June 29th, 2011 – Ukraine & Australia

I have two special prayer requests today.


Remember a few weeks ago I asked 
prayer for a couple who are on our worship team?
They are in Ukraine to bring home a sibling group.
The little girl {7 years old} was having a very hard time 
and I asked you guys to pray?
And you did!
Well things have progressed beautifully since so many joined from all over the world together in prayer.  And now, finally{!} they are getting ready to go to court {today!} and lo and behold,  the kids grandmother shows up.  {She had the opportunity to keep the children, but chose not to.} Now she is wailing and crying and begging them not to leave the orphanage.  She says they need to stay in the orphanage so that when she is old they can get out and take care of her.   
How does a 7 year old even process that?  
The grandma has seldom visited 
them in the orphanage.
Can you imagine the pressure on that 7 year old?
Would you pray with us?  
For favor with the kids?  
That God would move so that these two siblings can come home to our town with D & S?
Then there is another situation.


A couple who attend our church came to me Sunday 
and asked for prayer for her sister and her sister’s family.
The sister and her husband are Australians, 
but were living as expats in other lands.  
While living in Cambodia they fell in love with a 
little tiny girl at an orphanage that they have named Pisey.   
The Australian Government said that 
expats were allowed to adopt from Cambodia.  
But their situation has brought them back to live in Australia.
Before going to Australia, they went to the Australian Embassy in Cambodia where they were told that their case would be treated with compassion….  

However, now that they are back in Australia they are being told that they cannot bring Pisey home – that there is no “compassion”. Can you imagine?  
It would feel like such betrayal!  
They have been in the process of adopting her for three years!  

Now friends, those who gather here with us at our Place Called Simplicity know that God’s heart is for the orphan.  HE is filled with compassion for sweet Pisey and her waiting family.  And besides, we also know that He longs for every, 
single orphan to be in a forever family.   
And we really, truly know that Almighty God can and will move 
every single 
financial mountain,
perceived roadblock
to bring each treasure home.
He is so faithful.
But we must band together and pray!

Please pray for Meagan and her husband to have favor with the Australian government so that Pisey can come home to them forever {she has waited far too long!}. 
And whatever your need, please share your requests in the comments section below, no matter your care, 
cast it on Him for He IS faithful!
The Knee Team and many more will be praying 
{and fasting}
 through each one.  

102 thoughts on “June 29th, 2011 – Ukraine & Australia

  1. I would like to ask you all to pray for our family. We have a teenage boy who has run away from home and will not come home…he is being kept away from us by friends who have told us they want to reconcile with us, but that was not our impression of what they were doing. We really need prayer that this boy will come home so we can work on the hurt he is feeling and other issues. I ask for reconciliation, restoration, forgiveness,healing, redemption for this boy and protection…both for him and for us. We have experienced some really heavy things in the last few years and we feel this is crushing us. I know God has His purpose in this and it is for our good, but it is really hard to walk in it.
    Thank you…

  2. Thank you Linny, for initiating another day of Prayer & Fasting! Oh how we all need each other!

    I asked for prayer last time for my financial situation. Nothing has changed, at least not here on earth where I can see it! As a reminder… I had a significant loss of income with no warning, right when my students' summer semester payments were due at the end of May. I have been able to cover my June expenses, and I will have income to cover about 25% of my bills for July & August. Please pray for God to provide the rest! And to increase my faith in the meantime.

    I am also still praying for God to bring me His choice of a husband… and to help me to be patient to continue waiting on His timing! (Funny… Right now the words of the song playing on Linny's playlist are "strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord"!)

    And lastly, please join me in continuing to pray for my friend's salvation/walk with the Lord. Pray that our Father will reveal to my friend an unquenchable desire to know Him, love Him, and live for Him! God knows all the details!

    Thank you all, and I'm looking forward to reading more requests in the morning & praying over them!

  3. I will be praying for Carrie and her son! I will be praying for God's truth to be revealed to their son and that Satan's lies will be bound. I pray for his heart, his soul and for his physical protection. Our son left yesterday and said he wasn't ready to come back. It was the first time we were faced with this, so Carrie I will be praying. Our son is home and I pray that your's will be soon!

    My request is for God's direction for our family. Our last adopted embryo is now in the arms of Jesus. My heart beats wildly for orphans, though I feel like I need time to heal and focus on our little tribe. I need His peace of heart and mind that if and when He calls us to another child it will be clear and we will both be ready. We feel pretty exhausted emotionally, physically and financially right now. I don't want to say that our family is done growing. But feel the need for rest and focus.

