Please Share Your Prayer Needs…..

This is the post!!  
Please share your prayer needs by posting a comment.
Whatever your concerns or needs, please feel free to share.  
If you have shared the request in the past {even several times}, do not hesitate to share it again.
If it is too personal, please just write “personal”.  
God desires us to unite together in prayer….and we can do that because of the internet…
how amazing is that?  
People all around the world will be praying – let’s watch expectantly and see what God does!

143 thoughts on “Please Share Your Prayer Needs…..

  1. Oh Linny, I cannot even begin to explain how much I need this right now. Seriously. I have been hit from every side and I am at the end of all that I have in me. Thank you.

  2. I'm in! I have been "burdened" all day with similar heart break for those hurting and the need to fast! You are right things are crazy with Christmas so I am glad to have a day set aside to fast. Can't wait to join in prayer with everyone tomorrow! It is an honor!

  3. I was just going to send you a message that one of my prayer requests from last time was answered today! My blood tests came back normal today, Praise the Lord!
    Thank you for doing this, I'll be praying tomorrow!

  4. I will be checking here tomorrow, adding prayers God has pressed on my heart, and praying. Thank you. This season is all about Christ and this is what we absolutely should be doing.

  5. I need to see the Lord in a big way in our family. It has been a heart wrenching year and I am totally worn out..I pray for others and see the Lord work in their lives, but in our family…NOTHING….Weary and having health stuff that is wearing me down…Thank you for the day of prayer and fasting…I will pray, but I am not able to fast tomorrow..
    Love ya,
    Sandy in NC

  6. I am sooo overtired…and somehow I deleted yesterday evenings post while inadvertently writing this one…and somehow it gobbled it up and added the comments from that post into this one. How weird is that? Anyway, please post your requests here. Nite nite from Colorado…xo

  7. God moved mountains and my hubby agreed that we can start the adoption ptocess of a precious baby boy in China. It is our 4th adoption and the finances really aren't there. We are making this leap of faith knowing that God has this. We would greatly appreciate prayers over the finances of this adoption, prayers for our precious son waiting for a momma and daddy, and for us to let go and let God. We are honored to join in this day of prayer for others.

  8. We are having a family dinner, so I cannot fast all day, but I would be so grateful if you continue to pray the same two prayers.
    – Physical heart healing in my son in law who has cardiomyopathy at 32 yr old. He and my daughter are expecting their first child.
    – Spiritual heart healing in my beloved lastborn. 21 yr old. A great son, loving, funny, smart. But needs salvation.
    Thanks so much!!

  9. The scripture that says, "I have no greater desire than to know my children are walking in the truth," is SO true. Please pray that my young adult boys would begin walking in the truth they have been taught and know.
    Also, please pray for a young friend named Kyle, as she goes through surgery for a brain tumor today.

  10. I am spent. This has been a long ride, a few yrs of my hubby being so sick, he is not on any meds right now for depression/ocd, is back to drinking again, and its taking its toll. I know that each day I have to surrender to the cross, but I am worn. I don't want to go to church, I don't want to pray, I don't want to see my friends. I can't even see the joy in the season and yet I know its there….. thanks for praying

  11. We need Heathrow(UK's largest airport which has been running at reduced capacity because of unusual amount of snow we have had here in the UK,thousands have had their flight cancelled) to be reopened fully so my parents(whose google account I'm using to post dont have my own!) two sisters and brother can fly back in for the holidays from China where they live as volunteers. They really deserve a break and have just adopted for the third time my lovely little brother. Their flight is this Wednesday evening China time arriving Thursday morning UK time.

  12. Please pray for my husband and I to finally be approved to be foster parents..It has been a long hard road to get this far and we are now at the final hurdle..we have been recomended to be approved and now we just need the 'boss' to sign off on it..
    Thank you..thank you to all who pray for the needs of others..

  13. I am asking pray for our great nephew, Cash. He is almost 2 and has been neglected for the majority of his little life. Pray for God to move our niece to allow us to raise Cash. She was wanting us to adopt him before he was born, changed her mind, changed her lifestyle for a short while but is back to a life of sin. Cash suffers. We have offered for months now and as an extended family decided if she comes to get him from our sister in law we will call Children's services this time. It is gut-wrenching, we do not want him in social services but it will be safer than with her. Please God move mountains for Cash. Please let his Mom see that YOU are God and want him to be safe and loved and in a stable home! Oh the sleepless nights we've had in prayer over you, little Cash, the tears fall everyday. We know God is protecting him already as he wouldn't be alive without it. Please God, please allow us to be used by you to bring him up in a Christian home where he will learn of your mercy and love!
    Thank you for your prayers today.

  14. We are in the process of our 6th adoption, knew we didn't have the funds to do so…but in 4 months God has provided over $11,000 we've needed so far. Last week we accepted the referral of another child to adopt at the same time, but after a day of fasting and prayer, my husband believed the medical needs could be devastating to our family after a year of already reduced income so we said 'no' to the other precious child. Our hearts are broken. Please pray for:
    1. The Lord to restore our finances
    2. The Spirit to grip the heart of our teen Treasure who came home from China last November
    3. The Lord to provide a 12-passenger van to carry all 11 of us!
    4. Redemption for the orphaned.
    In Jesus' name!

  15. HI Linny~
    My mama~in~love is in CCU, has been since last Thursday. 3 doctor opinions are she will have no quality of life one the machines come off. Basically, they feel she would be bed ridden with a trach and respirator, being fed thru feeding tubes. Mama never wanted to go into a home and never wanted to be hooked up to machines.

    All she ever wanted was her 3 kids to be together and not fighting. That has happened. Monday night all 3 kids and all 4 grandkids were here with her wishing her a Merry Christmas and sharing precious memories. She knew we were here, I just know it. I stayed the night with her just to be close with her.

    Tomorrow – Thursday her kids have decided to stop the machines.


    Please pray for mama, that there will be no suffering, that Jesus comes quickly for her.


  16. I am asking for prayers that I will finally be able to lose the weight I want/need too! I am reaching a point in my life where my weight will begin affecting my health, and I want to lose the weight before I become diabetic, or worse!

    I also need help with my financial situation. Although I'm still not sure if my husband and I will adopt, I feel strong urges to do as much as I can to help those who are in the process of adopting! My financial situation right now doesn't allow for me to help as much as I'd like to.

