Leave Your Prayer Requests Here

As promised, here is the post where prayer requests need to be left.  
And also, there is a young boy in desperate need of a home.
Meet Davids
Just 9 days from no longer being eligible for a family.
God’s word is true.  
It is ‘yes and amen’.
And in His word He says He “puts the lonely in families.” {Psalms 68:6}
I believe with all my heart that there is someone out there reading this who is willing to go to bat to bring Davids home.  After all, God’s heart is for the orphan, and He will do ‘above all we can think or ask’ when we agree with His will.  His will is for Davids to be in a family.
Would you pray with me that Davids family will come forward??
You can read his story by clicking here.
{The above link is to the blog of the family who hosted him this 
summer on an orphan/exchange program.   His story is one that will make ya cry.  
Davids needs a home now!!  Will you agree with all of us that our 
Miracle-working, Mountain-moving, Awe-inspiring, Gasp-giving God 
will move on his behalf??  Davids needs a home NOW!}
And don’t forget to post your specific prayer request in the comments.  
And as always, if you’ve asked for the same thing before and before 
that and before that, don’t be afraid to ask again….we are in it
 for the long haul!!  Lastly, if you have a personal request, 
please feel free to post “personal”.  
Praying from snowy and bitter Colorado!!
Blessings to each of you as we come before His Holy throne of grace!
PS If you have been reading my tweets or Dw’s Facebook…
Davis is about the same.  Dw had him moved to International Hospital for better care.
And Gabe? It is Dengue Fever….please keep praying for his complete healing!

111 thoughts on “Leave Your Prayer Requests Here

  1. I will personally pray for precious Davids. Wow! Dear Lord, please move mountains for this sweet child!

    In an effort to do more for missions and orphans, our family has just put our house on the market.
    We are praying that we can sell our current home and then downsize in order to free our budget to do more for the Lord.

  2. Thank you so much for this prayer post, I will read about Davids and pray for him, and for the others that you mentioned and for people who commented in here.

    Can you please pray for my mother, she had treatment for Pagets disease, but she is still having pain and lumps are forming on her forehead. The Dr is concerned and wants her to see her tomorrow.

    Also, could you pray for me, personal, it's got to do with fear, I thought I had it tackled but it keeps coming back, however the Lord has been so good, He's been encouraging me with His Word, it's amazing 🙂 .

    Many, many thanks!!! 🙂

  3. Hi, can we all pray for the people of Queensland in Australia. Right at this moment thousands of people are losing their homes to floods..so far 12 people have lost their lives(some little children) and 51 are missing, some of these small towns will never recover from this and it will have an economical effect on the whole country….. Thanks you

  4. I will be praying for those in Africa and for Davids need for a home.
    Please pray for my Gideon who had surgery on both legs Friday. He is in a body cast for at least 6 weeks. So far he is unable to wiggle his toes on the left foot. Pray the surgery was successful to help him be able to stand (he has arthrogryposis) and there is no nerve damage to the left foot. Also we are in the process of adopting #8=pray for immigration approval and for a successful fundraiser this Saturday.
    Thanks again Linny for these days of prayer and fasting. Jackie

  5. For a job. I have found THE job. It's not a huge salary but it will challenge me and put me in my community and will have some fun aspects too. Oh and I can walk to work! Please pray that the resume I send tomorrow produces an interview…and of course the job.

    Also, my fur baby, Sadie, had another seizure this week. They are getting more frequent but less severe. I have been a hot mess worrying about her. I know that only the "dog people" will understand that she is my family. My baby and my best friend. I hate to see her suffer.

  6. Please pray that this baby will hold off coming until at least Saturday. I've been having a lot of contractions and pre labor stuff going on in the last few days.

  7. My lord, my God, my Holy One, my Rock, who can not tolerate wrong, please speak to me about my desire to adopt a special girl from Ecuador and my finances (homestudy fees). Allow me to observe, be astonished, and wonder, because you are doing something in your time that I would not believe if I were told. I approach you with anticipation and confidence as you are the creator of the universe and my father who loves me and wants to share your word and desires with me. Amen

    Will be praying for that handsome boy for his father in Heaven to put a burden on family to adopt him fast.

  8. Please pray as we leave Friday for China to bring our daughter home…safe travels, bonding, her sweet little heart, etc. Our family is all sick right now…please pray we are healed by Friday!

  9. Please pray that I continue to battle against the anxiety that I feel all to often. I understand intellectually how absurd it is for me to feel it and to fear the things I do. Pray that I am reminded each time who is watching over me, who is guiding me and protecting me. Pray that the 'loneliness' that creeps in even when I am in company of others stays at bay. I'm doing much better these days but its definitely still there.

    I have a praise/answered prayer to share also. I have a fear of talking in front of others especially if it involves me personally. I have not prayed in front of a group but understand and believe the power of prayer. Sunday was our prayer walk in our church building-1st ever-I decided to go after being told I could pray silently. I prayed that afternoon for God to help me overcome such a stupid fear because prayer is so wonderful. I went and chose the group to pray for our staff-I didn't know that elder who lead the group, there were about 8 high school boys in that group and myself. The lone female! I almost chose another group but I really wanted to pray for our staff so I went anyway. I prayed OUT LOUD with the group and even volunteered to open or close the group on quite a few of the staff members. God was holding my hand because my anxiety symptoms NEVER even began!!! It was a great time!