  4. We continue to ask for prayers of healing for our son who suffers from seizures and major delays due to all the seizures he has had. We recently changed medication doses and he is very irritable and agitated, taking his frustations out by hitting, scratching and kicking us and his siblings. God can do immeasurably more than I can even imagine!
    Standing on His promises today for all the needs on this prayer list!

    Thanks you Linny for being His hands and feet!

  5. I will be joining you in praying for all of those who post here. My heart aches for those couples you mentioned!

    Will you please join me in praying:
    -for a friend who I was able to talk to about God, salvation, and adoption.
    -for another friend who is waiting on God's timing for her next adoption.
    – for the completion of our adoption 'stuff' soon so that we can have our kids home.
    -for the great things to come from the Orphan Care Ministry at our church.
    – for the team headed to India, that their hearts would have a burning that cannot be quenched, that they would come home incapable of ignoring God's calling on their lives. (Oh and that they will have the resources to go…)
    Thank you!!!

  6. Praying for those on the list before me and coming back for more tomorrow.
    Asking for continued prayer for my daughter who has lost her faith. Continued prayer also for the adoption we are working towards now – things have happened in leaps and bounds since the last prayer day – we now know we are bringing home a 4 year old boy! but would appreciate prayers for the continued process.
    Thank you for your prayers. Blessings

  7. Linny, Thank you again for this day of prayer. I will be praying and fasting for those mentioned before me and after. My request continues to be for our adoption of our 2 girls from Eastern Europe. We finally return there on July 3rd and have court on July 6th and 8th. Our judge is not adoption friendly and did not even want to hear our case until the end of August but our facilitator talked him into July. We had our initial appt in may and those that have gone since us have already had court and returned home. So please pray for his heart to be softened toward adoption and that we are approved to bring our girls home. Also pray for our added expenses that these are covered.
    thank you again,
    soon to be mom to 9 treasures

  8. Just want to add a bit more to my prayer request : healing for my husband who injured his back last week and for the sale of the house he has been building.
    Thank you.

  9. Thank you Linny for doing this and for the knee team for all your prayers! I will be praying and fasting along with you.
    -please pray for God to provide for our adoption and for us to be matched to our children
    -please pray for us to find a job for my husband closer to his parents
    -please pray for us to get dental insurance or my husband to get a pay raise so we can adopt more children. Sounds funny but we have nothing and we have to use our taxes every year to pay for our dental bills. My husband has terrible teeth.
    -please pray for all the fallen police officers out there and there families
    Thank you for all your prayers!
    Love the Funkhousers

  10. I will be praying and fasting for the prayer needs mentioned. I would like to request prayers for my family as we make our way through the adoption process.

  11. This morning as I sat here reading these requests it occurred to me that I have no 'needs' at this time! I feel I am where God wants me to be and I am content with that!!! Big PRAISE!

    I would ask for prayers though that I remain patient in waiting for God to show me who I am going to spend the rest of my life with. I want to be married again, I do not want to be alone in life. I prayed for friendship with a man and he did that. I prayed that he would move things slowly between us and he has. I am now ready, or so I think, for things to progress in a positive manner!

  12. We are in process of adopting a 10 yr old boy from Ethiopia. His lost both parents more than 5 yrs ago and has been living in the orphanage since then. The prayer request is for the grandparents and aunt to release any paper work that is needed and to show up in court. Thank you!

  13. We felt God was possibly leading us to a specific child to adopt but knew it was a 1 in a million chance we could get matched or that we would even know when she was coming on a list. We are in the US and many of the children from the foster home she is in have gone to Spain, just to give you an idea of the odds of this happening. This sweet girl lives with friends of our friends in Chin@. She "should" have come out on the list in September 2010. But something was holding up her psperwork. For months & months. Well, we just got our LID before the June list & were praying she might finally be released. She was!!!! Praise God! Our agency found her file, typed our name in next to hers, but then within seconds another agency had locked her first! So we do not know God's will for this child, but we are heartbroken & just praying that if she is ours, the family will have peace in not accepting her file & that our agency will be able to find & lock it for us, most likely Thursday night.
    Praying for God's will!

  14. I feel so blessed to know that my requests will be prayed for by my sisters and brothers in Christ. One day we will meet face to face and I will tell you thanks and give you a Big Hug!
    Please pray for our adoption of 2 girls from China. Please pray for my sister and her husband. My brother-in-law might have to have another open-heart surgery this year. Pray for God's will and for the faith to walk the path that He chooses.

