My Crown of Splendor

“Gray hair is a crown of splendor”

Proverbs 16:31
I’m  needing a few lighter moments {pun intended}…some days are just so heavy and the heart is so burdened……so I thought some of you might like to see up close what the ol’ head is looking like these days.  

Kind of a blow-by-blow of this growing-it-all out naturally thing.
So here I am 10 weeks into letting the real me shine through.

And I do have to say, when women see what I’m doing I’ve had some pretty fun responses.  One good friend said, “Your gray is growing out and kit kind of looks like you are needing to color it – so you ought to just let it go!”  I assured her I was!

Other women have been so concerned that I am gonna “let myself go”…I guess they expect whiskers to be stickin’ out of my face and all that….rest assured, I’m only growing out the gray…the tweezers are nearby and frequently used!  haha

One friend is watching closely.  She’s 58 and says she is not brave enough but is intrigued.  She says she’ll see how it goes for me. 
Another friend {and you know who you are} told me to get the whole head shaved and then let it grow out gray.  I said, “You go first!”  
I am brave, but not THAT brave!!
So….Whatcha think?  
Personally, I am totally and completely loving it!  

46 thoughts on “My Crown of Splendor

  1. I think it's beautiful. On you. I still don't know about doing it myself. Your hair looks like it's a beautiful silver color, whereas mine is more of a dull gray…

    What surprised me is that my sweet little boy, who views the world in black and white, was concerned that I'll look like his grandma if I don't cover my gray!

    Like you, the old tweezers will never, ever leave my side! 🙂

  2. I am just where you are at as I would like to let the gray come in and I am 54.I am so tired of dying it.I asked my little 6 year old (home from China 3 years) if I should let it go gray after all really it is no big deal what color my hair was… and she said, NO… NO gray hair! Hummm? I guess I will keep it up for awhile yet… as grandma to 7 I just do not want any one to call me my daughters grandma.(well, some do but I don't care for it). I was thinking I might dye it gray (can you do that?) and then let it go from there. What do you think of that? that would take care of the growing out phase…

  3. Linny I love the gray. I can just imagine it all beautiful and shiny. Can you imagine the looks your gonna get walking around with a full head of gray hair and TODDLERS? Should make for some fun posts!

  4. gosh, linny. i'm all of a sudden feeling really awful for just beginning to color mine. the hubs wanted me to begin coloring my gray. it wasn't bad… but it's amazing how much "younger" i feel with it all my rich brown. but i miss my little flecks, too.
    i do it for the hubs… otherwise i would use $50 every 8 weeks to bless someone else!
    thanks for showing me your bravery. it's a direct link to your heart.

  5. From someone who has never died heIr hair and sports a full head of grey ….I think gray coming out looks beautiful! Your scalp will thank you! Your immune system will thank you 🙂 I stopped considering the idea 25 years ago after learning about how many women who work in salons get fibromyalgia and other chronic illnesses from all the chemicals they are around all the time. To each her own!

  6. Six years ago my mom grew hers out two inches and then got a short, fun hair cut. It looked so shiny and great with her darker skin. But she had so many people tell her it was too early for her to be gray and she went blond again. I liked the gray. I'm all for a fun short haircut!! Do it!

  7. I like it Linny! I'm only 42 yet I have to color my gray because my husband thinks 42 is too young to be gray…

    But I am going to tell him about the research you did on the all the problems caused by the chemicals. We will see what he says 🙂 He is not adamant that I color it, but he says he doesn't think he would like it gray on me just yet.

    You are such an inspiration to me! I am so thankful that God led me to your blog (I don't even remember how I found you on here!)


  8. I absolutely adore that you are secure enough to do this. You are just as beautiful on the outside as you are on the inside which means you are smokin hot!!! :o)

  9. You look great. I have been lucky enough to remain brown still at the age of 55. I have seen one or two little gray hairs, but that's all so far.
    Always thought I'd never color, but lately I've been wondering if I really will be able to remain natural. I will keep watching you!

  10. I'm 58 and went natural a few years ago. Silver I call it. I do find there is silent peer pressure, but it's my philosophical statement that aging is an honor and silver hair a crown of glory. You go girl – help lead the way!

  11. My mother used to dye her hair and I never liked it… she finally let her grey hair grow, and it is beautiful! It is sparkly silvery grey 🙂 Natural at its finest 🙂

    Pro 20:29 The glory of young men is their strength: and the beauty of old men (women) is the gray head.

  12. lookin' good. from the pics, it appears like a shiny silver. lucky you!! my mom/grandmother have that beautiful shine, i'm hoping to be as fortunate when it all turns 🙂
    can't wait to see when you get the cut (you did say you were going to go shorter, right??).
    and linny, loved the "lighter" post. thx.

  13. Hm – I might get it cut shorter for a while, not shaved, so that it grows in faster. Not grey yet – but sporting that distinguished flair of a bit grey at the part line. Look at Emmy Lou Harris – I love her grey hair.

  14. That's not gray, it's silver. And it's going to be stunning when it's grown out. I agree that you should rock a short cut, you'd be even more adorable!

