts and pray for you.

    He already told you that the tests would be inconclusive and that you'll need surgery to find out? Wow, He's already leading you in this! Amazing! It's scary but you've got to trust Him, keep holding His hand and look to Him only, whatever situations He is leading you in. (Like Peter on the water).

    Wish I could be of help.. if you have a donation button up there, perhaps the body of Messiah can be of help instead of insurance?

  33. Oh Linn, I'm praying for you while I'm visiting family in Oregon. Praying for all of your sweet family. Thanks for sharing this information with us – you know how much we all love to pray for you and the needs of your family. I'm sending my hugs & love to you across the miles until I can hug you back in durango.

  34. Oh, Linny. I wish I lived right there in your beautiful town. I would jump in the car and rush to your house and give you a big hug. (HUG) I'm sorry that your biopsy did not give you a clear answer to what is wrong. I have been, and will continue, to pray for you and your family.
    I love you, sweet bloggy friend. You have given so many others, including me, strength when they needed it. And now we will pull together and send up prayers for all of you. Sending you many (HUGS)…

  35. Wow. Praying praying praying. I don't know you, and I don't think you are anywhere near me, but if I DID see you, I would definitely give you a hug. Praying in the midst of uncertainty. And I hope I am not one of those weirdo people offering advice about stuff they don't know anything about, but I DO know that many hospitals (like the one I worked at here in Lexington, KY) offer 100% financial assistance to people who have no insurance and have great financial need. I don't know what your circumstances are, but I trust that our Savior is gonna bust the doors wide open in a seriously good way. *virtual hug*

  36. linny, i have been praying and i will continue. every day. i'm so thankful for who you are even though we've never "met." your faithfulness, your trust, your love for Him will be SUCH a light through this all. i just know it.
    and hug? i really wish i could. do you need a family of 7 that you've never met to come vacation by you? help you? hug you? play with your precious treasures? laugh with you? pray with you? i would. =)
    praying, praying. for you ALL!

  37. I haven't been checking blogger much since we brought the twins home about a month ago. I'm so glad I checked today.

    We are praying…they are just three short words, but they hold more power than any other thing I could say. Praying my bloggy sister…

  38. I rarely comment, as most of the time what I have to say has already been said by far more eloquent commenters than I.

    But I needed to stop and say this: I am praying for you. I am praying for your kids. Near and far. Present and future 🙂 I am praying for your hubby.

    We have been living with Hashimoto's Hypo-thyroidism and Type 2, now morphed to Type 1 Diabetes in my hubby for many years now. Your journey has reminded me to pray more for his healing. For his passion to see that healing. We've kinda just gotten used to it. To living with it. To accepting it. Which is all vital to taking good care of it. But can also wreak great complacency if allowed to. Your journey has been a good reminder to me to not accept it too far beyond the management and treatment necessary.

    I'm praying for you. And I'm sending cyber hugs to you today.

  39. Covering you and yours with prayer.

    2 Corinthians 12:9-10
    But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

  40. Linny,

    This is my first time reading your blog. Seeing your sweet family makes me smile. What a beautiful, amazing family. What a beautiful, sweet faith in our heavenly Father. Thank you for sharing your heart with us all. My husband was diagnosed with cancer, had surgery and chemo five years ago we are celebrating remission this year. We have seen many miracles over the past five years. Praying for Big miracles for you. I am praying that God heals you and that the Holy Spirit comforts you all in ways that only HE can.

    Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don't try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way." (James 1:2-4, The Message)

  41. I am sending you a bloggy hug right now. I wish you were right here so I could just hug you so hard your shoes pop off!!!! I'm also praying for you.

  42. Zephaniah 3:17

    "The LORD your God is with you,
    He is mighty to save.
    He will take great delight in you,
    He will quiet you with his love,
    He will rejoice over you with

    Love you Linny

  43. Praying for you and your family. Praying for your heart to not be weakened by this burden..praying for wisdom in the decisions to come, praying for much more to come….

    Recently did a biopsy as well, and have to go back for another…praying for you all during this draining experience and praise God for the GREAT THINGS He cana nd will do through this.