  15. Praying with you today! Will wait to see these miraculous answers to prayers from our almighty God!

    Needing prayers for the last bit of finances for our adoption. We will be traveling within 8 weeks and are in the midst of our Both Hands/Lifesong for Orphans projects. We are trusting God completely for His provision.

    If you want to read about our project, you can go to http://www.lifesongfororphans.org/bhProj.html Just scroll down and find Janet and Kevin Bourke.

    In Christ,
    janet and gang

  16. Praise to God for the favor he has shown my family. After 6 months my home study is now complete. God moved mountains and has provided every bit of the $3000 dollars needed so far.

    I am a single mother on disability to there are not extra funds to go towards adoption. God knew this when he called me to adopt and has been so faithfull. I have been able to supplement my disability with a few hours of nanny work, though this has been inconsistant. God gave me the verse Haggi 2:4 last week. which tells me to be strong 3 times and work.

    So my prayer request is that if it is Gods will that he leads me to work outside of the home (no lifting or bending) to provide for my daughter and I and provide adoption funds. I also pray for healing so that I may one day be free of health limitations.

    Will be praying for you all tonight. Blessings, Debbie

  17. Today I'm asking you to pray for my best friend and her husband. They are such giving and loving people, and they have looked into adopting from Haiti, but now Haiti is requiring adoptive parents to go through an agency instead of a private orphanage…adding THOUSANDS to the cost. This was a HUGE leap of faith for the husband, and now he is likely to back out….PLEASE pray for his heart to be so broken for the orphan, that he DOESN'T back out!! My friend has prayed and prayed for her husband to get to this point, and now this….

    For me….we have $17,000 left to raise in our adoption from Ethiopia(just turned in our dossier)..praying for the Lord's provision today. Also a relationship that needs mending…

    I will pray through ALL these today at some point! Please know you are COVERED in prayer bloggy friends!!

  18. No prayer requests for me, but a serious one on behalf of some friends. Their 13 year old daughter just found out last week that she has a tumor growing at the base of her brain stem. Surgery is sometime in the next week. Please pray. The daddy of the family also is having surgery in two weeks to remove a tumor that is on his shoulder. They feel the peace of Jesus, but could use prayers….

  19. I ask for prayer for peace and joy. I am home for the summer from college, and I can't seem to find the joy in being here. My sister who currently lives at home with her son has many mental issues that greatly effect everyone in the house on a day-to-day basis. Most of the time, I feel like I'm suffocating and I just can't wait to leave. I know that's not nice for my mother, but I'm absolutely miserable here. Please pray that God gives me overwhelming peace to make it through the summer and to see my family in a new light.

    Also pray for a boy named Austin Hatch. He's 16 years old and was critically injured in a plane crash in Michigan that killed his dad and stepmom. On top of this tragedy, he lost his mom and two siblings in ANOTHER plane crash in 2003. This boy will be an orphan if he can even survive this, right now he is in a medically-induced coma. Pray for God's healing on his body and protection and comfort over his mind and spirit when he wakes up.

  20. Please pray for Zhong San Dai, a five year old girl living in an orpahange in China, with very blue lips, fingers and feet. She needs a family very soon. Please pray for a family for her, and I won't mind if it's ours, God needs to move in a huge way for my husband to have a change of heart. I am praying for all of those that have commented and asked for prayers before me. Have a wonderfully peace filled prayerful day!

  21. Praying & Fasting with the knee team!

    URGENT prayer request:
    dear friend of mine's little daughter who JUST turned 1 has leukemia. they figured this out while they were in the process of becoming missionaries (in the last phase of training before heading overseas). Georgia has been in and out of the hospital since Christmas getting many rounds of chemo and a bone marrow transplant. they just found out yesterday that the bone marrow transplant did not graph at all and that the chemo did not kill the leukemia and that it is back and AGGRESSIVE! there are NO other options for this precious child. only a miracle from our Creator God will save this child. i cannot imagine holding my 1 year old not knowing when she will slip into the Father's hands forever! Please pray for the Goodwin family.

    Another friend is the foster guardian of a few children and doing the paperwork in Africa to help adoptive families bring their children home. there are a few pieces of paper that are held in the balance and courts close in July. please pray that there will be a court date before Sept so these babies can be in their parents arms. they are running into an issue with one of the judges who is ANTI-adoption.

    i shared a few prayer/fasting days ago that my heart is burdened for two little girls in Uganda- my husband actually agreed to move forward, yet we found out that there would be issues in adopting them as their parents are alive (but not allowed to have custody of them due to domestic violence/abuse). so we are at a stand still. praying that during the 2 months of court closure that God would move mountains and allow us to move forward.