  10. Oh I am praying for Davis too and pray know God has a family waiting for him.

    I have a prayer request. God has been breaking my heart big time this week but in a way I never dreamed of. For a few years now I have cried, cried, and well cried that everytime I felt that nudge from God on a certain child that we just weren't in the right place to make it happen. The cool thing is each of those kiddos had families fighting in the background for them.

    We moved to a new church last summer and have been stretched more than you could believe. This church has pushed us and pushed us to a point of just saying "God send us".

    Sorry I know this is becoming a book.

    In 2007 God gave us some land. We have tried and tried to make that land "ours" but a few weeks ago God gave me a vision about that land. A pastor of ours had prayed over that land when we first got it and had said some things that made me contact that pastor yesterday. Anyway the visions matched up pretty close. I was warned though about a spiritual battle going on very close to the land.

    Please pray with me that if this is the ministry God wants us in that he would keep protecting the land, put the right people in to place to make it happen and just start clearly showing us ways to make it happen. Let us have the faith of Noah and even though it's a crazy time to do it to step out in faith. It could be that God is not ready to do it quite yet but if he is that we are obedient.

    Thank you!

  11. Please pray we sell our house (today would be good.) :0)
    My hubby gets a stable job. (currently laid off AGAIN)
    My sister finds a safe place to live and a good babysitter for her little one.

    Many thanks. Looking forward in saturating today in prayer with you ladies!

  12. Please pray: We have been held up in adoption red tape for nearly two years. We have two children in Ethiopia, ages 8 and 2. I was supposed to travel to go to the embassy appt and bring them home the day after Christmas. On Christmas day we got a call telling me not to travel that our case was held up in the US Embassy and they were requesting further paperwork.

    I am going to Ethiopia in faith the last week of January praying all of the papers they are requesting will be provided by our agency and I will be able to bring our two precious children home.

    Thank you for this opportumity to join together. Lifting one another up. Praise Jesus!

  13. Praying for all who have posted and for Davids. I know God is awesome and able to make these things happen!
    Thank you God!

    Please pray for our adoption and my husband's job. Long story as short as possible – we're military but with the National Guard. Currently year to year contract. Possible long term (AGR) position available but requires moving this summer. Please pray that God works out the details of this possible move and our adoption (ideally that our child is home by then so it won't be an issue). I know He is in control and I pray that His will would be done.

  14. Our family will be praying for Davids. Oh, how we pray for his family to find him. Thank you for these days of prayer. I know God works wonders when so many join together before Him. Will you please pray for our adoption of our almost 14 year old daughter? We have 8 weeks to be in China and so much more to accomplish- please pray specifically for I800 approval and then for NVC to understand our situation and cable us very soon. We are being hit by snow storm closings, holidays and Chinese New Year closing! Thank you so much for your prayers. I will be praying today for these prayer requests. Love, Kim

  15. I will certainly be praying for Davids – that his family will find him and his life will change!!!

    Please pray for the sale of our home to go through so we can join my husband (who has already started his new job after being laid off! Yay!) down south. Please also pray that we would find the new home in the place that God would have for us and that God would work the details that all would go smoothly with the move and transition.

  16. …praying for Davids.

    I'm asking again for prayer for complete healing of my body. I've had chronic fatigue syndrome and many other issues for over 9 years. I need direction on what to do. I believe that God will heal me, but I pray that there is some improvement soon.

    I have 2 young kids that need a functional mom. My husband and I long for more children, both through birth and adoption. That just can't happen when I feel this sick.

    Also, my mother was just diagnosed with lung cancer, stage 3. Please pray for her healing.

    Thank you so much for taking the time to lift these burdens to the Lord.

  17. Praying for Davids and Davis!

    Please be praying as we head to court today for our little Annie. This should be a big one. Please pray for the judge who will be making the decisions that will affect our girl for life. Trusting that the Lord is right in front of us!

  18. I am so glad I came across this post today. I am in a lot of need of prayer today. I don't want to go into major details since this is public, but lets say that my husband and I and my family are just going through a lot of crud right now. I am very worn and disheartened and scared and trying so hard to cling to faith, but I am finding it hard.


  19. We are in the process of adopting a four year old boy from China and we have LOA for him. God has recently lead us to try to adopt a 13 year old boy from our soon to be son's city at the same time. Two days after we sent in our Letter of Intent to adopt the 13 year old, we found out that the two boys are foster brothers. We were shocked! Please pray that we get pre-approval to adopt the 13 year old! I have asked for prayers for this boy before because he wants a family so badly.

  20. Our family is praying for Davids!

    Please pray that the money we need would just come rolling in. We committed to adopting a little boy with Down Syndrome but we have no way to pay for it. But God!

    Also, if you would pray for my husband's job. He works for a Christian organization and they recently hired a new boss who is anything but Godly. He is changing everything around and it looks as if several people (including my husband) may loose their jobs.


  21. Hi Linny thank you for once again bringing us all together to pray for one another.

    I have 3 prayer requests~
    1. Reconciliation with my 18 year old son. It has been 16 months since he has spoken to me and his older brother and we don't know why.

    2. For my husband's heart to break for the orphan. We started our adoption journey a few months ago and he has placed it on hold. Yesterday I had to officially tell our social worker we were on hold.

    3. For my husband and his siblings. They lost their mother 12/23/10. One sibling is really being awful about the estate and assets.


