How Can We Pray for YOU?

Please post your prayer requests on this post.
I had no idea what would transpire since Monday morning
 when I asked if you guys would like to pray {and fast} together, 
but God did!  Would you pray with us….
Many years ago, at our home church in Buffalo we met a young man who had just moved to Buffalo.  Before long, we closed up Dw’s very successful law practice and headed to seminary in Virginia.  This young man also headed to seminary in VA.  It was like having a bit of home where we were.  

The young man’s name was Sam.  He had moved from Egypt to attend seminary in the states.  Since we both were at the same seminary we spent quite a bit of time hanging out with Sam {and looking for a wife for him – haha}.  
And now, twenty years later, this old friend Sam, is the director of Operation Serve to Egypt.  
Yesterday Dw learned that Sam is in Cairo, Egypt right at this moment.  
{Sam’s dad has been a pastor in Egypt for over 50 years.}  
Dw talked to Sam’s wife. Dw told Connie that a bunch of bloggy friends around the world would be praying {and fasting} today.  We said that we would ask you all to pray for Sam and Egypt too.
He is a brother in Christ.  He is a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  The situation is intense. The situation in Egypt can and will affect the rest of the world.
Here is what Sam asked that we pray:
Prayer for Egypt:  
Lord we ask you to Block further violence and crime in Egypt that no more lives will be lost! Give us peace and order in Egypt. Lord, we appeal for your Hand to intervene and pray that Egypt will institute a democratic government and leadership to allow freedom and lift the Christian persecution. Lord, we ask you to turn the eyes of all people to you!  May Jesus be revealed your people, for you are our answer in the time of trouble.  Lord, we have Hope in you as the Author and Finisher of our faith!

Please pray, in earnest with us for the needs posted.
We know we serve a Miracle-working, Mountain-moving, Awe-inspiring, Gasp-giving God.  He can move the mountains.  He can toss them straight into the sea.  He is Bigger than Big.  His power is beyond what we can imagine. Governments and bureaucracies bow to His matchless name.  Red Tape means nothing to Him.   Economic conditions are only words in a dictionary compared to His wealth.   His healing power dwarfs health issues.   Fears subside when we understand the majestic power of His mighty name. 
Let’s join together for Egypt, for Sam and for one another and watch God move! 
{If you’ve posted a prayer request before and it has not been answered, please post again. You would not believe how many times the Lord reminds me of some of those ‘long-standing’ requests…just cause I’ve prayed so many times for them.  So don’t be shy. xo}    

136 thoughts on “How Can We Pray for YOU?

  1. I'm praying for Sam and for Egypt!

    Thank you for this opportunity to pray together.

    Please pray that my husband and my father will both come to know the Lord.

    Also, my husband has some very important and big tests coming up next week. He just found out that they will be more in-depth than originally indicated. Please pray for him that he will be able to learn everything he needs to know for the tests and that he will pass them, and that he will be given this job that we've been waiting for confirmation on.

    Thank you so much!

  2. LInny, God is so good! Earlier I thought, I want to ask Linn to pray for us but then I felt like with so much going on in the world, what we are facing seems so small … but it feels big to us right now. We are waiting to hear about our new orders with the military this Friday. We have only ever been in one duty station our entire 20 years being in the military. We asked for orders over seas this tour but checked with the detailer first since we have a larger family. He said, that he would still put us in for them! We were over joyed and have completed nearly all paperwork necessary (of course it was NOTHING compared to adoption dossiers!). I began dreaming last night that I would tell people I was moving to Disneyland. Seemed so odd and I told a lady in my dream, "I don't know why I am saying that, I'm not moving there."

    I woke up anxious to speak to my husband who is deployed. It turns out that at the same time I had my dream, he was reading a letter from his proposed new boss saying that he has requested my husband and would love to have us there but the military does not have enough money budgeted to move a family our size to them. It is not a no as of now, but a "it isn't looking as good."

    I have been grieving all day that maybe I heard the Lord wrong. Maybe we aren't supposed to go. Maybe our two college age boys shouldn't be left here without us. Maybe we aren't going to be able to sell our house. Just all those crazy mind games we play with ourself. Plus this added stress while my hubby is deployed is just not feeling so good right now.

    I would love prayer for GOD's plan, not Lisa's or the military's just God's plan and peace about the decision for my husband, so he can concentrate on his other work right now.

    I do look forward to praying with Sam for Egypt!

    Blessings, Lisa C.

  3. Praying for Egypt!! I would like to ask for prayer for my family. We have been looking to move to a bigger house but have been waiting on God to show us. We thought this opportunity came and were scheduled to move into a house at the end of this month when yesterday that all fell through and after I had put in our 30 day notice to our landlord the day before. So now we aren't sure what to do. If we should try and take back our notice or trust that God has a house for us, it just wasn't the one we thought it was. We need clarity and really need to hear God in this situation. We are still believing God for the bigger house.

    Thank you!!

  4. I am on my way home today after spending six months volunteering with special needs orphans in Ukraine. My heart is breaking for my kids and the circumstances I am leaving them in… they desperately need families! Unfortunately, right now most of them are not even listed for adoption. My prayer request today is that God would move every mountain to get them listed and that He would have families ready to snatch them up quickly! Several months ago I posted a prayer request that God would get me inside the orphange to work with these children and He miraculously did just that the very next day! I know that God is working mightily on behalf of the prayers that are being lifted up by bloggers all around the world and I am believing Him for another miracle for these precious little ones…

    I won't have access to internet today but will be lifting you all up in prayer knowing that God knows all your specific needs.

  5. Hello. Not sure if you remember me, but I've requested prayers before regarding my work and especially for my relationship with my long term boyfriend. Things are still going well! Without me saying a THING, he's been helping out sooo much around the house. It's actually been mind blowing. Not just that, but he's limited his computer time and is spending time with me. Without "nagging" or "pressure" (as he would have called it in the past) from me. Who IS this guy?! LOL!
    And ZERO signs of that aweful horrible p*rno stuff either. Can you BELIEVE it? Because I hardly can. I really truly thought we were done for. The kids and myself are quite happy and I'm pretty sure he is too!

    Now if he ever gets on his knee and proposes to me, I'll send you pictures! LOl! 7 yrs and COUNTING. My finger wants a ring! And hopefully within the next 6 months so we can be married before our daughter is "too old" to be a flower girl. (she is 5 yrs old and said that to me the other day! "Mommy? When you and daddy get married, I don't want to be too old to be a flower girl! I HAVE to be one!!" 🙂 She figures being past 7 is too old! LOL

    Thanks for the prayers!!!

  6. My husband and I are adopting a beautiful 3 year old boy from Asia. We were told by our agency that we could travel in February or March to get our son. The longer we wait the further away our travel date gets. We've waited 3 weeks so far, for our invitation to travel. Once the invitation comes we still have more paperwork to file and have approved before we could go get our son. My concern has to do with the fact that our homestudy expires in March and our I-800a approval expires in April.

    Please pray for my husband and I to have peace in the whole matter. Please pray for God to bring our invitation to us soon.

    Thank you!

  7. Hi Linny~ bless you for another day of prayer and fasting! My heart has been so heavy for Egypt this past week and i will lift Sam and his family up with Egypt and watch as the Lord moves mightily there. Praying for you and your family as well & for all that you do. Thank you for praying for my family…we ask that the Lord moves the mountain of financial hardship employment & the decisions that lie ahead, & for our middle son, that he would turn from his prodigal ways and return to the Lord fully – Jeremiah 31:16-18,that the Lord would blind him to the things of the enemy and lure of this world, and when he is blinded, open his eyes only to the things of the Lord. So thankful for His Unfailing Love upon us all. He is so faithful! Praying & fasting for all those who post. What a privilege, Linny…thank you! May your day be blessed by the moving of your 3rd mountain! To God be the Glory!! Hugs<3

  8. I would like to ask for prayer for my sweet husband Josh who is currently in the middle of a three day interview for going to be a vicar in Wales.

    It's the end of two years waiting and praying and hoping and so we really just want God's guidance. He will be doing lots of group work, one-to-one interviews and written work so he really really REALLY needs God's spirit guidance and we pray that the words that will come out his mouth will be glorifying to God.

    Some of the people in the selection process can be quite liberal so we're also praying that Josh will be able to keep his integrity at all times.

    We REALLY want this, but we want whatever is God's will more! I've written about it more fully here: if anyone is interested.

