Memorial Box Monday – Simply: The Overnight Bag

Oh I just love sharing things that God does!!  He is sooo amazing!
You know when we purpose to live simply and give away more, it is according to His will, and He provides beyond all that we can think or ask.  
I am sharing this story today, partly because it is so fresh, but really because I know many, many, many of you are feeling the tug to do more.  To give away more.  
I want to remember what God did with the overnight bag so that when I need something else, I can remember and watch what He does each time, when I wait and trust Him.
Before the fire I had a small suitcase.  I lost it in the fire.  We have not replaced stuff like that.  There were so many other things that took priority over replacing a little bag.  If you remember I mentioned on our ridiculous, stupid and what were we thinkin’ RV trip that we were using plastic bags as our suitcases.  Not a big deal, kind of humorous actually.
But I began to pray and ask the Lord for an overnight bag.  
I often have to run somewhere and I just thought a little overnight bag would really help.  
So I was shopping one day, I had been given some birthday money and I found this bag:
I really love tapestry, so it just seemed perfect.  
Not too big.  Not too heavy .  Not too small.
Lots of compartments.
And it was on sale.  
As I drove home from New Mexico though I began to talk to the Lord.
I was telling Him how the tapestry bag, although seemingly perfect, seemed like such a frivolous waste.  
Yes, I had picked it out.
Yes, it had been provided through birthday money.
Yes, it was beautiful.
But it just kind of made me feel sick.
Kids around the world, hungry and here I was buying a tapestry bag.
So I tucked it into my closet.  
I went to Phoenix to take Autumn to the doctor and I used a plain grocery bag.  
I left the tapestry bag in my closet in the bag from the store. 
I kept praying and began to check the thrift stores when I was in them.  
Until the other day….and I found this bag.
I looked it over quickly.  It had never even been used – I’m almost positive!
And then I looked at the price.
I about fell over.
It was $3.00.
I gasped!! 
This past week-end I returned the tapestry bag and got my money back.  
Although the orphans/street kids in Kampala will never know about the Tapestry Overnight Bag, but Lord willing, when they see people who love them and are feeding them, they will meet Jesus {and I will know that I had an itsy, bitzy, teeny, tiny part!} 
And I will remember each time I look at my beautiful $3.00 bag provided by the King of the Universe!
Lest anyone think I am patting myself on the back, I asked my dear friend today if she thought it would be okay to tell this story?  She agreed it needed to be told.  To challenge others.  

There are so many things in this life that the Lord will provide, if we wait on Him.
And when He does provide – He does it above and beyond all we could think or ask!!  Seriously!  Look at how beautiful my new overnight bag is – and for $3.00??!!

Simply God.

If you are unsure what a Memorial Box is, please read this post.  And please link your own story of God’s provision, protection, surprises, healing and miracles –

all reminding us that He is indeed the






13 thoughts on “Memorial Box Monday – Simply: The Overnight Bag

  1. Linny,
    Thank you for writing this. I have often felt like this, since I came out of missionary life (which I guess you never really leave). Although I, unlike your amazing self, either leave my items somewhere unused or I allow myself to be talked into buying things. Thank you for your example maybe next time I'll listen to my heart.

  2. love the new bag! $3, how on earth could you go wrong with that? Now you have a little bag to keep your stuff in. God does provide doesn't he? I was freaking out of the house insurance and thought I was going to have to pay about 3 times more than what we are paying now, but no, I found the EXACT same coverage for about $150 more than what I pay now and car insurance? Well, the company I have the house insurance to, I now have lowered the car insurance with the exact same coverage for $80 less than what I am paying now. Boy, I am so learning on to lean more on Him and to live more simply!

  3. I just wanted to thank you for posting this. It is too ironic… rather, Providential. I've been wrestling with this very thing, and truth be told, still am. Struggling to accept something I'm afraid God might be asking me to do (maybe He's asking right now, and I'm plugging my ears and singing lalalala) and it relates to this story so closely. God just used your post (two of them, actually. I found your blog because a friend referred to a post about dropping nets on her blog) to pull my fingers out of my ears.

  4. I have had the EXACT same feeling before…seriously. It may not be much money in the big picture, but I've felt sick for buying something instead of trusting. Thank you for sharing that (makes me not feel so insane too…or maybe that's sane..who knows :)). God is just soooo cool…seriously!!! 🙂

  5. I was so excited yesterday. I had a memorial box moment–not for us–but for someone else. I went through my 4 yr old's clothes to weed out all the ones that are too small–and the kids and I prayed for God to show us a boy who needed 4T clothes. After 2 weeks, I loaded the garbage bag to take to the goodwill. On sunday, I was going to drop off the bag and all the accumulated things, but I felt God saying no. So my plan was to run out on Tuesday afternoon–my normal time for running around. My husband called me yesterday before lunch–he had a mtg on tues pm, and instead, I could run errands Mon pm. And then he came home early, so I was able to head out about 1.5 hrs earlier than normal. As I backed into the donation place for the goodwill, I saw a truck pull out of a parking spot, then drive over to me. The lady asked what I was dropping off–and I said boy clothes. She asked the size, I said 4T. Then she said–my grandson wears a 4T, can I please look. My heart just overflowed with how God orchestrated my time to drop off these clothes–for a little boy–a full winter wardrobe and coat and shoes–in the middle of a very cold (for us in AL) December. I could barely wait to come home and tell my kids about it!!!!

  6. Hello Linny,

    I also feel exactly the same way. I am just getting into thrift store shopping!

    Just wanted to mention fair trade shopping too. It is more expensive, but it TRULY supports orphans and widow around the world who are trying to make a living for themselves. We spend double the cost to get our fair trade tea and chocolate, but it is just so worth EVERY PENNY. Oh! I'm not sure if you have it in the States, but Cadbury's just released their fair trade milk chocolate here in Canada,I campaigned for that!!

    Thank you for such a wonderful post (yah! I am not alone!!)

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