  22. Perfect timing with the prayer request Linny!!!Isn't Davds beautiful, what a treasure.We are praying for him.
    Before I post my request I have to tell you what a wonderful thing God has done. Sweet Olga who I have been praying for and so many others have been praying for has a home!!!! She's in an orphanage in EE and about to be sent to an institution. We have(bloggers) been praying for her and raising money for her for over two months. last night it became official, she has a family committed to her.Thank you God!!!

    Now my request. please could you pray that God moves things, financial things, in our lives so we can adopt. So much has already happened. My husband is with a new real estate company, he has switched from residential to business sales. Hopefully this will be better. We straightened out our mortgage payments and actually got them lowered. That was huge! But there are still so many other things standing in the way of qualifying.
    We are so eager to take one of these sweets home, our whole family is ready. Please pray that our time comes soon.

    Thanks! And praying for all of you today!!!

  23. 1) For our sanity during this wild and long waiting process for Ethiopia. That we would feel peace about it and see God's leading at every step.
    2) For my fear of flying to be completely healed and for me to actually be excited to hop on a plane and even the 15-30 hour ride to ethiopia
    3) For agencies in Ethiopia to be able to maintain an ethical and smooth adoption process. For the few bad eggs to not ruin the chances of millions of children to have families.
    4) For drawn from water orphanage to have a smooth transition to the new organizational structure due to change in laws.
    5) for my closest friend to find the opportunity to talk to her husband and for him to have a softened heart towards the orphan
    6) For the kids in my youth group to have broken hearts for the Lord

  24. Please continue to pray for a job for my sweet husband. He's so loving, faithful, serves our church, serves his family – but is in need of a job that suits him much better.

  25. Struggling here with bonding with our newly adopted little girl. I need Christ's compassion to tolerate her whining and to guide her to a place of peace rather than manipulation or control. We're home just over a month. Thanks~

  26. I just wanted to encourage you all (who are praying, want to pray, or are thinking of praying), with a verse that is currently on display on my "Our Daily Bread Promise Box"

    "The eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers." – 1 Peter 3: 12a

  27. Will definitely be praying today!
    Our house is still for sale. We really desire to see God's hand move soon on our behalf. What is seemingly impossible for us is possible for Him! Thank you for your prayers!

  28. After reading through the prayers (and praying!), seems that ours is a common one! Our house has been on the market since June. We REALLY feel called to simplify and downsize and use our time and resources more wisely… We have a showing today from 2-3 pm CST. This family is flying in to see 4 houses and then flying out.

    I'd love prayers for it to sell IF it's God's will. And if not, that I will be content to stay here…and seek His face and His will for our lives here.


  29. Please pray that the Go Team will be able to visit the Open Door Orphanage on their trip this week. Last year God brought this precious waiting child (girl) in Uganda to my attention and not a day goes by that I don't think about her. He also enabled one of my closest friends to go on the trip with DW (and the team) and so I was able to send Birthday gifts as she will be turning 8 on the 1/15. They are supposed to go on the 14th. I know God has a wonderful plan for her! Pray that I can wait in faith for his perfect timing in revealing that plan.

    Also, please pray for the hearts of the pastors at my church to be opened to what God wants to do this year in and through us. Pray that they would be willing to set aside plans, sermon series, routine, etc. and lead us into deeper relationship with Jesus.

  30. Linny,

    Thank you so much for this prayer post. I am a full-time graduate student and was working part-time at a church. I found out Monday my job is being eliminated down to very few hours, and I need to find a new job quickly. I have mixed feelings about this, but realized for my own spiritual life that perhaps this is a blessing. It is still a tough time for me, as I never thought I was be 23 years old and basically 'laid off'. Prayers for a job would be appreciated.


  31. I shall lift up all the prayer requests before ine today! What a great idea.

    Please pray for our family that God will provide us with a home. We have been living with my in laws since April after moving back from the mission field in the UK and we are so ready to get settled! (My husband has a new job that takes him to the Middle East frequently.) Also this month, our baby boy Jude would have been born whom we lost at 18 weeks pregnant in August.

    Standing at the Red Sea and praising Him now before the water parts for all these prayers!!!


  32. I am a blog stalker and have never left a comment before! But by golly, this is my year of praying "specific" and after reading this post I feel convicted to voice my heart's desires and ask others to join in prayer with me for them…

    #1-we are in the process of a domestic open adoption and would truly like the Lord to bring us a son.

    #2-a husband for a dear friend



  33. I'm praying for and asking prayers for Cash again. His mother did return and pick him up. I have been worried to the point of making myself sick. I'm praying for God to move and bring him back here where he is safe, loved and taken care of the way he should be.

    Also a personal prayer request I can't share for a few more weeks.

  34. Please pray for a family or families to come forward for two little orphan girls in Eastern Europe who need families this year before they are transfered to adult institutions. The can be found on the Reece's Rainbow website. Their names are Sonya and Shawna. Thank you.

  35. I will be praying for all these requests.
    Please continue to pray for my son, Matthew, who has turned away from the Lord and his entire family. We have not seen him in over three years.
    please pray for our adoption. Pray that we get everything done quickly so we can meet our deadline.
    Thank you to every who is praying.

  36. I will pray for a Family for this sweet young man.

    Prayer request.