    Thanks so much for giving this opportunity for us to share Linny.
    Rach xx

  9. Hi Linny,
    I've mostly been a stalker to your blog so far and have to tell you how blessed and inspired I am by you and the way you live, raise your family, love on the orphans etc!
    You're such an example!

    I would appreciate your prayers for direction.

    God has given me a HUGE burden for orphans since I was a child and last year (after many years in missions/YWAM doing all kinds of things), the Lord told me that NOW was the time to pursue this dream.

    Last November, my hubby and I went to Uganda for a scouting trip. It was heart-breaking and amazing!

    I know this was just the beginning. There at least 2 orphan initiatives I would like to start supporting (from NZ where we now live).

    I just need clear direction as to what exactly to do and how to go about it – wanna walk right in step with Holy Spirit – as I've only got little time and strength.
    But what I have I want to invest – wholeheartedly!

    Thanks so much for your prayers!

  10. This may be a little long, but I wanted to include it all. Last prayer request, I had asked for clear guidance on our upcoming adoption renewal and for my husband and I to be on the same page as which direction to head. Literally that night he started a discussion that ended with each of us changing our minds to what the other had been thinking. I had to actually laugh at how we continued to be on opposite spectrums, but really could see each other's view point.

    As I was driving home lasr night from a VERY long 13.5 hour work day, my body was aching, and so was my heart. I kept wondering what I would pray for today. Realizing my prayer hadn't been answered yet (I know patient I am not), I would pray for the same thing. Or so I thought.

    Expecting a big storm, I stopped at the store to get a few things and was surprised when my husband called me about a profiling opportunity he was interested in. Something I never thought he would be interested in, he was asking me if we could go for it. The thing that cemented it for me was that one of the childen, who was already named, name's meant God with us.

    Sometimes I forget that He has a plan.

    So my prayer request today is two fold. One a prayer of thanksgiving for reminding me that God is with me. The other is for this sibling group. Of course I WANT it to be us that is chosen, but what I am praying is that the best forever family is found for these children.

  11. Praying for the situation in Egypt.

    I also have so many issues on my heart lately- my family has been going through such a difficult financial time that school fees have been unpaid since September. There is another particular problem which I cannot mention here which I am trusting God to see us through. I am also trusting God to give me an internship for the easter break. Also trusting God for breakthrough in my parents' businesses, for success in the academics of myself and all my siblings, for the life of my baby sister, and for my older sister's exam results which have been withheld to be released.

    But most importantly, I just want to thank God that we are all alive and well, that he has provided for all of our needs, and that he answers our prayers even before we ask.

    Please join me in prayer; I am praying for you too.

  12. Praying for Egypt!
    I cannot post exactly what I am asking for due to some laws.
    Praying for guidance and the right direction with my husbands job.
    We are looking for answers and signs from God!! That we do God's will and plan for our family.
    That God keeps providing for our adoption and we get that referral fast.
    Thanks for all your prayers.
    I will be fasting and praying with you all as well!

  13. Linny,
    We are traveling to China on Feb. 18th to bring home our beautiful Gracie, and I fell on Monday and broke 3 bones in my tibia…… please pray for my sweet hubby as he takes care of me and our family and for our upcoming journey, now on crutches!

  14. Prayed your friend's prayer for Egypt 🙂

    I need prayer for:

    – restored relationship with a family member

    – I need to understand and experience Jesus' love for me so that I can love one another with His love.

    – That He will continue to guide me about my future and for me to trust Him all the way.

    Many thanks 🙂 Will pray for others in here. Thank you for this prayer/fasting day! :

  15. I have posted requests before concerning employment for me and my husband, and also for happiness for me. Please continue to pray for these things, as the situation for my husband has gotten worse. He was waiting to get licensed in his profession, and the board that decides has now said that his 4 years of experience in the industry is not sufficiant quality. He is so upset, and feels like he has wasted the last 4 years of his life. I am still seeking happiness in my day to day life also.
    Thanks for your prayers!

  16. Linny this couldn't have come at a better time. First we will be praying for Sam. And I fasted yesterday just because Tuesdays are better for me, but Peter is fasting today. We're kind of fasting tag teamed.

    my request is for two particular orphans from Reece's Rainbow. Brigitta and Nellie. They are going to be transferred to a mental institution soon. They are beautiful and need a home immediately. Nellie is already five and Brigitta will be six on Feb 5th. I know their families are out there. i cannot think that soon these precious girls will be tied to a crib and in a straight jacket. They won't survive!

    and my other request is for my husband to start bringing in more money, any money! if we were in a better financial situation we would qualify to adopt and be able to save a child from life in an institution. Plus the stress of not being able to supply our own children with things they need is becoming overwhelming. The stress has taken it's toll on the whole family. And it is doing damage.

    please keep these girls in your prayers, I know someone out there is willing to love them.
    And please pray for our family to make it through this money nightmare intact.

    I will check back throughout the day and will be praying for you all!

    Thanks Linny, Love you!!!

  17. There is a baby girl named Sonia in Haiti who is in desperate need of medical care. I have been working with our local children's hospital to get her in as a "charity" case. We have offered to host her in our home. All the doctors are willing to donate time. I have tons of services lined up BUT in the end the hospital said they had no more funds allowed this year for "charity" situations. Her bill will total approximately $184,000. For her to get a medical visa the facility or an individual has to step up and guarentee payment of medical services.

    Here is a post I wrote about the situation.

    Here is a post about Sonia.

    Please say a prayer for baby Sonia that God will give her the strenth she needs to fight.

    Pray that God will open the hearts of the right people so that she can get medical care.

  18. Praying for Egypt and for Sam!

    I hate praying for money but sometimes that's really what you need. It's what we need right now so we can adopt a precious little boy. We are so close but still so far away. Our fund-raising efforts seem so futile some days and it's hard to remain hopeful. I know we serve a big God and I'm just praying that the money we need will come flooding in for Noah.


  19. PRAYING for Egypt and Sam!

    I have an incredible PRAISE!!!
    My youngest daughter who spent all of last summer in the hospital was approved for a Make A Wish Disney trip! Praise the Lord! God is Good!

  20. This is so wonderful, I am so happy to lift all these petitions in prayer today and thankful that others will be praying for my needs. (people I don't know! is that a miracle in itself?)

    I have just begun the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace course, and I need wisdom & inspiration regarding my finances.

    I am praying about adoption at some point in the future… please pray for discernment for me.

    I am praying… and feel God is preparing me for a relationship (could this be related to my adoption prayers??)

    And I will be praying in thanks for all the ways God is moving in all our lives, even when it doesn't seem like anything is happening, or things are going backwards.

    I can't fast, but I will be abstaining from meat today.

    God bless all of you, and thank you!

  21. I love when you do this :0)

    My husband and I are currently waiting on our little boy to be born. His birthmother started having contractions this past weekend even though she is still a month early. Please just pray for their health and that we will make the 5 1/2 hr trip in time to see him be born! We also found out yesterday that the money that we were told that had been donated for our adoption at our church is not the amount that they currently have in their account. We are just praying that there is some type of miscommunication … we are literally days away from bringing home our first child and now we are being told that the money that we had planned on using to adopt him with is no longer there .. please pray for a miracle! Thanks so much!

  22. I prayed & I'll continue to pry for Egypt.
    Our request:We are foster parents hoping to adopt(we are blessed with two boys from Kazakhstan & hope for more kids). A few months ago we were able to start visiting with two little ones & were the family to be placed with them should TPR be granted. Well, TPR was granted however at the last minute(litterly)a family member stepped forward. This person has since taken their sweet time in being interviewed & haven't even started the process of becoming licensed so they can have the kids. We of course still hope & pray we will be able to adopt the kids but most of all we want what's best for them. They have seen & been through some awful stuff(esp. the oldest)& we don't want them to be exposed to that kind of life again. Please pray that what's best for them is what happens, even if we can't adopt them, as long as they grow up in a happy, loving family & most of all keep learning about Jesus.

  23. Please pray for my 15 year old daughter. Pray for peace, no fear, contentment and direction for a big decision she has to make by this Thursday. Ask God to give her a very clear understanding of exactly what her decision needs to be. And let her rest in His great love for her. Thank you so much!!

  24. Praying for you you,Linny, Sam/Egypt & everyone else today. What an honor!

    -Our house is still on the market (7 months) God has seemed very silent on this, and we are eager for direction in any way!

    -on a personal note, I'm asking for the chains of fear to be broken off once and for all. It is generational,and at times crippling. I'm humbly asking for prayer & believing for healing!