  44. Linny, dear sweet friend.
    Praying for you… hugging you, and holding you and your family close to my heart during this trying time.
    My sister just sent me the words to a song we used to sing in church. you probably know it, but, here it is a reminder:

    "He is able more than able
    To accomplish what concerns me today
    He is able more than able
    To handle anything that comes my way
    He is able more than able
    To do much more than I could ever dream
    He is able more than able
    To make me what He wants me to be".

    Know that we are praying, praying, praying, and then praying some more. Let me know if there is ANYTHING else that you need!


  45. Oh Linny, my heart goes out to you. Surely the Lord has yet another idea up his sleeve that will amaze us. I will be praying and fasting with you, you have misistered and encouraged me daily for the last year. You are a daily nudge for me to listen to my Jesus. I know that you are a priceless warrior to our Lord and that while the enemy is bringing the battle hard, my Jesus ALWAYS WINS!!! hugs from Ohio, and so much love! xoxoxoxo

  46. Oh Linny, my heart goes out to you. Surely the Lord has yet another idea up his sleeve that will amaze us. I will be praying and fasting with you, you have misistered and encouraged me daily for the last year. You are a daily nudge for me to listen to my Jesus. I know that you are a priceless warrior to our Lord and that while the enemy is bringing the battle hard, my Jesus ALWAYS WINS!!! hugs from Ohio, and so much love! xoxoxoxo

  47. I love what you have said "there has never been a time when God removed His faithfulness from me" — and we all know He will not remove it now. I'm so sorry you have to go through this valley, but I am praying that you will experience complete peace and comfort as wait to hear from His as to what to do. I believe that the result of this trial will be that we will all be in awe of what God has done. He still is your "Miracle-Working, Mountain-Moving, Awe-Inspiring, Gasp-Giving God" – and always will be. Hold on to Him, as He is holding on to you.

  48. Wow….I am praying right now for you and am giving you a big cyber hug right now. You don't know me, I have been a "lurker" for almost a year and I love you so!! I feel like I have a good friend in you, one that makes me feel good just by reading your blog! Now, it is my turn to send you a BIG HUG. Please know….we are praying.

  49. Oh Linny, I'm about to hop on a plane to Colorado just so I can give you a hug. I'm just so broken reading this.

    I will certainly pray for you and your doctors to have wisdom, for you to have peace, and most of all for you to have healing.

    Thanks for sharing your burden with us. I'm fasting and praying on your behalf.

    Much Love,

  50. If I had a way to get to Co. from NC, I would come and give you a hug and pray with you…..God is Faithful…He Will take care of you.
    Love ya,

  51. Linny,
    I'm more of less usually just a lurker on your blog. But, this time I wanted you to know that I'm praying for "peace that passes all understanding" from the Lord and wisdom.(I was part of the AHH travel group you were supposed to go with originally) Sending you virtual hugs!

  52. Cyber Hugs coming your way and prayers too!

    Hebrews 10:23-25 Hold tight to your Hope! We will continue to support and encourage you through prayer, and although we can't always meet face to face we can meet through prayer and petition to the Lord. I will be praying for you tomorrow during the day. Hold to your hope for he is faithful and his love endures forever!

  53. Cyber Hugs coming your way and prayers too!

    Hebrews 10:23-25 Hold tight to your Hope! We will continue to support and encourage you through prayer, and although we can't always meet face to face we can meet through prayer and petition to the Lord. I will be praying for you tomorrow during the day. Hold to your hope for he is faithful and his love endures forever!

  54. Oh Dear dear friend- I am so sorry you have to go through all of this- like you said… you don't want to- and boy do I understand that!

    My heart aches for your challenges and my prayers will be all around you. (and your dear family)

    ((Humongo hug all the way from MN!))

    Love you- and praying fervently!

    Ps Hubster is doing well and has changed his mind! He is peaceful, happy and good with God's direction!! Thank You Jesus!!

