
Tomorrow just seems like a good day to pray.  My mind is swirling these days and feelin’ pretty overwhelmed…How about we spend some time praying for each other?
I have gotten a few emails from a few people who said that the Lord had moved in mighty ways answering in unbelievable ways after they posted a request. {Is it okay to say, “Told ya! Told ya! Told ya?!!} 
He just loves to show off like that!!
So there you go!!
Let’s pray together tomorrow, is that okay?
Also, I have gotten quite a few emails about  a young boy in desperate need of a home.  I will try to include that in the post tomorrow.  He ages out in 2 weeks and {as I understand it} will be out on the streets if someone doesn’t come forward now to be his family.  
Let’s pray sweet friends for each other – let’s pray…
I will post the “Prayer Post” just after midnight!

19 thoughts on “Wanna?

  1. Tomorrow evening, Wednesday, the very prayer day, I am meeting with some friends to begin planning an orphan benefit banquet for Valentine's Day. The reasoning being that if couples will spend money on a nice dinner for valentine's, why not spend it in a way that will benefit the orphan, rather than some restuarant? So, prayer for the planning and execution of this idea would be much appreciated. I also request prayer for a friend who has suffered so much on the battlefield of orphan care. Pray that she will know God's love in a deep and real way.

  2. That young boy was my host child this summer. I have been advocating for him HUGELY. My heart has been so heavy the past couple days for him. We have until the 23 to find a family. That was going to be my prayer request as I read your post, then got to the part about him. Davids is a WONDERFUL boy who deserves so much more than life has dealt him!

  3. Hi Linny. I posted a prayer request twice a while back. One was regarding finding a job, and the other regarding my relationship with my long term boyfriend. I don't know if you remember me or not. For a while I was beginning to think it was useless asking for prayers and was embarrassed I posted some details. I was really feeling alone and discouraged when I felt like God wasn't 'listening". As I had posted my second time, I am still working t the same job I got shortly after my first prayer request.

    About 3 weeks ago, my boyfriend and I got into the BIGGEST fight (argument, not physical!!) we have ever had. I laid EVERYTHING out on the table and let him have it. EVERYTHING.

    Well, about a week after that argument I was gearing up to leave him. I assumed that was God's way of telling me that I had to leave, that he would never change.

    Then something happened.

    My boyfriend cried.

    He hasn't looked at pornography in almost a month (I have proof of that as well)
    He has began taking the initiative and putting the kids to bed.

    He has come up behind me as I'm doing the dishes and rather than be an a$$ and tell me the water isn't hot enough, he grabs a towel and starts to dry the dishes.

    He planned an "at home movie date". He is (was?)the LEAST romantic guy ever, so this was HUGE. He's been helping around the house. Voluntarily!!

    Yesterday he got on the floor and PLAYED WITH OUR 9 YEAR OLD SON!!! That hasn't happened since our son was THREE! Do you understand this??!?!?!? LOL!! Because I sure as heck don't!! LOL!!

    Thank you to whoever prayed for me, him, and us. I'm am in awe.
    And we are starting to be really truly happy again. šŸ™‚

    Keep praying please!! šŸ™‚


  4. We are sending in our home study app… and feeling a bit overwhelmed just getting that in. Plus, we have a "lead" on a child in need, but haven't heard back yet… praying for God's leading in all of it.

  5. Please pray that we follow God to our next child. That our social worker's heart is prepared and will approve our growing family. Please also pray specifically for God to show us if this little guy on our hearts in China is our son or if we are just to be prayer warriors on his behalf. He is small…very small…has lost weight and, though we know he is deaf, he may have some other underlying issue as well. We don't have the funds, but pray (and know) God will provide.

    Praying for all of you precious brothers and sisters. Thank you.

  6. I have a lot of issues going on right now, but will try to make this short. We were trying for the last couple of years to adopt from foster care. It has become apparent that this was the wrong path. We have left that program and are persuing a different route. We have our info in country trying to get permission to adopt a little girl. I am having troubles getting the letters I need from doctors to get permission. If we do go on to adopt her the agency we will be using is not licensed in our state, so we will have to use a different agency that is licensed in our state to complete the homestudy. I have contacted most of the agencies I can think of and for one reason or another none of them will work. I am down to 2 that I can think of and am waiting for a response from them. My prayer is that I can get these letters soon and that one of these agencies will be able to complete the homestudy for us or we will be able to find one that we have not thought of. Also I have been really sick since Saturday. I ended up at the ER on saturday because I could not stand up with out falling over. I am feeling better, but I am still pretty dizzy. It came on really quickly and I just feel like this is all an attack, so prayers for protection would be appreciated. I thank You all for your prayers.

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