
Easter was beautiful this year.  
Just some close friends and my mom
eight of our kids
a boyfriend
a girlfriend

 Rob and Dw
My mom…

During our last bloggy prayer day I asked for prayer for Emma’s best friend, Destini.  She had just been diagnosed with Histiocytosis.   It had already done some very extensive damage to her skull.  
Destini and her family are some of our closest friends.  Rob and Robin moved to our area about five years ago.  Just real people, who really love God and really love others.  You will often see them in pictures of our holiday celebrations.  They are just some of the sweetest people you’d ever want to meet.
How we met them, is one of the craziest stories you’ll ever hear.  
So God.
He knew we needed them.
Anyway, when Destini was diagnosed we were all devastated.  We cried buckets of tears. This girl is a treasure.  She’s Emmy’s best friend.  She loves God.  She loves others. Lots of people prayed.  We had a church wide prayer for her.  Many of us fasted for her healing.  She was anointed with oil.
Two weeks ago, while we were in Africa Destini had brain surgery up in Denver {we were so frustrated that the surgery fell during the time we were in Africa.}  A neurosurgeon performed the delicate surgery.  They sent the tumor to pathology and were shocked to discover it was NOT Histiocytosis!!  It was something that was removed and should never return!!
It was a miracle!!
So yesterday as we celebrated OUR Risen Lord with Destini and her family, 
we celebrated His healing power. 
 Yes, Jehovah Rapha heals today!! 
How we praise His name!!

Can you believe that she just had brain surgery?  
{And was healed!}
Yippee Jesus!
Rob and Robin

 Piles of craziness.
 Graham and Savannah
 Graham and Tanner  {usually up to no good together}
Words are inadequate to express our thankfulness to Almighty God for healing this sweet girl!!
How we praise HIS name!
{thankful to all who prayed with us – seriously friends – 
the power of prayer can never, ever be underestimated!}

28 thoughts on “Thankful

  1. Wonderful news, Linny…your words on prayer are speaking to me today…..I am going to send you an email Linny to update you since our last phone call. Hugs

  2. Praise the Lord for his healing. Her beautiful hair even looks good and it must have been shaved somehow for a brain operation. Isn't it good how God even takes care of little things.

    Glad you had a wonderful time celebrating Easter.

  3. OH MY STARS! amazing! i LOVE it. the power of prayer…united around the world no doubt for this precious girl. rejoicing with you all!!!
    praise God!!

  4. I am glad that your family had a wonderful easter! I was reading Emma's blog (that is how I found your blog) and I saw the post about Destini. Ever since I have prayed for Destini's healing. It is so exciting to hear this good news!

  5. That is amazing news! So happy for Destini and her family. Thank you for sharing. I love hearing of prayers being answered. Usually we hear so many of the sad stories on blogs, I love it when there's good news!

  6. Hey Linny, I need the "power of prayer in my family this week"
    My husband Mike is drinking heavily again, and it out of control, its to the point that our kids are stayin away from home. God has done so much in the past but the work isn't finished. Thank you for praying with us

  7. What an answer to prayer! What a wonderful way to celebrate Resurrection Day! I have been reading the YWAM missionary stories all year to my kids and we love them. I got the Loren Cunningham book- God is that really you? and enjoyed reading the story of YWAM and also was extremely encouraged to work on my listening skills. Any other books like this one that you can recommend that encourage and explain listening for God's voice?

  8. That's such wonderful news! What a story Destini has to share, my goodness! Your pictures really display the joy in your home. I love all the kids piled onto the chair! priceless.

  9. What a wonderful family and such good news about Destini. Somehow, I missed the first post about her, and when I read today's post, Histiocytosis just popped out at me. My son has Histio and it took many years to get a diagnosis. I hadn't heard of anyone else who had it because it's very uncommon. My son is in remission and I'm soooo glad Destini doesn't have it!

  10. linny-
    i wanted to tell you how your emphasis on prayer/ fasting has impacted me over the past few months of following your blog. it has blessed me tremendously and is changing the way i look at situations. i am praying more, rejoicing more and growing closer to jesus. God has used your blog to 'disciple' me in a number of areas and i want to tell you that i am grateful 🙂 He is doing some pretty crazy things in our family and i am amazed.
    thank you. haley in florida/

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