  55. absolutely praying for you and wrapping my arms around you for a long distance hug from my heart to yours. you remain inspiring, amazing, wonderful, honest and a true blessing. God bless you … and your thyroid. =)

  56. Praying for you Linny. May God hold you close through this difficult time & that God will guide the medical team with getting a positive diagnosis so they can work out the best line of treatment. (((HUGS)))
    Renata XO

  57. Oh Linny! I am praying for you and your family! You are such a great mentor to us younger moms. I hope the Lord moves mountains for you and He proves Himself faithful and mighty once again. I love your blog and your big ol' family, and I don't even know you! But I am praying for your health and the insurance situation, and for your kids and hubby too.

  58. ((hugs)) from one who has walked a similar path. I am praying!!! I pray God will point you in the correct direction, to the perfect Drs. May He wrap His arms around you ALL in a way that gives you peace and ease your fears.

  59. Linny, I am praying. Your only about a six hour drive from where I live. I would love to take a little road trip just to come and give you a great big ol' hug. Praying,Praying,and Praying somemore.

  60. First, Linny…a big hug to you! Thank you for sharing this trial with us…you are being prayed over and loved unceasingly. The Lord is bringing you through all this and it is the JOY of the Lord that is your strength. Where is God when life hurts? He is in YOU, the one hurting, not in IT, the thing doing the hurting. "The people that do know their God shall be strong."
    – Daniel 11:32
    Linny…you have proven that strength! With all that your life has held and continues to hold…the Lord's strength is your core and will continue to hold you strong! Faith IS rest! Rest in Him to provide the wisdom on what to do…rest in Him to continue to take care of every detail for He loves you so much! Praying unceasingly for every detail, every expertise needed, for complete healing and restoration in your health…love you! cindy

  61. I am so sorry Linny, that you are having to walk this difficult walk! My heart really goes out to you in a big way, even though I've never met you (and live across a big ocean). You are such a wonderful person and such an example and inspiration to all of us, your bloggy friends!
    It is an honor to lift you, your loved ones and the doctors before the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, Creator of the Universe, our awe-inspiring, mountain-moving, ever faithful God!
    Nothing escapes him. He WILL give you wisdom, your life is in HIS hands. FEAR NOT! TRUST ONLY IN HIM!! HE IS MORE THAN ABLE!!
    Much love from NZ,

  62. Oh dear sweet Linny
    Oh I wish we cold take the pain all away. We are praying for your healing and the Dr.'s wisdom and for that insurance. Why did it get dropped again? I missed that part, somewhere. We love you so much! I wish I could give you a dozen hugs right now…Love
    The Funks
    Heal me, O LORD, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved,for you are the one I praise.

  63. I wish I was close so I could hug you and cry with you as I am near tears now. Prayers of peace and comfort are being said for you and your whole family.
    Blessing and love in Christ,

  64. Linny, since i live in ohio, i dont' think i will be seeing you on the street to give you a hug, but know that from my heart to yours, there are many hugs and prayers coming your way. god is amazing and will lead you to the right doctors and the right decisions. he is with you always!!! without a doubt!!

  65. Linny,
    I am fasting and praying for you today. May God give you comfort as you wait to decide what to do. May God provide peace for you and your family. I would love to give you a HUGE Hug today just know Im squeezing you from Ohio!


  66. Awww, Here is a virtual hug!! Praying for peace to fill you! The doctors are just playing it safe. Better to get the yucky thyroid out of there than always wonder. Don't worry about the insurance just do what you need to do. It will be there when it needs to be! God is faithful! Also praying for a nice season of refreshing rest for you and your family!!! Sheri

  67. Awww honey, you are so loved!! This is not news to our God, he does have a plan thru all of this, and its a plan for the good. I do wish I was close enough to give you a great big hug and be able to pray with you, so for now I will pray that the Lord puts all the right people in your path and that the Lord gives you peace beyond human understanding and that all involved in your care be given wisdom from our Father.

  68. Sending hugs and prayers from Maine Linny! May God use this very scary situation to glorify Him in a huge way and bring great blessings for your family from it that are visible to you and all your bloggy friends.

