
We were unable to go to the baby home until late afternoon today.  
When I got there I literally ran through the gates.  
I could not get inside fast enough.  
Searching all the volunteers arms….
Where is my tiny little treasure? 
Was someone already snuggling with her?
Was she in the arms of someone I knew?
I hadn’t shared her name yesterday.  
I don’t know. 
I just felt like I shouldn’t.
I guess maybe I was kind of protecting her privacy. 
I guess I was kind of protecting her name at the baby home as well.
I hadn’t shared her face either.
But indeed, beautiful beyond description.
So I scurried about….hastily searching….
Yet I couldn’t see her anywhere.
Maybe she was inside in her crib.
I turned to run into the dark, double-stacked, crib lined room.
And as I did, I turned to my sweet friend Misty….
“Where is Elianah?  Have you seen her?”
Through tears she mouthed to me, “She passed away yesterday.”
He had whispered it to me while we were driving home from Jjina {2 hours away} yesterday.
I had heard Him at least four times.
“She’s safe in my arms now.”  
I hadn’t wanted to believe Him.  
Each time He had whispered those words I had felt like vomiting. 
So today, I couldn’t get there fast enough…..
As I stood there hearing the news….
The uncontrollable sobs and weeping came….
“No.  No. No.”
If only.
If only I had been holding her,
my sweetest
Elianah Treasure
{No one had given her a middle name but she needs one.  
Treasure seems most fitting.} 
Beautiful baby girl.
Tiny little treasure.
7 months old
Weeping as I type from under my mosquito net.
You all would have loved her so much.
You would have ooohed and aaahhhed at her beauty.
Her hair was so very long and curly.
Her arms just the size of my thumb.
Pictures taken April 11, 2011
Elianah Treasure
Safe in the Arms of Jesus – April 12, 2011

Safe forever in the arms of Jesus.
And sweet Elianah Treasure?
One day….

 I promise,

I will hold you again.

94 thoughts on “Weeping

  1. Sweet treasure in the arms of our Lord! Though our hearts ache and tears flow – she is full again, without pain.
    I love her precious name!
    Praying for y'all!

  2. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh no! Little treasure, I would have loved to have been your mommy! I'm so sad for the situation I can't even see through the tears. At the same time though I'm so thankful that she's with Jesus. Please when you have time Linny can you write about how to adopt from Uganda? Seriously…please.

  3. I just checked in before I went to bed. Am crying so hard difficult to type. She was so beautiful, and I am thankful you were warned and that she is safe. But it hurts so much. Praying for you all xxxx

  4. My husband and I are just beginning the process to adopt. How does someone go about adopting one of these precious children? As I understand it, a lawyer in country is the best way in Uganda…is this correct?

  5. Ohhhhh! As soon as I saw the title of the post, I knew it. My heart breaks. She is a treasure, a beautiful treasure. Forever a treasure in your heart, forever a treasure in His arms… You are a tresure for doing the work you are doing and having the passion that you possess. God Bless you for loving on those babies. She knew love while you held her, she knew the love of Jesus you gave her. Forever…


  6. Oh, she is so tiny and precious! There is comfort knowing she is safe and well and perfectly healthy…and LOVED as she rests in the arms of Jesus!

  7. Thank you for holding her and whispering our Father's love to her. Thank you for putting a face (and precious little fingers) to the consequences of not caring for the orphan.

  8. Dear Linny,
    I just read your post to my 4 yr olds. I had trouble controlling my voice and hqd to stop reading lots as i can't see through my tears. I know your heart is breaking. Praying Jesus wraps His arms around you and carries you as long as you need Him too. The ladies on the team as well.
    Will you be able to have a funeral for the beautiful baby Elianah. To love on her one last time untill Jesus comes?
    In tears,

  9. UGH. My heart is wrenched. i am so sorry, Linny. So sorry for you.

    Thank you sweet Jesus for the faith Linny has , so that she may know that you have arranged it for many mothers to cuddle Elianna in heaven. . . until Linny gets there, many, many years from now (it will be like an instant in in heaven).

    Love and prayers to you.

  10. Linny, I'm so thankful that she felt from you, the love and comfort here on earth, that she must have known was waiting for her in heaven. I cry, tears of sadness for you, tears of happiness for her. She is with our God, who loves her unconditionally.

  11. So very sorry on the loss of your sweet treasure. Thank you for walking the walk and allowing yourself to be in situations where your heart breaks over and over again. May the Lord bless your team and give your heart comfort that only He can give.


