Evan is Coming HOME!!! – Praise HIS Name!!

Sweet baby girl Evan is coming home!! 
Shouts of praise to Almighty God echo around the world….
the exact same Judge who just two weeks ago said, 
Kirill could NOT come home because he is “not socially adaptable” due to his “medical condition” {having Down Syndrome} and that he is better off in an institution than in a home with a family, 

granted Evan’s mommy and daddy permission to bring her home!!

They work!!
If you prayed {and fasted} then YOU are part of this miracle!!

How cool is that?
He is our 





Only the miraculous power of God could turn the heart of that Judge in just two weeks….
We continue to pray and ask God to  move.  
Kirill’s mom and dad have filed an appeal…and as they understand it, it is possible for the Judge to overturn her own ruling…
Pray hard!
Evan’s coming home 
and there is NO DOUBT that Kirill will come home too.

Ya’ know how I know?
From our own personal experience….
When Ch*na gave us pre-approval for Isaiah and then a few months later, changed their mind and said, “Absolutely NOT – NO WAY – you cannot adopt him”….{because they thought we were trying to slip something by them even though we had completely revealed everything, it was merely an oversight by our agency}….
We were told by our agency, ‘sorry’.
We begged them to appeal.
They told us there was not an appeal process with Ch*na.
But our home study agency {different than the one that held his file} said, 
“Tell your agency to try an appeal anyway”
They finally agreed.
And people around the world prayed and fasted with us…..
Asking God Almighty to move an entire Commun*st Goverment…
TEN and a half long weeks passed without a single word….
while our appeal sat in Ch*na…
We were told as we waited….
“Ch*na NEVER, EVER, EVER changes their mind….”
and somewhere in that 10-1/2 weeks the Lord spoke this verse to me:
“The Lord will lay bare his holy arm 
in the sight of all the nations,
and all the ends of the earth will see
the salvation of our GOD.”
Isaiah 52:10
By the way…
Ya’ know what Isaiah means?
salvation by God” {perfect, right?}
and as we waited, we were in a prayer time with our friend, Benjie,
 {who at the time was our worship pastor}
Benjie prayed this verse about the seemingly horrible out-of-control situation…
“God is not a man, that he should lie, 
nor a son of man, that he should change his mind. 
Does he speak and then not act? 
Does he promise and not fulfill?”
Numbers 23:19
When the Lord leads us through trying circumstances and we see God part the Red Sea, it completely prepares us for the next “Red Sea”….
so it is with expectancy that I can confidently say, 
Our God will not allow Kirill to live in an institution…
He will rescue.
He is always faithful. 

Evan’s coming home
Kirill –
you precious treasure


72 thoughts on “Evan is Coming HOME!!! – Praise HIS Name!!

  1. Oh, not to be at work at this moment, so I can jump and shout and cry! I am, in my heart!

    What an awesome day, what awesome news! What awesome God we have. Waiting to hear about the others, not a question of if, but when.
    Soon, soon, soon.


    best day EVER!!!!! I knew it would be! I kept saying sometimes Jesus is subtle and quiet and sometime He is BIG and BOLD!!!!

    And Linny you ROCK for getting this amazing day of prayer going!!

    love and hugs!!

  3. Tears of joy are flowing his morning!! Praising the matchless name of Jesus!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you, Precious Lord!!! May YOUR name be praised!!

  4. We serve a God with amazing unending power. What joy that brings to my heart that we know a God that can move mountains and hearts in the same blink of an eye.
    To God be all the praise and glory.

  5. Linny – how we are rejoicing here! Will continue to pray for Kirill. And you know what?

    Kevin, Ted, and I fasted and prayed with you all for these sweet children and a few of our own prayer requests – like receiving our Chinese authenticated documents in the mail so we could send all of our documents to China to be DTC finally, and that the IRS would give us some clue as to what to do next since they had stalled on refunding our adoption tax credit money and had not said why, and that our Ted find a full-time job which he has been looking for for a long time as he works a part-time position, . . .

    Our authenticated documents came THE.VERY.NEXT.DAY as did the communication from the IRS explaining what we needed to send into them so that they could process our refund. . .

    Now we are eargerly and expectantly awaiting news of a job for Ted next! . . .

    Praising our God from whom all blessings flow . . .

    janet and gang

  6. I knew it would be a YES…Kirill is next, I firmly believe it. Our God is amazing and a miracle working God. And YES fasting works…I've seen it over and over again. Hugs and love

  7. Praise the Lord thank you Father for your grace and mercy. I was so excited when I read this news on a tweet from Reeces' Rainbow. I was eagerly awaiting your post.

  8. Woo Hoo! Yes! Tears and Praise for our Awesome God. Praying Kiril home next. Thank you Linny for letting us be a part of this journey and witness God move mountains for the orphan.

  9. Praise the Lord!!! He is so faithful! I'm so glad I worship a God who cares so deeply for these beautiful children. Kirill is next!! Woo!

  10. WHAAA HOOOOO!!!!! Ah, tears of joy and thankfulness! This is why our hearts will sing no other name…nothing else even comes close to Jesus' matchless works!

  11. Oh we too are rejoicing and thanking JESUS for answered prayers and trusting Him for more miracles with sweet Kirill!! What a faith builder for our family as well!!!
    Thank you for sharing!!
    God bless YOUR special family….we are blessed by your example!
    Steven and LaurelLee

  12. So excited when I saw this wonderful news on the Hook's blog. Praise be to our Miracle-working God! I'm excitedly anticipating to hear the good news about Kirill next!

