Opening the Packages…..

I don’t know that I will be able to do this every time, but I wanted to tell you….My big brother was here for my mom’s surgery {she’s doing soooo good – power of prayer – no doubt} and so he took a HUGE suitcase of stuff back with him, since the team will be leaving from near where he lives.  I confess though, that as huge as that suitcase was, it really doesn’t even make a dent in all that have been received.  Yippee Jesus!
I was moved to tears as I began to unpack the first of the packages you precious friends have sent….packages literally around the world.
I enjoyed soooo much reading through a few of the letters some of you sent me {thank you!}….and I peeked at a few family pictures.  Such love for the street boys of Kampala – you guys so rock….

And in an effort to protect your privacy, but still give you a sample of the ones that have started the journey toward Africa, here ya’ go…. M. from Coaldale, E from PE Island, Adriana from Germany, Brice, Patty L, Reed from SanAngelo, St. M from Wales, M & Tanya, E from Del City, C from Bethlehem, CT, B & Sheree, Janet & K, Lavonne & D, DJ from MO, LF from Montgomery, Sherri R, Agnew, R from Lincoln MA, LL from Lake St. Louis {that’s alot of L’s}, Tammy {have a donut on me!}, no name from DelRay, Su!, Kelly from Hanover, Julie from Norman, P’Pool, Sandra from Farmington, W from Everett, Lauren {with the cute frog stickers!}, and AnaLisa.  
We have TONS more to pack and get shipped to the area we are leaving from.  So if your name is not above, its just cause we haven’t opened your package yet…..I am planning a package opening party for a few friends who have a heart for the orphan and have said they would help…and we will pack and ship.  Bekah, who is part of the team, will receive and repack in suitcases for team members who don’t have a second suitcase.  Whew.  Thank you Bekah….you have no idea how much of a load it takes off of me!
And thank you sweet friends – for blessing the street boys. 
There is no doubt this will be the wedding feast to beat all wedding feasts!!  I’m guessin’ it’s gonna’ be likened to the one awaiting us in eternity!!  
Yippee Jesus!!  

16 thoughts on “Opening the Packages…..

  1. This is the most exciting thing! I have a few things I want to send, if there is still time! Please let me know if we are too late!

    Thank you for all you are doing,

  2. It's going to be one very special wedding. Those boys are going to look amazing. What a happy memory you are going to give them. Thankyou for picturing every step of the way. So looking forward to the wedding pictures. xxx

  3. I knew I was forgetting something – the picture and letters. Darn. Oh well, the prayers are still with the clothes. Hope the package made it.
    ~Christy 😉

  4. We have received lots and lots up here in Idaho as well. Yippee!!!
    Thank you everyone. We have 4 large suitcases busting at the seems! There are almost the perfect number of shirts, shorts, ties and underwear to make a complete outfit. It is so wonderful to see how God has put it all together.

  5. I've not been to your blog for a few weeks and what a bunch of great surprises I found tonight!

    Congratulations on the upcoming addition to your family. He looks like a treasure!

    I just have to say how beautiful Jubilee is. Since I last saw pictures of her, she has bloomed into such a pretty young lady, not just on the outside, but also on the inside. She looks so content and happy and self-assured.

    I travel next Friday to China for my own special treasure.

  6. I cry everytime I think about this wedding! I am going to be a snotty, crying mess while we are there, getting those boys ready! I just can't even fathom that God is allowing me to do something like this!

  7. I've been quite the slacker. I have a few outfits I picked out, and then we found out my brother was deploying and traveled to NC to see him off, and were met by quite the tummy bug when we got home. (weather changes and long car rides, maybe? not fun, either way!) Is it too late to send the outfits now? I feel silly for not sending them sooner.

    And thank you for answering my question a few weeks a go, about what to write in the letters. You are so great, Linny. 🙂


  8. My daughter was so thrilled to see pictures of the clothes received; can't wait to see her reaction(mine too) of the kids wearing them. So excited with anticipation for this wedding. No name from Delray LOL Always forgetting something.

  9. Thank you so much for letting us be a part of ministering to the boys. I can't believe how much I think about them, pray about them, and imagine what their lives are like. We are so looking forward to the wedding pictures.

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