    My friend Joanne Heim suffered a major stroke yesterday. She has two young girls and she is only in her early 40's. She has bleeding in her brain and paralysis on her right side. She has not regained consciousness. The family is asking believers to pray psalm 46 over her. You can follow her at


    Thank you,

  37. We are in the midst of a domestic adoption and are approaching our renewal date. We are having a hard time trying to decide which direction to go. I would like to pray for a CLEAR and definite plan be made for us and that we can both see and agree on it.

  38. Please continue to pray for me as I attempt to bond with our new daughter…

    Also, we are updating our homestudy for Ethiopia and will begin the adoption process in March…satan has already begun the attacks:)…right now we need $1000 to begin our I600A approval process, will you pray this would come quickly? LOVE watching God work:)!!!

    Praying for all of you today and sweet Davids! Thanks Linny!

  39. I will be praying today. I am asking for prayers for myself as my immune system is now not only attacking the Lyme Disease and co-infections but is attacking my joints and making several staple foods on my limited diet a problem for me to eat.

    Thank you…

  40. I am lifting up Davids and believing God has his family ready to speak up!

    My request is that God would clearly speak His answer to my husband and I today on a matter we've been seeking Him for over a month. We desperately want to be out of the agony of waiting and into moving forward, as He leads.
    Love you, Sister!

  41. Praying for that precious boy to find his family.

    I am asking for prayers for a potential adoption situation we learned about next week. A PBM is pregnant and due with a baby girl in March! We are waiting to be contacted by the birth mom and jump every time the phone rings.

    I am asking first and foremost that God would be with this birth mother and her baby even if she is not meant to be ours. If she is I pray that God would move in our lives to help us find the money we will need to pay for lawyer fees. We are still recovering financially from adopting our older son and the hospital bills from the birth of our second son only 8 months after our older son came home to us (yes, he was a *bit* of a surprise! 🙂

    Thank you so much for all your wonderful prayers!

    God bless you!

  42. This is my second prayer request today. I had asked for prayer that we would get pre-approval for the 13 year old foster brother of the four year old boy we are adopting from China. I heard from my agency today that China thinks adopting an older child with special needs will be too much for our family in addition to the three younger children we will have. I have a huge amount of support for this adoption from my parents who live near by and will help out with what ever I need but China doesn't seem to think that will be enough. Please pray that hearts will change and we can get approval to adopt this 13 yo boy who my husband and I feel in our hearts is our child. He will be aging out in July and I can not bear the thought of him never having a family.

  43. I put this in the comments for yesterday's post, but it looks like that was the wrong place so I'll redo it. I have a lot of issues going on right now, but will try to make this short. We were trying for the last couple of years to adopt from foster care. It has become clear that this was the wrong path. We have left that program and are persuing a different route. We have our info in country trying to get permission to adopt a little girl. I am having troubles getting a letter from one of my doctors that the officials in her country want before they will give us permission. Also if we do go on to adopt her the agency we will be using is not licensed in our state, so we will have to use a different agency that is licensed in our state to complete our homestudy. I have contacted most of the agencies I can think of and for one reason or another none of them will work. I am down to 2 that I can think of and am waiting for a response from them. My prayer is that I can get this letter soon and that one of these agencies will be able to complete the homestudy for us or we will be able to find one that we have not thought of yet. Also I have been really sick since Saturday. I ended up at the ER on saturday afternoon because I could not stand up with out falling over. I am feeling better, but I am still pretty dizzy. It came on really quickly and I just feel like this is all an attack, so prayers for protection would be appreciated. I thank You all for your prayers.

  44. I so need this today….I am and will be praying for all the requests here.
    My prayer request for my marriage – my husband of 16 years is talking separation. I feel God working, but need prayers for him to move this mountain and restore our love and marriage (soon). Thank You!

  45. Thank you for this day of prayer. I am praying for Davids family to come forward for him and for Davis and the team in Africa. And also for each of these requests.

    Could you please pray for my sister who has not spoken to my family in almost three years? She has a 3-year-old daughter and I found out is expecting again. It breaks our hearts, especially my mother's, to not see her daughter and grandchildren.

    Thank you to everyone praying.

  46. You bet I'm praying!

    ****Could you pray for us? We just got back from serving for a week at an orphanage in Baja, Mexico. We are feeling like the Lord may be calling us to move their and serve as a family full time. Some major mountains need to move to make this happen.
    So excited to see the Lord move today!

  47. I would like to pray for the Duffy family as they complete their adoption in Uganda and bring their little girl home.

    I would ask for prayers for my family, especially my Grandfather as we grieve the loss of my Grandmother this past November.

    That God will continue to open my husband's heart to his faith. And that I can be patient with His revealing of the path for my life.

    And for all of those children who we want to help and even more for those we can't.

  48. Praying for David.

    On Dec 1 I posted a request about my niece and her husband, their marriage and him getting into a rehab program. He got into the program that day, and 2 weeks later a spot opened up and he went!! Yippee Jesus!!

    Last night my niece shared with me that she is feeling God leading her to move closer to the rehab center (about 60 miles away) so that she can be available for visits. It seems impossible for her to move since she is living with a friend and is barely making enough to support her family without having rent to pay. But we know that nothing is impossible with God. Please pray for the details of such a move to open up before her.

