How About….

We could definitely tell so many of you have been praying.  The patients both slept well and the nurse was almost comatose!!  =)
Dw moaned off and on throughout the night, but really, was able to get some sleep – how thankful we are for any sleep at all!!
I totally and completely missed Memorial Box Monday yesterday and I missed it last week {cause I was driving back from Phoenix with Autumn and Emma}…so we are looooong overdue, in my humble estimation…
How about we do one today?
I asked Dw if I could write about something that we don’t talk about much.  He said I could.  So I will, Lord willing, get it written and put up the Mcklinky by late this afternoon.
Please write a Memorial Box Monday post this Thanksgiving week and remember with me, all the times God’s faithfulness has permeated your life!!

6 thoughts on “How About….

  1. I have been praying and praying about a post I have been wanting to write and I think it would make a great Memorial Day post so I will work on it this afternoon.

    I'm so glad DW got some rest and I think you should schedule a cruise for yourself 🙂

  2. So glad to hear that our prayers are working! 🙂
    Do you think you should really ask a man doped up on pain meds if you can write sensitive stuff on the internet? 😉 (heehee, I just couldn't resist!)

  3. I've been relaying your family's challenges to my hubby… we are in full-time ministry as well and although we have never been through incredibly trying times, we feel the opposition like you do! My hubby's response was, "Isn't it incredible you know all these details about this family, and you talk about them like they are a family friend, yet they don't know you?" 🙂 Yep, but I can still pray for you, and feel a connection through Christ! 🙂

    I am praying for your mom (sorry about the cath. – that's no fun – but at least you were able to get it taken care of!), and definitely for Dwight and all that it's going to take to recover.

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