  12. Oh Linny, I am so sorry. I know your heart is aching. But Linny, I literally got shivers and have them now as I type, knowing that your precious Treasure on earth is now in the arms of Jesus. God has blessed Elianah Treasure's soul. May He bless your heart with peace and comfort. Yes, you WILL hold your sweet girl again.

    With Much Love and Prayers Unending…Amy

  13. OH…there He goes again, breaking our hearts with the things that break His. Sweet baby girl…safe and well, loved eternally. Linny, you're gonna have to share the holding with me when our time comes to join her. Cause she is just TOOOO sweet!!! Precious tiny treasure…how thankful I am that you gave her such love when you did!

    Hugs and tears

    Nancy in CT

  14. Oh, Linny, this is heartbreaking…
    What I keep thanking God for right now is the love she was able to feel from you and others who held her. May God use this deep sadness to His glory. I remember when our son died, Ikept thinking of how much he suffered while on earth and what freedom and joy he must be feeling in Heaven. Painful, but peaceful too. Just to KNOW that Jesus is holding her and many many in heaven are showering her with a love beyond our understanding! Praying.

  15. In an instant, Eliana Treasure was held in the arms of Jesus and she was made His perfect Treasure with no hunger, no pneumonia, … nothing but perfection. Thank you, Jesus for breaking our heart for what breaks yours and for taking this little one into your perfect love.

  16. She is with Him now, no more pain, no suffering. She feels and knows a love greater than we could ever give her – and she knows each prayer that was said, every tear, every thought about her…She is home.

    Praying for you as you deal with the loss, and praying for all those little ones to find arms to hold them before they get to Jesus' arms.

    God Bless!

    Brooke Annessa

  17. I cried when I read your post yesterday and I'm crying even more now. God gave her comfort through you Linny, He did. He also opened the world's eyes just a little bit more to the fact that we CAN'T wait. Our children…HIS children need us now. Thank you for letting Him use you. His TREASURE is now in Heaven with Him…could not be a better middle name.

    Her little life is already changing hearts. May her life spur others to NOT wait unless directed by God.

    Praying for comfort as my heart is breaking with yours. May God's arms be around you sweet friend.

  18. I am so sorry. Heartbroken, and haunted by sweet Elianah's all too short life, and all of the others like her that we don't know about.
    Linny, you were there for just a time as this. To hold the sparrow that God had his eye on. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful treasure with all of us.

  19. On April 11 2011, He prepared that Precious Baby Girl for what was to come…And You, My Sister/Friend, were the ONE that HE Chose to hold her close, to whisper love into her tiny ear. To let her experience Heaven on this side.

    On April 12 2011, He held her close, Whispering Love into her tiny ear.

    What a Gift, that You were hand picked to show "Treasure" what Heaven is. And, she'll be waiting for you. In Heaven. Healed Perfect and Whole.

    May He feel you with Peace. I Love You ~ Jo

  20. I'm just thinking…What if you hadn't been there? Would she had ever known loving arms holding her close, whispered words of love in her little ears?

    The Lord gave you such a precious job to do, and you did it well.

    Praying for your broken heart, but praising the Savior that she is well and whole and Home forever!

  21. I am praying that sweet Elianah's story will open someone's or many someone's hearts to adopting one of these many treasures who are still waiting for someone to hold and love them here on earth. Thank you for sharing her story! May God comfort you.

  22. So yesterday I said I had no tears just felt outrage in my heart. Now the tears won't stop! All day I checked my email hoping upon hope that you had emailed saying she was adoptable! Hoping upon hope that our paperwork was being started for her. I am sorry beyond words Linny for your pain but thrilled beyond belief that she knew your arms if even for a brief moment in time! Maybe while you remain there God will reveal a child for us? I hope! Rejoicing that her affliction is over and she knows boundless love now!! ~Becky

  23. in our orphanage we often see this, linny…a child who is fragile and on the brink will often fly away, as we call it, when they sense love. it seems like that love releases them to go the the Father. i'm glad you were able to be the one who whispered His love in her little ears and released her to live forever free from pain and cruelty in the presence of nothing but joy.

  24. Ours prayers are with you. While the Lord is cradling her in one loving arm, we pray that He will hold you and cradle you in His other mighty arm.

    Praying for you guys! Hang in there. I wish I was there to hug you.


  25. My heart hurts. It breaks for those sweet treasures without families. I'm determined to spend the rest of my life speaking about adoption and filling our home with God's treasures. Although most of the world would not understand, what an honor it is to hold a baby so precious on her last day on earth! She was held, she was loved, she was prayed for, and she felt special. I'm sorry for the lose you feel right now, and I pray God fills you up with His peace and comfort. God will continue to work sweet Elianah for His good. I will never forget her life story, and it makes me even more desperate to defend the cause of the fatherless.

