Anyone Want to Meet Me Coffee?

The Lord has been whispering some things to my heart.   

I’ve been praying about them for a long time.  
It’s some adventurous stuff.  Out-of-my-comfort-zone kind of things….

And I’m pretty excited.

Actually really excited.

Little bit nervous too.

For starters, we are going to Denver to a convention.  
And we will be hanging around a bit….which got me to thinkin’….
Just maybe.
Wondering if some of you would want to come and meet me for coffee?


This Tuesday!!

October 5, 2010

In the Flat Iron Crossing area
in Broomfield, Colorado
{I will post the exact place at the crack of dawn on Tuesday, 
giving you plenty of time to know exactly where to meet me…
I just have to scope out the area on Monday though.}
10:30 am  
Don’t be shy bloggy friends.  
I’m putting myself out there and 
hoping that at least one of you will come.
We’ll sip some coffee.

We’ll talk and laugh.

We’ll take some pictures.

And I’ll have the privilege of hugging the necks of some of you, my sweet bloggy friends!!
And well, those who come for coffee will be

 the very first to hear what’s going on…..

some special stuff that the Lord has been whispering to my heart…

and it’s making me pretty stinkin’ excited!

Anybody out there feel like coming and having coffee with me??
Somebody please say, “yes”.  

76 thoughts on “Anyone Want to Meet Me Coffee?

  1. Oh Dear Linny, YES I would love to BUT!!! an ocean separates us. Take lots of pictures and I'll sit and drink a hot chocolate (time difference permitting!!!)and think of you and those near bloggy friends who I know WILL come and share with you. Goodnight from across the pond xxx

  2. Flatirons Crossing…about 20 miles from where I was born, raised, and lived until I was 32. How I miss seeing those Flatiron mountains every single day. I would love to meet you there (I'm sure some extended family who live there would love it I came to meet you there) and ask you 100 questions about adoption, God, and how to stay focused on Him when there so much to do every day. Sadly, DE is pretty far to stop by. Post a photo of the view, would you…beautiful people sharing their hearts about His precious children in a place He surely created to be marveled at and enjoyed. God bless, Jennifer

  3. How wonderful it would be to meet you there and see lots of other women of God as well but sorry, Australia is just too far away. I will be with you all in spirit though and look forward to pictures and hearing your exciting new ideas via the blog. Just don't wait too long to share it with us.


  4. I have Tuesday off. BUT Denver is a far drive for a coffee….. BUT if you put together a few day thing with girls and give me a two weeks notice I am there. Heck I might even drive and pick up a few girls along the way. now that sounds like fun!!

  5. Will you believe that I'm actually sitting at a cute little coffee shop as I read this blog post? {Sipping on a yummy cup of chai latte.} Aw, man, Denver is just too far for me to get to now. πŸ™ I would love to visit Colorado one day (it appeals to my nature-loving-self), but I won't be able to join in on the fun on Tuesday. Boo-hoo-hiss-hiss. LOL! Anyway, if you're ever in the South, all ya gotta do is holler and I'll hit the road for a meet-up. Enjoy yourselves, ladies!

  6. Oh my Gosh! I live 15 minutes from Flatirons Crossing. I'll be there! (my sis in Oregon just texted me to check your blog for a coffee date) There are lots of Starbucks around, but I'm not sure if there are any indie shops there. My 9 year old boy who also frequently reads your blog just told me that he wants to come too! =)

  7. Oh, I'm so gonna have a virtual coffee with you that day at the right time πŸ™‚ (gonna give my students recess when it is the right time – I love being the administrator and having the ability to make those decisions!) Wish Cher and I could be there in person with you! THinking about you guys tons and missing you too! Loves from Canada!

  8. Maybe Jennifer (Difference2this1) and I should take a road trip from DE and meet you for coffee! I would love it! Just not sure what we would do with our 8 kids πŸ™‚ Have a great time!!