    Thank you all! Merry Christmas!

  17. I fasted yesterday. Tuesday's are my day, but I'm with you in prayers today. I've gotten Peter(hubby) to join me in fasting on Tuesdays, for our miserable, financial situation, that is basically sucking the life out of us. And also for the children on reece's rainbow. Specifically the ones who are out of time and are awaiting transfer to an institution. All the sweets on RR have Down syndrome and are living on borrowed time in Eastern European countries as they await a forever family.
    So these will also be my request today.

    Thank you Linny! Peter and I have seen first hand how fasting and prayer can be so powerful. it's all because of you and this great idea you got!!

  18. Please pray for my sister and my dad – for a restored relationship for them. It's been a difficult week and it makes it even harder with Christmas in just a few days.

    Thank you.

  19. Our sweet Taiwanese treasure has been home 2 months already! She has transitioned (at age 8) to our home in an amazing way. On Friday, we were contacted by the adoption agency that her 3 year old half sister is available for adoption. We have 2 weeks to decide!!! Of course, the financial concerns are immense. We are just starting to pay back our family for the last $4000 we borrowed to travel in October. I know that God can do it again……we didn't have a penny the first time….and we're about to celebrate our treasure's first Christmas at home. I NEED Him to show up in a BIG way and soon! Some of our paperwork is still good and we would need to send in the initial fees within weeks. I know that nothing is impossible for Him.

  20. 1. Our dossier is on its way to Ethiopia. The timing of our court date is a concern. We have another child having major surgery on March 24th. Recovery time is a couple of weeks. We really would like to have a court date prior to March 24th.

    2. We still need to raise $13,000 for adoption fees and travel.

    3. We continue to look for a home that will meet our families needs and future children. Our hearts desire is to continue adopting and loving children with special needs. Our home continues to be an obstacle for us.

  21. Linny,
    We are waiting to bring our 4 year old home from Ethiopia…We have been to court and legally he is ours. However, the US embassy is beginning to do more thorough investigations and now there is a hold-up. Please pray for a quick embassy date so he can come home to us. We miss him so much!! Also pray for the finances for our 2nd trip to roll in….So far, God has provided everything we needed financially for this adoption…We're almost there!

  22. My family and I are facing our first Christmas since my mom's death this fall. While I can't imagine a sweeter place to celebrate Jesus' birthday than Heaven, we are missing her. At every turn, there are reminders of the Christmas traditions she created for our family: cookies to bake, candy to make, stockings to fill for her grandchildren, etc… Please pray that our hearts would be comforted. Thank you for for this sweet gift.

  23. I am joining you all in fasting and prayer. I ask prayer for
    1. My house to sell. We have been trying to sell it for the better part of two years. We need more bedrooms.
    2. A foster child of 10 that my sister has fostered is ready for a forever family. None of our family is in a position to take her and she deserves an incredible family.
    3. One of my students has been placed on hospice. She is in the end stages of cerebral palsy.

    Thank you for your prayers.

  24. This is such perfect timing Linny (and friends). My husband and I are in need of prayer over a decision. We are in the process of adopting from South Korea, but since we have a 7 month old bio child at home, our agency won't give us a referral until she is 18 months old. Well, my husband is in the Army, so we're trying to prayerfully discern whether he ought to volunteer to deploy to Afghanistan or Iraq now so that he will be back by the time we get our baby. It's not an easy decision and we can't clearly hear God's voice in the matter yet. Please pray that he would reveal his will to us and lead our decision making. Thank you SO MUCH for praying for us about this. It means so much to us.

    Sarah Walker (and husband Matt)

  25. Linny, I am praying for a friend who is going to the doctor Friday to find out if the biopsy was cancer or not. Her husband was seriously injured in an accident 2 years ago and is brain injured. She has no other family, and has 2 small children. I am praying that God lets this pass from her. She has been through so much already.

    I am also praying for our second adoption. We are adopting a 5 year old with CP from China

  26. Am excited to spend the day in prayer with y'all! My 5 year old is having oral surgery today so we will be sitting and cuddling for the most part of the day. 🙂

    Please also pray, I have some unanswered health issues. We will be getting results from some tests after Christmas. And have appointment with a different Dr after the new year.
    I am happy with my physicians and feel that they are not leaving any stone unturned.

    Please pray that we will allow God to use us however He wants too during this time. I want these issues to bring praise to Him.

    Thank you – praying for your health too Linny!

  27. Linny,
    Thank you for caring for others. We are in a battle…a spiritual battle. We need prayers for our 5 friends who we have been praying for. They need to know the Lord and 3 of them are going through major personal tragedies over Christmas. We are praying that the Lord is so real to them! That they may feel the Comforter.

    Also we need prayers for our continued adoption. That God would open the path He wants us to follow.

    I'll be praying for the others as well.
    Loves sweet girl! Kim

  28. Teri wrote: Good Wednesday Morning, Linny! I am unable to reply in your blog comment area. My prayer request is for my husband, Cory, to have healing from the constant pain he experiences since his April 2010 car accident. At the time he seemed only to have miracuously suffered a BIG bump on his head, in serious 50 MPH head on collision. But it appears his brain was "mildly" injured and since that day he is in pain 24/7. Please pray for healing for him. Thank you.

  29. Praying with you all and asking for your prayers regarding finances for our adoption (we need $3900 in the next three weeks) and that my grown children's hearts will be softened to accept God's will in our lives and welcome this new sibling joyfully. More about God's work in our lives is at:

  30. Please pray for my son, Matthew. This will be our 4th Christmas without him speaking to our whole family. He has been deceived and needs God to work in his life to bring him back to Him and our family.
    Pray for my step-mom, Marci. This will be her first Christmas without her son. He died of cancer this year.
    PRAISE REPORT! I have been asking for prayer for my son, Jeremy. He had said that if we adopted again he would disown us. He has had a change of heart. Thank you Jesus! Thank you everyone who has prayed. Your prayers were answered.
    I will be praying this morning for all the requests.

