Lending a Hand to Help Some Precious Treasures

Today is an extra special day.

 We get to.

I’m not being funny or silly or goofy.

Do you realize that much of the world has nothing to their name?



 They don’t have a spare set of sheets in their closet.
Gracious – they don’t even have a bed for that matter.


But we have been blessed by Almighty God in ways that we really, truly cannot even comprehend….we have the opportunity to live in some of the wealthiest nations on planet Earth.

Why has God blessed us so?

Could it be cause we’re just so awesome?

Ummm, no.

Not even close.

He has blessed us so that we would bless others.

Our wealth is not to hoard – not a chance!!

It’s to give away.

That’s the only reason why He has blessed us so much!

In fact scripture says, “To whom much has been given, much will be required.”


If we have been given, we are going to have more expected us.

Now some might say, “But Linny, we really don’t have like we used to.  We have very little.”

Come to Africa or Mexico or Nicaragua or Guatamala with me.

That’s where we see what “we have little” truly means.

To those who live in the Western world – our little is still a LOT.

A boatload.

A ton.

And today we have the opportunity to share. 

To give generously.

And you know what God says, “Give and it will be given to you…”

See in God’s economy giving to others means He gives you more. 

Ya’ know why?

Cause He trusts you.

That’s all there is to it. 

So having some financial struggles?

Give away.

Give generously.

And watch what God does.

We have an awesome opportunity to read the links about
some amazing folks who are
 in the process of bringing treasures home.

He will provide to bring each home.

How does He do that?

Through us!

We are HIS hands and feet.

We are going to be praying over the posts below.  We will be giving to some.  Why?  Cause we can’t wait to be part of helping to bring some more treasures home.

Just before our home burned down we were gathering pictures of the little ones that we had helped financially to come home.  We were going to frame them and make a “wall of treasures”.  But that was all lost in the fire. Finally, two years later, I am going to try and go back and remember so that we can re-create our wall of fame.  Seriously, can you imagine much better of a legacy to leave our kids and our grand kids and our great grand kids?
Pictures of kids that God gave us the resources to help bring home.

All glory goes to the God of the Universe, who loves us so much that He gives us this privilege.

If you are someone who is in the process of bringing a treasure{s} home, 
please link below after reading these guidelines.

1.  You must first of all be a friend {meaning your picture is on the sidebar, otherwise, to put it bluntly, I feel like you are stopping by just to use Our Place Called Simplicity}.  It’s not too late to become a friend before you link up.  I am always up for new friends.
2.   Your permalink must be to a fresh post.  Write a post and explain who you are bringing home and what your needs are. 
3.  You must link with a permalink.  If you merely link to your blog, I will be forced to delete your entry.  A permalink is the actual link to the fresh post.  If you check back and find that your post has been deleted, please review these guidelines.
4.  If you are a business that is marketing yourself while giving a portion to raise funds for someone, this is not the post for you.  We are thankful for your help in raising someone’s funds, but what we are looking for today are only people who are bringing treasures home. 

In the mean time, please pray for those posted below.  That God would provide for all their needs and would expedite the process so that their treasures can be home with their forever family quickly!! 

13 thoughts on “Lending a Hand to Help Some Precious Treasures

  1. Hi Linny,
    LOVE this post. I have been following your blog for a while now and I LOVE it. Love the upcoming Ugandan wedding feast, we sent some shirts and I cannot wait to see the pictures, just love those boys and sending love through someone you know is the next best thing to hugging them yourself!!! And the story of your husband and daughter and your new waiting treasure just blew me away. Jesus is so beautiful. I am trying to post a link to our blog to request prayer, have been meaning to email you for some time but I figured today was the perfect chance shen I saw your new post, however my computer is not being friendly today and I am having trouble. Our blog is http://www.jesuslovesorphans.blogspot.com and I am handmaking bracelets to raise the money for our waiting little one in China. We need prayer as the enemy is putting up mountains to keep her away from us, to keep her lonely and orphaned. My hubby's salary does not meet the financial requirements set up by the Chinese government so we just need prayer to get over this barrier. I know that Jesus will get us to her, I have NO doubt, HE wants us to join forces and pray for each other. Every blessing to you and your beautiful family!

  2. Linny! We took a huge leap of faith this week, we sent pre-application to our agency to see if we can join the China program, and they said, YES!! Praising our Awesome God! We will fill out the full application next week and Lord willing we will begin what our hearts have been longing for, for 7 years! We don't have a little one to show everyone but we do know their names! Will you please please pray for us, for the finances to be there miraculously when its needed? Only God can do this, but we need prayers! Thank-you so much my sweet friend! So stinkin' excited, and so scared that we'll fail! Prayer is much appreciated 🙂

  3. Great idea……….
    When I found out China opened adoptions to singles, I was so excited, but wow………..I'm in no position to adopt right now. 🙁 But, my heart still aches for every orphan. I was so angered by the news story of the man who had his friends take sledgehammers to his lamborghini (don't know how to spell that)…. I just kept thinking about how many orphans who could have been helped by doing something constructive with that car. ugh.

  4. oh! i'm so embarrased! i sent a comment yesterday, and i realized from your post today that i might have broken some blog-rules. i am not on the 'friends' thing- but only because i am not very tech-savvy and new to blog world. i have read your blog every day for months. in this time, the Lord has used some things you've written to give us encouragement for the path he has us on in caring for orphans.
    my intention was to post for prayer about the finances as i had seen you doing prayer requests alot. PLEASE know that i was in no way intending to 'use' anyone. i just got excited when i saw your post, and i thought it was like posting a prayer request for 'memorial box monday'. i don't know anything about permalinks or any of that- just got excited about the idea of folks praying for us. sorry- i have alot to learn about the blog world!! thanks for all your work on the blog and the encouragement it is to so many!

  5. Linny,

    I am so sorry that I posted my blog link twice, and do not know how to remove the duplicate one. Please forgive me I think this is the first time I have linked and not really sure how to do all the link stuff yet.

    Thank you so much for everything that you do. Blessings, Debbie

  6. Linny, Just wanted to say thank you. After linking our blog post we had over 200 hits in less than a couple of hours. We have continued to have another 200 hits throughout the night. God is so Good and I am so grateful to have so many people praying for my daughter in Ethiopia.

  7. It just occurred to me. You have over 1,600 followers. If each one gave one cent to one of these families, it would pay for a home study. . . or court fees. . . or part of a plane ticket. I'm believing.

  8. Thank You Linny. You are a blessing! God Blessyou! Elizabeth Archer in MN adopting 5 boys from Bulgaria who have Down Syndrome.

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