  69. Oh Linny, our Jehovah Rapha is HERE! My youngest son awoke the other night at 3:30am and the Lord placed you on my heart to pray for. While I held my sweet baby and kissed his forehead, my Spirit lifted you many prayers on your behalf. God does indeed love you missy!

  70. Hey Linny, I have been reading a book called Thyroid Power. My friend was just diagnosed with Hashimotos and another friend has a daughter with serious thyroid issues. SO NOT saying don't listen to your dr.'s…absolutely!!!! BUT, this gives a lot of good info to educate yourself and help you work WITH your dr.

    I AM PRAYING for another Memorial Box Monday story…the one I did way back was a diagnosis for my daughter that later came back with nothing, even the surgeon said it had to be the Lord healing her.

  71. Hugging you from Washington. Praying for peace and wisdom. I had my thyroid removed over 10 years ago. Had the exact same fears, worries and concerns. The best decision I ever made. I take synthroid daily and don't have to worry now about having a sick thyroid or something more seriously developing. My tests were also inconclusive and the doctors seemed confused. Bottom line, I asked the surgeon what he would recommend if I were his wife or daughter….he said without hesitation…take it out! I will be praying for all these things for you and for health insurance to come quickly.


  72. Linny,
    I wish I could give you a squeeze. I'm not one of those people who politely lays their arms around someone and barely touches them. I like to squeeze. I will be squeezing you all day while I pray.

  73. I have been praying for you. And everytime I do, this verse comes to my mind–many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all. May the Lord surround you and carry you and fill you with His Peace. Love.

  74. My heart breaks for you – and yet I know that God will hold you close, HIS everlasting arms underneath!!! Sending ((((((hugs))))) and prayers your way!

  75. Oh Linny, I am so, so, so sorry. I have never been one who has great, eloquent, wise words to say (more of a foot-in-my-mouth kind of girl), but I just want to tell you that we love you and will absolutely be praying for you and your wonderful, sweet family. Praying that our God of all comfort – the God of hope – will fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Praying that Jesus will be your peace and strength and healing. Thank you for allowing us the privilege of walking alongside you during this time. Much love to you, Linny.

  76. Linny, HUGE hugs and prayers for you and your family right now. No, we don't know God's plan, but we do know that it is a MIGHTY plan. May your fears and anxieties be calmed, may God replace those with serenity and joy in the days to come. I sure wish I was close enough to physically wrap you in my arms and gently rock you in loving comfort. Abundant blessings to your entire family.

  77. Oh how I wish I could hug you in person but this will have to do for now.


    Consider yourself hugged from me to you!

    Praying for wisdom, strength and peace!



  78. Praying for you, Linny. You are God's Favorite Daughter. No, really.

    And if I see you, I will hug you. You comin' to Iowa anytime soon? ((HUG))

  79. OH Linny, I wish I were there to give you a big hug. I'm so sorry that you still don't know what is going on and I will pray with you that the Lord will give you wisdom to know what to do and where and how.

    If for some crazy reason they send you up here to Seattle for the surgery, just know that you will have a place to stay with us. ALL of you! We'll make room. I'm praying for you my friend, and I can't wait to see how God makes a beautiful story out of this one.

    Lots of love and prayers,

  80. Although up here in Canada, my arms aren't long enough to reach you…I'm extending a cyberhug. I have little to say, except the book A More Excellent Way talks about thyroids and how one lady was recommended to remove the thyroid, yet refused and accepted some other treatment while getting to the bottom of the spiritual root of the problem. Often when things can't be explained by the medical community, there is a spiritual root cause. While it may not be a personal issue, it could be a generational issue. Anyhow, I pray that God surrounds you with peace even though understanding is not to be had right now.
    Shalom my bloggy friend!

  81. Big hugs! Linny…Big Hugs. Praying for you and yours. Sometimes I walk around reacently feeling very old and feeling overwhelmed and feeling the best is behind me…and then I read your post(s). You are such an inspiritation….all your loving children…how you do it? and then I think It is just that I am so OLD, that is how she does it..she is not like me. And I read, today, I am only 2 years older than you!

    God does have good plans…for both us….. I have never met you, but feel like I know you through your blog. I read it every day, or every time you post, although I don't comment that much.

