Emma and I Are Lookin’ For:

a  group of crazy, fun lovin’ gals
who want to make a difference in this life,
who believe that orphans are the sweetest treasures of God,
who think working at a feeding program in the slums 
is truly being Jesus’ hands and feet,
who aren’t afraid of loving till it hurts,
who aren’t squeamish about funky smells,
who want to look back on their lives with no regrets,
who don’t care if little ones pee on them or spit up on them,
who can get up at the crack of dawn to snuggle 
with just-awaking orphans,
who can risk lovin’ what some in society 
would consider unlovable,
who are lookin’ for a challenge,
who think that getting out of their comfort zone 
sounds really, really refreshing,
who are flexible when things don’t go according to “plan”,
and who think that spending 12 days ministering to orphans
with Emmy and I sounds like an “I can’t miss this” experience…..
then girlfriend –  
this just might be the trip for you!!
~and on that note~
Emma and I are tickled to pieces to announce 
this mama and daughter are leading a GO team..
Where:  Uganda!

When:  April 4th to April 16th, 2011 {approximately}

Cost:  $1,300.00 + airfare

Mission:  To hold, hug and love some of the most precious treasures living in Uganda
This trip is not for the faint of heart.  
It is not for those who aren’t flexible.
and it’s definitely not for those who are given to grumbling or complaining.

If you are interested in joining Emmy and I, 
please send an email requesting an application to:
In the subject line please put:  Uganda, April 2011

PS.  Dwight and Emma will be leading 
another GO team in June 2011. 

Come on, girlfriends, 
let’s make a difference together!!

37 thoughts on “Emma and I Are Lookin’ For:

  1. I simply CANNOT explain how excited I am about this! hehehe. I am so excited that, of all places, I will have the opportunity to meet you & Miss Emma… IN UGANDA!!! πŸ˜€ WOOOO!!! hehe. And I'm also super excited to love on the Sanyu babies when my time in Kampala takes me there. πŸ™‚ WOOO!!! God is just so awesome! πŸ˜€

  2. I just sent an email for an application! This is something I am wanting to do SO badly, i long to be there loving on those children but i am nervous more than ever b/c this would be my first missions trip. I have a STUPID silly fear of flying so if you could pray for me about that, that would be awesome! The only other thing that concerns me is if I can raise the money up in time b/c I know we don't have it extra! Could you share with me any ideas on fundraising/raising money for the trip and what do you think flying there and back will approximately cost? Praying about this big time, please pray that God would show, confirm this for me if this is what He is wanting me to do! ;0) Thanks!

  3. Oh Linny and Emma, that sounds AMAZING!!! I would love to go if I can get the money together. I hate that something like that would keep me from going but oh I have wanted to do this for a long time!!!
    Sarah H. from Portales

  4. Amazing! If you do this again in another year-ish then maybe. Currently we're expecting a referral very soon and that will be in our possible TC time line but I'd love to do that one day. Really, really would. πŸ™‚ Will pray for all of you!

  5. How wonderful!
    I will definitely pray for all that are joining you and Emma.
    I know you must be thrilled to share Jesus' love with those sweet, precious ones!

  6. I want to go!!!! You would not believe how badly!! Seriously my mind is trying to think of a way to go. I miss Emma tons (and you should give her a big hug for me) and I ache to be back in Uganda. If God wants me back in Uganda, he will make a way. Enough said.

    I'm praying, because I know you are all simply dieing to have me on your team *cough*


  7. I would SO be all over that one….too bad I think I maxed out my mommy leave time already this year :). Plus, we'll have a new little one. YAY!!! I will be praying for your future team, though. It was an AMAZING experience that I hope God lets me do again someday!

  8. We have been praying for God to use us radically and in just the past couple of months He has placed this beautiful country on our hearts. Our 2 oldest daughters and I are so interested (I just sent a request for application). Thank you so much, Linny, for hearing God's clear words and for FOLLOWING Him. Praying for this journey to His precious ones.
    In Him,

  9. Oh, how I'd love to go, but I'll be almost 8 mos. pregnant by then. Probably not the best time to travel to Africa. Hopefully you'll have a trip next year. How I would love to hold and love those dear treasures!

    Jen in CA (sometimes in Mancos)

  10. I would so love to go, my heart is stirred. My daughter will be 10 months old at that time and I have to think seriously about it before making any kind of decision to go (as well as thinking of logistics). But I do long to go. I'm thinking, and praying.

  11. oh linny!!! you KNOW i'd love to be going with you and emma. LOOOOVE.

    BUT, i pray that we will be there at the same time anyway. i'm sure you can guess why i'd pray to be going back so soon after just having returned from there in february.

    how fun would it be to meet & hug in our beloved uganda?!?!?!

