
Today was a monumental day over here at our home.  I finally turned in the final paperwork to our insurance for the fire.  Hundreds and hundreds of hours and it is done.  I stayed up both Saturday and last night till after 3am to ‘get ‘er done’.   There were 4,227 line items to go through and match.  
I would have never guessed that the after math of a fire could be so tedious.  Thankful to all of you who knew what I was doing and kept praying!  ugh.  It feels like such a burden and weight have been lifted.
Dw is away with our male staff at a pastor’s conference, so he wasn’t home to celebrate, but we had a bit of a party tonight.  The grocery store had fresh strawberries for only $2.00 a quart…so we dipped those along with bananas, marshmallows and pretzels in chocolate fondue.  And we had a time of prayer and thanksgiving.  
The next chapter begins. 
So thankful for His protection, provision and strength!!

The Girlfriend has a lil’ sass goin’ on…
Jubilee was so excited!  We don’t get junk food all that often…..
so dipping stuff in chocolate?

Oh my. 

Isaiah missed the festivities cause he’s sick and fell asleep beside the wood stove…

 With snow, whipping wind and frigid temps…

LEGOS are our best friends…
Liberty’s been sick and declined to be on camera

And lastly, you know the team that Emmy and I are leading?  Wellllllll, over the week-end we were able to spend time with our dear friends that we are going to be working alongside in Kampala doing street ministry to street orphans.  Anyway, through our conversation we came up with an idea.  The dreaming and ideas grew as we talked!!   It is amazingly exciting!!
So tomorrow stop by…as I share what Emmy and I a specific opportunity for each of you bloggy friends to love on the orphans in the slums of Kampala from your own home town!!  I am so thrilled I can hardly stand it!  

21 thoughts on “*sigh*

  1. My goodness wha-cha-ya'll do with l'il Elizabeth???
    That Girlfriend is grown' up soooooo fast!
    And you tell Missy Jubilee the next time she's having' chocolate she best be inviting' me. I love chocolate.

    Linny, You give the sick ones big Huggins from me. Golly, Missy Molly I wish we were closer.

    Praises for finished paper work. Waiting for tomorrow's new "ideas".

    Barbara Lyman

  2. Praise God the paperwork is finally behind you. That chapter of your life is closed! I can't wait to hear what God has scripted for the chapters to come.

    Oh how I wish I could go with you and Emma on your next trip. (I'll be very pregnant by then and won't be able to travel.) But I can't wait to hear how I can be part of your ministry from here.

    Hope Isaiah and Liberty are feeling better soon!

    Much Love,

  3. Love, love, love the picture of Elizabeth's sass! Girlfriend has spunk! LOL.

    Anyway, glad to hear the paperwork is complete. I know it's a bittersweet relief for you, but what a nice way to celebrate the completion and give thanks for God's protection and provision.

    Sending get well wishes to both Liberty and Isaiah!

  4. I'm SO glad you took the time to celebrate. It had to have felt like a million pounds falling off your shoulders to get that done. I can only imagine the emotions that you must have went through as you completed that list.

    I often think of the scriptures you have stapled to the frame behind the walls of your new home, and the profound meaning in every word there. It honestly gives me goosebumps to think of the POWER in those words. I know you are covered in His mighty hedge of protection. God's Word is ALIVE!!!

    Loved the photos of your beautiful family… they always put a smile on my face!!


  5. The food looks yummy!!! I wish I could go with you guys as well. Please do this again later! I had back surgery in December and I just can't get time off work so quickly after being off since November. (I am not even going back to work full time till March 24th!) But I would love to go. Maybe next year…could this be an annual thing?! God Bless!

    In Christ Alone,

  6. Congratulations on finishing the fire paperwork!!!
    Food looks yummy and as writing this at breakfast time in England, my porridge doesn't look quite as yum as dipping chocolate and strawberries!!!
    Samuel wants to come over and play Lego!!!!( slight problem in distance!!!) "They have alot of lego" he said with a big smile on his face.
    Big hug and praying they are better soon to Liberty and Isaiah.
    As for your idea hope you post it in the morning so I don't have to wait till tomorrow to find out what it is!!!!!
    Oh and can you send us some snow, all we get is rain!!!!xxx

  7. Hi Linny, I just read a post on this blog about a family adopting a beautiful girl from Kampala. Just thought it odd that I heard about Kampala on back to back blogs. http://allarepreciousinhissight.blogspot.com/

    And did you hear about the contest KLOVE is having? Thought Graham might be interested. You can nominate yourself, talented teen musicians, chance to go to camp music and play with some big names(of course I can't remember who right now) Anyway i remembered that video of Graham playing drums and thought he might be interested.

  8. Will definitely be checking back tomorrow…I think we all want to do something, and many of us can not go on the trip, so being that it's from home, it already sounds like a good idea!

  9. So glad to hear that all your paperwork for the fire is done, praise Yahweh!!! 🙂

    The chocolate fondue with strawberries is a great idea to celebrate, I'd be smiling like Jubilee if I see some.

    Looking forward to your post tomorrow. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful family photos with us all 🙂

  10. BTDT and yes, it's horrible. When you are at your most "displaced" and even getting a shower or getting clean clothes for your kids to wear requires so much effort, the insurance guys want an itemized list of all your possessions, including the current market value to replace them. ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? There should be a better process in place to lessen the trauma and workload on the families involved. (It's not like I'm claiming I lost the Hope Diamond or something- sheesh!) Most home insurance policies pay up to a percentage of the home's value for any "contents" lost in a fire anyway, so once we submitted inventory sheets that reached that amount, they just cut you a check for that amount anyway. Made me feel as if all that work was such a needless technicality, which is really kinda was. (Did I mention that I was 8 months pregnant at the time of the fire?)

    There are so many sentimental items that I wish we could've saved, but the most important thing was that no one was hurt, and it gave us a kind of freedom in regards to material things.


    As long as no one is hurt,

  11. Linny, how often do you or your husband go on these mission trips? My husband and our 14 y.o. daughter are talking about going on one together maybe even some time this year. I told my husband that you have invited bloggy friends to join these mission trips before, so maybe they could hook up with you all sometime if it's the Lord's will.

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