    And thank you, Linny, for introducing me to the power of fasting. I had never fasted before the fall when you called a day of fasting for Ezekiel and Kaysia. I have now seen its power and ability to bring me closer to God. Thank you.

  13. Ok…SERIOUSLY?! I dont know how I just got through that. Tears streaming as soon as I saw the title. Even though I knew without doubt that the Lord would be bringing these precious little sweeties home. SWEET VICTORY!! Thankful and Thankful somemore. I will continue to pray for Kiril and your right he will be next and then there will be many to follow.

  14. YES! YES! YES! Tears…goosebumps…fist pumps and shouts! I CANNOT wait until my kids get home so I can share the news with them! They have been praying along and asking TONS of questions! PRAISE THE GOD OF THIS UNIVERSE!!!

    I hope and pray our friends awaiting an adoption from Ethiopia get good news SOON!

  15. Praising Him! What a privilege to get the opportunity to pray for these precious families and their waiting children! Praying for Kirill and his mama and daddy! The same God who changed this judge's heart can and will do so again.

  16. Tears…. Tears because we are on this same up hill battle that has been going on for 5 months. A huge mountain keeping us from bringing our daughter home. I wait patiently, in total faith, bc God has spoken John 11:40 " Did I not tell you that if you believed, you will see the glory of God?" to me so many times in the last 5 months. Your posts the last couple of days have been so uplifting to my weary spirit. Thank you Linny!

    I can't allow satan to speak "Did God really say that?" to me any longer!!!!

  17. Praise the One who paid our debt and raised this life up from the dead! Whoooooooooo!

    So, I read on Facebook that Tesney said their hearing should happen by the end of May. Did they have to come home and leave sweet Kirill there or are they staying and waiting it out? I'd love to know how to specifically pray for Kirill and his family.

    Thanks for keeping us all updated!

  18. Sharing this "Yeah, God!!!!" story with anyone who stands still long enough today!. I'm standing in awe of a God who allows us to be a part of His redeeming work. WOW!!! Thanks Linny for letting us know about it and allowing us the amazing privilege to be a part of it. Can't wait to hear "the rest of the story"…

  19. Oh my goodness God how we LOVE you and PRAISE Your Holy Name!!! Thank you Father 100 times over! My friends I am laughing and sobbing and jumping for joy all at once! Ya know what one of the songs we're singing this week for church….. Savior He can move the mountains, My God is mighty to SAVE HE is mighty to save!!!!! So dad blame happy!! Yippee Jesus yeah for Evan and her beautiful family!!!!! Now let's get Kirill home friends! Keep praying!!!!!

  20. This gave me goosebumps when i read it early this morning! I wasn't able to participate in the fasting this week, but I have prayed…so awesome!

  21. I was able to share this story with a co worker who has been raising her downs daughter. what a blessing to share in God's goodness while at work. God is so good, so faithful and so amazing. Thank you JESUS

  22. Praise our sweet, merciful Lord! A little mini-story to share: I had worked into the wee hours on the night you posted your "1:00am…" message. As I layed down to sleep, I asked the Lord to nudge me when it was time to pray. Two hours later, at 3:58am CST, my own adopted treasure (from Ukraine), came in and woke me up. While I don't always wake up with a smile at that time, I did that night as I began to pray with my prayer partner cozied up next to me. So blessed to be one of so many voices raised up on behalf of Evan, Kirill and Baby J.

    Beca McPherson

  23. We stand, just like David did, and allow the Lord to do the battle…receive the victory and glory…we shout His Praises and know that He moves mountains! Thank Jesus for His Unfailing love!

  24. Wow wow wow. How amazing is God! The last few weeks have been life-changing for me as I watch in awe of how God listens to our prayers and witnesses our fasting. I am so happy for Evan and her family and will continue to pray for Kirill.


  25. If only the girls I watch weren't napping. I would be jumping and shouting for joy! Praise be to God! What a miracle! Continuing to pray for Kirill and his family! When I saw the title, I stopped looking at everything else I had open and had to come read this. Praise the LORD!!!

  26. God works in wonderful and mysterious ways! Glad that this little girl will be placed in a loving family!
    IT was funny, the day I was fasting, I was doing science and I came across the description of DS (Coincidence?) and it's a genetically caused disorder in which a person's cells contain extra Chromosome 21 (three instead of the usual two). For this reason, the condition is also know as trisomy 21.
    Sorry, just thought I'd share that with y'all!

  27. Rejoicing in the goodness of our God!! How we praise Him!! I believe this is only the brginning of the marvelous work God is doing! A big "AMEN" to Krill being next!! Thank you Jesus!!

  28. PRAISE, PRAISE, PRAISE, PRAISE our Wonderful GOD!!!! SO lovin' the way He works! He allows all of us to be a part of His moving hand! So excited for Evan (and Kirill- who is next!)

  29. Praising You Lord Jesus! Our God is an AWESOME God!!
    Thank You for answered prayers. We lift precious Krill and his family up to you Father God! We know that you are more than able and that you will make what seems the impossible …possible.

  30. PRAISE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!

    my word verification is (for security) is "undez"! Cracked me up-since I choose to make the e long! I obviously spend a lot of time with children!

  31. Praise God!!!!!! How awesome. As more and more Christians with the heart for orphans, go to adoption these beautiful babies with the extra special genes, may God move the judges heart to see their Jesus vibes and want what they have. With Jesus she'll never see these beautiful children as anything but beautiful and created in HIS image.
    Thanks Linny for sharing so that we can pray and have a front row seat as we watch the God of the universe move the immoveable.

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