Our Family Christmas Tree Hunt….

With our $8.00 “cut a tree down” permit from the National Forest in hand…..
The Hunt Begins…
not so far from our home…
 Weaving through the fresh powder…

 Climbing Little Hills ….in the National Forest….
Four Little Treasures who could still be sitting in orphanages around the world…

wondering what the word “family” even means…..not having a clue about the 
Christmas Tree Tradition in our home…

are instead giggling and laughing…

Playing with Sticks and getting pelted by little brother’s snowballs…

 Forging over little mountain streams still flowing under icy surfaces…

All the while looking for the “perfect” tree….

This little tree was screaming, “How ’bout me?” 
{another year lil’ buddy, another year} 

Enjoying the experience

as we remembered Christmas tree hunting with Tyler a couple of years ago….
something happened that we will laugh about for the rest of our lives…
and of course, always wondering where he is and praying he is safe….

 And wondering why snow is tastes so good??
And why does Africa not have snow like this??
 Building a bite size snow baby…

 and resting under a beautiful pine with the fragrant aroma filling the air….

OUR “perfect” tree…

 The family picture in front of it….
every year it’s a tradition…
Although the faces change…

One thing we are certain…

When it’s all said and done…
and everyone has had a chance to saw at the trunk for a bit..
{cause that’s tradition too}

We ARE family…
and we pray for those who have yet to stand in our family 
pictures in front of future trees…
bring them home Lord, bring them home….

17 thoughts on “Our Family Christmas Tree Hunt….

  1. One of my favorite family holiday memories is the year that my dad got a tree permit and we went up into the mountains and did the same thing. I can only imagine how fun of an experience and tradition it is for your kids.
    I love seeing the connection that your big kids have with the littles. You have such a sweet family.

  2. Oh so how Christmas should be. Here in Australia it is so hot now. That snow looks lovely and reminds me of days gone by. Memories are wonderful things to have and you are building them.

    Glad DW was well enough to help or were these pics before the accident?

    Blessing to you and the family.

  3. What a FUN tradition…how fun it must be to have that much snow and be able to cut down a tree! Any chance you want to send one down to Texas?! I was just informed we can't afford a live tree this year, so we're just going to settle for our little "fake" one! Oh well! : )

    I'm excited to hear about the next adoption(s)…is something in the works?!

  4. Your last line brought me to tears. On Thanksgiving we all looked at our overflowing plates and prayed for our son and brother who couldn't share it with us. We all cried and prayed he'd be home soon. May our neighborhood so overflow!

  5. I've been wondering too. Love the way you guys get your Christmas tree. It brings back wonderful memories of years ago when we did it the same way. Now we have an artificial tree. There just aren't any places to head in the bush and cut our own. The kids look like they are loving every minute of your family tradition. Hugs and love

  6. lovely tradition! I don't know if I will have a tree this year or not. Mom made so much of Christmas that I don't know if I can handle it without her. I love the family Christmas Tree picture! Simply love it!

  7. I sure wish we lived where we could still have our "old" family tradition of hunting out that "perfect" tree, cutting it down and dragging it out. When we lived up in the NE part of the US, we did that every year with our little ones. Now, our little ones are big ones and we have BIG spiders in our new neck of the woods (Oklahoma). So, no more tree cutting….just tree decorating! LOL! 🙂

    Looks like ya'll had tons of family fun. Hope you got some warm hot chocolate into those tummies afterwards!! 🙂

  8. How thrilled I was to see DW in the pictures! God Bless him and please continue the healing! I am hoping the healing is going on with your mother and wondering how the appointment went today for your mom!

    Enjoy each moment, they are so fleeting.

  9. What a sweet, sweet tradition. Thank you for sharing it! I too, wonder who will be in our Christmas photos every year. The foster kids come and go but there's a few that stick around for more than one Christmas. Blessings to you and your family!

  10. Hi Linny!
    I didn't want to post this on any of your other serious posts.. But, I am doing a giveaway. I am giving away two hair bows..and so far no one has entered..haha So, I was wondering, since you have little girls, would you mind going to my blog to enter? If not, that is ok! I just thought I would ask. 🙂 Have a great evening!!

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