Wanna’ Kind of GO to Africa with Us?

Oh my.
This is so stinkin’ exciting….
Read on Girlfriends {and gentlemen}, read on….
So this past week-end one of my dearest friends{ever}, Celestia was over for dinner.  She lives in AZ with her husband.  Although Steve was working and unable to come, Celestia was here with Abigail {their youngest daughter}and Abby’s finance David.  David happens to work alongside her in the ministry  she began: A Perfect Injustice:  a ministry to the orphans who live on the street of Kampala Uganda.  Our GO teams serve alongside on each trip to Uganda.
Well it so happens that Abigail and David are getting married while our April GO team is in Africa.  {They are an unbelievable young couple!} If you listened to the River Church podcast this past Sunday, well, she and her David were the ones speaking.
David and Abby – the day they got engaged last month
Are you ready for this?  
The April 2011 GO Team has been invited to the wedding!!  
But because of Abby and her finances heart for the orphan and street kids of Kampala, this is not your “normal” wedding.  They are “loving their neighbor as themselves” and had decided that they were inviting the street boys that they minister to in Kampala to their wedding and the wedding feast.  Can you imagine?  I have a feeling, not many times in the history of the world, have street boys been invited to a wedding feast!!
You have to understand:  these little ones live on the streets.  They have nothing.  Like really friends, we don’t even have a clue what their lives are like.  They don’t even own a bar of soap.  Of course, if you gave them a bar of soap they would sell it to buy food to eat!  
Well after our dinner with Celestia, Abby, David and all our kids I got to praying and thinking….
What if our GO Team served the street boys at the wedding?  So on Sunday morning, I pulled Abby aside and asked her. She said, “NO!!  Just come and enjoy!”  I said, “Girl, we are coming to Africa to serve – let us serve!”  She was elated!!  Then all of a sudden she had an unbelievable idea!! 
What if our GO Team picked up the street boys in a bus and took them all to have showers and then dressed them up for the wedding?    Emma asked, “What if we brought ties for all of them?  And shirts?”  Abby wondered, “But where would we find 200 shirts and ties?”  At that moment Celestia said, “Abby!!  You don’t know Linny’s blog friends!  She’ll put the word out and they will come pouring in!”
So here’s where YOU come in…
We need 200 shirts and ties for these little street boys.  
All sizes…probably starting at 4T or 5.  All the way up to size 18 or men’s small.
If it doesn’t sound huge to you, then you just don’t understand what it will be like for these boys, who live with NOTHING but the beat up clothes on their back, that are dirty and worn out – who will be loved on and given showers and then given clean clothes and ties to keep!  
Here’s what I’m thinkin:
What if you guys prayed together as a family and went looking for shirts and ties at thrift stores in your area?  
What if you gathered your family and started praying for the boy{s} who will be wearing the shirt{s} you send – that he would meet Jesus and would grow to be a Godly man?  What if you began to pray for the team as they minister to these precious and very forgotten treasures long before we even get there?  
I will even share with you a part of the email I got yesterday from Celestia:
David and Abby laughed and planned all the way home imagining your team coordinating the many, excited, darling and naughty children of the streets! Honestly Linny, it was probably the most exciting news they have received during their leave. And the church’s emphasis on missions and the orphan is awesome!!! Thank you and thank you and thank you for the encouraging weekend…
What we need:
200 shirts and  200 kids/youth ties
You can mail them to:
the River Church
860 Plymouth Drive
Durango, CO  81301
Attn:  Uganda GO Team 2011
If you are up for it – please leave a comment that you’re in!! 
Seriously, I am so giddy as I type this, I can hardly contain myself!!
Emma is the photographer for the wedding, so, Lord willing, many of you will have glimpses of the treasures wearing the shirts and ties you sent!!
Oh how God loves the orphan!! He’s gonna’ come through big time!! Watch and see!

140 thoughts on “Wanna’ Kind of GO to Africa with Us?

  1. I am in! This is such a cool idea. I love the idea of serving these children who have so little and treating them like they deserve to be treated. Too cool. I can't wait to hear how this turns out!

  2. Count The Hiltebeitel Family from PA in!! Both of my daughters (8 & 4) were just telling me this weekend that they needed a project for their Giving banks. They will be delighted in the AM about shopping fir these special boys!


  3. I am SO in! Can't wait to go shopping- Hope I get finished early at work tomorrow so I can get started! I'm going to link this post on FB and my blog. You know, I think you're going to get more than 200!