  26. crying with you tonight… I had been praying for her after yesterdays post and this breaks my heart. So thankful she had you to love on her in her last days. Sweet thing. Safe in the arms of her Father…

  27. I just got chills reading this. I don't even have the words to tell you how sad I am for you all…..hoping you may all find comfort in God our Father.

  28. I can't help but think that perhaps the Lord decided it was her time now that she was prepared in a small way for His perfect love in heaven…Elianah had the opportunity to feel love from you yesterday and now she is ready to meet perfect Love in heaven. Trying to make sense out of the senseless, I guess. Praying for you all…

  29. Typing through the tears. Oh Linny, my heart is broken for you but praising Jesus for his Love and that He will take care of this little Treasure forever.

  30. Oh Linny, I just can't imagine. Being Jesus' hands and arms is so difficult, but you are doing such a fine job of it. One more treasure in heaven is calling you Mama. Keeping you in my prayers.

  31. Oh Linny…I'm so sorry. Just heartbreaking. The poor darling with such a hard short life here on Earth…but we know that she is in total peace and comfort now and forevermore. Sending you hugs across the ocean…

  32. I'm so sorry, Linny. I'm so glad you were there to hold her and express His love to her (being His hands and feet) before she goes to meet Jesus. Praying that He will give you peace through this sadness.

  33. Linny, Tears came to my eyes as well. A friend gave me this awesome quote and here it is.

    "Orphans are easier to ignore before you know their names.
    They are easier to ignore before you see their faces.
    It's easier to pretend they are not real before you hold them in your arms,
    but once you do, EVERYTHING CHANGES!"–David Platt
    I have a question for you . Is my dear sweet Rachel that is Rebecca's sister still there. I so hope she is. She was a poor eater in January when we went. love, Ellen Wylie

  34. weeping with you…

    So so sorry…

    How can he give us these treasures and yet we are not treasuring them. We need to be his hands and feet. We need to do all that we can to have dreams come true.

    Then they can be HIS hands and feet for the future generation…

  35. Oh Linny, I am so sorry. My heart is breaking. In two. How wonderful that you were able to love her, tell her how much she is wanted and loved. I am so glad that she was able to get some momma lovin' from you.

  36. I just can't stop crying. My heart just broke for that beautiful baby girl yesterday when you posted about the mean nanny. Why? I am so happy to know that she was able to feel love here on earth. Weeping is such an understatement. Hugs!!

  37. Elianah Treasure, you have touched more lives than you could ever imagine even though you never spoke. I can't wait in line to hold you also.

  38. Ohhhhhhhhhh…. poor sweet baby. I'm glad that she is safe now, and glad she was able to feel love in her last day. It's so difficult to comprehend that she was alone in her last moments, but she will never be alone again. She is so precious. How I wish there were no orphans…. they all deserve a family to love them.

  39. hi sweet linny.

    i read this earlier and slammed my computer shut.

    thank you for loving her like a mama in her last hours. i said last time i commented that i wanted to hold her, too, and added a smiley face because i fully intended to hold her soon.

    sick to my stomach that i won't get that chance on this side of eternity because of what? because of the resources & time we are [i am!] hoarding.


  40. i just read through everyone else's posts. i'm sorry that my words aren't as tender. it just makes me really, really mad.

    yes, elianah treasure…you are certainly loved & i pray will spring SO, SO many to action for the other children just like you.

  41. (This is dw)


    I am sobbing as I read this post. We both know we want to do more, to stop the pain, to stop the dieing, to give more hope, to love, to challenge, to rescue the fatherless. You are an amazing woman, thank you for loving another one of the children we have been called to touch, to hold, to love. I can't stop crying, how Lord, how, do we do more! Show us please!

    April 13, 2011 10:21 PM

  42. I am so sorry Linny. I know my words can't bring the comfort we need, but God's words can. He binds the broken hearted and loves us for all of eternity. In HIS arms she is now snuggled. I am glad you were able to be with her for some of her short journey here on earth. We LOVE you and all you do!

  43. In honor of Elianah Treasure and the other 5000 children estimated to have died yesterday due to pneumonia, I've posted a link (http://worldpneumoniaday.org/) on my blog and faeebook…in hopes more people become educated in what we can do to help those 1.5-2 million children a year who die of pneumonia. I give thanks today that you were there to love on this sweet girl, to name her in such a sweet way, before He gathered her up in His arms. Prayers for you and the team there in what you are seeing and doing every day… Jennifer

  44. I am so sorry, Linny! It made me ache and get teary – cannot how much it hurt you when you loved her so much. So grateful you were able to show her such tender love during her time on Earth. Knowing she is experiencing perfect love now. How merciful of our God to prepare your heart.