  31. Thank you for today's post, Linny! We are here in Sevastopol, Ukraine in the midst of our 10 day waiting period to bring home our daughter. Our facilitator is on her way to the courthouse right now (8:15am CST) and it is possible that the judge will sign our court decree today instead of waiting until Friday. I am asking for prayer that God will impress upon this person's heart to approve our court decree so that we can apply for her birth certificate and passport tomorrow, then be able to start Embassy appts on Monday.

    The prayers of this group are SO powerful – blessings to everyone here!

  32. Please pray for healing for my foster opportunity for our family. Many other "personal" things.
    Praying for all of you!
    Christmas blessings to all of you.

  33. I will be praying throughout the day and evening for the requests listed here.
    Please add:

    My 25 yr old neice Heather who is in the throws of alcoholism and my brother and family who are devasted by this.

  34. We are nearing the time when our home study is completed! Yippee Jesus! We could use prayers for God's provision to pay for the next step. So far in this process, He has provided for every penny!

    In Christ,
    janet and gang

  35. Thank you Linny for allowing us to share our hearts with others who care. My request is threefold.
    1. That God would move and make a way for family to be together this Christmas season.
    2. That God would reveal, direct, open doors to pursuing adoption of an older child.
    3. That God would work out the release of over $17,000.00 owed me by a Christian school in G*rl*nd, TX. Long story-checks were lost, but after they were located, school has not made good on their promise to fund them. This would go a l-o-n-g way to funding an adoption and/or help others with theirs.
    Thanks for allowing me to share burdens of my heart, that I cannot
    "fix" on my own.
    Christmas Blessings With Love to each of you.

  36. Thank you. I look forward to this.
    I am putting a request for prayer for:
    1. both of my brother in laws to find jobs. (or at least a desire to go looking for one).
    2. Peace in our family.
    3. My mother's heart.
    4. Little Oskar K (for relief, and financial help with his surgeries).
    5. For God's providence and favor with numerous international adoptions and laws concerning them (especially Ethiopia).

  37. Insurance coverage in the new year that was previously promised that now may be taken away unjustly. My financial burdens are great enough as is, without insurance I'll surely crumble.

  38. Please pray for my friend Sarah and I. We are currently in Uganda, waiting to bring home our boys. Our husbands went home a couple days ago, and we will be here until the middle of January. Please pray for us as we bond with our boys, and get around the language barrier.

  39. I love this – thank you so much for doing it!:)

    Please pray for our little boy waiting for us in Ethiopia. He is 3 months old and very very sick. He's been hospitalized twice now. We leave in 3 weeks to go meet him and will hopefully get to bring him home in February. Please pray for his healing…

  40. Praise from previous prayer post: It looks like this place we've been trying to buy is actually going to happen. We've been approved for the loan and things are on a roll.
    One specific thing is that we need the appraiser to deem this place "residential". This is a huge deal. It will be appraised sometime before the end of the year.

    Also, our preacher's wife will be undergoing a double mastectomy the first week of January. Please pray for strength for this young family.

  41. Mama continues to decline. We just had our meeting with her doctor. She is requiring more and more assistance from all the machines.

    Tomorrow they will disconnect and keep her comfortable. I am praying Jesus comes for her before that. PLEASE LORD JESUS COME FOR MAMA

  42. First off…a praise! I submitted a prayer request to get back our FBI prints to finalize our son's adoption before the New Yr. It happened the 13th!!

    My new request: my daughter Abby is going thru a rough time. She is developmentally delayed. She's 8 but at around a 6 yr old level in emotional and mental maturity. We need much guidance and wisdom on how to mold her and help her reach her age level. It has been a real struggle:(
    Thanks for the prayers!!!!!

  43. At this time of the year, I know many of us feel this way, but I am overwhelmed with the "happiness" that should be. I look around and don't see how it all fits together and how I fit into it. This year has taken a toll on me and I have been trying to make lemonaide out of the lemons I have been given.
    I lost my job in March and have found a "temporary" job that is always cutting hours now. I was told the position would become permanant, so I discontinued my unemployment benefits. Now we struggle to make ends meet with the reduced hours. I keep searching, knowing that I am going to find the correct fit for me. My husband has recently been told his 4 years of expereince for a professional license doesn't count and now has to re-start the process. Cash is a major concern, but we do have family to lean on. The problem with that is that the family feels that they can make ALL decisions concerning our lives, including what we give our children for Christmas. Just this morning my mother told me what I "needed" to do when I get home from work. (I am almost 40 years old and DO NOT live with them.)
    Please pray the I can find the hapiness in the Season, and that my husband and I will get our work situations straightened out in 2011, and that I can find "freedom" from my parents control in my life.

  44. Reflections said…
    I want to believe and birth that word of healing. He said it and I believe it!! Even if I don't see it… It's been a hard season for us but GOD.. That's right but God he can and will compelete a good work in us!by His stripes we are healed by His stripes we are Healed by His Stripes we are healed… By JESUS CHRIST STRIPES WE ARE heEALeD(a song me and my kiddos sing) AMEN!!


  45. Please pray for us as we wait for LOA for our almost 14 year old daughter in China. We still have many steps and they must be completed before March 18. Please also pray for our daughters transition as well as our family's. Thank you and I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas,

  46. Please pray for our adoption journey – for finances, for time to pass quickly on the wait, for my fear of flying to completely disappear –

    Please pray for my friend Suzanne – that her husband's heart be broken for the orphan and he would decide to move forward now.

    Please pray for my friend Anna – that things would come together for her to proceed for an adoption of a child from Russia.

    Please pray for my mother and sister and their families to find Christ.

    Please pray for my friend Susan whose husband lost his job earlier this year and she lost her job Friday and they have four children to support.

    Please pray for my mother in law to have healing in her heart after her husband left her last month.

    And lets all pray for Linny's new ministry to rock this world.


  47. Linny-

    My husband and I have been on the adoption journey for three years. We began in the international program adopting from China, but felt God leading us elsewhere when the wait times increased so dramatically. We switched to domestic with some counseling from our agency who indicated that there were needs here for families who were open to all races, all genders, etc. We have two biological children and feel called to the beautiful ministry of adoption. My heart aches daily for the orphan. I struggle as I wait for a call that a birthmother has chosen us, knowing that there are children waiting in orphanages also. I also know that birthmothers and fathers need options, they need hope during a time of confusion, guilt, shame, confusion . . . I want so much to minister to them too. Please pray for us that God will send us a sweet baby and that we will minister well to that baby and those birthparents. Please pray for us to that we will know what else we should do about the tug on our heart when we know of orphans in Africa, Haiti, and other parts of the world. We want to answer the call and answer it well. Thank you for always challenging me to the core.