  4. I am a frequent reader, but rare comment-er. I so appreciate your heart for family, and for God's children all over the world. I'm excited to have the opportunity to participate in your ministry while in Africa…can't wait to shop!

  5. Our son just outgrew his dress shirt and tie from last Christmas and I was about to box it up and give it to goodwill, but instead it will be coming your way. Sending lots of prayers you alls way and I can't wait to see what God does through this! I am so excited for you all!

  6. Totally in! I have been to Uganda twice and heading back in September for medical clinics. I cry just reading yours and Emma's blogs.

    I am sure you've thought of this but you need those Space Saver bags you can suck the air out to compress all these shirts and ties your going to get. 🙂

    -Becky C.

  7. Count me in, too! I have a bunch of really nice button down shirts that my boys WON'T wear. 🙂 I'll have to work on finding ties, but I will see what I can do! How COOL!

  8. I am WAY, TOTALLY IN!!!!! I love this idea! So precious in every way. I agree with some previous commenters that you're going to get way more than 200. So is there anything else we can send too? Pants? Shoes? Anything for girls?

    And when do you need them by??

    Can't wait to see how God turns this into something breathtakingly amazing!!!

  9. "Coincidentally" I was planning a trip to my local consignment store tomorrow to turn in some clothes. What better thing to do with the money I get for my used clothes! Thank you for letting us know of this special need- what a beautiful wedding that is going to be!!

  10. We are so in!!! This is the perfect opportunity to serve these children even though I can't travel right now. This is so amazing. Very excited to shop.

    PS…also sent your blog and an email to everyone I know. lol.

  11. We are definitely in! I have an extra tie or two that my little man doesn't wear anymore that I will include for someone who can't send one.
    and, is there anything else? pants/sandals/dresses for their sisters?
    getting giddy about this!

  12. Wow, this is awesome! I am in tears, because it is just so like Jesus! His parables come to life. You are truly walking His teachings :))

    I would love to go with you all but I am waiting for the embassy for an interview around this time so I have to be there in case they call me up. (Will share about this soon, YHWH (the LORD) willing).

    But I would love to be a part of this awesome, fantastic idea!!! 🙂

    I will think of how to contribute seeing I'm in Australia.

    Coolest! 🙂

  13. Bethany is so excited to be joining you on the trip! We'll have to head to the consignment stores to see what we can find – as soon as the snow melts enough so we can leave the house!

  14. Count me in 100% I will gather as much as I can this weekend and mail it out to you!!

    I don't often comment here, but I think you should know that I am in constant prayer for you and your family, Linny! Your doing amazing things with your life, and I believe your children will too! You are a huge reminder to me that every little thing counts.

    Thank you for everything you do!


  15. We are so in!!! And my Air Force wives Bible Study will probably be all over this to, all I have to do is ask. :o) I even have a pattern from a recent quilting magazine with a pattern form making ties!!!!! So excited about this one. Just like we have been reading about in Luke 14:21-23!)

  16. Oh my goodness…I have chills, and my heart is beating faster just thinking about this! I have two little boys who LOVE dressing up in suits and ties. And they have the WORLD here in America. Just thinking about these precious boys getting dressed up all fancy. I can't take it! Count me in!!

  17. Linny, could you please comment to the need for dress pants as well? I have a box of clothes ready to go to Goodwill and it has four pairs of khaki dress pants in it–sizes 10, 12, 12, and 14. They are in perfect shape. Would be more than glad to add them to the shirts and ties, but don't want to burden you with something you have no need for.

  18. My mom just sent me an email. She lives on a meager little monthly check from social security and yet she wrote this:

    Linny, I want to give you a little money to help with the cost of taking the clothes with you to Uganda ! I am sure it will be very expensive by the time you get all those shirts & ties and what ever else comes and then to ship them even as Luggage. They charge a bunch to carry extra luggage. love mom

    Mom, I love you!! You so totally rock…

  19. Count me in!!! Waiting to hear from you on the need for pants. I have a 10 yr old with several pairs of dress pants that he will not wear and I would love to send them to you. I have 5 children so I will send you clothes for 5 children. Thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of this!!!

  20. We are in! We have two thrift stores next door to each other! My 17 year old daughter and I will go tomorrow and begin to look! What if you gather MORE than 200?! We have a great BIG God who loves those sweet boys!! Woohoo so excited!

