The Grand Canyon of the East

Just a few miles from Dw’s childhood home is Letchworth State Park….it has been called the Grand Canyon of the East…and it is indeed, breathtaking.
On our 3rd date, some 34+ years ago he drove me out to meet his mom and dad and then we took a picnic to this beautiful park…

I so wish I had the picture from that date. I was a whooping 17 years old and he was 21. His hair was blond and curly, kind of longish. I had long brown hair to my waist. We had such a sweet picnic.

On a humorous note, even though I was 17, I looked all of about 13 or 14. Dw went outside the house, after introducing me to his parents, and talked to his dad who was working in the barn. He told his dad he really liked me and asked him what he thought. His dad said, “She’s kinda young, isn’t she?” Dw told him I was 17. {I’m sure that was a big relief – haha.}

His dad and I became buddies before long and although a very quiet man, he would talk to me and always treated me with gentleness. Before long we were the ones who always did dishes together. And after big family gatherings we would end up at the sink, working away and talking and laughing. Dw said when he pictures his dad, one of his favorite memories is how his dad and I would do dishes together – talking and laughing. Since the memories of my own dad are not so cheery, I am so thankful for such sweet memories with my dad-in-love.

One of the things we would do each summer when we were playing at the cottage was to take all the fixings to make breakfast at Letchworth, totally wish I could show you the pics from over the years…
But here are the pictures from yesterday’s breakfast in the park…

There are three water falls in the park and we always, always, always cook our breakfast at the Upper Falls….where a train trestle stretches across….and yesterday as we were eating….we heard the whistle blowing….double fun….and we ran to see the train slowly chuggin’ across the creakin’ bridge…

Nelly and Charlie Louise loved the park…

Fried potatoes and onions….eggs…bacon…oh my…
making me hungry just typing it all…

These three are loving being in New York…

Graham brought a deck of cards to play with the little guys…

Isn’t it spectacular?

We met two other groups as we picnicked yesterday…one was the Korean church ministry from the University of Buffalo {loved, loved, loved that they were eating right near us!} and then we met another ministry group that serve Israel {how cool is that??}….we were indeed blessed even in our picnic time….I’m so very, very thankful that I bit the bullet and drove across the country…wouldn’t trade the memories of the trip or the memories here in Western New York for anything…

19 thoughts on “The Grand Canyon of the East

  1. I would imagine that seeing Josh and Emma together might be like looking through a time machine, taking you back to the days of your courtship with DW. I have a feeling the photos would be quite similar. I know the beauty of NY, as I live a few short hours from the park you are in. Glad you are having so much fun and relaxation time together.

  2. long time lurker here- but this post just made me have to comment! My hubby proposed to me on top of that train bridge!!!! Letchworth is also our park! we went on many walks through the park- our favorite memory was going in the winter one year and taking a thermos of hot chocolate. It really is a beautiful place! My hubby grew up in North Chili near Rochester and I went to Roberts Weslyan college. We now live outside of Philly but visit near Buffalo, Ny a few times a year as we still have family there. I found your blog when we were in process of adopting our son from China- you inspire me to want to adopt again. we have 5 kids- but would love a few more 🙂 Been praying for you as you have taken this road trip and for your health. Enjoy your time in upstate New York!

  3. Looks like another beautiful 17 year old with brown hair almost to her waist enjoyed her time with her curly haired boyfriend at this picnic!

    What an amazing looking park! Thanks for sharing.


  4. Looks fun! Great family picture! I'm glad you guys are having a wonderful time in New York. Beautiful memories! Enjoy the rest of your stay there and traveling grace to you for your journey home.

  5. Oh that is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!

    I got a real hoot out of Kimberly the long time lurker! What a coincidence!!

    OK what if we meet in the middle somewhere??? And I bring pie and Em with me????

    You can go home by route of RI it's a minor detour.

    I'm serious you know!!!

  6. Oh sweet Linny! The Buffalo sign was torture enough THEN to post park photos AND the train tressel with a train! I can barely stand it! SO Many wonderful memories there!!! I have not thought about that park in so long and now have a sweet 8 year old that would love to have his own memories there!! Next time can you swing through TX and pick us up! We won't take up too much room!

    So glad you are having a great time in our old home town!

    Kelly B

  7. Amazing!!!! God's beauties surrounded by his beauty.

    We are marking Letchworth as a place to detour on a future trip east. Wish we could leave tomorrow.

    Thanks for the pictures. Enjoy your time.
    Barbara Lyman 🙂

  8. Ahhh! I remember "in the day" (BC – before Christ) climbing on that same train trestle… I remember getting in big trouble too!

    Mark and I spent our wedding night at a little place called Genesee Falls Inn. The next day we meandered around Letchworth State Park… lovely memories…

    Glad you're having fun, enjoying each other and the beautiful places in our old stomping grounds!

  9. Gorgeous pictures! I especially like the one of the whole fam……but I always LOVE seeing your 2 sets of twins in matching clothes. I'm blessed to hear that your trip has been filled with wonderful memories. When are you leaving to drive home??

    Blessings for the rest of your trip!! ♥ you guys!

  10. Look at that fabulous bunch! And what a beautiful picnic spot. I am SO glad you are enjoying your time in NY. We miss you tons but are so glad you are getting some down time. Love you!

  11. I wondered when you talked about DW's hometown if you were near LSP… I grew up around there too and there were too many similarities… the pics of the "small town America" post sealed it for me… My folks have a summer house near where you are now. Beautiful part of God's creation isn't it? Enjoy!!!

    And the other Grand Canyon of the East isn't too far south – just below Mansfield PA… Also worthy of a day trip and hiking event!

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