    Blessings and prayers and peace and hope and wisdom and faith…. and cuddles of love from God and his little messengers in your life.

  82. Linny, I don't post much but read your blog when I can and am always encouraged and reminded of our Fathers' goodness. I have battled RA, cancer, thyroid problems, etc. and, like you, have had hard days but always felt His peace and kindness keeping me in the storms of life. Thank you for being real and for being a constant reminder of Who He is. I'm praying for His mercy and wisdom to guide you all in the days ahead. May His healing wings cover you and His overflowing love comfort you. Much peace and many hugs!

  83. A facebook friend posted this and I had to borrow it. Wanted to share it with you, too.
    "Accepting the mystery of what we cannot know will lead us to the heart of God where we trade our craving for explanation for a simple willingness to trust."
    I know you run to Him everyday, but especially praying for His wisdom and His timing in all of this.
    Lifting you up daily!

  84. Big HUGE hug. You ask for prayer…you got it, girl…

    Jesus, you are not only the great Healer but also the heavenly Father of my friend Linny. I am so thankful that nothing happens outside of your sovereign care. Please, Lord, give her doctors wisdom, give her and her family peace and trust in this valley, and provide for their every need. I ask this in confidence because she is your child, and I know you love her deeply. May you be glorified and lifted up as others see You work mightily–as only YOU can– in this season of suffering. God, heal her, Please. In the name of Jesus, Amen.


  85. Oh dear Linny, I am praying and asking God to provide loving and swift directions so you will unquestionably know what needs to be done. I am asking God to send the right physicians, nurses, and medical professionals for your care. I am praying and believing with you and your family for divine healing and health. May God provide what is necessary for you to have comfort and peace in your heart to know that He is taking care of you.

    And yes, if I were ever in Colorado I would certainly say "hi", give you a big Southern hug, and buy you an Americano from Starbucks. 🙂

    God bless you and keep you. Many hugs to you!

  86. Hi, Linny,
    I have been visiting your blog for a while but never commented. I just wanted to send you a hug from Panama and let you know that my prayers are added to all the others who visit your site or know you in person. As a mother of one daughter adopted from China, I know how important it is for you to be strong and healthy for your family. Thank you for sharing your life with us and know that you are touching more people than you know. (lots of us are shy and don't write in!)

  87. Oh my goodness, dear Linny, hang tight friend because help is on the way! His name is the ALMIGHTY FATHER!!!!! HEALER OF THE SICK!!!!The one and only healer you will ever need is at work already. I know it. The mighty army of God is praying.

  88. Okay, so I just came back again, and have read through almost all of these comments, and I have drawn a couple of conclusions–

    –You are loved greatly.

    –You are loved greatly by many who decided it was time to delurk. Bless their hearts!

    –A great chorus of prayers has gone up, and will continue to be raised on your behalf.

    –And most importantly–You have been hugged from north to south, and east to west . . . around the globe! I hope you felt every single one of them! 🙂

    Love you bunches, and bunches!


  89. Praying, sweet friend!!

    Ramsey and I need your prayers, too…bad pathology report. BUT GOD!!

    Reading a book that is REALLY ministering to me: Stones of Remembrance: Rock-Hard Faith in Rock-Hard Places by Lois Evans. Picked it up "by accident" off my shelf (don't even know when I bought it) June 24. REMEMBER has always been important to us, but this book is reaffirming that.

    Altar or stack of stones…a phrase that rattled around in my head 22 years ago…asked the Lord what it meant. He woke me early one a.m. to tell me: "Altar or stack of stones…the difference is whether you make it a place of worship." He brought that back to me this a.m.

    Knowing you, I know that y'all are making these stones a place of worship in spite of your fears/anger/doubt, etc. Find myself praying a lot the last week, "Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief."

    LOVE YOU…PRAYING! Know y'all, like us, are wrapped in His love!!


  90. Huge, huge HUG to you LInny! My sister and I and her 3 new kids just returned from Ethiopia (no internet) and I could not wait to check on you! Praying and sending more HUGS!

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