  49. Along with working on an international adoption we are also foster parents. Today we had 2 year old twin boys placed with us. Will you please pray that their little hearts can heal and they can learn to accept the love of a family. Please pray for a smooth adjustment for the boys and for my older son as well – he has been an only child for almost 6 years now.

    Praying along with you!

  50. ****Korean Adoption Prayer Request: My husband and I are reviewing a little girl's file who is on an agency's Waiting Child List. We were at peace with moving forward with the referral, but the agency is actually trying to talk us out of it!! This may be their job, but nonetheless, they have planted seeds of Doubt and Fear!! Please pray His Spirit would wash over us and give us a sense of PEACE and CLARITY regarding this little one. She awaits in Korea with no family, but is she for us? The Lord told me when I first saw her picture that her middle name was "Grace." Her middle name in Korean, I just found out, means "Grace!!" God is in this, but my husband and I desperately need confidence to move forward……BLESSINGS OF PEACE AND JOY TO EACH ONE OF YOU!

  51. A few months back I asked for prayer for my sweet "K"….would you pray specifically today? There is something going on at 1pm today that is huge for her and God must move some enormous mountains on her behalf!! Thank you so much!

  52. I am praying for Davids last night and through the night into this morning. Thank you all for joining together to pray and wrestle for the things of God. Thank you God for reminding me that we are just dust blowing in the wind and that we are nothing and can do nothing without Him. Even the air that we breathe is only their because He decided it should be!

  53. Linny,
    I could really use prayer for little Levi who is still growing inside of me. I am 28 weeks along after a very trying couple of years…. Losing Samuel, our son who was stillborn fullterm, a miscarriage, a son we were to adopt, Joel stillborn at 28 weeks along. We were blessed with a daughter, Hope 22 mos through adoption last August. Levi is a result of embryo adoption. We know our road to him is anything but traditional, but we have seen God's handiwork all over it:).

    Please pray my blood pressure can be kept in check for as long as possible, and that he can stay put in my womb for as long as possible. I was in the hospital on bedrest, but now am home on bedrest. Please pray for our other 5 at home as they adjust to mom having to stay put in bed and that the Lord would protect Levi till we meet him face to face. Thank you so much!


  54. Linny,
    I could really use prayer for little Levi who is still growing inside of me. I am 28 weeks along after a very trying couple of years…. Losing Samuel, our son who was stillborn fullterm, a miscarriage, a son we were to adopt, Joel stillborn at 28 weeks along. We were blessed with a daughter, Hope 22 mos through adoption last August. Levi is a result of embryo adoption. We know our road to him is anything but traditional, but we have seen God's handiwork all over it:).

    Please pray my blood pressure can be kept in check for as long as possible, and that he can stay put in my womb for as long as possible. I was in the hospital on bedrest, but now am home on bedrest. Please pray for our other 5 at home as they adjust to mom having to stay put in bed and that the Lord would protect Levi till we meet him face to face. Thank you so much!


  55. I am lifting up these requests unto the Lord this day. Praying that God urgently moves in desperate situations and comfort/quiet our hearts and minds as He moves and guides, and gives us strength to endure. I ask for prayers and wisdom regarding employment, that doors be open, for healing to take place, that I not give in to weariness and doubt, and that my mind and focus remain positive and on the Lord in these times. Thank you and may it be well with us all today.

  56. Second prayer request….Every time we do this together, I seem to have a really BAD day with my daughter whom I am trying to desperately bond with! Pray that I will not allow the enemy to ruin this day of prayer by giving in to negativity and anger toward her..and well, everyone in my house…he is definitely attacking..

  57. Please pray for Pauline. She is a beautiful little girl in EE who has DS and is in need of a family who can adopt her from a very strict region. My husband and I had hoped we could do it – but we dont think we can afford to – and it's heartbreaking. There is another family waiting to see if they qualify for the region – please pray for Pauline, please pray her famiyl finds her. She will be 5 in September and it will be too late. Feel free to contact me for more information. Thank you so much!

    This is a post about her: http://theannessafamily.blogspot.com/2011/01/urgent-prayer.html

  58. praying.
    I am in a season of waiting and want to wait well. So pray for God to equip me and sustain me. Praying for God to move mountains and do immeasurably more than I can even think to ask or imagine.

  59. My Friend is trying to bring a baby home from Eastern Europe…the only thing holding them back is the money…can you pray that God will provide exactly what they need. They hope to go in March…but I am not sure they are that close.
    I would love prayer for my son…he needs healing and Salvation.
    Thanks Linny,

  60. please pray for me as I am completing my last semester of undergrad at college and trying to plan a wedding to my bestfriend, plus find a job, and my twin sister is moving to africa this month 🙂 . THanks so much!

  61. My family, like so many, is in need of a lot of prayer. I will keep it fairly brief due to the public forum.

    My husband is looking for work and has had a hard time getting interviews let alone a job. He has had two interviews with one company this week. Please pray for us that this be the job and if it isn't that we will stand strong.

    We have had a lot of family turmoil this past year. Praying that feelings are healed and we can move on from hurt.

    Praying for wisdom in adding another child to our family. We have just completed the adoption of our third child in November and I am feeling the Lord calling us back to China again for the fourth. Finances are not available for this as my husband is looking for work and we struggled to get it all together to complete our daughters adoption.

    I am so weary from all that we have been through this. Praying for the strength needed to hold my family together during the tough times.

    Thanks for your prayers!

