Running With a Bucket

We have been having a  blast with J and C, who arrived Thursday around supper time.  The kids have all gotten along wonderfully…..and it hit me the other day, we have 15 people here at the moment….ten of us and five of them!  How crazy is that?  

Last night, C, Emma, and I decided to go to yard sales early this AM.  Do any of you love yard sales??   We have not been much this year, but really, it just seemed like we had to. 

I have been asking the Lord for a stool to get up easier into our bed.  Our bed is super high and really not very easy for me to climb up on nor is it easy to get out of in the morning.  My ankles and feet are swollen and painful {from the RA} so I try to climb down gingerly so as not to have much impact on the ankle joint.   I thought, recently, that I really ought to find a stool to use beside the bed.  It would have to be wide and sturdy.

So this AM as we prepared to leave, I remembered the stool I have been mentioning to the Lord.  I whispered to Him, “I’m feeling rather concerned  about all this health stuff.  I really could just use a love-touch from you.  I kind of need to know you care about me and all this stuff. Could you please show me you love me by providing a stool at the yard sales today?”

When we were leaving I told Dw that I was looking for something special.  He asked what and I told him that I would tell him when I came home with it.  I just knew there was going to be one there.

Started off at Starbucks.  Picked up my mom and off we went into the valley where most of the sales were listed.  There were quite a few yard sales, but not one stool.  I kept my eyes open.  I just knew there had to be one.  The very last yard sale we went to we were walking up and on a chair in the corner of the inside of the garage I saw what I thought was a stool.  I headed right for it.  As I got closer I realized that several items were piled on it and it was piled on a chair….I thought, “Oh no, someone is already buying it.”

I said to the homeowner lady, “Is the stool for sale?”  Her response?  “Oh yes!  Let me get all that stuff off it.”  It was $5.00, wide, fun colored {kind of lovin a splash of orange these days} and perfect!!

See what I mean!!   Yes, He whispered His love and grace today…..

 Don’t you love it??  Look and see just how beautiful it is next to the bloggy quilt you guys sent squares for and Chris made for me…gorgeous!! And now I will get in and out of bed easier!!  And each time my ankles and feet ‘rest’ on it I will be reminded of how much He loves me and is caring for me…in spite of the circumstances…resting in His deep love for me..
Maybe some of you are wondering how I could do that?  Ya’ know…asking God for something so specific to show His love for you…so spur of the moment too?  Well here is a quote by Nancy Spiegelberg, I have it on the inside of  my Bible cover…
“Lord, I crawled across the   bareness to you with my empty cup, uncertain in asking any small drop of refreshment. If only I’d known you better I’d have come running with a bucket.”  
That says it all.  He loves you.  He loves me.  He wants to bless us big time.  He wants us to understand how much He loves us….so go ahead, write that quote down somewhere and meditate on it…remind yourself…He loves you bucket fulls….huge, gigantic bucket fulls!! Promise!! 

18 thoughts on “Running With a Bucket

  1. Okay, I must share this. I needed to hear this today after bringing our amazing blessings home, weeks of one virus after another, and the exhaustion of not knowing how we will buy our kids school books in time for school….knowing it will all be okay, but not knowing how. God is so very good, yet He knew I totally needed this. Thank you…

  2. i love, love, love hearing these specific requests of Him. He hears us and loves to bless us. What a HUG from our wonderful, loving Father today!

    also? i love cheremi and james. you & cheremi hug each other from me, k? i love praying for all of you. thank you for allowing us to.

    [wrote this on the the cover of my newest Bible! thank you.]

  3. I just love how the LORD loves us.
    And how awesome that you are getting to spend time with James and Cheremi…tell my little brother and sister high for me!!!!

  4. What a great story once again.

    I do not usually think this way, but thank you for these stories. I definitely am changing the way I think about God's love and blessings!

  5. Wow… I love that.. no more walking through the desert with a tiny cup… Im going running with a bucket!!!

    And I LOVE yardsales… and so do my girls. They hate early mornings, but will GLADLY and even joyfully hop outta bed bright and early n a saturday for yardsales!! I love using them to teach the young ones practical money use, and teaching all of them the value or money and how cool it is to get styuff cheap, how we are helping the planet by recycling, and how if we pray for something, God just might provide it through a yard sale!!

    The last time we went, I had been praying for something to decorate the house. We just dont have the extra cash, so I havent been able to put a new wreath or anything in a while… and not only did I find a new gorgeous wreath that day, I found 2!! And I that same day we found a set of wooden folding chairs that I had been telling the girls we could really use.
    :O) Love yardsales!!

  6. So cool! Love that stool story! Went to some garage sales here on my trip… fun!!!

    I can't beleive that James & Cheremi are there while I'm here. Bummer!!! I've been praying for them for months and would have loved to meet them. I'm hoping & praying that their sweet babies are coming home SOON!!

  7. Hey I know James and Cheremi…they are in my parents church in Lethbridge! Greetings from Germany to them! We are still praying for them.
    And oh yes, even though I don't know you…I am diligently praying for you. You have been a blessing to me as I see your active faith in a great and active God. Do not lose heart…The battle is the Lord's and He will pull you and your family through this very rough time.
    May you sense a special nearness to our beloved Savior this Lord's day.

  8. Love the stool. I especially love hearing these types of stories. The really do show us how much God loves us and what we can ask for. He is so good.

    Glad to hear you are having a super time with your company. Hugs

  9. Love the quote Linny! It's going on my blog quote thingy (the technical term!). I'm praising Him for that stool. Funnnily enough I am learning to pray more specifically and you know what? Of course He is answering and of course my faith is growing! 🙂

  10. I am glad you found the footstool you prayed for! God is good! And thanks for the quote. We were surprised by friends who helped us out with some funds for car repair just recently. It was unexpected and we knew that we could afford it, paying off credit card. But God amazes us by giving his children blessings far beyond what we expect. Not only did it help hubby and me, daughter,whose car needed fixed, got funds as well. So running with the bucket is for me!
    Our pastor said this a.m that God answers our prayers in ways we don't expect but he answers them. How true!
    Thanks for your inspirational blog posts. It's a breath of fresh air. xxxxxxxx0xxxxxxx Have a great week in the Lord.

  11. Hi Linny,
    I have missed reading your blog for a few days, so when I caught up today, I knew I had to quit "lurking" and send you a virtual hug from Idaho. I've been a Christian since I was 7 (I'm 50 now), but I sense God doing something new in me right now. Reading your blog is helping me see a little bit more of Who He is, and I just wanted to say thanks. You and your precious family are in my prayers. May He hold you tight in His grip.

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