  12. So…. I get this crazy e-mail in the middle of the night that says, "Let's do it girlfriend! have you seen Linny's blog today?" Yes, blog stalkers for over a year, we have an orphan advocacy ministry that just myself and my girlfriend poor our blood sweat and tears into DAILY! We've been discussing a trip to Africa for months now. I even got a 'second job' just to save MAD money & tips to pay for said trip. Yes, MAD money! Cuz others think we are mad for our passion of loving God's children. I can't think of a better way to spend my time! Teaching my family, my friends and every person I come in contact with about God's forgotten children! So, we're requesting that application! Spending time in such a beautiful country, doing God's work and meeting others (you & sweet Emma) in the process is just the sugar on top! God will fund what He favors! If we are chosen…. we will meet you, we will serve with you, we will worship with you!

  13. I would love to go, but I am not sure where we will be with getting a referral. What are you thoughts? I have been waiting to do a misiion trip until this adoption was over due to the funds and timeline, so email me and let me know what you think! Thanks and lots of love!

  14. I would love to join you – but am hoping to be in Ethiopia or coming home from Ethiopia with my boys!
    Everyone plays a part in your mission – I will be on the prayer team for y'all! Can't wait to hear what God has in store for y'all!!

  15. I so wish I could go! I haven't been there in 10 years and I have wanted to go back so badly ever since. My husband and I are beginning to look at adoption again. (After having our own 4 in 5 years
    I'll be praying for you each day!

  16. I would love, I mean deeply love to go!!! I will still be nursing my baby and cant be away from her and my other 8 children that long. BUT I pray for the day that I can go on a mission trip like this, now wonderful that would be! You all will be in my prayers!

  17. i pray that you will make this a reoccuring ministry. b/c baby is due end of february… this year is not an option for me. however, the thought of joining you on this sort of journey stirs my heart in ways that i cannot describe.
    meanwhile, i will pray that the trip is a blessing to everyone who joins you and that you are able to bring Jesus' love to everyone you touch!!

  18. I sent for an application last night and cannot stay away from your post today. I felt God tug at my heart when I was 6, I was going to be a missionary to Africa, I went to nursing school to me a medical missionary, but I am on mission here with my kiddos and those God has put in my life. I told my husband about this trip and he said "Go". He said it may just be my time. Anyway I am excited to see what God does. P.S. Oh how I would love to bring home a treasure for our family. Maybe someday soon.

  19. I would LOVE to join you, HOWEVER I simply cannot leave my family or work. I would love to donate to help someone else be able to go. Please let me know how I can help out!
    THank you


  20. This could be an answer to my prayers. Since October God has placed a special burden for orphans on my heart and I never knew what to do with that burden. I have passionately ask Him to show me what He wanted. Recently, that burden has changed to specifically adopting from Africa and to going to an orphanage. My husband is also a pastor and we currently have 5 children, so you too know that finances are just very tight. I am praying and fasting for God to move a mountain to make this possible. He recently moved a mountain for us to be able to buy a house that we finalized on December 15th. There was no humanly possibility that we could have ever done this, but I am so glad that we serve a God who cares and who does move mountains so that He alone can receive credit and glory. So, I am begging Him to move some mountains- to give my husband and I both a never-ending compassion for orphans, to be an advocate for orphans in our church, to go to orphanages and help, to adopt orphans (just as Christ has adopted my husband and I), and to never stop weeping for the field of fatherless that our eyes have been closed for so long for. Keep encouraging and keep praying for God to move mountains. Also, I am praying that I can contact you soon and say to count me in on this trip.

  21. I so want to go. I have a heart for orphans and just want to GO! I know this year I will be going over to Uganda this year:) But unfortunately, I will be in school till May. No way to take off that time in April especially since I graduate in May with my AA in Early Childhood Education.

  22. ohhh linny. i read this post and then had to wait until i could respond. i am so excited for the trip! i am praying and seeking Him as i am not sure the timing is right (my husband will just be coming home from another african mission trip a few weeks prior) but i would love to go. especially since i'm working on trying to organize a group trip next year. perhaps you could still help me with that even if can't make this trip?? love your heart and how freely you share it with all of us. bless you and emma both!!!

  23. Linny – just sent a request for an application. Husband seems to be on board, logistically it appears it will work, and my heart is over joyed with the possibility of serving in Uganda for these days in April. I have only "imagined" what this would be like! Please pray that it continues to fall into place. Planning to see you and Emma in April!

  24. oh… do you know i have to do everything to resist the urge to go??
    i'm leading a team to ch*na in june or i totally would. totally.
    the hubs would probably sabotage my trip… he's so afraid of me and orphans. he'd be afraid we'd end up with a dozen more kids. heh heh hee. {he's right!}

    so excited for your trip!

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