  22. I just want to tell everyone that I will be fasting and praying tomorrow, and some today, but because of my crazy work schedule it will work better tomorrow.

    1. For speedy process with our next adoption of one or two more blessings from Ethiopia.

    2. For the funds to be there for our adoption and blessings over our rummage sale in July.

    3. That the desires of my heart our God's. To quit work and be home with our children and home school.

    4. For my sister who has MS, depression, a hard divorce. Pray that her selfishness turns to Godliness even in this and she finds peace. Pray for her son who is stuck in the middle.

    5. My Father and his health and financial related things.

    6. For Linny and her family and the love and example, and support they are to all of us. For their hearts to heal at the loss of Elliot Moses and for God to give them peace.

    Knee Team Member

  23. Praying and fasting with you today!

    Please pray for our family for the financing surrounding our adoption of an 8-yr.-old girl with Cerebral Palsy, for the adoption itself but also for our financial situation in general: a house we can't sell currently has no renters, and an expensive surgery for our first adopted child still has not been covered by insurance.

    Also, please pray for my husband as he takes difficult academic exams on the last two Tuesdays of July and the first Tuesday of August (they were supposed to be in June but were graciously moved back a month after we spent a week in Joplin in late May with my parents who had lost their home in the tornado). These exams make all the difference in whether or not my husband can move forward in a PhD in Old Testament studies in order to be a Christian college professor — we have spent the last 11 of the 14 years of our marriage working toward this goal, and I don't know what we'll do if he fails the exams and is unable to continue with his degree. We were not anticipating that we would conduct three international adoptions during his doctoral program, but adoption, like pregnancy, has a way of coming at unpredictable times, and the adoptions have added a great deal of stress to his studies (not that we would trade these precious, beloved children for any degree or "job security" in the world!).

    Thank you for praying!

  24. I haven't been able to be involved in the last couple prayer days. I so missed it! I can't fast because of medical reasons, but tomorrow I will do a vegetable fast and pray through all these requests (which will probably take me several days.) Thanks, Linny, for doing these prayer days.
    Since it's been so long since I've joined with everyone in prayer, many things have happened as answers to my prayers.
    1. Praise God! My husband has in the last 3 months been completely committed to our finances: being a good steward of them and getting out of debt. He's read Dave Ramsey's book, and we're being really careful with our money the past few months. That was a huge answer to prayer. Please continue to pray that our business does well so that he can pay himself and we don't have to skip paychecks like we did last year.
    2. We've made great headway with the 16 yr old girl that we took in last Nov. She's started to bond with us, and things are going so much better. Praise God, I even feel a love for her!
    3. I've been praying for a little boy in China for the past 11 months. He has a severe heart defect. I was CERTAIN that he was to be part of our family, but my husband did not feel so certain. I prayed and prayed believing that God was asking me to just wait. I found out YESTERDAY that a family is now waiting for a PA for him. Now, I should be extremely happy for him and them. I'm having such mixed emotions. I am so happy that he will finally be getting the medical attention that he needs. I'm extremely depressed that we missed the boat and God has chosen to give this blessing to someone else. I was feeling a little more content w/ things, and then I read the family's blog and found out that they're mormons. Now, I'm distraught again! Not only is he not ours, but he won't grow up in a family that teaches him that Jesus is God's son and was sent as a perfect sacrifice to redeem us. He won't learn that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. I don't even know how to pray in this situation. I've been praying that his family would come to the Truth, that somehow this little boy would come to trust in Christ Jesus.
    Sorry this is so long. Thank you for praying, and I will be praying with you all over the next several days.

  25. The orphan ministry I worked with overseas for almost 4 years began coming under very strong and direct attack about a year ago. There have been false accusations and the ministry is being forced to phase out. Please pray for the TRUTH to be known- the truth about what happened and that each of us involved would be able to see what is really going on in the spirit realm. Pray against fear and that God's angels would come and form protective barriers around us against spirits of fear, doubt, confusion, anger and bitterness. Pray that we will claim the promises of Scripture. No weapon formed against us will prosper! Thank-you friends.