  48. Thanks Linny for giving us these opportunities to pray for each other.
    I would appreciate prayer for a few things:
    -I am having my wisdom teeth out in a few hours, and I'm nervous about this. Please pray the surgery goes well and that I will be calm.
    -My parents are very close to becoming opened as foster parents, we just have a few more things to do around the home. Please pray that everything gets finished up quickly and smoothly.
    -God's guidance in making some decisions, that I would do His will, and that He will show me what "His will" is.
    Thanks everyone for your prayers.

  49. this time of year is really hard for me but especially this year! I miss our babies that should be with us, and the fact we still dont have children, and our adopt plan had to be put on hold… 🙁 My husband still doesnt have a job (9 months now) and has had SO many good job just within reach only to not get them! my side of the family (my moms) also is always trying to cause lots of drama and hurt during the holidays…. things have just gotten so hard!

  50. My husband Tom lost his job on Monday. As of now he has another job lined up and will start in a week or so, but the fear that something will happen to it before then is creeping into my husband's mind. This happening just before Christmas is especially wonderful. 😉 Thank you!

  51. Can't fast today, but will definitely be praying…LOVE doing this!

    My request remains the same….bonding with my adopted daughter…some days I see the Lord changing my heart and I think "This is it, we're finally getting somewhere"…then it all comes down around me. I never thought I would struggle to lover her as my "own"…but the history is not there, so it's a contstant struggle for me. Honestly, I feel like there is a bondage "issue" there, please pray that the Lord would release me from it!

    And a praise! My hubby agreed to adopt again, this time from Ethiopia! I'm so stinkin' excited that I can hardly stand it!!!! I LOVE Africa(never been, so surely GOD), and we are beginning the process in March. Please pray for the finances to come..we're only starting with a little, and just trusting HIM all the way! Yippee!!!:)

  52. Please pray for a mom of 2 biological , and 3 adopted children who is going through a real trial. Her husband of 25 years has left them, and "doesn't know what he wants anymore". The turmoil this is causing is unbearable, and she needs answers and to know what to do. Restoration would be a blessing to all! thank you

  53. Thank you Linny for sharing that we might pray for each other!!!
    My husband and I are in the process of adopting for the 3rd time. I am completely stressed about our money situation. I also just pray for the right children to come into our home. I have been so touched by some specific kids…I just pray His hand on our situation.
    Also a situation with someone at our church…long story…which He is very aware of…LOL
    Thank you again!
    You are in my prayers!!
    Merry Christmas

  54. My husband and I are currently discussing where to adopt from. I am 20 and therefore we cannot adopt for Ethopia yet (we will as soon as I am old enough the age minimum is 25) so we are currently praying if we should become foster parents, or attempt an adoption through the states (we live in Canada). We had originally wanted to do domestic adoption through our province first but after some research discovered that there are very few birth mothers giving up their children (10 last year alone). Just waiting for God to set the right place in our heart so we can follow his call to love orphans.

  55. Thank you, Linny, for doing this. I would SO appreciate prayer for my health. I am not feeling well. Can't really pinpoint why, but I am just not feeling good. My bloodwork shows nothing wrong, but I beg to differ.!!! I am exhausted all the time, and have a lot of stomach problems, as well. It is so hard to get through each day, but we single moms don't really have a choice! 🙂

    Thank you, everyone, for your prayers! I am thankful for you, and for my precious Saviour, who gave me the best gift of all…His life for my sin…praise the Lord!

    Nancy in CT (mama to the marvelous ShaoXi)

  56. There is a 13yr old boy in China who will age out of adoption on 2/9/2011. He has a very manageable special need. Please pray that a family will step forward for him SOON. After 2/9/2011, he will NEVER have a chance for a family.

  57. I could really use some prayer right now. After the demise of my marriage last year, I became a single mom to my 4 kids and honestly things were so much better and I was actually happier. That was until I got involved with someone else…. I take responsibility for the decisions I made and now I am dealing with an unplanned pregnancy. I pray specifically that I will be surrounded by loving, grace giving, and supportive Christian women because I have no family. It seems like almost everyone I told has encouraged me to "look at my options". I never considered any options other than raising this baby, but it still hurts that people are so flippant about life. Also, I am going to tell my children about the baby on Christmas because I am already 14 weeks and showing a lot. I need the right words and to somehow express that although this baby was not conceived in a healthy way, it is a blessing. It needs to somehow be a lesson to them.
    I also need prayer that the bio father will admit what he did was wrong {personal} and do what is best for the baby.
    I am believing that there is a reason why God allowed all of this to happen and that this baby will be a huge blessing to me and possibly to others.
    I also need strength and protection from the persecution, ridicule, and harsh words that I receive on a consistent basis.
    Obviously I can't fast, but I will be in prayer for the needs posted here.

  58. Prayers for my husband, he's been struggling and it's putting a stain on our marriage. Also, prayers for me to know how to help him and to be patient and loving through it all. I know with God this will all work out, but it's really hard right now.

  59. Hey there Linny and any one else reading this comment.

    I've been asking God for healing in my body for a long time. I believe HE's my healer.

    I'm moving ahead with Jesus confidently, running the race in obedience, praising, worshiping because HE is always worthy regardless of what He chooses to do in my life.

    With that said, my request is for healing to manifest in my muscles so we can do more doors for orphans and widows. Plus, it will make Mark's life less burdened.

    Hugs and prayers,

  60. Thank you, Linny. Please pray for me and my family. We have had a difficult year with a miscarriage, losing a beloved doggy and then in October my Daddy passed away. You prayed for him during his surgery in April 2009. I am especially requesting prayer for the relationships between parents/children in my home. There are some hard times and it hurts to have these hard feelings between people I love! I would really appreciate knowing many are praying for us.