  62. Praying for Davids to find a forever family soon!

    I wanted to report on our answers to prayers recently. God has brought all of the funds we have needed thus far up to and including our CIS money to file our I-800A! Yippee Jesus.

    Now we are praying for our next installment at our agency and the dossier submission fee for China.

    Thank you all for your prayers over the last few months. We serve a mighty God!

    In Christ,
    janet and gang

  63. My sweet precious great nephew is trying to come early. He is due April 2 and is trying to come now. Pleas pray that he stay inside long enough to have strong lungs.

    God is good; am praying for Davids family to come quick.

  64. First a PRAISE from one of our last Prayer and Fasting Days. I had requested prayer for our future son-in-love about a job interview. He was hired for the job and loves it!! Thank you for your prayers!

    My husband and I last night read through the info about Davids and our hearts are so broken for him. We are praying for his family to find him quickly and the Lord to give him hope with this news! Honestly, we looked at him and immediately said (as well as our daughter) that he looks identical to our oldest son Jonathan(24 yrs). It was as if we were looking at Jon at a younger age. So, our hearts have been so moved by him.

    Please pray for us as we were DTC last week for Kaleb and the enemy is NOT happy. We've had squirmishes all throughout his adoption, but it's hitting hard this past week and especially yesterday with my parents, unfortunately. I'm overwhelmed right now with adoption paperwork to complete, new homeschooling momma, Worship Leader responsibilities and being diabetic my blood sugar is up because of all of the stress right now which adds to the stress, too. UGH!

    Thank you so much for your prayers…I'm so feeling the oppression these past few days. I will also be praying for each request and to see our Mighty God at work!!

  65. Prayers to all who post and those who might want to or tried and something failed (like me last prayer day). Prayers for Davis, David and Gabe.

    Prayers needed for:
    Daughter and her two kids and their situation.
    Son and his situation, for guidance and direction.
    Daughter and her situation, for her to find hope.
    For all 3 to find God leading them and to hear Him!
    For my health and for my direction, God is working, I can feel it. If it is God's will for us to adopt that my husband's heart will soften & if it is not to be that I can accept it.

    Thanks Linny, prayers to you and your family!

  66. Please pray for my husbands heart and eyes to be opened to special needs adoption/waiting list adoptions, if it is the Lord's will. We are finishing up our homestudy and dossier right now.
    also, our church may be introducing an Adoption Fund tonight for any families in our church that want to adopt. The older people are not for this at all. They would rather see the money stay in the church's checking account and mutual funds. Please pray for the heart of God to be known and that this would pass.

  67. Dear All,

    James and I are in the process of adopting, and we want to adopt a little 7 year old girl from eastern Europe. God has placed her so deeply in our hearts, yet the mountains before us seem impossible. We are having difficulty getting approval from our agency to adopt an older child with special needs (we are mid-twenties, no children and have chosen to adopt first). We have tried switching to two other agencies and we were declined both times. We have a very broken relationship with our own agency, and for 4 weeks we have been waiting for them to set a day and time we can meet. On top of this, James has been a police applicant for 2 years (they move VERY slowly), things have started to move on that front and he MAY be going to training for 1/2 year in just a few months. Of course, we cannot adopt this girl at the same time. We need to know if there is any hope that we actually can adopt her, cause if there isn't we can help find a family for her, and likely help financially. Yet we pray every day, that she would be our daughter, it is our hearts desire, and a request that brings glory to God.

    Right now, we feel like David facing Goliath. We seriously need God to show up in some VERY miraculous ways or simply close some doors and point us in the direction He wants us to walk.

    Please pray that today or tomorrow we would hear from our agency and be able to meet with them. We are praying that in meeting with them, that God would give us His eyes and show us a way to be Christ to them.

    Love, prayers and hugs to you all.


  68. Praying for all these requests; thank you Linny for doing this.

    Asking for prayers for confidence. Several things have happened in the last 6 months and each time I feel I am gaining a foothold, I give something (or someone) power over me to pull the rug out. I need to finish to resume and find employment.

  69. Linny, so thankful to read the good report on your Twitter about Davis. Continuing to pray for him, and now for Davids as well.

    I would like to join many others in asking for prayer for Joanne Heim, who blogs at TheSimpleWife. She suffered a very serious stroke yesterday morning and is in extremely critical condition. She is a 38 year old wife and mom of two daughters, ages 9 and 12. You can read updates on her condition at http://www.MarlaTaviano.com or at http://www.TheSimpleWife.typepad.com.

    Please also pray for a personal request of mine that I haven't posted here before, but have been asking of the Lord for many years. Thanks, Linny!

  70. Praying for the team/and my Amber to have safe quick travel home.

    Praying for our house to sell.

    Praying for God to move in a mighty way in our finances. We need a miracle!

    Praying and hoping for a son from China…trusting God, we don't meet their requirements..income

    Praising God, that Amber has Godly friends, thanks to the team!

  71. I will be praying for Davids and all of the other children who so desperately need a home.

    Thank you, Linny, for the ministry you have through this blog. What a blessing and encouragement you are!

    My prayer request is for my husband. I am praying for the restoration of his relationship with the Lord as well as his relationship with me. I know the only thing I can do is pray, but oh how powerful prayer is!! We are actually divorced, but I know that God has called me to fight for him and for my family and I will not give up. Nothing is too big for God and He will be the one to receive all the glory!

    Thank you.

