Garden City, Kansas

Yesterday morning we left the hotel in Blue Springs and headed straight to Starbucks. It was almost 10am. I had had a hard time getting movin’ and we were definitely lagging! Graham texted to ask where we were. I had just parked the car at Starbucks so I texted him that we were at the very place we had kissed them goodbye and that I was just about to order my coffee and hit the road.

Anyway, I got the coffee, climbed back in the van and drove out onto the road. As I passed the very next plaza I noticed a sign: Lamar Donuts

The plaza reminded me of a donut shop {Jet Donuts} that had been around the corner from my home growing up. I had to stop. Had to.
Besides remember what this trip is all about? Yeah, it’s all about making memories. And yes, kids definitely remember treats. So I pulled right into the very next plaza. Hey, we were heading in the right direction and as far as I could tell we were making progress, right? See! That’s what I was thinkin’ too. I sent Emma, Josh, and Liberty in. “Find a few fun looking donuts to share.”

Little did we know that we had stumbled upon a famous donut shop that has been written up for some of the most delicious donuts in all our great United States. Not even kidding.Emma read the announcements on the wall from Gourmet Magazine…pretty sweet, huh? {Pun intended.}
And they came out with the most delicious looking treats. How ’bout this?

German ChocolateButterfinger

We taste tested and the apple fritter was my favorite, but the Butterfinger was a really, really close second. We actually have plenty left for the boys to taste when we get home.Anyway, I texted Graham and told him we had made it one plaza more…one step closer to home. He and daddy didn’t believe me. They thought we surely were on the road.
So we concocted an elaborate story of how we just let the kids swim the night before, threw them in the car at dark and drove all night and were near Pueblo, Colorado. Haha! I told him later, “Since you didn’t believe the truth, we thought we would make something really awesome up!”
On a humorous note….not long after getting on the road Elijah said, “I have to go pee.” I said, “Dude, you just want to get out of the car.” He didn’t say anything, so I figured I had been right. Sure he would pee, but he didn’t have to, ya’ know what I mean?

About an hour passed and I thought, “Well he hasn’t said a word, so I’m guessing he’s fine.” About another half hour and all of a sudden he said in his most innocent and sweet little three year old voice, “Hey! You guys didn’t listen to me. I just peed my pants.” Seriously laughed my head off. Yeah, well let’s just say, he peed so much I had to change his britches and his shirt. Lesson learned by this ol’ mom of ten.

The backroads of Kansas were wiiiiiindy. Oh my gracious. The van felt like it was going to blow off the road, so I had to drive 10 under the speed limit. We have made it to Garden City. Not sure where they put the garden, but we were lookin’!

And the antique shops on the way? Saw two. The entire time. And all 5 young ones had just fallen asleep. ugh. big ugh. So we didn’t stop. Josh has gotten to ride the entire with us in the car. But I do know where some are in Colorado….so the roof rack is still a viable option.

Okay, off to get the heck out of Dodge. I mean, Garden City.

Oh! Almost forgot. We had 850 miles till home yesterday morning. Had no idea what the ‘shortcut’ would do to all that. I told Graham if we still have 500 miles to go I’ll probably want to fling myself out of the hotel room window. Whew. 450 to go. One long day and we will be home sweet home. Can’t wait!! Yippee Jesus!

9 thoughts on “Garden City, Kansas

  1. Ok the whole peeing incident led me to burst out in laughter. It brought back a memory of my little guy. He was the pee monster ANYWHERE we went he had to go pee. It was about the 6th store on our shopping day and he said he had to go to the bathroom we HAD JUST WENT 5 TIMES how could he possibly have to go. We wanted to make this a quick stop so I said No there is no way you have to go again. We were the official CLEAN UP ON ISLE 4!! New pair of shorts and we were off!! They always get us when we think we have out smarted them! Safe travels!!

  2. Wow! I can't believe you just laughed about peed pants! haha! Oh, that is just one thing that I am sooo paranoid about! (Lucky for me, Ewen has never had an accident; except for the time he peed between the pot & the seat, and we were travelling then, and I sooo did not laugh! No! I threw a temper tantrum! I guess I need to learn from you, but, hey! I'm only on #1.) Anyway, I just think you're amazing. 🙂

  3. Praying you home sweet friend. Thinking of some of my absolute favorite childhood memories of donut stops with my mama–when we would occasionally take my dad to work in the wee hours. Donuts do indeed make the sweetest childhood memories!

    And really what would a road trip be without at least one pee or puke incident to clean up? Bless Elijah's little heart, and his wet seat too!

    Thanks for sharing your makin' memories trip with us!

    Love you,


  4. You guys look like your having so much fun! Love road trips! Do-nuts are my weakness–boy oh boy do those look good. Those were my indulgence when I was bulimic. I could put those away like there was no tomm. The kids loved looking at them and drooling!!

  5. Linny,
    Our part of the world, yes it is always windy here! We went to Garden City this morning for the hot air balloon Fest… only no balloons flew because of the wind! Hope your travels are safe the rest of the way home.

  6. OH my goodness Linny! I screamed and jumped up and down when I read this post. Do you have any idea where I live?? BLUE SPRINGS!!! I could have came and hugged you and all your sweet ones!! Drats!!! Well I am hugging you from here. Glad you enjoyed your Lamar's its my fav donut place ever! I like the chocolate glazed ones myself. Course I LOVE chocolate probably why, and ya know what the fun thing is, someone at least once a month brings a whole gob of Lamar's to Sunday school. What a treat! I am so so so so sorry I missed you. I know how you love your hugs! Me too I am such a hugger. I love your blog and your inspirational stories. Lots of times I just sit here and cry or leap with joy with you. The peed pants thing HILARIOUS!! Too precious. I just told my daughter you were here in our town (she is 17) and she said "What? we missed them?I love that family and I would've loved to meet Emma!" So next road trip if your this way, tweet and I will meet ya! Big hugs all the way from Blue Springs! and lots of love my Colorado bloggy Friend! May The Lord just love on you till ya can hardly stand it! Next time I have Lamar's I will definitely think of my Sweet friend Linny who spent the night in our town. 🙂 So glad your snug and safe at home!

    Blessings, and Hugs 🙂
    Love Tammy from Blue Springs 🙂

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