  61. We have been trying to adopt from foster care, but we believe the door is being closed for that path. We have expressed interest in a little girl, but need to get letters from our doctors stating that the medical issues we have/had will not keep us from being able to effectively raise her before the staff in her country will tell us whether we can move forward or not. 2 of our doctors are being very difficult. One of my doctors wrote a letter for me last year when we were doing our homestudy, but said I did not have to come in, I just had to get a test performed up at the hospital and he would write it. Now they are saying that because I have not actually been in the office to see him for so long I have to get a referral from my primary doctor and come in as a new patient. My primary is also saying that I have to come in for an appointment before they will give me the referral. I have an appointment with them today, so I SHOULD be able to get my referral soon, but the other office is always very busy and appointments (especially for new patients) can take a long time to get. Could you please pray that I can get an appointment quickly so I can get the letter and we can find out if we qualify to adopt her or not. Thanks so much.

  62. The Lord led my husband and I to about 4 months ago to leave his job at our church. We had been praying and fasting about it for 8 months and the time finally came and the Lord said, go. So, we did. It was a good decision, all around.

    Now we are looking for a new church, and a new job for my husband. The Lord has promised to provide, and He has. We haven't been without one time or even worried about finances once in these 4 months.

    However, I am aching for a good, Bible-believing church to call our own and we still haven't found one yet. We live in a very dry area here, so many churches are just words and traditions. I just want people that want and love Jesus!

    Also, my husband needs a job. When we pray and fast the Lord keeps saying, "wait". We feel like recently the feelings have shifted and He is going to provide soon, but we have no idea how. We've applied everywhere. Some many applications. Over 100. Not even one call back yet.

    We are newly married, barely 16 months, we want to have babies, we want to have a house to put them in, we want to foster kids and adopt.

    We had been living off of my husband's pay and putting mine completely into savings so we would have money to buy a house in Sept 2011. Now, that probably won't happen as we haven't been able to save much, having to live off of my income.

    In any case, the Lord has been sweet and faithful. His plans are not ours and His are better than ours. So if babies and houses and such need to wait, they will. But I hope not. I know the Lord has called us to have children and I know He will provide for that. He is faithful.

    But please pray that He would provide a job for my husband and a church for us soon.


  63. I just got a call from my husband saying that our neighbor died last night. He had been sick with Lukemia for a long time. We were so hopeful that he would make it through Christmas for his family, but that was not to be. Please keep his family in your prayers. This is going to be a hard Christmas for them.

  64. We are in the midst of an adoption process and we seriously need God. We need some clear direction. Our adoption agency has not been open and up front with us and apparently there are some 'red flags' that have been stuck to us and we do not know what they are. Of course, everyone is on holiday until the new year so we just have to wait. We need some divine patience as well!

    Thank you all for your prayers!!

  65. My sister is going through a tough time in her life. She has had a lot of pain at different points in her life. She has decided she needs to work through her emotions, and she wants to be happy – not angry. Please pray that she is transaparent with her emotions and feelings of the pain she is dealing with, that she is able to feel peace in her heart, and that she knows the God has a plan for her.

  66. My husband and I travel to China on 1/15/11 to pick up our son. He has club feet and possible arthrogryposis. We have seen God move mountains already with this adoption but are seeing some serious counter attacks on the part of the enemy. Please pray for God's constant protection and guidance during our travel. We are also asking for health and safety and healing for Abel.

  67. I'm leaving shortly for about a week and am not going to be able to say individual prayers for all of these requests, so if anyone wants to skip my request I totally understand 🙂 That said, I could use prayers of healing for my anxiety, as well as for family to open up their heart to God's love. Thanks and God Bless!

  68. I am in the beginning stages of divorcing my unfaithful abusive husband. He is continuing to try to control the children and I with fear and manipulation. There is way too much to explain here but please pray for our safety. Pray for him to just give up and be a decent person. Pray for our financial security. I have made the tough decision to foreclose on our home. We will be forced to rent. No one here likes to rent to large families with pets. (we have eight children ages 5-19, two dogs and four cats) Thank you for praying.

  69. Thank you so much for being a place we can share prayer requests and pray for each other… we are finalizing our baby's adoption on Jan. 6th. We've had our daughter since June when she was 9 weeks old. We just got word from our amazing attorney yesterday, and he said that our baby's birthfather may not have gotten his papers served within the 20 days needed by our state before the court hearing. They've tried 4 times over the last couple months… there was one last chance he got them in time, we're just waiting to hear back to see if he got them. If not, we'll either have to A) move the hearing date or B) try to have him sign his consent before the hearing. We don't need his consent to proceed with the adoption, but it's the only way around him not getting the papers in time… We've waited SO long for this hearing, and have family flying in for the occasion, we are fervently praying it stays on Jan. 6th. We are praying he will communicate with us, we've tried several times to no avail. THANK YOU!

  70. my aunt was recently diagnosed with breast cancer…very fast growing. They have just given her more bad news, It's one of the worst kind…hereditary(6 out of 8 of my grandma's aunts/uncles died from cancer)…it's not a matter of IF it will come's WHEN it will come back…MAX of 10-12 yrs…and they still have to treat the cancer she's currently got..radiation and chemo…the cancer can return to ANYWHERE in her body and by the time they find it it's "too late" for it to be "caught early" She starts treatment on Dec 30..she has 3 grown kids and has 2 small foster kids, with a 3rd one supposed to be moving in(a sib to one of the girls)

    prayers for smooth treatment,money to pay for the meds, and complete healing would be appreciated.

  71. There is a very special twelve year old boy who is longing for a family to call his own. Amy E. from Love Without Boundaries wrote the following about him below on her last visit. You can read more about him on the LWB blog and see pictures of this handsome young man. Please pray that he finds a family very soon and share his story if you know of anyone looking to adopt an older child. He has a $2,000 adoption grant through Grant Me a Chance.

    I have known many of these kids for the last five years, and it was very sad for me to visit the home of Nicholas this time. He is ten years old, and has CP in his legs that makes it difficult for him to walk. He is so smart! He has not been chosen by a family yet, but many of his best friends have. He used to be so outgoing and happy, but I was told that he has become so very sad over no one choosing him to be their son. He said to us, I am smart, I can draw and sing, I would be so kind to a mama and baba, why does no one want me? That just about did me in. He sang for us once again (he has a beautiful voice) but with much more sadness and longing in his eyes.

  72. Please pray for my aunt who died over the weekend, that she would rest in peace.

    Please pray for my family, that God would guide us all to the end of the year and into the new year with joy, protection, provision, His continuing grace and love.