  72. I'm back! I have just received 2 prayer requests and wanted to add them here:

    1. Seth was at SFCV with our Grace. He was in the hospital having his special need attended to and they were also checking kidney function (he only has one). The report is that he only has 30% function and that he is not a candidate for a transplant. Please pray for miraculous healing for him and peace and wisdom for his family.

    2. A thought to be 14 year old young man was recently adopted. A bone scan says that he is 21…His family is considering disrupting. Please pray them. I cannot fathom what they are going through. Pray that they will seek God's wisdom and comfort through this.


  73. I have a very close family friend who is battling terminal cancer, she is 18 and relapsed last year after a 10 year remission. She was told she would die at 6 so every day is a miricle but prayers for her family, I also just heard one of her good friends in the hospital has died of a bone marrow transplant so the family is very discouraged. Any prayers would be much appreciated! Thank you!

  74. Update, more prayers are being heard! My husband got a call to come in for a third interview and it looks like they are ready to make a job offer.

    I love being able to share the answers to prayers with my husband. He hasn't really "seen" or been taught how powerful prayer can be and that our Father loves us all so much. Being able to share this with him really shows him how much Jesus is with us every day.

  75. We returned from Taiwan in October of this year with the most beautiful 8 year old little girl. Her transition to our family has been nothing short of a miracle. About 3 weeks ago, we were contacted by our agency with the surprising news that our daughter's little sister is now available for adoption. We are more than willing to adopt her but don't have a penny towards the cost. In fact, we still owe our families and our credit card companies nearly $5000 for the adoption we just finalized. There's a chance our adoption agency can use our previous dossier…..which would drastically reduce the cost of this adoption. We are waiting for word from the orphanage as to whether our documents are sufficient for another court process.

    Also, God has been moving mightily in my heart to pursue a slightly different career path directly related to adoption. I have some important appointments later this week and pray that they are DIVINE appointments and move me along in my quest to work with and for orphans full-time.

    Thank you!

  76. Praying for the adoption of my two children. They are foster children and have been here since 2008. THey want so badly to be adopted. If my newest daughter (placed fall 2010) gets adopted before they do (scheduled for March) they will be heartbroken. We are awaiting the judges ruling on the appeal.

    Praising God for the miracle he is working in my precious precious daughters life.

    To those of you struggling,be encouraged. I hit rock bottom and God has brought me back. I walked through some dark dark valleys. They make the mountain tops so much more amazing. God has not forgotten you, he is merely making you, shaping you into the person he needs you to be.

  77. Honestly, today I just really need prayers for encouragement, trust in His plan, and strength to leave it all in His hands. I am so close to finally going to Uganda, and it seems like I am getting loads and loads of discouraging news, everything from the volunteer coordinator not getting the forms from my references to unintentionally hurtful comments from my dad. And please pray that God works everything out…I am still hoping to travel on or around the 20th of this month… and that's in just a week. Thank you for praying, sweet friends.

  78. My wonderful, amazing, talented husband still does not have a job. He's submitted over 150 resumes and had not one call back for an interview. We decided for him to go back to school in the meantime and he is evening having a hard time with getting all the paperwork in there. Things just keep coming up…their website not working, his assigned adviser being out of the office, etc, etc.

    Please pray for a job for him, wisdom about how many classes he should take right and finances to cover all of this in the meantime.

    PRAISE: Fairly certain we have decided on a home church. We were able to be introduced to the congregation last week and were so warmly welcomed. I felt at home for the first time in over a year AND I was invited to the women's bible study that is starting in two weeks AND a family invited us over for dinner in two weeks!! YAY!

  79. Praising God that Davids has his family! We do serve a big God!
    My prayer is that the raffle we are doing on my blog now to raise funds for our home study would be successful. May He get all the glory! We are 35% there… only a little more to go! Please pray that He be glorified in a HUGE way!
    Thank you

  80. It seems so trivial in comparison of the great needs of so many others, but we really need our home to sell so we can join my husband on Feb 1st as he begins his new job in another town. Thank you!

    To God be all the glory for Davis, Davids, and Gabe! I am thrilled to have been a part (albeit very small) in prayers for these people

  81. Please pray for my husband and I ask we seek God's will for our next adoption. Please pray that God shows us and helps us to know whether a certain special needs blessing in China is our son and for our social worker and her approval of us for another child (we have not talked to her yet). Also for a clear financial way to do it.

    Please also pray we conquer over the lies satan tells us and God grants us the awareness and success over any of satan's strongholds in our lives.

    Thank you all so much. God is so faithful and it is such a comfort to know brothers and sisters are praying for us.

  82. Please pray for the little boy that we are starting an adoption for. He is in a foreign country and had a colostomy done on him as a newborn, but it looks terrible. There is no colostomy bag, just a hole in the side of his tummy. It looks red and irritated, and you can see some of his insides protruding out of it. Please pray that he will stay healthy so that we can bring him home and have it repaired. We are just starting paperwork, so it will probably be a year before he is here. Thank you so very, very much for your prayers.

  83. Please pray for my adopted daughter, 29 years old and now a mother herself. She is unmarried but living with the baby's father in a mentally abusive relationship. She has schizophrenia and his mental abuse makes her mental stability very rocky. She is afraid of his taking her baby and that's why she's with him. I don't think he could get the baby but her paranoia plays into the mix and she is afraid of him. Thank you all so much. Our God is a God of miracles and my daugh. stands in need of one.