  21. I'm in, wish it would have been last week i just cleaned out the boys closets but I'm sure there are more that I can give right here under our roof, God is working on me to thin, this is the perfect way to do it. God bless your ministry.

  22. lol, i agree with marcia…i have a feeling you are going to end up with more than 200 for sure!! 🙂 i am totally in! i am a nanny for three kiddos and we talk a lot about the orphan and how we can pray and help…my kids will be tickled to help me pick out shirts and ties for little boys on the other side of the world who have none. 🙂 i am going to link your post on my blog, is that ok?

  23. We're in and will send a few items! Fantastic idea! Since you're going to get way more than you need, can we send money to help with the cost of getting the items to Uganda?

    Jen in CA

  24. AHHH! I LOVE this!!!

    When Mark and I got married we had the same kinda wedding. We were both serving at an inner city church in Rhode Island.(4Square) The street people and kiddos were our wedding guests! The soup kitchen was our wedding banquet. It was soooo much fun to have people who would never be invited to a wedding enjoy ours. We have great memories from that day. We'll see what we can do to pitch in…

    Blessings my sweet, direct, honest, Jesus-loving, orphan-adopting friend!


  25. Absolutely in!! What a fun idea!

    Joking of course, but I told my husband if this trip gets any better I may never come home. 🙂 I will just send for them to come and meet me there.

  26. Linny,
    I am director of a thrift in Louisiana. We have mens small dress shirts that were donated- brand new! Ties too. I will send you a count by Friday night!!!

  27. Dear Linny,
    I have tears running down my face as i write. I have been praying for an opportunity to to teach my 4 yr old triplets about being the hands and feet of Jesus. We would love to help and will be sending our package with love from New Zealand.
    Can't wait to see how God uses this to his glory.


  28. Linny, I've been thinking whilst going through sons wardrobe!! Maybe you should post again where people can comment on what size they are sending. This would then highlight any age that is low in numbers. Just an idea. Think it a wonderful idea for us all to take part in. Look forward to the pictures and hearing all about getting them ready!!!!

  29. I'm in and will send as many as I can. God bless you and Emma and those going to be the feet and hands of Jesus to these children. I can't express how excited I am for you all…wish I were going!

  30. We did this!! Only on a smaller scale. DH and I ran an inner city soccer team/ministry. My mom and I went out and bought shirts and ties and we had someone volunteer to pick up all the kids and bring them to our wedding and the reception. They had the best time being dressed up and eating like kings! Years later one of the boys is now playing soccer in college on a full scholarship and loves the Lord!!!

  31. Just cleaned out my husband's closet and have a TON of dress shirts that I will be sending to you shortly! (Mostly size large) Hope they will help. I'll also go through my kiddo's stuff and see if there's anything I can throw in too.

  32. Linny and Emma, I am definitely in. I will also ask my Bible Study Fellowship group to see if any of them have shirts and ties. So exciting. I am also on he hunt for more trumpets for more boys to get to play. love you all, Ellen Wylie

  33. I'm in, too! What a great idea! Seems like you're getting plenty of shirts and ties, so I'll wait and see if you need pants, girl items, etc. These precious kids will never forget this experience! Makes me wanna bawl just thinking about it!

  34. Linny it is meeee Bambi's Sista ! I am so on this…… My husband and Children and I will be praying for the many Street Children and I will be sending you a box of Goodies of ties and shirts for Gods blessed Children !

    Many Blessings,

  35. I'm IN!!! And I will ask some of the families who are in Children's Ministry to donate as well!!! 🙂 What about other clothing?? Love you and I am so excited to see how God is going to use this to minister to these sweet boys hearts!! 🙂

  36. I'm in! No better way to practice the lessons on gratitude, compassion and generosity I am teaching my six year old. This weekend, he will be "encouraged" to use his piggy bank savings to buy a shirt and tie for a boy his age. He most likely will not need a lot of encouragement, but it will be such a powerful lessons when we get to see pictures from the wedding!

    I am praying that everyone who responds would have true love and compassion for the special boys and not simply send their torn and worn rejects that they would never dress their children in. Nothing communicates to a child a lack of worth than receiving torn and very worn clothes from the richest country on earth! We did a shipment of clothes to needy children in Kenya a few years ago and involved quite a number of churches. It was amazing the condition some of the donations were in – and these are from churches in pretty up scale communities! It took so much work to sort thru the donations to remove and discard the clothes that were not fit to even be used as rags. I think everyone donating should ask themselves if they were donating an item of clothing that their own child would wear to church or on a special outing.