    Please pray for the interviews I have coming up soon, that God would see me through them and I will succeed in them and gain excellent internship experiences in the coming year.

    Thank God that we have all seen 2010 through, and thank Him for His love.

  73. Please pray for my 11 year old daughter, Makayla. Within an 8 month period, she had surgery on both of her legs. She had an accident at school and broke her left leg. She had surgery and was in a cast for 10 weeks and in therapy for 3 months. She broke it in the growth plate so it has been complicated. On Nov.22nd the had to have surgery on her right knee. She had a torn meniscus. She is still in a brace and will start therapy next week. Please pray for complete healing and that she regains strength in both legs. Thanks for praying and Merry Christmas to all.

  74. We are in the process of adopting a precious treasure from China and we have been hit with roadblocks every turn we make. We have 4 biological kids and having kids has never been an easy road for us since I have fertility problems and had to take fertility drugs for all 3 pregnancies. (The last pregnancy was twins.) We know that we have been called to add to our family. Thanks for your prayers and I hope that everyone has a blessed Christmas.

  75. Please pray for God to make a situation so black and white. I feel like he has shown me a glimpse of his plan and now just pray for it to be brought to life. thanks!

  76. My husband and I, right now, are asking for a direct answer from God. We are asking for something so clear that neither of us can miss it. This is a very specific situation. We don't feel we're supposed to share all the details yet. Depending on the answer, it may change more than just our lives. If you have a moment (or many :)), can you pray with us. Can you pray for direct guidance and God's provision (there is a financial aspect to this too), that we may clearly see God's answer and be able to act immediately.

    Could you join us in prayer for wisdom and guidance (that we can bring God the most glory) in the career field. We're limited in what we can share, but feel pressed on to pray about both these prayer requests and God knows exactly what we're asking. Thank you….

  77. Once again, I don't know how, but I had no clue this was coming. I will be praying over these requests in the next couple days or so a few at a time.
    My request is related to the 16 yr. old girl that we took in a month and a half ago. She's a really great girl and things are going quite well for the most part. My request, I guess, is that she has an easier time learning what family really is. She's none too happy with us that she will be spending the holidays with our extended families. (She doesn't have a lot of family and really has not much desire to see them.) She's used to doing whatever she wants, (thankfully, God has protected her, and she's never gotten in to trouble in any way) and I think she feels we're a little controlling. She would much rather be spending the entire week (and especially new years) with her friends whom she claims as her family because it was only her mom & her brother in the past. We've encouraged her to spend time with her friends (and especially her dad and brother,) but for Christmas, we consider this a family only time. (BTW, we are surprising her w/ a flight to her dad's for Christmas to see her brother.) Please pray that she has an easier time and learns what family really is. Please pray for us, as we've never had a teen before (our son is 4.)
    One other thing is that my husband's family is very much against us taking her in. They claim to be Christians, but often their actions speak otherwise. They have been creating drama over this, and all Christmas plans with them are up in the air. Sorry this is so long. Thanks so much for your prayers!

  78. 1. I pray that everyone feels the joy of Jesus this Christmas

    2. I have requested prayers for me to stay home with our children, and for the provision for another adoption ..These are still the same. My husbands heart is becoming more convinced that I am to stay home (wherever home ends up being), and to homeschool, and we both know that we are to adopt again…so the patience and the foresight to see how are miracle working God has this planned is our prayer. I just keep feeling that I am to be patient and at peace until after Christmas.

    3. Prayers for good health for my Dad, my sister, many other family members, my children's cold to get better and all who are suffering this season.

    4. Prayers for Linny and her precious family. God bless you!

    We are working on dropping our nets Linny; thanks for your words!

  79. I have a few. I so appreciate any and all prayers. They are buoying me right now. 🙂

    1. My brother and his new wife and her daughter are in town. This is really hard for me. I literally just met them (obv other than my brother) last night when they got here. I am uncomfortable and have a very wrong attitude. My relationship with my brother is nonexistent, mostly because of several damaging years when we were younger. I started the ball rolling about a week ago, by sending him a letter…he had not responded yet. So, better attitude from me and more steps toward healing for my relationships in this situation.

    2. My 3 month trip to Uganda…that I am supposed to leave for in less than 3 weeks, has hit some major snares. The enemy is trying to mess stuff up and I am now probably changing 98% of my plans. (Still hoping to go, but that's about all that is the same right now.) Praise in this is that I am not doing this alone and God has been showing me signs of His guidance and control. Pray for clarity, wisdom, and smoothness in plan transition.

    3. There is a sweet HIV+ little girl that I have fallen in love with. I am not 25, nor will I be any time soon, so I cannot be her mommy, but I look at her and desperately want her forever family to find her. (I have posted about her on my blog, or you can contact me & I'll send you her Reece's Rainbow listing info.) Please pray that her family will come soon. My heart aches to make her my own, but I know that is not what is right for her, so I am determined to get her a family. 🙂

  80. We are in the process to adopt our 2nd precious one from China. We are waiting to hear from our fingerprints. We were told it would take a week to a week and a half. It has now been over a month. Please pray with us that we will hurry and get this document so we can get our dossier to China before other documents expire and so we can be one step closer to our girl. Thank you all so much for praying for us!!

    in HIS love and mine,
    lynn <><

    If you want to know more about us, you can see us at and learn more about our little China man who came home in July 2007 at jonathan lott pwd jonathan

  81. I've posted this request before but I am in desperate need of healing. I've been sick for 10 years with chronic fatigue syndrome and other issues. I feel so sick all the time, and it is such a struggle to care for my 2 young kids.

    I've been to countless doctors and have spent insane amounts of money to try and get better. Nothing seems to really make a significant difference. I need direction, guidance and a miracle.

    I also long to have more children (biologically and through adoption) I keep praying that God would take this desire away if it's not His will, but it remains- very strongly. It is so hard to live in this space right now.

    thank you for your prayers. And thank you to Linny for organizing this.

  82. My brother-in-law foudn out this morning that his cancer has returned. He is 37 with a wife and 4 young girls. The plan this time around is to treat it with a 3 week hospital stay, an aggressive form of chemo and his own stem cells being froze for a bone marrow transplant. We would covet prayers for my Ryan, his wife and the girls, as well as my inlaws and my husband (Ryan is his only and younger brother).