    Thank you!!

  25. Praying for safety, peace and democracy in Egypt. Praying the beautiful prayer that Sam wrote.

    Please pray for us- that we hear God, that we trust him, that we allow him to fill us with peace and the anxiety subsides.
    WE want to focus on the children- to live peacefully and joyfully serving him!
    We have very angry, threatening, non christian neighbors and are contemplating moving to another home.
    Right now, our life is full with 2 more children coming home and hopefully another adoption in the works asap.
    Moving takes a lot of energy and time- praying for God desires to be clear, for his direction and for his peace- and for the energy that we will need to accomplish this…

    Thank you Linny! I was really feeling like I needed help to pray about this!

  26. Praying for Egypt!

    And not forgetting to pray about your mountain Linny, God will move them and I can hardly wait to see what the big surprise is….

    For myself I'm starting antidepressants today. Not for depression but for anxiety. I don't like the idea one bit but agreed to try them out for three months, then go off and see if a change was made. I completely trust that God can heal my stress and anxiety issues but also believe that sometimes there are chemicals that need to be rebalanced. I am struggling as I don't like the idea of being on antidepressants one bit. Praying that He will heal me in these three months so when I go off I no longer struggle with the anxiety.


  27. What a privilege it is to pray for Sam and all of you today! Thanks, Linny!!

    I'm going to be vague, but the Lord knows the specifics. We have been struggling with a huge weight for almost a year. While I have been praying daily, and have fasted at times, we have yet to see the Lord move. Too many times to count since this past Sunday the Lord has placed before me guidance to ask BIG, pray for a miracle, fully TRUST Him. SO that's what I am doing- I am expecting Him to move this dang mountain range in His perfect timing!!

    Thank you for praying for me and my family.

  28. Linny- been a lurker, but need prayer for something that i know is not only God's heart but your passion as well. We have 5 children- 4 bio and 1 adopted from China. we are ready to adopt again and feel the tug on our hearts to explore domestic options first this time. short version- we received a file from our SW for a 2 yr. old boy who needs a family- we would love to be that family. But he has multiple needs- was a premee- has only lived in a hospital- which breaks my heart- he has a track and feeding tube. The doctors are hopeful we will lead a normal life in time. They expect the track to be removed by age 4. Pray as we seek God's guidance. We are not sure if this little guys needs are too big for our family. He will require multiple therapies and doctors appts. a week- we homeschool and I just don't know if his needs would be too much with 5 kids already. THanks for the prayers.

  29. This is a repeat request. Please pray for my awful job to improve or for me to find another comparable job elsewhere. I cannot afford to quit, yet staying is becoming harder with each passing day. Thank you.

  30. My husband is mentally ill. Please pray for his complete mental and emotional healing. Please pray for my strength and ability to cope, because I am totally drained and depleted. Please pray for my son (3 1/2 yrs) and my daughter (2 yrs) that they be spared any emotional baggage/damage from this situation.

    My husband has not always been this ill, but has been suffering for the last 7 years. It has taken such a toll on our family. I feel desperate at this point. Any and all prayers so very much appreciated.

  31. Linny, what a blessing it is to be able to have the opportunity to pray for one another. There is so much power in prayer and also in praying in agreement. I am praying for the restoration of my marriage and more importantly that my husband (I still believe God sees him as my husband) will come back to the Lord. I have 5 beautiful kids and they really need their daddy. My mountain is huge, but I believe God can work even in my impossible situation. Thank you so much for praying.

    To God be the glory!!!

  32. Linny,

    Just said a prayer for Egypt and for Sam and his family.

    Please keep my family in your prayers as we head to China next week to adopt an older child. Please pray for God to provide protection and wisdom throughout this adoption and when we get home. Also, please continue to pray about the other child that is on our hearts (who is still waiting).

  33. Hi, again, Linny. I just read back on some older posts that I had missed. I saw your request for prayer for some mountain moving in your family's life. I said a prayer for you all in that regard.

    God Bless,

  34. I'm excited to fast/pray today for Sam and all the prayer requests.
    My requests:
    1-for Christ to be the center of our marriage and home
    2-for the Lord to have His way in the lives of our adult children & their marriages/families

    Thank you for this opportunity! Bless you!

  35. forever ago i asked for prayer for my husbands job and for selling our house. after a bit of time my husband has received a promotion!! this promotion will move him to a town that he COULD commute to…but it would be tough. we met with a couple of realtors and they gave us really LOW numbers and little hope of selling our home. out of nowhere one of my husbands coworkers asked about our house, came to see it and LOVED it!! this week he is supposed to be talking to the bank about a loan. please be praying that he gets approved and that the bank assessor gives us a good number value for our house. this coworker INSISTS on paying us a good number…about 20g more than the realtor insisted we could sell it for!! 🙂 thanks for praying!

  36. I will pray for Sam, Egypt, and the others posting here. Here are my prayer requests:

    1 – we brought our nearly 7 yr old son home from Ch*na Dec 24. It has been toxic for our family. There is so much strife and trouble, I feel overwhelmed. He's our fourth adoption (all others between 3-4 yrs old) so we aren't newbies at this, but he is the oldest, and frankly has the most emotional issues.

    2- amidst this and probably contributing to it, my aunt passed away unexpectedly, and one of my two best girlfriends was told she has about 3 months to live. It is very sad to watch a dear friend slowly slip away. I know she will be with Jesus, but she leave behind a husband and three small children. We always pray for a miracle, but my grief for these losses is making it hard for me to be a good mom.

    3- that we don't get any more snow. We live in OK and got 16 inches yesterday. It's below freezing outside today so kids inside for the second day in a row. We don't have the type of winter clothes (really tall boots, ski pants for everyone) to handle 16 inches. We do fine when it's just a couple. We are all a little bit stir crazy today and it's only 8:30am. No school the rest of the week and another snow coming in for next Monday.

  37. Linny, thank you for the opportunity to join you in prayer for all these requests – will definitely include Sam and Egypt.

    My best friend has many mountains, personal and financial, that need moving. She is a prayer warrior for so many and believes God answers those prayers but never feels he answers hers as if she is not deserving. This breaks my heart.

    My parents are struggling with the advancement of my dad's illness. He is still in denial regarding it and it is taking a huge toll on my mom. Praying I can be the help she needs to make sure they have plans in place for the protection of both of them.

  38. I'm asking continued prayer for physical healing. I've had chronic fatigue syndrome (and many other issues) for over 9 years now. Currently the practitioners I am working with are not really finding anything wrong. They don't know how to help and I feel like I've exhausted pretty much all my options for treatments. There is one option on the table, but it seems pretty crazy. I need prayer for discernment and wisdom about that option.

    Also, the last few months I've been having increasing gynecological symptoms (which I've never had in all these years). I don't believe it's coincidence that this threat is aimed at my hearts greatest desire- having more children. My husband and I want more babies, but that is an impossibility with the mountains are currently in the way.

    Also, my mother recently was diagnosed with lung cancer- please pray for her healing and also that she and my dad would be drawn to the Lord.

    Thank you so much.

  39. Praying for Sam and for Egypt.

    Please pray for our adoption from Uganda. Pray that our dossier will be filed in court this week and we will be given a court date…a quick court date. Also, pray that God will increase my husband's desire to be a stronger spiritual leader of our home. We are also praying that God will give us direction on where He wants us to give this year. Thanks…

  40. I would like to add a prayer for the people in Queensland, Australia who have recently had difficult floods and are now faced with a cyclone. That God will protect them and deliver them.

  41. Praying for Egypt, Sam and his family.

    Please pray for God to give us clear direction on adopting a third time. And for financal means to do so.

    Keeping all those aboved mentioned requests in my prayers!

    -from the lyrics of a wonderful song…
    When you don't understand the purpose of HIS plan……Bow the Knee!!!

    Going before the Lord on bended knee, ~Jen

  42. I told my husband the other day that I wanted to fast and pray soon about….(thanks for prompting this day for hundreds to pray)
    ….Nick and Melissa as she is pursuing divorce—MIRCACLES to be done to stop her and heal their marriage.
    ….for God to form another mission team and show us when to go back to Rwanda–we want to go SOON.
    ….for His direction in school next year–do we homeschool? continue in current schools that we LOVE, we are open to whatever.

  43. Praying for Egypt.

    I have a couple of prayer requests. My husbands co-worker is having surgery on friday. He has been told it has a 85% mortality rate. We are praying that he survives the surgery.