  15. I think it's great! I am 45 and have grey hair coming in too, but have never colored it. Funny thing is it is coming in in streaks, and I often get asked if I colored it that way:) Now who would color their hair grey??? I wear my grey proudly, and just think of all the money you will be saving to help more orphans:)

  16. Great post to read! I gave up makeup several years ago and it took me one whole year to get used to it! I'm not at the point yet where I need to decide whether to dye or not to dye but I have a feeling that might be a tougher one to conquer. 🙂 So thank you for the early inspiration!

    Also, I want to thank you for sharing your life and how God works in it. I have been following your blog since the fire and God kept bringing your story mind this past week when I smelled what I thought was burning rubber, but turns out was burning wires! By God's grace it did not start a house fire and am praying ferverantly that is the first and only time this ever happens.

    (We have a circuit breaker in our home made by the Federal Pacific company decades ago. We found out these no longer meet code and are known to start electrical fires. I thought I share this in case you wanted to pass this along to your readers. The scary thing is our smoke alarm in the basement where the smell was strongest never went off even though it tested as working).

  17. Well you asked us what we thought- so here goes!

    I think going grey is great!It;s kind of like my wrinkles- I have earned everyone of them- they are like badges of honor to me! I never intend to do something to anyone of them (well maybe a little lotion but that's it)

    If it were me I would dye it a soft grey and then let it grow out naturally.

    But it's not me so I think whatever you want to do is great!

  18. I'm proud of every gray hair and every wrinkle that I have- I've earned every one of them! They tell a story of our lives and loves, and I love that you are doing this. Silver is beautiful, and you can wear it with pride. Besides, when I see your face in the pics on your blog, I see your smile and happy eyes- I don't really notice your hair!!

  19. Linny,
    This isn't about hair- although I admire your determination (and your reasons) to let it go natural…
    Just a note to say thanks for the prayers a week or so ago (the post that asked for prayer requests). I asked for prayer for my teen son with Asperger. I was sooo discouraged and sad that week. He was struggling with school and well, life… Things are going smoothly this week. Much improved! With special needs, the problems NEVER go away, but they can go smoother- or rather awful! I'm so thankful for the prayer, the hope of seeing progress, and the renewed energy for me!
    Lorisa in Greeley
    mom to 6 (3 from China)

  20. My mom did the same thing. Now she has the most beautiful silver hair that shines better than the most expensive salon coloring job out there. She gets many, many compliments!

    I say go for it! I think it will look beautiful next to your wrinkle free, flawless skin!


  21. I have an IDEAR… When you are up here next weekend, I can give you a haircut and we will cut it short but leave just the colored tips! Then you can spike it up and be a hip-going-gray mama!

  22. I like your gray – it's beautiful! Have you considered coloring it one last time … all gray, so you won't have the half and half look? Either way, props to you for going au natural! 🙂

  23. I love gray hair! My sweet hubby is definitely going gray and I think it's hot!!

    What about cutting it really short (not shaved)? Then it would all be gray.

    Blessings to you!

  24. I went natural with my hair a few years ago and I love it. I turned grey pretty early (early 40's) and just got tired of messing with coloring it – time, expense, etc, so I asked my husband if he minded and he said it was fine with him. The first time we went back to my hometown, I was a little concerned that people would say, "Boy, Jenny has really let herself go, hasn't she?" But surprisingly, most people liked it! They said, "Oh, you frosted your hair!" and I told them, "Nope – God did it!"

  25. Graham did it and framed the littles. (just kidding Graham) I think the one with the thumb in the mouth did it. Elisabeth couldn't talk with that thumb in her mouth, so she really wasn't being untruthful. (in her mind)

    When my hair started turning gray I just let it go, as you are. Do not shave your head – it is too cold. (lost hair in chemo) My friend is also letting hers grow out. The shorter you cut it the quicker it will all turn and then let it grow back out.

    Praying for you and your mom.

  26. Bravo Linn! Of course you are beautiful no matter what color your hair is and obviously, Dw wholeheartedly agrees with that statement! But your 'crown of glory' will be absolutely stunning. I think you're setting a great example for other gals in the church too. Idea: put out an invitation to gals at tRC to follow your lead and all the money that is saved from not buying hair dye or going to the salon can go for the orphans. . .

  27. You have BEAUTIFUL gray!!! I can't wait until it's all grown out…you are going to glow from the hair down! I think women with gray hair are GORGEOUS and it softens their faces. Let it shine girlfriend!!!

  28. Three days ago I decided to let my hair grow out. Let My Freak Flag Fly!!! I think your hair will be awesome… The growing out process is interesting, especially the comments from your friends. Quite frankly, it only matters what YOU think…
    My hair is short, so my plan is to just keep cutting it and very soon it will be gray in the back and temples and dishwater brown on the top and sides. Go figure!? I also spike it, so I think it looks cool… LOL… However, I am concerned about the chemicals on my head when coloring my hair, also the thing it is doing to my hair and scalp…. There are ladies who have NO hair due to cancer treatments, so I am not going to worry too much about my gray hair.. Good luck!!!

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