  45. OH, LINNY!

    Oh, Linny.

    Sweet, sweet girl.

    She felt your love. She knew she was loved. And now getting personal love from Jesus…nothing sweeter.

    My heart…she is so beautiful..

  46. I completely understand your pain, Linny, as this happened to us while working in China. Thank you Lord that Elinah experienced Christ's love while on earth, through you and your team, and now she will feel it forever!

  47. Oh, precious Treasure Baby, rest in your Savior's arms.
    Linny, I'm so glad you were able to love on her.
    My heart is broken for all the Elianah Treasures around the world.

  48. Dear Linny, i'm thankfull that Jesus gave her your sweet arms and devoted love and prayers and sweet whispers in her tiny ears…
    but cry with you for this loss her on earth, my heart breaks for you and the team…

    but what better place for her than the most loving arms imaginable…
    the arms of Jesus,

    hugging you in tears, Adriana

  49. Oh Linny. I am so sorry. I know she knew what it felt like to be loved and held before she was loved and held by her Maker. Her short life was not in vain. You gave her a voice she never would have otherwise had.

    I pray peace and comfort over you and your team today and the remaining time you have there. I am so sorry for the sorrow, but oh the hope that we have in Him and that He was sweet to prepare your heart for the news.

    She is healed. She is whole and she is with her Maker, her Father.

  50. Linny,

    Thank you for sharing your sweet treasure with us. i am so sorry for your loss. Thank you for loving on her while you could. Hugging you in spirit. And yes, you will hold her again, someday.
    Much love and lots of prayers,

  51. Linny,
    Thank you for sharing Elianah with us. Yes, it is God who can use a little baby orphan to mold our hearts and thinking. I am so grateful that you were given time to embrace Elianah and share God with her.


  52. So very sorry for you and your family, but rejoicing that we know where your precious Elianah is. I am reminded of the words in Amy Carmichael's poem:
    Hast thou no wound?…
    No wound, no scar?
    Yet, as the Master shall the servant be,
    And, pierced are the feet that follow me;
    But thine are whole. Can he have followed far
    Who has no wound nor scar?

    Bear the scars with honor, my friend.

  53. So thankful for a God Who holds all the little treasures in Heaven. God, please use this tiny little life to bring about REVIVAL in our hearts. Help us to shake off the sleepy comfort and ACT on behalf of the treasures of the world who are tucked away, seemingly forgotten.

  54. Like all the rest I am crying with you. You were right, she was beautiful in life and now she is even more beautiful in the perfect body that Jesus has given her. I am convinced Jesus put you right there to give her confort before she took her final breath. I can't wait to meet your Elianah Treasure in eternity and hold her also.


  55. Oh sweet babe, so soon to leave. And yet, what strong arms received you Elianah Treasure. Thank you for loving her up on her last days Linny. I know her spirit was calmed and comforted by your love.

  56. My heart is so full…words can't adequately express all that Elianah Treasure has brought to this world. To know that you, Linny, were called for such a time as this…to love on this precious baby…to usher in the Lord's Presence and Love for this little lamb…oh how He loves her…oh how He loves YOU! She is beautiful…she is whole…she is loved…she is with her forever family…forever…"I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you."
    John 14:18

    He came…such perfect Love<3

    Praying for you, Linny…the Lord has special blessings for you! Praying for DW too. Tears still streaming…so in awe…sob*

  57. Oh my! My heart is so heavy and I am crying with you. Praying for you and the team Linny. What a treasure she was and what a expectant joy knowing you will hold her again! Praise the Lord!!

  58. What a precious treasure she is. The tears just started flowing as you shared what God had whispered to you. I wouldn't have wanted to listen either. My heart is breaking with you. What a fitting name you have given to her. I'm so sorry Linny…
    love and tears,

  59. This is such a sweet memorial. It is as if you were sent there at just the right time to tell the world she was there and that she was a "treasure." What an honor for you to be a part of her life.

  60. I am so sorry for your heartbreak Linny.

    And so thankful she knew your touch, your soft words of love spoken to her.

    SO VERY thankful God gave her that time for you to come and be His hands and feet and LOVE to her here on this earth.

    She is safe now.

    And so many others still wait.

  61. Oh, sweet Linny, I am so sorry! I know your heart is broken. I join the others in sympathy, but I'm also grateful that she felt your love here on earth and will have it to carry with her until you see her again. There must be so many comfy rocking chairs in heaven; one is yours, and I hope one of them is mine!

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