    Also I was told on monday that I have about $12,000 worth of dental work that I need to have done. Problem is that we are filing bankruptcy and just don't have the money. Pray that God gives us the peace to know which way to go.

  44. Im asking for prayer for my grandson today. His name is Aidan and he is 7 yrs. old.
    My daughter happened to notice a white spot in his pupil a few weeks back and took him in last week to have it checked. They told her that he had a cataract and that he was almost completely blind in his right eye and then they told her that they could see something else and wanted to send her to a specialist. They called and got her in on the same day and she told me that when she saw the look on all three of the Drs. faces she felt sick to her stomach. They too felt that there was something else and thought it could possibly be a tumor. Just the thought of that to me is very scary and overwhelmes me. Now he will be going again next week to another specialist in Phx.
    I totally trust the Lord and know that whatever the outcome He will be right there with us.
    Please pray for Aidan and complete healing of whatever this is and please pray for his mommmy who is having to deal with this on her own with four small children all 7 and under and she is doing this without her husband as he is deployed to Iraq until this summer. She really needs to be lifted up and just loved on.
    So thank you in advance for your care, concern and prayers. Thank you Lord for what you will do!

  45. Thank you for this day of prayer Linny! I will put Sam and the situation in Egypt at the forefront of my prayers today as well as the requests that are presented here.

    I have a praise to announce. On the last day of prayer and fasting, my prayer request was for my sister, who had stopped talking to our family almost three years ago. I received an email from her on Monday saying that she is willing to meet with me!!! This is a huge step! Thank you all for your prayers!

  46. I am joining you in prayer and fasting today. Thank you for sharing the request about Sam and Egypt. Will be praying for all these requests today as much as is possible.
    My prayer request is that God has given my husband and I a deep burden for orphans and we desperately want to begin the process of adoption of an Ethiopian child. However, our van is on the fritz and is not large enough. So, our first priority is getting a 12 passenger van first (as soon as we file our taxes) and then moving forward with the whole adoption process. We are currently reading George Muller's biography and are encouraged towards much prayer and fasting in this whole process. I have to admit that this makes me a little nervous, because I like to do things (like fund-raisers and such) but hubby says no. I need the faith to trust his leadership in our family. He is an excellent leader/pastor and has never lead our family wrong. He is a very godly man and wants God to move mountains in this situation.

  47. Linny- Thank you for this opportunity to flood the gates of heaven today with prayers requests. Sam, Egypt, and all these other requests are being spoken on my behalf today. We were in the process of adopting our daughter's biological sister from S Korea. We had to put our adoption on hold because of satan's attack on our family. This situation can cause long term affects on our family, income, and life. We are dealing with financial struggles also and because of this attack we are having to spend thousands of dollars. I thank God for this trial. He has given us so much hope and been very very present during this time. We have become stronger in faith because of His mighty love for us. He is our Jehovah-Jireh, Our Provider, who sees ahead and provides everything we need. He is our Jehovah-Nissi, Our Banner, who has the power to blot our enemy so that we will never have to face that enemy again. While I was typing this your song "there is no God life Jehovah" came on. Then my comment got deleted. I feel God's presence and satan's attack on this blog today. Let's rejoice and praise our God who conquered satan on calvary!!! Please pray that this situation will be completely be wiped clean from our slate and we will be able to bring our daughter home from Korea!

  48. My husband Brian and I have been approved to adopt 2 siblings ages 0-5 yrs from Colombia, South America. We are officially on the waiting list, but our wait is looking like 3 years yet. The past few weeks I have had a deep desire on my heart to change our preference and pursue a sibling group of 3 children. Yet, this worries me a bit with how fast things would happen from here to getting the kids. We had our 3 yr plan, and now that plan could be really messed up in a good way. Its hard for me to wrap my mind around how fast this could happen for us if we pursue the 3 children. My husband and I have been discussing it and we are praying about it. Brian said God is going to have to change his heart and show him that this is the route we should take. Please pray that God would make this clear to us, and change Brian's heart to want to pursue adopting more children.

  49. To all who pray through the list – THANK YOU!

    Three requests: {1} unspoken {2} the third mountain could be removed along with all "policies" so that there could be speed to bring our treasure home {3} Completely different situation that we have been pleading {Luke 18:1-8}to the Lord about. It is one of those where this song keeps coming to mind "God will make a way when there seems to be NO WAY.." type of mountains…would you pray with us that God would remove this Mt. Everest? We will not give up – not ever!

    Praying over each of the requests posted today – no matter how long the list! xoxo

  50. Please pray for my friend Alice. She has a hard time walking as her knees are worn out. She should have surgery but can't because of she has high risk infection problems. Right now her legs are open and draining. Please pray that her legs heal and that be free of pain.

  51. Praying for YOU, my sweet friend!
    And fasting for HIS will to be done… may He receive ALL the glory 🙂

    You know my prayer request… thank you so much for continuously lifting our family up to the ONE who can do ANYTHING!!

  52. Praying for Egypt, Sam, and all the other requests posted.

    I'm needing prayer for my family. I'm going on a year living in the Philippines, working in an orphanage, and it is wonderful, right where God has called me.. however.. it is difficult being away from my family as they are going through some difficult times. I would especially appreciate prayer for my older 24 yr old brother, who is one of my best friends, but he is not saved and he is making a complete mess of his life. I pray that the LORD would pierce his heart, that He would transform my brother's heart and mindset, that He would bring salvation to him. The relationship between my parents and him is extremely strained, and I am the only family he's reaching to and trying to stay connected with. Pray that the Lord would give me wisdom in how to love and minister to my dear brother while being so far from him.


  53. We will be praying for Sam and Egypt!
    The Lord has placed orphans on our hearts as well. We are thrilled to be starting our adoption process very soon! I ask for two prayers.

    We want to focus on our children and our children to come. We are trying to sell our house and change our priorities.
    We want to serve the Lord.
    We need our house to sell.
    We need to downsize in price, not space and it is possible, only if our house will sell.

    Also, I cannot shake the feeling that the Lord is calling us to bring home two sweeties. My husband is on the fence and is worried about money. I know the Lord will provide for us to be able to do this. We're praying for direction and for a sense of peace with our finances.

    Thank you so much for this day of prayer/fasting!

    I will be praying through each comment during quiet time.

  54. An Anonymous request I received:

    Hi! We would love prayer concerning our adoption. We are making some big decisions regarding our adoption this week. We are planning on adopting two little ones from Ethiopia (our dossier is in Ethiopia already) and are feeling led to adopt hiv+ kids, but need to pray and get a few more questions answered. We feel like it is one of the things Jesus would do, but of course it is scary! (not the hiv so much, but the reactions and social implications)
    PRAY for WISDOM, COURAGE, and for clear ANSWERS.
    Also, as my dh is a pastor and we already have 5 kids, funding the adoption is a challenge!
    Thanks Everyone!

  55. I'm 33, single and would love to have children and desperately want to adopt. I know that I don't need a husband to adopt, but I have a promise from the Lord that He keeps reminding me of that I will be married. I feel the man of my dreams is just about to step forward so more than anything I ask you to pray for him. that whatever is keeping him form pursuing me would be released.

  56. Praying for Egypt.

    As a result of one of Linny's post, we stepped outside the box and are hoping to adopt "out of birthorder." Something we had not done before. A little boy with a very serious heart condition is waiting for us in China.

    Please pray for an expedited homestudy process. The local agency is very busy and we hope that God will pave the way and bump us up the list.

  57. Praying for Egypt and for Sam. Only God can move these many many mountains. Please pray for my children's health. We have all been battling the strep bug back and forth for a couple months and praying that everyone will wake up completely healthy tomorrow. Also please pray for my Grandpa Rex to know Christ he is Athiest.

  58. HI Linny I am praying and fasting with y'all, storming the gates of heaven for these prayer requests. Mine is the same as it has been for months and months….17 months to be exact.

    1. Reconciliation with my 18 year old son. He hasn't spoken to me or anyone in the family in 17 months. I miss my boy so much.

    2. For my husband's heart to be softened towards the orphan. He's put our adoption proces on hold.


  59. I have been sitting here reading these requests and just crying my eyes out. God is so good and yet there is so much need all at the same time. I love this bloggy community so much. I am believing with you all.

    As for my prayer request, I have a friend named Mimi who is a new Christian and is trying to start a new life. Please pray for God's strength to face down old demons.