  84. I'm praying for all your family overseas, serving God. Am glad Davids family came for him. I read your post today.
    Am asking praying for a co-worker who just recently lost his wife to cancer. She's been dead for 2 weeks and now is looking for love over the internet, finding someone he's interested in, but nothing serious yet. Pray that DM will just drop the matter as he shouldn't even think about these things right now. I know he's hurting inside but puts up a good front at work, I think. He's a Christian and really needs to focus on life in the right direction. He's not thinking logically right now. Pray that someone will intervene and help him through this matter with Godly principles. Thanks!

  85. We have been praying for many months for God's hand to be visible in our financial situation- in general and as is applies to our adoption. Monday I felt led to kneel in prayer over a specific request we have had pending for almost 6 months that would provide relief to a huge burden. Yesterday I received an over-nighted letter, likely prepared at the same time I was praying, informing us that our application has been denied. The closing of that door and the end of the hope that we have maintained for months is difficult- though we know He has a better plan! Please be in prayer for our financial situation and for our eyes to remain open to His answers.


  86. I have been unemployed since June 2010. I have had an interview for a job that fits all of my requests and will find out next week if I was chosen. Please pray that this is the "one", but also I want to Praise God for the abundant blessings he has given me through this trial.

  87. Please pray for my family which is going through a tumultuous time over our adoption plans. Our grown children are strongly opposed and have been hurtful. Please pray that God will affirm His will for our lives.

  88. Praising the Lord for the new developments of family and healing!!!

    You moved me beyond words when you said pray for him as if you are his (Davis) mommy and Daddy because he has none. That is one way we can indeed love the orphan. It never struck me so plainly.

    So I will add a mini request–I have been praying to adopt again. With 3 at home my hubby feels complete. My heart is still burdened for another. Even my son, age 6, prayed last night that God would change Daddy's heart and he would change his mind and let us bring home child #4. I know God can move this mini-mountain. Pray with me 🙂

  89. I'm so sorry I missed praying with ya'll yesterday but I know how I'm going to be spending my afternoon! Praise God for the family for Davids and the healing He has brought to Davis and Gabe!

    I have a couple of prayer requests and I'll try the short version:
    1. There is a couple from our church who is travelling to Russia this Sat to bring home their adopted daughter. Please pray for safe travels for them and that all goes well. However, my real prayer is that they seem to be unaware of the trials of attachment issues and plan to return to work immediately upon return and put her in day care 3 days/week. Please pray that God would speak to their hearts and they find a way to stay home with her for a little while.

    2. Please pray for our adoption. I have a wonderfully supportive husband who is all for adoption. He is a fabulous father to our 3 bio boys. Over a year ago, I saw a sibling group of sisters (5) on Rainbow kids. I felt (and still feel) that they are to be our daughters. I have been praying for God's will and for them to find a home so that we would be sure they aren't ours. I am only further confimed that they are ours. My husband feels that a sibling group of 3 is the MAX. So I pray. I pray for guidance. I pray for God's answer. I pray for my husband's heart to be opened to these girls. I haven't spoken of them since July. I am trusting that if God wants them to be ours, that He will tell my husband and my husband will bring them up to me. That is the only way I'll know. I feel I must submit to my husband and that God will work it out His way. Please pray for this situation. This continuous limbo is so challenging.

    3. Please pray that the money for our adoption comes when we need it. Because we need it.

    Thank you Linny for this opportunity to pray for others as well as express our prayer needs! May God bless you and your family in your new Orphan Help Adventure. Thank you all for praying for us!

  90. Please pray for my little son, he is getting ready to undergo a very serious heart operation. He will be entering the operation with complications already in place. He is smaller than what the drs would like him to be for this operation and parts of his lungs are not working. They are hoping to halt the sections of his lungs failing by doing this heart operation sooner rather than later.

    Please also pray for the rest of us. Thanks, Grace

  91. Please pray for my husbands heart to be change and hear the call of God for us to adopt again from China. I have been praying and know that God has a plan and I need to have patience and let him work….

  92. Hi Linny-
    First time leaving a comment, but I've been reading for several weeks now. 🙂
    My parent's are adopting twin girls, due in March. One of the twins has a heart problem that will need to be operated on within 72 hours of birth. Please pray for complete healing of the heart so that no surgery will be necessary.

  93. We are thrilled to know that Davids now has a forever family, and it is due to Christians who spread the word and Christians who listen to the voice of God when He places a call on them. Praise God!

    We are asking for prayer as we seek to adopt a little boy from the same hosting group that Davids came with.

    We're trusting God for the funds to bring Misha home.

  94. Please pray for my wife Stephanie and I to be blessed to concieve again soon we had been trying and finally got pregnant but we lost the baby after 8 weeks of being pregnant please pray that God would do it again for us together and that this time we have a healthy baby in Jesus name.Also pray that God would grew our love for each other and that no man or anyone comes between us in Jesus name.Also pray for my permit deliverance from alcohol after almost 3 years of struggling with it.Pray for my health overall please and for my wife and I to purchase our home this year.And lastly pray that God keeps showing me favor at work in Jesus name I am a mattress salesman please pray that I succeed and consistently be a top 10 salesman in sales volume at the company in Jesus name AMEN.Thank you and GOD Bless you and your family and friends as well.

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