The Journey Begins…

Yesterday we loaded up {12 suitcases, plus carry-on stuff} to begin the journey to Africa.
I confess it was stinkin’ hard to leave my wailing kids and that sweet hubby of mine on crutches.
 The little guys have been really clingy and telling me how much they are going to miss me.  It has been painful.  Each of them have been abandoned.  Each of them not really grasping all that a 2 week trip entails.   Through tears, each time I would comfort them and remind them that mommy is so thankful for all the people who loved on them while they waited for mommy to come get them.  I want to love on those who are waiting for mommy’s to come too.  It has been heart wrenching for me, really.  
Anyway, we drove four hours, spending the night in a hotel….up early to get to the airport.
This picture was taken just about 2 hours ago. 
Graham and his two best buds drove us down.  That way when we return they can pick us up…cause I know I will just be too tired to drive home late at night.
That’s 12 bags….
and here’s another sweet gift from the Lord…..
I was praying for favor with the bags.  We would need to pay $300 for the additional bags.  I told the ladies checking our bags about our mission.  I unzipped the suitcase and showed them some of the bags…and there was a sweet picture on top…from Nebraska I think…it had four little children…anyway, the ladies were ooohing and aaaahing….and then when it came time to pay….she said,
I’m sure my eyes got wide. 
She said, “Consider it the airlines contribution to the mission!”
Pray for our flights.  I am trusting God, and praying for peace.  
His faithfulness reaches to the skies.

35 thoughts on “The Journey Begins…

  1. It really moves me when hearts are moved to break the mold and contribute to God's Kingdom Work- what an encouragement from the airline staff at the start of your journey…. much love to you all, and to all the children you will be loving on this next 2 weeks. Give them plenty of cuddles from me please ! x With prayer and love . x

  2. What an awesome blessing!!

    Praying for the team, praying for those you'll minister to, praying for the team's families at home. Praying for safe travels…bonding & unity for the team…provision….protection… power…God's missions to be accomplished.

    ♥ you!

  3. Linny-
    Praying for your peace and safety- and freedom from fear- all day today! Thanks for the call- my box wasn't much, but God kept telling me to send it even though I was so late. Maybe it will help a few more precious little boys! I wish so much I had been home to talk with you. 🙂

  4. oh will this be just the beginning of the blessings that are in store for your team. I will pray for you and the team and your kiddos and hubby at home over the next 2 weeks. Be bold. . .no holding back. . let God use you in big ways, in new ways,and in mommy ways.

  5. Yeah!!! Can't wait to hear about your journey and the sweet street boys AND the wedding feast. Praying for you and the team my friend. Praying that God goes before you and prepares everyones hearts and that the sweet ones will feel loved only like Jesus can love them!! So excited for everyone. Wish I was with you but I know God will give us a glimpse of His sweetness through you! He has already started at the baggage checkout. He is SO good!! Hugs and lots of love and prayers!!!!

  6. I don't quite know why, but I am in tears about the airline lady letting you just pay $100. A seed was planted there (or watered.) Praying for you all going and at home.

  7. Praying that our Lord will guide you about His business as you be His hands and feet in this ministry to the Ugandanese people and orphans 🙂 Praying for His protection, many angels around you.

  8. The kids and I prayed for the team this morning before we started school. We look forward to the updates and lots of pictures. 🙂

  9. What an awesome God we serve when even airline people help out with expenses to get clothes to people who need them. Will be praying for you and all those with you and family left behind. I've not stayed current with reading your posts to know why hubby is on crutches but hope it's not major. I've just been busy and am just now reading blogs I've not visited for awhile. Hugs and looking forward to the updates! God bless!

  10. love it, love it, love it.

    He is in every detail.

    praying for you all. for your babies. for Dw. for all those precious lives you will cross paths with. that they will have open hearts and feel His love through you all. [wish so much i were with you, but trusting in His plan.]

    please, please, please hug my boys. [another reminder though that they don't know yet.] love you, friend.

  11. I am just now catching up with your trip. That is wonderful! My heart is in Uganda as the two babies that we hope to adopt live in an orphanage there. I will be praying for your team, for the wedding and for your family.

  12. Praying unceasingly for every detail and each of you…oh the favor the Lord is and will be bestowing on you…doors will open, mountains will move…and He will pour forth through you upon all you meet up with! Trusting the Lord to heal DW quickly and as painless as possible! Knowing the Lord will settle the hearts of your little ones with a peace that goes beyond their understanding…and the two weeks will feel like they flew by for them. Oh how the Lord is in the center of all of this! Blessings of health, good sleep, little stress and an amazing, anointed time for all of you! Can't wait to hear the details! To God be the Glory for the great things He is going to do!!! <3

  13. Woke up praying for the team in Uganda, and the team at home this morning. Totally the Holy Spirit's leading, because I am barely coherent when I wake up. He obviously has it all under control:O) Lots of love to you all!!


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