  9. Oh I would love too!! I love reading your blog and hearing how God is working in your life. I will be on the Auraria campus, in the heart of Denver doing campus ministry and Tuesday is one of my busiest days so I'm not sure if I can get away. BUT, I'd love to meet you if you're still in town, or around Downtown at all during your convention πŸ™‚

    PS. Let me know if you need anything while you're down here (a room, directions, restaurant recommendations etc =])

  10. Linny, Linny, Linny,
    Did you not get the memo? Holly is going to CHINA for Elaina! You must pause for me πŸ™‚
    And Denver is like across the US away but it is on our list of top 3 duty stations…Ft. Carson…so we might get there at some point. Brrr..cold THINKING about it- I've become a true Southerner!
    I know God will bring just the right mix together on that day for you my friend. His plans for you are good πŸ™‚

  11. Ooh man!!! I have a dr’s apt for two of my children at that exact time, so that we can get our home study done to bring home Asher from China.
    Any other options????? Afternoon coffee???? I’m just in Colorado Springs….are you sure we can’t work something out? I feel that you and I are β€œsuppose” to meet sometime…
    need a bed room to stay in, food to eat, cookies? My home is open!
    I so badly want to meet you. When we were in Durango last month, it just killed me that I couldn’t even call!!
    If anything changes, please let me know!!!!!!

  12. Boy how I wish I could come meet you for a cup of coffee. Unfortunately I don't think I can catch a plane to Denver for a couple of hours. πŸ™‚ Someday I hope that we are in the same area so I can meet you face to face.

  13. Oh, oh, oh! Don't I WISH!!! I'll be one of the ones drinking a "virtual coffee" and wishing HARD that I was THERE. But maybe it's for the best…cuz knowing me, I'd be a big ball of happy tears, and probably incoherent, for the most part! Some day, Linny…some day! πŸ™‚

    Nancy in CT

  14. You have no idea how much I would LOVE to meet you for coffee!! I'll have to settle for that "virtual" cup however, PA to CO is quite the hike. But if you're ever headed east….:)

  15. Ha ha! I'm with all the others who live too far away! But, if you ever pass through Nebraska again I am just 30mins from both Lincoln and Omaha and would love to meet!


  16. Is there a way that we could all SKYPE in? Does anyone know if this virtual coffee could take place on SKYPE?

    We will all be there in heart and soul, Linny. That is 10:30 Mountain TIme, correct? For those of us in the South that would be 12:30 p.m. May just have a little dessert with the coffee.

    God Bless your gathering and let us in on your surprise!

  17. Oh How I would LOVE to come.. but unfortunately CO is far from KY, and with only 2 weeks till I move to the other side of the world, I can't work in a road trip right now. Sorry, hope you all have a blessed time full of laughter!! ~ Brittany

  18. I commend you for your bravery. Keep your great ideas coming. I am in NY and read all the comments. Your following is so international. I like what others said, a virtual coffee meet up would be great. we can then visit each other as well. Kind of like a tag coffee blog date.

  19. Denver is one of my all-time favorite cities, and I wish I could meet you there for coffee!!! However, I'm a little too far away in North Carolina at the moment. So…if you ever head our way please send out another coffee request and I'll do the same the next time I make it to Colorado. I'll think of you as I drink my coffee on the way to work this Tuesday morning!!!

  20. I will look forward to hearing all about your wonderful time of connection! Wish I lived closer. Ah well, someday we will meet. I know it. πŸ™‚ Have a blast!

  21. I have only been following your blog for a month or so now, but YES I would love to be there. Unfortunately SC and Denver are too far apart. Blessings to you and the rest of the bloggy friends that get together!

  22. I wish I could! But I am in the Sacramento area in California. I would love to talk to you and see what is on your heart and talk to you about some things that are on my heart such as adoption. I have been so blessed by your blog:) Thank you so much for sharing your life with us. You bless so many people by being open.
    P.S. I attend a Foursquare Church in the area:) I think your church is foursquare church! Selima

  23. The other Holly here…Won't be in China (although that would be NICE!), but I will be ALONE with my hubby at a sweet little resort on the beach far away from you. Some time when you are out this way, or when I'm out that way, I will make sure to see you!!!

  24. Totally not fair! I want to be there! And Sally knows- FYI she has not spilled the beans- darn! Looks like I'm gonna have to wait for the post.

    Have fun! Wish I were there!

  25. Aaack! I can't come either since I'm in Oklahoma (and the opposite side of it from CO). But Esther, who is meeting up with you, has been my real life friend for years. I had no idea that she followed your blog, too. LOL Have lots of fun, girls!

  26. ps. I want God to whisper in my heart. πŸ™ Am I just not listening? Are the kids just squabbling too loud? Am I just too far off the marK?

    I wish He would whisper.