    For my family please pray that God helps us be obident in finances and that we can get back on track to pursue adoption.

    In Christ Alone,

  60. I will be praying for requests listed here!
    My request today: The Lyme Disease treatment is causing gallbladder problems. Prayers needed for it to resolve itself so I can go back on treatment and avoid another surgery.
    Thank you!

  61. Please pray for my nephew, he is at this very time, having a faith crisis. "how do you know Christ is the only true way?" He has seen a lot of people talking Christian talk but not really living it and I think he is trying to sort it all out. I know and have shared with him to seek God and he will find Him. Please pray for him to have a solid and passionate faith in Jesus Christ alone.

  62. Thank you Linny and everyone else who is praying. I will be praying for Sam and Egypt.
    Please pray for my on going prayer for my son, Matthew. He has not talked to his whole family for three and a half years. Pray that he will turn back to the Lord and his family.
    He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it. God is always faithful to complete his work in you 100% of the time!

  63. Oh, this is definitely a blessing to be able to post a prayer request. My request is for little Maksim – who recently received some serious injuries. Healing and relief.
    For little Oscar K. who's been living with his injuries all his life. For home for him and love.
    For little Peter, who has Down Syndrome, to find a family to take him in.
    And for clarity and discipline for myself, so that I continue to follow what God wants me to do. Whatever it is.

  64. I really feel that I am in the desert. Much of what I am asking for in prayer has been my same prayer for so long. I often wonder if God is answering me, but I am not hearing/seeing it.

    1. Continued prayers for the healing/restoration of my MIL, SIL, sister, and daughter.

    2. Financial provision. My husband owns his own business (CPA), unfortunately most of his clients are unable to pay their debts with economy the way it is. My husband continues to provide his services to them as they have been long time clients. We have used up almost all our savings, retirement, credit in just dealing with our own expenses/bills.

    3. Adoption. Since we are so strapped for money, I know another adoption is out of the question for now. I pray that God will bless us with another adoption in the future.

    Thank you all for your prayers.

  65. So awesome to see that today is a day of prayer again (I love when I come to visit your blog and it's a day of prayer). My husband just told me that he has hurt his back. His mother takes care of an elderly woman and this woman had fallen into the floor and couldn't get up. It's already very hard to pick up someone out of the floor when they can't assist you and they are nothing but "dead weight", but she is very overweight and this made it very difficult (even for my husband who is 6'4" and 300 lbs! He needs a miraculous touch from our Heavenly Father NOW! He can hardly move. Believing God to meet all of the needs listed here, those not listed and my husband's back to be completely restored! We serve a BIG God who cares about what matters to us!!!!

    Thanks Linny!!

  66. i will be praying for sam and egypt….

    we need continued prayers for a job for my husband… the one year mark since his job is coming up soon, and he is just getting so depressed 🙁

    Also… i work as a part time nanny for 2 twin baby girls… they were born premature, onei is fine but the other zoe has some health issues… she was scheduled for surgery today but it had to be canceled because she started running a super high fever and had really bad chest wheezying yesterday…. they have admitted her to the hospital for a few days to figure out what is going on…. she is only 13 months and weight only 12 lbs 🙁 i love them so much and am praying God will swoop in and move a mountain on her behalf & that HE would give me an opportunity to share his love with her parents as they are not saved.

  67. A repeat request for restoration in my marriage. The mountain seems to be getting bigger and bigger and it's getting harder to see how God can move it, but I keep believing and knowing that He Can Move It.
    Praying with and for all of you.

  68. Linny,
    My request is that I would continue to heal and trust and believe God for my future. that I would not believe the ridiculous lies of the enemy. I can clearly see (after a while at least) that they are lies to make me fear, but they are still hard to deal with. That God's plan for my future would happen and that I would know what to do in the meantime and enjoy life. In plain English, I believe I was created to be a wife and mother of lots of adopted kids, but I'm getting older by the second and am still single. God has done a lot in freeing me from things in the past year or so, but there is more to be done. Since I posted on the last prayer time, God has done some more stuff, for which I am VERY THANKFUL.

    Also, 2 years ago yesterday, my friend and her husband lost their baby girl 5 days before she was supposed to be born. This time of year is hard for them, and I am praying they will know what to do about kids in the future.
    Thanks, and praying for the other requests and Egypt!

  69. Praying for Egypt today. May peace come to them quickly and that the people of Egypt have true democracy.

    My prayer request is kind of a repeat with an addition. Please pray that my husband's new job works out. There has been a great deal of struggle getting acclimated to the new company and his new boss, different way of doing things and different personalities.

    I would also ask that you pray for my husband to get relational with Christ. He attends church but he does not turn over his troubles to the Lord. I am praying that he will be able to give up his anxiety and realize that we must turn things over to Christ for love and direction and that he start each day knowing deeply in his hard that GOD LOVES HIM.

    Praying for all the requests today.

  70. My requests seem so insignificant compared to the needs for Egypt. Today I want to praise God. Ten years ago today he saved my infant son from death.
    I lost my job in June and now have two part time jobs. Every month by some miracle we make all our bills. This month we are behind. Please Lord help us get caught up. Let a job opportunity arise or a new way to stretch our dollars.
    Finally, the stress is causing stress in our marriage. Causing my husband to turn away from the Lord. Please heal my husbands heart.

  71. Linny,
    Praying and fasting for Egypt and the many people who need prayer. We are seeing God move BIG time for us. We have seen the enemy attack us this week and we are not surprised because of what God is doing. A friend of mine sent me this verse…

    Psalm 62:6
    He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken.

    Pray that God will continue moving in our adoption! He is moving!! 🙂

  72. Please pray that my dentist appointment today im not nervous for – and no cavities.

    Please pray for our adoption and that the finances all into place.

    Please pray for my mother in law who is heartbroken after her husband left her.

    Please pray for travel mercies for me and my friends as we go to an adoption retreat this weekend. And that my friend finds the time to talk to her husband so they can proceed.

  73. Praying through this list is such a privilege! Thank you all for opening your hearts and stepping forth in faith to ask for prayer.

    I want to encourage all of you struggling with finances and especially those of you financing adoptions: when we were starting our adoption 3 years ago, I was so worried about the $. God spoke to me through another adoptive parent reminding me that "He owns the cattle on a thousand hills, all he has to do is sell a couple to afford this adoption!" The statement encouraged me so much and whenever I was driving around in our rural county and would see cows grazing, I would smile and be reminded that God truly can command all of the wealth in the world! We were able to complete our adoption debt free! Praise the Lord! Be obedient to what He is telling you and keep the faith!

  74. Praying, thank you Linny for giving me a name and specific prayer request for Egypt.

    Huge Praise for our gracious and almighty provider! After praying and fasting for the fist time with you all last time, I felt Gods presence like never before. Then a few days later I received a financial blessing that allowed me to start the homestudy process for my Ecuadorian Girl. Unbelievable the help came from another family in the process of three more adoptions. The faith of Gods servants who love the orphan just overwhelms me. Thank you Jesus, also for my 2 doctors who support my desire to adopt.

    My prayer today is for employment. To supplement my disability income to provide for my daughter and I, and also to provide adoption funds. May God direct my path and lead me in the way he wants me to go. Only God my father knows how much work my health will allow, how much I need to rely upon my own efforts, and how much blind faith I need to allow this adoption to happen.

    Praying for Egypt, Ana, and all of you today.

  75. Wow! Thank you Linny for creating this place for God's children to come together & lift one another up to His Throne!

    Life is pretty great in Durango, but it has been a tough year since I moved here almost one year ago (Feb 5th!). God allowed me to "coast" for the first 6 months after moving here from Oregon, and then He turned up the refining fire! In August, my identity was stolen & I had to recover several hundred dollars that had been charged to my bank account. A couple weeks later, my brother overreacted to a minor conflict & didn't speak to me for 7 weeks (we are now totally reconciled, PTL!). In October, a con artist posing as a piano teacher coming to work alongside me in my business threatened the safety of my home & the kids in my music studio, AND stole my credit cards! In November, there was a fire at my house. And now, all through the winter, it has been so cold in my house (warmest is in the mid-50's, WITH the woodstove going!). I have been fighting being sick for over 3 weeks now, and have been in physical pain pretty much daily from literally trying to "shrug off" the cold. Now I am consumed with packing up again in order to move in 10 days!

    HOWEVER… God is still on His throne & blessing my socks off in the midst of trials!