    God willing, my family will be in Kenya this summer, if not for this trip, my family would so be in Uganda serving at the wedding!

    May God continue to richly bless you and multipy the fruits of your efforts on behalf to the forgotten and marginalized children.


  37. YAY! I'm in, in, IN! Thank you so much, Linny, for giving us this chance to "go" with you guys and minister to these precious boys! I would love to actually travel to Uganda with you, but I'm already planning a trip there with another group in June, so maybe I can go with you another time! But I'm so excited to be able to help you out on this trip in some small way.

    Somone else asked this already – but is there anything else you might need that we could send for the boys (or any girls?)? I'm thinking you're going to be receiving WAAAY more than 200 shirts and ties! Would love to send anything else that might help as well!! Let us know, ok?

  38. Oh I am so in! I've been talking to my husband and praying that I will be part of the team, but believe me it will take a miracle! 😉 But I can totally get ties and shirts!! Can't wait!!

  39. OH! Me me me me!!! Can I can I??? I just love it when a bunch of people get together and each person does a little thing and it turns into a HUGE thing because of each little effort! I truly love when that happens!!! thrift stores here I come!!!(and my boys closets!)

  40. I am in! I have had a size 5 tuxedo hanging in the closet for years; a leftover from my boys being ring bearers in family weddings. I've hung onto it mainly because I didn't know what to do with it and now I know! A little boy will be dressed in a tuxedo for their wedding.

    I am going out this weekend to see what I can find with my boys!! Our family will be praying for those boys and for your team!!


  42. I'm in! Thank you for the opportunity to do this. Our family is adopting from India, and we want to do this in a year or two when when we go to pick up our child from the orphanage. My husband is a student minister, and all of our teenagers enjoy being a part of this journey with us. Titus 2 is a huge responsibility God has given to all Christians, and it is also a huge blessing to teach the young God's word. We are thankful to teach God's word for six years in many lives, and they will constantly be reminded to "Defend the cause of the fatherless." I think every time we send out missionaries, we should also be sending out a way for them to minister to the people while they are there. All churches should be regularly saying "Wanna kind of go to …."

  43. I have 78 pairs of brand new boys boxer briefs and briefs that I picked up on clearance at JCPenneys last moneth and had not figured out who the recipients would be. I am thrilled to be able send these to you so that you can take them to Uganda for all the boys who will be going to the wedding. That is so so awesome:0

    Our oldest son, now 18 worked three weeks on a community center in eastern Uganda 1.5 yrs ago and our 16 yr old son will be going to Uganda with the same group to finish the project in June so we already have a small connection and are excited to help out some more.

    FWI, we have six children. Four are bio, one daughter we adopted from Korea and one daughter we adopted from Guatemala. We are truly blessed.

    May God continue to bless your work with the orphans.

    The Hansons

  44. What a beautiful picture for these boys of the wedding feast they are invited to when the bridegroom returns for His bride!!! I will start looking now. Are there no girls you need things for???

  45. This is so cool. We just went through our youngest's closet and found SEVERAL pair of shorts and a few shirts (in great shape). The cool thing is that they have already been passed down a couple of times and now we can bless others with them. We will also send some undies along with them.
    Thanks Linny–This may be one of the most memorable wedding feasts only with joy heard around the world!!!

  46. Praise the Lord! What a blessing to be able to do this for the orphans and the Lord.What about pants?COME ON-WE CAN DO IT!!!Just say the word and pants will be on the way too.When do you need them in Colorado??

  47. My name is Clay. I am 9 1/2. My mom told me about what you are doing. I have been praying for the homeless. This is an answer to my prayer. I want to send some stuff for the boys. I would be glad to give my neckties for people who don't have any when I can just go to the store and buy more. I hope it goes GREAT!

  48. We"re in…the Weik family from Missouri. I was in Ethiopia in September of 2009. I will never forget that time and the Ethiopian's who ministered to me.

    What sizes do you need for the shirts?

  49. My kids and I are in! My daughter is 10, just adopted last year from Ethiopia. She is so generous and loves helping other children. My 12 year old son is also very willing to part with his church clothes! Love your blog and this idea. It's amazing how simple ideas to help others can bring so much joy to all those involved.

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