Helpin’ ‘Em Come Home

I’ve been praying and thought that tomorrow we ought to do something we haven’t done in a long time.  I’m asking bloggy friends who are in the midst of bringing treasures home to link up.  Tell us about the treasures you are bringing home and what your needs are.  
Then people around the world, with a heart for the orphan, will see the needs.  God will move on hearts – I just know it – cause His heart is for the orphan and He loves to move on people’s hearts on their behalf.  Many will be willing to give and many more will pray.  It’s gonna be awesome!!
Start praying now, with me, what part you will play.  

23 thoughts on “Helpin’ ‘Em Come Home

  1. I have a huge assortment of families who have been begging for help as they desperately try to raise funds for their adoptions. We are doing everything we can to help them out. I am planning on a blog post to highlight a bunch of the families. I also did one last week on our blog… Most are associated with Reece's Rainbow and are bringing home special needs treasures from Eastern Europe! I would LOVE for help! We brought our treasure home last fall and want to do whatever we can to turn around and help those behind us. Please check out my blog in the next few days if you want links to these awesome families who are sacrificing everything to go get little ones.

    Julia Nalle -adopted Aaron –

  2. I'll play! We are praying and begging for funds to bring home a wonderful boy from Ukraine whom we hosted at Christmas. You've mentioned Misha here before — thank you for that!

    You know, I keep trying to think of ways to raise this money, but it seems we raise only a few dollars here and there. I'm very grateful for every single cent that we have to use toward bringing Misha out of his orphanage, but I get discouraged. Then, God reminds me that I am not depending on people to see this happen, but on Him. HE will provide for Misha. HE will do it. Some of His doing will be through people who donate and through the extra jobs and work we are doing. Mostly, though, He will provide in ways that we least expect it.

    It requires my patience, a trait with which I often struggle. Maybe He is strengthening me in that area as well.

    Thanks, Linny, for your heart for orphans. Let us know how to link up.


  3. I am posting for Nicole and Jared Pimental…as they are waiting to bring Nalah home from Ethiopia, in the middle of all that is happening there.

    Our God is bigger than all delays….

  4. hi there-
    i'm still new to the blog world but we are working on setting up a blog soon 🙂 we are beginning our second adoption- this time a little girl in china with special needs. this was 100% initiated by the Lord- wasn't a part of our plans at the moment- but we are filled with joy that He would allow us to do this. i wish i could share all the miracles He has done for us. we would be so encouraged to know that others were praying for us as we continue along this journey. the funds are not here yet but God provided so incredibly last time that we would be very foolish to doubt Him this time! please pray that we will not doubt but remain filled with thanksgiving and trust and faithful to what He has called us to. we will pray for others on here as well! i love to see how God answers! joyfully, haley in florida

  5. OK then – we are paperchasing to bring home a (now) 2.5 YO from China – and it is amazing we were accepted (amazing my RH heart changed – amazing the agency who wouldn't work with us would, amazing China accepted our petition).
    Little Girl has a (very) serious heart condition, and the paperchase is bogging down. My fingerprints have been rejected, lost, rejected . . . There are so many things I pray for this little one, but please pray the paperwork speeds up, pray her condition does not get worse with the wait, pray that she can be corrected in a single surgery (oh, and I am praying her foster family is Christian – and for an update on her and her health if I havn't worn out my list yet)

    Thank you for all prayers! we really covet them.

  6. here is our story, we started out bringing Carson home, but found out he has a brother and are now going to bring them both home. They are from Eastern Europe, and have a rare skin disorder called Epidermolysis Bullosa, EB for short. Here is our blog With bringing both boys home, from 2 different regions, about 400 miles apart, the amount to bring them both home in one trip is overwhelming. We know God will provide, and we have faith that these boys will come home to us sometime this summer. They were together til 2008, when John aged out of the orpahange and was moved. We can not wait to reunite these brothers. How great is our God…..there is so much to this story 🙂 Our need is funds. We are fundraising but have such a long way to go……Thanks for this opportunity to share our story on your blog….