    This is hard news anytime, but espeically at this time of year.
    Thank you!

  83. I just found out that I may very well be laid off for 5 weeks from January 3rd until approximately Febuary 15th. While I may have some minimal hours, Its not looking too promising. While Im worried I feel like this situation may be a good thing somehow. Prayers regarding the whole situation would be appreciated!

  84. Thank you Linny. We have just started the process for a sn adoption, which has it's own challenges in our country. At the same time, our business partnership is coming to an unpleasant end. My husband cannot go working with someone who is so different to us (he is a bully who worships money and tells our staff they are all replacable so don't mess with him). We have explained we cannot go on anymore and offered to buy him out, but he is so far refusing. I would really appreciate prayer that something is ressolved, for our staff, and that we don't lose everything after 15 years work.And that we can still go ahead with our adoption plans. Thank you so much.

  85. Asking prayer for myself and all my 30 something single friends who are waiting and praying for husbands, including Kellie, Lauren, Sarah, Jen, Jennifer, Jiyoung, Emily, Christine, Lisa, Ashley, and me, Julie.
    Thanks, and I love reading your blog!

  86. Prayers for wisdom on path to take. Have been in a tormentous marriage and recently husband put up our home for collateral to buy some property now worthless. To others he is kind and helpful and everyone believes his lies and nobody holds him accountable, including my pastor.

  87. Would so appreciate your prayers for safety for my husband as he is currently deploy*ed to Afghanist*an for a year. I talked to him today and he is in a terrible place there. Prayers for protection and God bringing him home safely. Also for both of our heart so be filled with the joy of God during this Christmas season we are a part.

    Thanks — kylea

  88. Please pray for my friend Erin who is 6 months pregnant and has found out that the daughter she is carring, named Raygen, has HLHS. Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrom.

    Baby Raygen will require 3 open heart surgeries by the time she is 3 years old, the first one at days old.

    Please pray that Erin will continute to draw closer to the Lord through this time, and that Raygen will make it through surgery!


  89. It is hard for me to explain, to make it short, I need your agreement in prayer for restoration in my relationship with a family member that will bring glory to God, as we are both hurting at the moment. Thank you 🙂

  90. I forgot to add something, a praise report, the 15 month old girl whom I shared that had 3rd degree burns from scalding water, good news, her toes are saved from being amputated!! she had repeated skin grafts on some parts of her feet, and there is a risk of infection… please pray that her skin will be healed speedily, and also for her family to grow in their relationship with our Saviour.

    Also please ask Him to strengthen my trust in Him, regardless of whether or not He gives me His peace and presence.

    Thank you so much! 🙂 I will pray for everyone here.

  91. My heart is heavy after praying and fasting today as I go through these requests. God I pray that you will heal these families.
    Ephesians 3:20-21
    Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.

  92. This could not have come at a better time.

    Like alot of people this year we have been struggling financialy. My husband and I made the decision for him to take a job closer to home so he could be home with me b/c I have been having alot of problems due to my MS. In doing so our income got cut in half. Most of the time we manage but the past few months have been getting harder.

    Heres where we could really use all the prayers we can get.My DH's son has decided hes ready to be part of his life again after 3 years of no contact. We made plans to go out of state to pick him up for Christmas but now that its time to go get him we really cant afford it. I cant bare to tell him or DH he cant come so I have been praying like crazy that things will work out.

    Also could you pray for safe travels for us as we go get him, its a 6 hour trip one way and its looking like we will have to do it all in one day b/c DH work will only let him off for one day(not that we could really afford for him to be off any more).

    And last but not least in an effert to have the money to get my stepson here for Christmas I havnt refilled my meds so pray that I can make it till the first of the year with out too much pain or many problems.

    Thanks so much!

  93. If I am not too late for this, I would like prayer for healing. I have been sick with bronchitis (and maybe something else) and I am not getting better. I have been in bed straight for the last five days, but what bothers me the most is that I do not have the final gifts for my kids for Christmas. We don't do much, but we have our traditions. It is even more discouraging because we were all quite sick last year on Christmas and didn't get to do much together then either. I want to be able to get to the store and pick out items for my kids' stockings, but now I can't even get up to get a shower in. We had planned to have a birthday party for Jesus together tomorrow, but it looks like we will have to postpone that too. Thank you for your prayers.

  94. Praying for clear direction in 2011. I am a never married mom of two boys adopted from foster care system, they are now 15 and 17. Feeling like maybe the Lord is leading me to adopt again, but not sure what that would look like. Also praying about switching careers after almost thirty years in urban education. I still love, love, love teaching and kids, but am hating all of the testing, bureaucracy, etc.

  95. My family is broken. Just over a year ago my sister leaves her husband of 18 years for the homosexual lifestyle. But she doesn't tell her 4 kids the truth, she doesn't tell her friends and fellow believers. She pretends nothing has changed and my family does the same. They are (we are) all hurting, they keep pretending around her and her kids. We are just broken. Reinventing how we do the Holidays is tough.

  96. Please pray for my son who is home from the Navy and will be leaving soon to finish training to be on a Sub*arine. Please pray for the 3 foster children who are in my home, that they will remain with us forever! They will have a rough life if they ever go back to their natural family! Thank you!
    Denise from Mi.

  97. Need prayers to get the remaining finances for our adoption. We are adopting off the waitlist and pray we get the money so that they don't have to wait any longer. Once we have the money we can get a court date soon. I pray that the Lord helps us figure out to get the money to bring them home.

  98. I will be praying tomorrow for all these requests.

    I wanted to give a praise report/update: For the last two months, each time you called for a day of fasting & praying I've always asked prayer for the same things (for God to have His way in my marriage and in the lives of our adult children). I'm writing to say that GOD IS MOVING!!! I can see my marriage changing in front of my very eyes!! And I can see Him moving in the lives of our adult children!! Thank you so much to all who have been praying for our family. I am humbled by all the prayers that have been offered on behalf of our family.

    And I ask for continued prayers for these same requests until God's will is accomplished in the lives of each member of our family. Thank you from the bottom of my ♥!

