One Tiny Treasure

One tiny treasure.
7 months old.
Desperately sick.
One tiny treasure.
I pray over her as I hold her…


The meanest orphanage caregiver {that I have ever seen} comes in to give her her medicine.  I jump up, “Please will you let me give her her medicine?” She snarls, nods and thrusts the medicine cup in my hand.  
  Holding her tiny little body in my arms, 
tenderly and ever-so-slowly coaxing her to take her medication, whispering how much I love her.

 How she has to take the medicine.

She has to get well.

She has to.


We need her.  
One tiny treasure.
7 months old. 
One tiny treasure.
Without a mommy.
One tiny treasure.
Without a daddy.
One tiny treasure.
My thumb the same size as her arm.

My thoughts suddenly remember….

When we leave….

Who will nuzzle her against their body?

Who will tenderly give her her medicine when the spiteful worker comes in with her medicine cup?

Who will whisper into her ears just how much she is loved?

Just how much she is needed?

Who will whisper of God’s great love for her?

Only HIS hands and feet will do all that…

His hands and feet that are dressed up as businessmen and workin’ moms and stay-at-home moms and high school students and accountants and architects and pastors and sunday school teachers and lawyers and accountants and home schooling moms and nurses and doctors and shop owners and restaurant workers…












tiny treasure. 

40 thoughts on “One Tiny Treasure

  1. Oh, I WANT her. My heart hurts. This world of ours is such a hard place. I almost can't even hold myself back from jumping through the computer to get there to help, to save her. I wish my husband felt the same way NOW. I continue to pray for his heart to catch up to mine. Thank you for being there Linny……

  2. Made it home safely. Please tell the ladies I am lifting them up in prayer! I love to see you all loving and being a demonstration of Christ to others… and allowing others to demonstrate Christ to you! Hugs!

  3. linny, as someone who runs a child foundation, may i just say that it is unacceptable for a caregiver to have this kind of attitude, and you should feel free to report her to the management. we often find that our caregivers get careless and crabby from the stress of their job, and need constant teaching, encouragement, and discipline to love the children as Jesus would. i hope you have time to report this and either change this person, or 'change' her. blessings!

  4. Praying for tiny (God's healing of the baby's body) and big (God's healing of the worker's heart) miracles.
    Sometimes I leave your blog up for hours because your playlist is so inspirational. I like to have it in the background while I work.

  5. Hugs, prayers for this little treasure. Wish you could bring her home to me! 🙂 Wish I could go get her. Hoping to have our 3rd treasure home soon. Wish I could bring so many more home.

  6. Ok Linny! My eyes are surprisingly dry but my heart is outraged! What is her status? Adoptable? We are working on updating our paperwork right now and haven't specified country yet. If it is even a chance feel free to email me at Thanks Linny and I will continue to pray for her little body to experience healing and for her to soak in your sweet touch! ~Becky

  7. Ok Linny! My eyes are surprisingly dry but my heart is outraged! What is her status? Adoptable? We are working on updating our paperwork right now and haven't specified country yet. If it is even a chance feel free to email me at Thanks Linny and I will continue to pray for her little body to experience healing and for her to soak in your sweet touch! ~Becky

  8. I will pray for the little baby to sense Jesus' love through you, and also for the orphanage worker that she may share the reason for her being hard hearted, she may have experienced trauma herself.

    Is there a chance that the orphanage children who are believers, could hold and visit these babies, to share Jesus' love as well? They will still be there when you return home. Perhaps you could teach them how to be Jesus' hands and feet by modelling to them?

  9. AMEN. may more and more of His hands and feet get out in the thick of it and LOVE.
    praying for her. praying for you all.
    i want to love on her. =)

  10. Oh Linny-God bless these dear dear children…

    It just cannot be this way- it needs to change…

    Absolutely heartbreaking…

    Thank you for this post…

  11. Linn, I am praying tonight for ALL the babies. For the pneumonia to be healed. For these babies to receive love the rest of their life from Mommies and Daddies who love them. I can't imagine how hard it would be to be there. I can understand how difficult it is.

  12. I meant I can't even fathom how difficult it is for you there. Oh how your heart must break for those sweet babies. I think it's time for this Minnesota girl to get her booty out there. I too am afraid of how I will react. But your so right that it's not about how WE feel. It's about the impact we can make for others. Thank you for staying true to who you are. Thank you for setting the example Jesus set for us all. Thank you friend for doing the difficult. I am praying for all of you. Praying against the enemy. Praying for the light of Jesus Christ to shine into the hearts of those sweet little babies. Lv, jen

  13. Praying for this sweet treasure…praying the caregivers' hearts are softened and tender toward her…that the medicine will work…that she will fight until her family comes for her!! Lord God be her Father…her healer…her Savior…she so desperately needs you!

  14. Tears spilling as I read this. Praying for the precious treasure….praying for the caregiver and that her heart would be softened…that she would feel loved and worthy….that she would find Jesus.

    Julie Hoagland

  15. Oh sweet babies… I am so choked up that I can't speak… My heart breaks for these little ones. My sweet baby boy of 21 months just prayed with me for the babies… Only God Himself can bring forth the miracles needed for these precious children: Carers hearts to soften. More volunteers. More mummies and daddies. Healing. Love. Hope… We continue in prayer for them, for you Linny, for the other volunteers, for us all…
    Hugs and love from my heart to yours,
    Mel G

  16. If a picture is worth a thousand words, this one is worth ten thousand.

    Linny, thank you for being the 'hands and feet' of Jesus in your everyday walk. This post is both inspiring and heart-wretching. Praying God's hedge of protection over this precious little one… and the many others like her who long to be held. Oh the things that burden His heart, may they continue to weigh on ours…


  17. Dear Linny,
    Thank you for being the hands and feet of jesus as well as the lovely lady's on your team.
    My triplets were 10 weeks early and their arms were the size of my thumb. It's (i'm struggling to find words)unimaginable to see that in our countries in the third world nations, i'm guessing you would see it a lot more.
    I know God has a purpose for the sweet wee girl in your arms. I pray that it includes her healing and a mummy and daddy to love on her.
    I know all the lovely ladies on the Go Team are where God wants you. Breaking your hearts with the things that break His. I pray it inspires them to make a difference after they get home too. I also pray that what they have seen and felt won't wound too deeply.
    Thanks for updating us from Uganda and know we still pray for OUR street boys as well as that the babies can be adopted before it's too late. It's precious to hear my 4yr olds pray about this.
    Love to you all,

  18. The babies/orphans of Uganda and the rest of the world, have been on my heart all day….i so long to hold them and comfort them and whisper Jesus love in their ears….thank you, Linny, for doing what you and your team are doing…i am in awe and unceasing prayer for you. i wish you could take all the empty luggage you have from the shirts/ties, etc. and make them into cradles and take all the babies home with you. i know there would be a long line waiting for you to get off the plane…i being one of them…to take one of these precious treasures home to love and care for forever. i will never stop praying for these lambs…asking the Lord to use me in what ever way He chooses….in helping these precious children. Thank you for the updates and the picture that will stay with us forever…a true Thumbelina, oh so precious… <3

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