  7. I'm trying to find a second child to bring home. My first daughter is from China and I'm now trying for a domestic adoption (as I'm single I wasn't eligible for China again, til this week, but we don't meet the criteria for now).
    Yesterday I found an adorable baby girl, we'd be so right for her and she'd be perfect for us. Please pray for her SW to select us to be her family.
    Thank you.

  8. Linny – we are in the process of bringing home a precious little girl from Ethiopia. We were given a court date one day before the 5 of day thing went into effect, and we would covet all prayers that our MOWA letter will be there on May 17th, our court date. Our little one has pneumonia, and this momma just wants to get her home!

  9. We are hosting a 13 year old girl and her 4 year old brother this summer from Latvia! They are orphans whom we first met back in 2009 and they are now being offered for hosting for the first time. We are doing a giveaway fundraiser with another host family to raise the needed funds to get them here. We would love for you to visit our blog and pray for us and the children, and if you feel led to do so, to give to help us! Thank you for this opportunity! Our blog is
    thank you!!
    Brooke Helf

  10. We are supposed to bring a 11 yr old boy home from Ethiopia. Still waiting for our I71H… sitting on someones desk right now. ( we have been waiting for over 2 months for it)
    My best friend is adopting our future sons best friend, they are both 11.
    Pray for all that is going on in Ethiopia right now. For all these families to be able to get to their children.
    Praying for all of you!

  11. We are paperchasing to get our next 2 children from Ethiopia. A 10 yr old boy and a 12 yr old hiv+ boy … we need another 8000.00 to finish their fees. Please pray with us that the paperwork is done in a timely manner and the money flows through!
    Thank you for your prayers…praying for each of you!

  12. Our precious son and daughter are waiting at the transition house in Ethiopia for us as I type. We have passed court, but are awaiting Embassy clearance to pick them up. Please pray that all parties work efficiently and cooperatively to obtain the needed documents to bring resolution to our case. The waiting is hardest at this point. Thank you and standing in the gap for ya'll too. ~Angie

  13. We are adopting a little boy who is HIV+ and has CP…we still have $13,000 to raise in about six weeks. Would love prayers and to direct people to our blog:
    Right now we are having a giveaway for a beautiful necklace.

    Thank you,
    Jess, adopting Riley from UA

  14. God is putting it on my heart to adopt while adoption has been in the back of my mind for years I am now 35 and single and the big picture is overwhelming but the last few months I have really been feeling like adoption is the path that the Lord is leading me on. Thanks for the prayers


  15. Like so many others here, money seems to be the mountain in front of us right now. We need $13,000 within the next 6-8 weeks to bring our 8 year old daughter Gabby home from China. We are doing all we can from fundraisers on my blog to garage sales around our area and my hubby is working to pay off previous debt. We also need this adoption travel timing to be perfect. We have no one to leave our children with for 2 1/2 weeks but may not be able to afford to take them with us. I just shake my head as I write this 🙁 God is bigger and greater than all of this. We are just waiting on Him. I could also use prayer for encouragement, I feel we are being attacked from so many different directions right now.


  16. I am a single mom who has two daughters born in China. I am now starting the paperwork for #3 from the waiting child list in China. I am THRILLED that the Lord has opened China to single parents again.

    Please pray for the finances to bring my daughter or son home. Pray that the Lord will open my heart to the little one that is meant to be in our family.


  17. We are in the process of adopting a little girl who has lived with us under permanent guardianship for the last two years. We are waiting on a court date for the judge to sign the final paperwork. Her mother just called us last Friday and coyly mentioned that she is "having some second thoughts". Please pray that her heart's desire will be for her daughter's best interests and not her own desires. We are believing God– that he loves our daughter even more than we do and that He desires for her to continue to have stability. Thank you.

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