    He brought new friends into my life in the midst of the "crazy piano lady" situation (as we affectionately call it!), He saved me & my dogs from the fire, and now He has provided a great house for me to move into, very solidly built…and WARM! He brought me to The River Church (just became a member, yay!), and I'm excited to get back into missions by working with the missions team! I have an awesome studio of private music students (ages 4-15), who are my current mission field as I work with them & their parents every week.

    I would like to have prayer particularly for the next few weeks. This is one of those times where you just put your nose to the grindstone & don’t really stop much, all the while looking forward to the next opportunity to stop & rest.
    – My students just had their Winter Recital this past weekend (which was awesome!)
    – I am consumed with packing everything up to move to the new house on Feb 13th
    – I am playing in our local symphony rehearsals & concert the week of Feb 15-20
    – I’m playing in another pair of concerts Feb 25 & 26
    – Putting on an all-day violin/viola workshop for my students & other local students on Feb 26th
    – Moving my music studio to a location in town on Feb 27th (as opposed to continuing to teach at home)
    – On March 14th, starting a new ECE class offering through my music program for moms with children from birth to 4 years old
    – Turning 40 on March 15th!!!

    WHEW! Makes me exhausted to even think about all of that! We have Spring Break March 7-11, and this is one lady who is planning to do a lot of resting during that time!

    Please pray that God would not only sustain me through the next few weeks, but would give me heavenly strength & energy, AND a joyful & Christlike attitude throughout each day!

    One more request… I can very much relate to Julie (“Piano Safari”) in her desire to be a wife & mom. I too have had that deep longing every since I was a little girl, but it has not yet been in God’s plan to satisfy that longing with an earthly husband & children of my own. On one hand it gets somewhat “easier” as I get older, but at the same time it gets harder to not have someone to share life with. And I have such a mother’s heart that longs for children of my own, not just 45 minutes a week with someone else’s child in their violin lesson. I am very open to adopting, and am looking forward to the day that God opens the door for this to happen. Of course, it would be awesome if He would bring along a Godly man who has the same desire!

    THANKS for praying!!!

  76. We have been praying for the situation in Egypt. It's so troubling. We will add Sam to that prayer.

    Praise to God! One of our requests from the last shared prayer day was answered. The baby girl from Russia and her family are all home and doing GREAT together! I am sooooo very thankful for that!

    Our current prayers for our adoption:

    1. Money. My DH is leaving for the sandbox *again* on the 23rd of this month. The only thing keeping us from finishing our homestudy is paying for it so we can get the interviews done. We want so very badly to complete this part so I can work on the dossier while he's gone and actually get somewhere with this
    adoption. God has been so very good to us since we committed to getting our finances in order. The money has always been there when we needed it. Please pray that if it's His will for us to move forward with this, now, that we will find the money somehow.

    2. Please pray for our adoption. I have a wonderfully supportive husband who is all for adoption. He is a fabulous father to our 3 bio boys. Over a year ago, I saw a sibling group of sisters (5) on Rainbow kids. I felt (and still
    feel) that they are to be our daughters. I have been praying for God's will and for them to find a home so that we would be sure they aren't ours. I am only further confimed that they are ours. My husband feels that a sibling group of 3 is the MAX. So I pray. I pray for guidance. I pray for God's answer. I pray for my husband's heart to be opened to these girls. I haven't spoken of them since July. I am trusting that if God wants them to be ours,
    that He will tell my husband and my husband will bring them up to me. That is the only way I'll know. I feel I must submit to my husband and that God will work it out His way. Please pray for this situation. This continuous limbo is so challenging.

    3. Please pray that my mother's heart is opened to this adoption. She lives with us and is protesting everything we need her to do to get through this process. She thinks we are making a HUGE, HORRIFIC mistake and doesn't get any of it. Please pray for her eyes to be opened to the huge need out there and the fact that we can make a difference.

    Thank you Linny for this opportunity to pray for others as well as express our prayer needs! May God bless you and your family in your new Orphan Help Adventure. We are praying for your 3rd mountain! Thank you all for praying for us!

  77. I need prayer for 2 situations.

    1. We have been waiting to bring home our FOSTER son since October. He is here in the states and we hope to adopt him. We thought he would be home with us in early November. Well, still no word. We are quite annoyed, and his foster mom is heartbroken because the longer we drag this out, the closer he gets to her. Please pray for God's will to happen. And happen fast. I can handle a no from God, but it is this uncertainty that is driving us nuts.

    2. I have been dealing with pain for months now and feel it is satan attacking me. Read this post to see more and to know how to pray:

  78. I post this every week … but please pray for a new job for my husband. He's a kind, decent, God loving man and he works so hard and so many hours. The company has cut and cut and cut and with each cut they have poured more and more work on him. He works from home too which makes it even worse because there is no break – no getting up and leaving the office. It's just always there and it's now affecting his health. Even though he's older, we have younger kids & I need him healthy!

  79. Praying!

    Please pray for our adoption – for God's perfect timing and for peace while we wait.

    Please pray for my friend's daughter, Bella. This little 9 week old had extensive surgery on her liver. We're praying that she recovers from surgery, stays healthy, and that the surgery was successful (they won't know for 3 months).

    Thank you.

  80. Sorry – also please pray for God to provide a job for my husband! He is military but in a strange year to year position. There is a permanent slating coming up – prayers that God provides a job and sends us where He wants us.

  81. The Lord put on my heart to pray that the process (specifically travel requirements) for adopting from Uganda will be expedited. Right now the 6+ week stay in Uganda required by the agency makes it difficult to adopt from there.

    This morning I asked a good friend (who would like to adopt from Uganda, but are looking at other Africa programs due to length of travel) to pray with me about this. She said she just received an email from the agency that something with the Embassy is changing! The good news is that this might change the travel, but sadly some families can't leave today as scheduled to pick up their little ones! Pray for them as they have to wait.

    Praying that this change is a mountain God is moving!

  82. Please pray for Elijah, a little boy I know in Uganda. He is 3 and is stuck in an orphanage not being able to go home (at the moment) or be adopted. I spent 3 months with him this fall and the thought of him being alone without a family makes me sick. I miss him so much. Since I have left Uganda my friend there has said that he is not doing very good and has been hitting the other kids. This hurts my heart because I know he only does that to get attention.

    Please pray that God will move mountains to get him into a FAMILY (and if that was my family, I would be overjoyed, but many, many mountains would have to be moved for that to happen).

    (who is missing Elijah like a fat kid misses cake!)

  83. I feel like my prayer request is so small in comparison to some of the huge mountains others are facing. But it has been the desire of my heart for years and years, and I have prayed and prayed and prayed about it for so long. I want to be a stay at home mom. I only work part time, but even so it is so hard to get everything done at home in just a couple hours a day, I feel like I have absolutely no time at all for my family. As soon as we get home in the afternoons, it's homework, housework, dinner, and bedtime. I'm stressed and frustrated all the time and want so very much to be able to quit my job and just take care of my home and my family. It's not a matter of luxuries or appearances – we live in a very small house, I drive a 14 year old car (my husband has a work truck), we don't have cable or get a daily coffee at Starbucks or eat out all the time – it's literally a matter of survival for me to work, not to mention that all the insurance for me and our kids is through my job. I would love your prayers.

  84. Please pray for my family that God would heal our disfunction. That he would heal broken relationships. Heal our family.
    Thanks you Jesus for loving us!

  85. For those of you fasting and praying, please pray for two little ones in Ethiopia. Their adoption was finalized legally by the Ethiopian govt and now the US Embassy has uncovered issues that could keep them from coming to the family that has waited and prayed for them for many months and years now. In the human earthly realm it does not look good but God CAN move this mountain too! I have to trust HIS heart IS for these orphan children and for them to have a family and not be relegated to go back to the orphanage with no hope for the future.Thank you for praying.This family are friends of ours in our adoption small group and this news just in today and they are obviously heartbroken . Thanks for your prayers! May HE be glorified!


  86. I will pray for Sam and Egypt. Please pray that the finances will fall into place so I will not lose my home. Please also pray that I will not consumed by fear like I have been. Thanks.

  87. I would like to praise God for the judge granting two RR families a court date which allows other children to now be adopted from that region. Please pray for Pauline, the little girl I've fallen in love with who is in this region. Please pray her family finds her before it's too late – and pray that if that family is us we trust God to provide us with the finances to get her.

  88. Please pray for my husband. As the provider of our one-income house, I believe he feels some fears regarding adoption and truly opening our hearts up to what God has called us to. We have been discussing special needs, and multiple children. Please pray that God would open his heart and show him the need.