  27. Linny – Sure – too bad (or good) work is still calling. Otherwise, would love to – may be in Co. next spring though. Have a great time, also email ahead if you are going to be in Kettleman again. πŸ™‚

  28. Oh, you don't know how much I wish I could be there (and I don't even drink coffee)! But I just don't think my husband would give his blessing for me to fly from Atlanta to Denver for a cup of coffee.

    Have fun on Tuesday!

    Much Love,

  29. I'm like the other 90% here that would love to be there, but the distance is just too far. I too will be having a virtual cup of coffee with you. Have a blast. Take lots of pictures to share with the rest of us.

  30. Seems that we would be packing out that coffee house if we all could just figure out a way to get there! Oh how I wish I was one who could say yes! Maybe someday… But until then, can't wait to hear what the Lord's been telling you!!

  31. I.Can.Not.Believe.It! Im going to be missing you twice in one week. I read your post and went OOHHH YESSS Now is my chance! And just as soon as I said it reality struck me right upside the head and that is when I realized that we have alot of other commitments on that day. But if you move it to next Tuesday Im pretty sure I could be open. : ) : ) : ) Oh come on…you know ya wannna! : )(Insert big cheesy grin about now): ) Ok. Well you girlys have a great time. Im going in the corner to pout now.

  32. You have to give a girl more notice. If only I could justify at flight from Seattle to Denver – I would be there and I don't even like coffee! Maybe you could buy an RV (newer this time πŸ˜‰ and tour the United States in it so you could meet up with all your Bloggy friends. Wouldn't that be a crazy fun mommy thing to do? Really a trip to the Pacific Northwest really needs to get on your agenda!!!

    Have a great time on Tuesday. Boohoo for me!

  33. Oh, come back through Western PA!!! You could even stay with us. My sweet husband, Harry, roasts coffee…it's soooooo good…mmmmm! House is warm, kids will play, cheesecake or chocolate? All we need is you!!

    wishin' I could be there….will settle for virtual coffee…dying to know!! Love ya!

  34. Looks like from the comments you will have free coffee across the country. I am buying in O H I O!!! I would love to meet you! I just love reading your blog. I am your sister in Christ and in RA. Just got the news before we traveled to China for our daughter in April. I am not a coffee drinker but if you are ever in my neck of the woods I will buy! Looking forword to hearing the exciting news!!

  35. Oh my gosh – I wish I lived closer!!!! But I am telling you – if you ever made your way to Florida I would love to have you all and hug your necks!

  36. OK….can I add my…OH MAN (with the little whiny tone..LOL!) to the mix?? Sooo wish I could sit with some adoptive momma friends and share what's happening with the Lord's stirring of hearts. Would be an absolute PERFECT time!…except for the drive from Oklahoma! HA! Any way to do this virtually??? Huh, huh??

  37. I would so be there if I could! Oh, I wish I lived closer to you right now… even if it was only a few hours away, I would take that road trip!!! Love what Blessed Mom of Four, Now Five suggested! That's a totally crazy idea… should be right up your alley πŸ™‚ I see I'm not the only one who hopes and prays to meet you some day… You have touched so many lives Linny! Praying for God to keep using you in mighty ways for His Glory!! Love you!

  38. Aw I wish I could so much! If you were going to be there early in the evening or really, REALLY early in the morning I could go and meet you. But I have to work. πŸ™

    Hope you enjoy your time!

  39. If adventurous means traveling the country, and you'll be in SC one day, then I'd definitely meet you for coffee anywhere in SC. I would love to meet you one day.

  40. i'm so proud of you, linny. as a fellow introvert, i get it. it is so different than a "blog persona" [not that we're different in real life, but just that writing & meeting people in real life are different.] at least, that's how it is for me.

    even though, you know that i'd be there if i were anywhere in a 3 hour radius!! =)

    may God bless your time together for those He has planned to come!

  41. I took a nap this afternoon and had a dream that you and DW bought a 40 ft bus to travel, and you came to Minnesota. Sounds pretty good to me! You should come visit Friendly Fridley! Have a blast at coffee Tuesday, I will be enjoying an icy Coke and thinking of you!

  42. I live in Denver and would love to come, but I am a single working mom and can't get off work. πŸ™ Maybe next time there could be an evening event?

  43. Would absolutely LOVE to…if only I were closer. If you're ever in the Dallas area I'd love a rain check!! I glean so much from your blog and know that meeting you in person would be even that much better! I hope you have an amazing turnout/time and I can't wait to hear what the Lord is sharing with you!!

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