  99. Please pray for me. I've had pain in my left breast for the last 3 weeks. I feel no lump. I am afraid to go to have it checked out because we are really close to getting the go-ahead to bring home our son, through adoption. A diagnosis of cancer would would completely stop our adoption. I am so anxious to bring our 3 year old son home. And terrified of what the pain could mean. Please pray that God would give me peace. Please pray however the Lord leads you about this.

    Thanks, so much, for going before the Lord on my behalf!

  100. I have been so moved reading all of the prayer requests. All of us have been given so many "crosses" to bear. Some large, some smaller. None though that we can't handle, especially since we have Him on our side and now so many prayer warriors lifting each us too.
    I would like to ask prayer for our 2 new sons. We brought them home from Ethiopia Dec 5. They are 11 and 8 yrs old. They are doing well but sometimes the grief is heart breaking to witness in the younger one. The older one is trying to be so stoic. Too stoic really and he is not able to let go of the family he left behind. I ask your prayers that he understand that we never expect or want to replace that family but that we do hope/want to be loved by him…
    Also, please pray for our health – that my hubby and I are able to raise all 8 of these precious children as faithful servants with humble hearts who love the Lord!
    And for all those who are sick w/cancer: Scott, Page, Sharon and for little Bernie who is so heavy on my heart and for the vulnerable unborn that they will be granted life & for orphans everywhere to find forever families. Amen friends, Amen.

  101. Please Pray for me that this sadness will lift. You have prayed for me in the past about my depression and for the past 3 weeks I have felt 'okay' something new and different for me. Its Christmas and usually at Thanksgiving I am praying to just wake up and its January but I didnt this year. Up to this point. Now I am, 2 days before Christmas. I am sad, my Christmas wish to be a welcomed part of my family will not come true, my wish to have a huge family gathering at Christmas time will not come true. I have to move past this once and for all and give up this dream because all it does is hurt me. I need to look beyond the mess of what I do not have and see what is right in front of me that I DO HAVE. What I have is so much more and so much healthier than having this dream come true. But its such a lonely feeling to hear everyone talk about how they are going to this persons house or that persons house in their family for the holidays knowing that I wont be doing the same. I read a comment somewhere else that said they should put these feelings on their shopping list because they always come about this time of year. I guess they have been on my list for years, I would like to take them off permanently. I am tired of feeling this each and every single year…

  102. First a praise report – we are about 48 hours from arriving home from China with our son. The trip's been a dream, just wonderful and our son is even more wonderful. He's stubborn and strong-willed just as I would expect a survivor to be, but really just the sweetest personality.

    OK, the prayer request: we want to be able to get an earlier flight home than we have which gets us into Tulsa at 10:43pm on Christmas Eve. There's one from Houston that will get us home at 9:20pm. If we can be on it, I would like to be on it. Also, since we're asking for big things, there are a ton of business first seats available on our overseas flight. We'd like to get upgraded…for free. 🙂 Never hurts to ask God right?

  103. I need prayers that my blood pressure will go down to a healthy level and that my heart problem is minor. I want to have a healthy Christmas at home with my 2 year old twins.

  104. Join me in praying for some friends of a friend who are in the process of adopting 2 downs children from the Ukraine. Both children are in need of medical treatment asap. Due to a few complications with different country governments they need to change their flight plans and are trying to raise the money to do so as quickly as they can.

  105. Please pray for my Dad who was admitted to the Hospital for breathing issues, heart issues and now possible skin cancer.
    Please pray for my 10 year old son who was recently diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes, giving and taking 4+ shots a day and checking him all day and night is taking a toll on him and us!
    Please pray for our financial issues and that they will be relieved so we can pursue other possibilities with adoption and/or sponsering a child.

    THank you

  106. Please pray for my daughter, she is Bi-polar and we are going through a difficult time with her. Also, we are seeking God's will in finding a new church to join.

  107. When Gods People Pray Miracles Happen! Yesterday I posted Personal because I did not know how to word my prayer for others! God answered these requests! Mom of Many I am praying for your request!! Please pray for the people I will share Jesus with tomorrow at soup kitchen called Christs Kitchen.

  108. Ok, I'm in.
    Well, we are just starting this adoption process. We are set to begin our home study in January… I think we most need prayer that we will see clearly what God desires for us. We have almost too many options and I keep getting this sense that God has a specific thing for us, I just don't see it. I am worrying too much and just so uncertain. God has been speaking 2 things to me for nearly a year… Peace and I am with you.
    I know that is true, I just don't feel it right now. :-/
    Thanks… I am praying for you all too!

  109. My brother and sister-in-law do not know the Lord. I just can't imagine going to eternity without him (and her). Please pray that they would come to a knowledge of the reality of Jesus, as Savior and Lord.

    Bless you for letting us bring our requests in this way.

  110. Mama went home to Jesus at 12:18 p.m. December 23, 2010. Mama was peaceful, and just slipped quietly away a few minutes after all the machines were removed.

    Thank you all for your prayers for her to go home to Jesus soon and peacefully.


  111. I sit here crying from reading all of the posts before mine. Prayers going up for every single one of you!!! We are waiting for the final word of when we can go bring our baby girl home from Ethiopia. My prayer request is for all of the children in the orphanages…that God may hold them in His arms and let them know that their mommies and daddies are on their way. That our little girl will hear from God that we ARE coming back…we didn't leave her…she has not lost one more person in her life. Please help us pray that God's hands will move His people quickly so we can all get to our children.

    Love and Peace,

  112. I'm late to the party but just prayerfully read through all of the requests. Lord, move on our behalf!
    Please pray for continued transition home for my baby girl and for my heart to welcome her wholly.

  113. Please pray for the Lord to provide the rest of what we need to bring our daughter home and that we will get TA and CA quick so I can travel on the 15th and not sometime in Feb. My little girl needs to be in her mama's arms…

    Thank you, God bless your precious family and Merry Christmas,

  114. Getting in late here. Please Pray for continued healing for my 11 year old daughter who was diagnosed with a rare form of kidney cancer in 2009. Pray for our finances and also for my reluctant husband to open his heart to more children.

    I'll be reading and lifting up all these requests!
    Thank you

  115. Please pray for my sister, Susan, who is in the depths of chemo at this time, as she battles lymphoma.

    Thank you.

    Prayers being said for all of those requests listed,


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