  89. Please pray for a Christian family for T. who has experienced a lot of heartbreak, but has a heart for follow Jesus and is a teenager. Please also pray for the many many children/teens/young adults caught in the fostercare/social services system that almost never get to hear about and experience the love of Jesus because of "separation of church and state." Please pray that God will raise up his people to be present and love and parent these children and give them options for a different life.

  90. Thank you for this wonderful forum and your wonderful posts on fear.

    You hit my nail on the head.

    Surrounded by fear, my world is getting small and God is calling me to stand up and trust fully in who He is!

    This is my prayer, that my heart knowledge would fully encompass my heart, that He may reign fully and I may see His glory.

  91. Financial prayers still. I am out of work and God is nagging at us to start the adoption soon, it is playing a toll on our marriage a bit. We are sticking together but times are hard. The other day my hubby practically yelled at me, "I am tired of waiting, its been 6 years, I want our daughters home!" that is the first time he has EVER said that, and I feel horrible. I want them home too, we have not began yet and I want them home. However I feel this overwhelming burden on me to make everything happen. Will you pray for us, and that I will rely on God during the good and bad times and I will not waiver during the down times, and that He makes a way where there seems to be NO way. He has called us to this I am sure without a doubt.

    Lord I give this all to You. Show me each step one by one, because I cannot handle the whole picture right now, its overwhelming.

    I also pray for all the needs listed on this blog that You would be with each and every one in their hurting and suffering and trials as well as their joys. If we don't have You then what do we really have? Not a thing!

    Claiming Jeremiah 29:11 for all these prayers listed!! In the mighty name of Jesus who can move all our mountains! Amen

  92. Linny,

    Thank you so much for this incredible opportunity to unite as the body of Christ and bear one another's burdens. I am so very humbled to have the opportunity to pray with and for each and every one of these people.

    As for me, I would covet your prayers for…

    My husband…that he would have an overwhelming desire to be the spiritual leader of our home, and that he would be obedient to the Lord's call in this area.

    Our family…please pray that the Lord would help my husband and I to be of one accord regarding the number of children we are to have. Right now we have two precious blessings. I long to have one or two more biological children (should God so choose to bless us in that respect) and to adopt as many as the Lord sees fit. Unfortunately, my husband is content with our little family as is and is adamantly against adoption. Please pray that the Lord would give us both the same desire for our family…whatever HIS desire is for us.

    Our almost 3 year old daughter…She suffered her first full-blown asthma attack Sunday night. We are praising God for his mighty hand of protection during that very scary time!! We are seeking to get her in with a pediatriac allergy/asthma specialist to make sure we are doing everything we can to keep her healthy and safe.

    And lastly…A name for my little sewing endeavor. I am seeking to start a business to benefit the orphan. I want a name that reflects my love for Christ and the orphan but that also speaks to all who might cross my path so that I can have the greatest impact for His kingdom. Please pray that a specific name would be revealed to me as I have been struggling to find just the right one.

    Thank you so very much to each and every one of you who have taken the time to pray for my requests. We serve an AWESOME GOD and I simply CANNOT wait to hear how he is moving the mountains we are all praying for today!

    In Christ,

  93. Praying for Egypt…and Sam. I was watching the news today and thinking of the scriptures about this area, and my, oh my, I lifted it all up to God because my emotions were running wild.

    Anyway, I am coming out of lurking. I actually prepared a comment this morning and then canceled posting it. I was chicken. Well, I am not anymore. My husband I got an acceptance letter today (about an hour ago!) from our adoption application. So…we are officially into the process. There is so much to do. It's overwhelming and exciting all in one. We are just pleased to be on our way to bringing a child into our home. (Our 3 bio kids are beaming, too!) Anyway, we would just like prayers that this will flow smoothly and we will have our newest family member very soon!

    Thanks for letting me join in!

  94. Love that we have these days to come together as a community of believers even though we live so far apart.

    My prayer request is twofold: one – for me to be able to fund my last year of university study {next year}; particularly that I'm able to receive the scholarships for which I am applying. One in particular is due next week and I am waiting for the FAFSA paperwork to be processed so I can send everything in!
    two – for a trip to Hungary this summer to work with missionaries and their children. I am feeling God's call for me to do this even though I don't know where the money is going to come from. Pray for the funds and for Him to confirm that this is His will for me this summer.

    Thank you for all your prayers! May God bless us all as we seek His presence today.

  95. ALSO – regarding Egypt: my friend's parents are missionaries there and if I am correct, they are there now. Please pray for their safety and that they can continue to minister despite the chaos. Their names are Dave and Julie.

  96. Please pray for our home to sell, we are moving again, sometimes when God opens the door you have to walk through. We weren't ready and at times I'm still not, but ready or not hubby will leave Montana Apr.1 to start his new job in Georgia. The kids and I will have to wait til the house sells before we can rejoin him. We are asking for prayer that the house sells quickly and we can all be together under one roof in our new home as soon as possible. Thanks and I will be praying for you too.

  97. I am praying for Sam and Egypt! Please pray for finances for my daughter and her husband and three young children. Pray for direction for me. Pray for a man named Scott who needs deliverance from alcohol and a house to live in. THANKS!!!

  98. We ask for prayers in our behalf for China to approve us for a dear little boy who we feel is OUR little boy. We do not meet all of China's requirements, but we know God can move and change hearts on behalf of the orphan. Thank you so very much.

  99. God has drawn my heart to the people and orphans in Uganda. I have submitted my application to travel to Uganda with Linny, Emma and the rest of the 2011 GO team in April. I must raise $3,000 to go.

    PLease pray that God would send some ideas for me to earn extra money to go and to soften the hearts of people that God sends to donate to help me… go love on the fatherless.

    Love you Linny,
    Bambi from Missouri

  100. Linny,

    We have a dear friend whose daughter is serving a Chistian school in Ciaro. They were able to talk with her and she is well. Please lift her up in prayer also. She is working to get the American and Canadian students out of Egypt and can/wont leave until her job is done. Her name is Dena.


  101. Praying for Egypt.

    Please pray for our church group as we plan to take a mission trip to Haiti and May. Praying that the political situation is resolved so they are actually able to go.

    I would like to go on our spring break mission trip to work in the inner city in FL. Praying that everything would work out and that I would be able to step out of comfort zone and do this.

  102. Linny,
    I'm coming in late in the day. I just prayed for Egypt. It helps to know how to pray specifically. Thanks for including the prayer..

    Here's my request. We just brought our 4 year old son home from Ethiopia. He is adjusting well, but my 10 and 12 year old are having a terrible time transitioning…especially my daughter. Please pray that God would soften their hearts, that they would love him, for peace in our home when we're all together, and that they would understand a 4 year old just plain gets into things.
    Thanks so much….I love that you offer prayer….Our current sermon series is "Prayer Can't Wait" and I believe it!

  103. praying for egypt. praying for sam. praying for peace.
    praying for your next mountain, linny!!!!

    please pray for the children here in uganda that are figuratively held captive. [and the ones that are literally!] there are children here that should be able to have homes and they need released from evil's grip on them. they need set in families and God can do that for their good and His glory!

  104. Please pray for our adoption of our almost 14 year old daughter in China. We are praying for our Article 5 to be ready and issued next week and that our TA will come quickly after that. We would love her home with her family for her birthday- and it's in March! Also, please pray for me- leaving my husband again for two weeks is so hard.Thank you all for the prayers. Love, Kim

  105. 1-for Christ to be the center of our marriage and home
    2-for the Lord to have His way in the lives of our adult children & their marriages/families

    I am copying what JR wrote above.

    Thank you so much, Linny. I will be praying for all of the needs as well.



  106. hello,
    this is the first time i've posted a prayer request… just started reading recently. i would love to ask for prayers as we seek God's will in adoption. we have adopted before but this time we feel led to adopt a waiting child from china with heart problems. God has made this very clear to us. please pray that we will be found faithful in this calling- sometimes we are scared when we consider the challenges with already having 3 young children and some health problems on my part!- and that He will make it very evident which child we are to choose. sometimes it is just hard to know.
    also, if you could lift up my brother and sister-in-law- friday is the one year birthday of their only son who died suddenly at age 1 month. their pain is so raw and deep, marriage is crumbling and the enemy is at work. but jesus is, too! i think one of them is coming to know Him…
    thank you! haley

  107. Hi Linny! My husband and I are in the process of a domestic adoption. We do have a pretty new home and we checked our smoke alarms this past Saturday with our social worker (during home study #2!). It is an annoying but sweet sound to hear that beep. 🙂
    Thanks for all of your encouraging words, I really enjoy visiting your blog.
    Amanda @

  108. Linny, I pray for peace in Egypt and for a democratic government there. I stand in agreement for God's perfect will for those who have listed prayer requests here; I've read each one to the Lord.