  26. This will be my first fast. I have much to pray for and have the faith of a mustard seed, waiting on my Lord to move mountains. I will be praying for all of the above, and all that will come below. Thank you, Linny, for answering God's call and planting the seed which will grow and spread throughout this day as we fast and pray. My requests are as follows:
    – There is an 11 year old boy in China whose face has been written on my heart. We currently have 5 children (the last 2 are adopted from China) and my husband, though open to adoption, is not on board at this time. God has changed my heart about growing my family again and I know that if it is His will, He can change my husband's. We have incured some debt over the years and my husband wants to get that paid off first, but God generally doesn't call when the bills are paid. This young man will be 12 in a few weeks and will be running out of time (he will age out at 13). I also feel that we should continue to add through our family through adoption again and again. I pray for discernment of God's will in both my heart and my husband's heart and for His provision and peace.
    – I am often consumed with anxiety, fear and worry. I hand it over to God but often take it back. It is an internal struggle and those around me usually do not even know. I pray for a peace and a sense of well being. I know most of it is irrational, but my body just sometimes takes over. I do always have JOY depsite my circumstances, I just worry about safety and health of my family a lot.
    – My dear friend is an atheist, as is her husband and teenager. They are wonderful people and I pray for them.
    – My MIL has been building her castle here on earth and worshipping her material goods over her Creator. She is a believer but has gotten way off track and does not see it.
    -My FIL is extremely cynical and untrusting. My husband works with him and it is creating conflict. He has also told us that we cannot save the world and would most likely be against any more adoptions. Difficult when he is the one signing your paycheck. My husband is second in command, but is not given the opportunity to show he can handle it. I pray for my FIL spiritual walk.
    – I pray for the orphans around the world. God has burdened my heart with what burdens His, and it is an honor.
    Thanks for reading and praying!

  27. -My family is adopting a 9 year old girl from Eastern Europe. We are SO close to getting her home but some of out paperwork has gotten stuck in the approval process here in Canada. It is ridiculous and there isn't even a good reason for them taking so long to sign those silly papers. this delay has pushed my sisters homecoming way back. Please pray these papers will be signed and mailed out and that we (and my sister G waiting in EE) would have peace while we wait.

    -I need a clear sign telling me what to do next in my life.

    -I need a friend.

    -Two little boys need a family bad. Please pray that they will find one soon. And if it is meant to be my family, that God would show us that very clearly and that He would continue to move the mountains (because there are TONS). The boys are very close to being transferred from their baby home to a Monastery where they will be raised as monks and never adoptable again. Did I mention they are ages 5 and 6? It breaks our hearts and we need an answer NOW.

  28. 1. There is a woman in our church who has caused much conflict and whose words and actions have hurt many people. She is a Christian but is very judgemental and negetive. My family has dealt with the impact of this in the past and it is currently a huge problem. Please pray for her and for those who have been hurt by her. Pray for me to know what to say and how to react…
    2. Pray for me to know the steps to take towards a dream/vision that God has given me.
    3. A friend who is struggling with severe anxiety.

  29. Praying for all. Please pray for my family. We are still dealing with the aftermath of divorce. He has abandoned myself and my kids ,adopted ones as well financially, emotionally , physically. We live in a small town and still have to see him living as if he doesn't know us and ignoring his responsibility. It is quite difficult financially and emotionally. Please pray that we will be protected and that He will continue to supply all our needs. Mostly that he will restore the desire of our hearts to serve him as a family and to adopt again.

  30. I know this may sound silly in the grand scheme of things, but I would LOVE it if the knee team would pray for me to find "the ONE" I have been praying for that sepcial guy to come into my life for years now, and just don't feel like my prayers have been heard. everyone around me is getting married and starting a family and I am starting to feel a little "forgotten". I pray that he is out there somewhere, and that this is the year that I finally get to find/meet him. Thank you so much for all you do, this is such an amazing group and a wonderful way to help out those in need.

    On a side note, a friend of mine's sister was in a terrible boating accident over the weekend, one person died, my friends sister is in critical condition (in a medical induced coma) and 4 others are in stable condition. Please pray for healing for everyone involved and strenght for the families, especially for the one they lost and the one in critical condition.

    Thank you again

  31. Please pray for my husband's coworker's family. Their 7 yr old son was born with a 3 chambered heart. About 4 days ago, the little boy suffered severe cardiac arrest and subsequent strokes. Yesterday the doctors pretty much said there is nothing else they can do for him and the family has made the heartbreaking decision to discontinue his life support.