    My request is similar to others here. We have been called to adopt a beautiful, wonderful, funny and sweet 11-year old boy from Ukraine named Misha. We hosted him at Christmas and, as part of the program agreement, had to say "goodbye" to him and let him go back to his orphanage.

    Misha was hand-placed in our home by the Lord's hand. If I told you the entire story, you would know it also, beyond a doubt. And, we want him back. Forever.

    So, we are praying (and asking for agreement) for Misha's safety in his orphanage, for our peace through the process, and for financial delivery. We're also saying a prayer about a foreign regulation that would cause the process to take longer than usual — praying for that mountain to fall into the sea.

  109. I am praying for Sam and Egypt. And praying for the mountain you are waiting to move.

    My same requests stand:

    Son, Ethan, 21, salvation (spiritual heart)

    Son in Love, Josh, 32, healing from cardiomyopathy. (Physical heart) They can not find a cause. He and my daughter are expecting their first baby in April.

    Thank you ever so much for persevering with me on these matters.

  110. Hi Linny,

    I am starting the adoption process to add a third little one to our family. I am a single mom to two girls born in China. I am applying to adopt from Taiwan, where they consider singles on a "case by case basis". Please pray that they will accept my application and will allow me to adopt a child. Please ask the Lord to open their hearts to choose just the right child for me to love and provide for.

    Thank you so much,

  111. Hi Everyone!

    I really need to link my google reader [or at least APlaceCalledSimplicity :o)] to my email so that I can stay more abreast of what's happening here in real time. Even though it's currently 11 PM where I am, I will commit the next waking moments praying for Egypt (which has been in my heart and prayers for days) and for the requests of these great bloggy sisters (and brothers)-in-Christ.

    My personal prayer request is for God's favor and guidance for gainful employment that will best serve Him and His people, to keep my spirits and thoughts lifted and to be a light to others through the process. I also ask for prayer for a dear sister-in-Christ who has been experiencing unexplainable intense physical pain for months. Doctors and professionals cannot determine what's going on in her body. She's also experiencing emotional woes and I ask for prayer regarding her healing—mind, body, and spirit.

    Thank you Linny for hosting another day of prayer and fasting. Thank you all for your prayers and may we all persevere in trusting God and sharing His love with others until the day He returns!

    In Him,

  112. I'm working on a writing assignment through the night while praying and singing praise to God, and I received an email message with today's daily Scripture: Psalm 59:16.

    "But I will sing of Your power;
    Yes, I will sing aloud of Your mercy in the morning;
    For You have been my defense
    And refuge in the day of my trouble."

    It's now technically morning where I am, so I am singing and offering praise to our God for being our Defense in troubling times; our Comforter in sorrowful and lonely times; our Advocate going before us and making the ways straight; and our merciful Father who hears and is concerned about the prayers of His children. He is an awesome God and to Him I sing!

  113. Linny…Just now on twitter from a journalist who witnessed the most amazing praise report out of Cairo, Egypt. A group of Christians and a group of Muslims each wanted to pray but couldn't – it was to dangerous out in the open where they were, so they agreed to circle each other and protect them while the other group prayed. The Christians protected the Muslims first and after they prayed, they switched. The Christians prayed out loud in the circle for the Muslims that were protecting them. I don't know if Sam was right in the middle of it but it wouldn't surprise me. Thought you would love to hear this incredible news! God is so faithful!

    Thank you for the privilege of praying for all those who posted…it was an awesome day of unceasing prayer. Each post will continue to be prayed over until the praise reports come in! To God be the Glory for His Unfailing Love!

  114. I have a praise report, on previous prayer days I asked for prayer for my mother's Pagets Disease, today her Dr told her good news that the medicine she had is working 🙂 she is experiencing less pain than usual.

    Thank you so much for all your prayers, very much appreciated 🙂

    Thank you, Jesus!! 🙂

  115. So many requests but I also have request. I have a son in the N*vy and a son who has joined the A*my today! Please pray for Gods hand of protection to always be around them! I have 3 foster children who should not be reunited with their family. Sad to say but the family just are not appropriate to raise children. Please pray for the wisdom of the Judge next Friday, that he would agree with the social worker to start the termination of parent rights. 17months in fostercare is much too long! I will be praying for Egypt, and for many of the other requests and especially for your family!
    God Bless and Thank you for this opportunity to pray for others.

  116. Did post a prayer comment, but don't see it here, oh well the Lord Jesus knows that I have prayed and a prayer request too.
    May His great name be praised and His glory extended to the ends of the earth. May His mighty arm of righteousness be moved on everyone's behalf who have made known their prayers and supplications to Him.

  117. This is not for me but for our church custodians and our church staff.

    The custodians Bob and Ella, tragically lost their 27 year old daughter this past Saturday. She and her husband of 4 months live in Chicago. Her husband found her dead Saturday when he awoke from working a night shift (he's a physician, she's a nurse). Bob and Ella are back home in Ohio but they can't get their daughter out of Chicago for the funeral due to the blizzard conditions…please pray for peach for this wonderful family and a husband who has been widowed so shortly after being married. Its just heart breaking.

    Our entire staff is reeling because we have had 6 deaths that have in January, including the church business administrator. Also our senior minister has only been in this position since November 2010. He's had a few rough months since coming on with us.


  118. Please pray for me & my husband. We would love to have children but have had issues with infertility. We are praying for God's direction for our next steps. Should we foster? Should we adopt? If we adopt – domestic or international? We are very open – just seeking some answers.

    I posted a prayer request here for my family before Christmas. There was a lot of issues going on between my sister and my dad. I wasn't sure how Christmas would be. God answered our prayers – our Christmas was peaceful and my dad and sister got along well.

    I'm so thankful for this community that lifts each other up in prayer. It DOES make a difference – I've seen it happen!

  119. I am a never married, single mom who adopted my sons from the foster care system when they were 7 and 9. They are now 15 and 17. They had been through a lot of physical and emotional abuse from both biological and foster mom. They doing pretty well, but the last three months have been really hard- skipping classes, bad grades, lots of disrespect for me, and recently marijuana. Please pray for wisdom and patience and endurance for me. Pray that they will have a renewed desire to know and serve the Lord.

  120. I am still searching for a job, but that has been put on hold this week due to the insane amount of ice and snow that has hit the DFW area and caused closures. Also, I came down with type A flu despite having my flu shot in the fall, so please pray for a quick recovery. I am still feeling rather crummy, and being cooped up in this cold, crummy weather by myself is driving me stir-crazy.

  121. Hi Linny,
    my parents also live in Cairo, and so far have chosen to stay. They are hoping to support the Egyptian people they love so much as long as they can.

    I have grown up in Egypt and it's very hard to be so far away and watch the country break down.

  122. LINNY!!!!! The Lord answered a even a day earlier than we were supposed to know! We have been approved to go to England!!!! So very excited and over joyed with a God who cares so deeply for us! I felt a need to ask you for prayer and then thought, I can't bother her for that and then … you ask us to give you prayer requests!!!! You cannot believe the peace I felt all day Wednesday and my dreams that night were all about preparing to move to England. When my husband called me to let me know a day early even … we were both in AWE! Thank you for being obedient to the Lord calling you to ask for prayer requests!!!! I am still just smiling over how He orchestrates our lives!!!

    Blessings, Lisa C.

  123. Dearest friends, Lord laid something heavily on my heart this morning. Not out of the blue, but this morning in particular, the cries were loud. Please pray for North Korea. My blood runs cold when I think of the poor suffering millions there – without hope, without comfort knowing God's love. Please leave the prayers on the Wall:
    But please join me in praying. This is big. This is HUGE. This is not impossible for God.

    Please pray for freedom. Truth. And deliverance of these people out of this hell.

  124. I'm late adding to this list – hope that is okay. Praying along with you for God's people in Egypt and for Egypt as a nation to know Him.

    My family is just at the beginning of going for our 2nd adopted child. Would like to ask for prayers for the process and for the child (identity not yet known.) as we work towards bringing them into our family. Thankyou.

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