  32. Linny- Thank you for initiating this day of prayer and fasting. I would like to ask for prayer for a condition that I have recently been diagnosed with called interstitial cystitis- it is a chronic condition that mimics a bladder infection, only there is no infection. The drs. say there is no cure, only managing it. I am a pastor's wife and I feel as if I can not care for my husband, my children or the teenagers I lead. Please pray for miraculous healing of this condition. Thank you precious women for lifting all these requests up to our Healer and Deliverer.

  33. I am asking for payer for my health. My diabetes is out of control as well as my blood pressure right now. I am on meds now but they have me in a fog and hard to function at times. Please pray that the emotional and physical issue associated with this can be controlled soon.
    Thank you

  34. Dear friends in Christ,

    Please pray for God to defend and protect the path our Latvian "daughter" to arrive in our home before her classes start August 5th. She is 17, unadoptable, but we're working on a student visa and facing a lot of direct attacks. Easy things are very difficult to accomplish. But God has her heart, and that was the most miraculous act!

    Also please pray for a refugee child who is missing from their family in our community. No English, no cultural experience. Pray for God to care for this child and comfort the family until they are together again.

    Prayers and Love,


  35. Please pray for families that are adopting from South Korea. The Ministry in Korea is decreasing the number of emigration permits (EPs) each year in hopes of increasing the number of domestic adoptions in the country. While domestic adoption within South Korea would be great, the rates of domestic adoption are simply not increasing as quickly as the government is decreasing the number of EPs. The EPs are needed for the children to leave the country.

    Many families have been matched with children that they assumed would come home in 2011. Now there are very few EPs left for all of 2011 so many children will be waiting until 2012 to come home. Also, the government did not process any EPs in the month of June and announced they will continue in late July, but gave no explanation for the halt.

    It seems that there is a lot of spiritual warfare going on in the world of international adoption. I am praying for a miracle… that the Lord would multiple the number of EPs left for the year so that the babies already matched with their forever families can come home in 2011. May God move mountains for His glory!!

  36. I have another one:)…..Lately, I have really felt the urge, desire, etc..to be on the mission field, working with orphans full time. I have strongly sensed lately the Lord telling me to keep life "simple"(not purchase too much..), because I can't take it with me to the mission field!!LOL!! I thought I was crazy, until I talked with another family headed to the mission field, who God was telling the SAME thing!! So my prayer is for continued CONFIRMATION!! Especially for my husband. He has such a passion for teaching God's Word, and I have a passion for orphans, and together we could ROCK THE WORLD for Jesus;)!! As the song says, "Where you go, I'll go..!!":)

  37. I am honored to pray for all the requests today.
    I ask for prayer:
    *that our paperwork will finally be completed and that we will be DTC to China this week (it was due Tuesday, for our son on the Special Focus list;however, we got held up in USCIS)
    *for continued provisions for our adoption. The provisions have been there each step of the way through God's amazing timing and detail. We have about $19 -$20K left to go before travel
    *for our Church team who are leaving for Honduras starting this weekend. We have two teams leaving over two weeks and our son is among those going. Pray that he will serve to God's glory.
    * for friends who will be serving on a team in China to help the orphans.
    Thank You so much for this time of prayer and fasting. I love to serve our Lord and love to intercede in prayer for others.

  38. Praying for your family and all these request.
    Please pray we will know God's direction for our lives and that we will have the finances for adopting from China. Thank You. And also I have been praying for a prayer partner for quite some time. Thanks.

  39. We will be praying for the requests you mentioned!

    I humbly ask for prayers for our adoptiong fund to grow. We are trusting God that it is His will for us to cross the ocean to bring home an orphan, and we know He will provide…

    It's just hard to be in a place wondering if, when the time comes, you'll be able to even afford to get on the plane.

    Thank you, and God bless!

    Brooke Annessa

  40. Please pray for our Georgia! She is 3 years old and has a heart condition. She has started to have what she calls "funny boom booms" where she clutches her chest…it is really scary. We have a heart monitor coming in the mail today.

    * Would you pray that the monitor will quickly catch what is going on?

    * For healing of whatever is happening in her heart.

    * For wisdom for us as we are supposed to leave for Mexico (as a family) on a mission trip in 9 days…we need wisdom on what to do.

    * Also, it is VBS at our church this week and we have over 200 kids there…please pray that they would know just how deeply God loves them and give their lives to Him.

  41. Hi Linny!

    I'm in Cusco, Peru, this week working at an orphanage. Of course, each and every child is precious, but I wanted to ask for prayers for two specific children. First, Daniel is an eight year old boy rescued from the streets. His age is estimated, as he was first mute and also has severe epilepsy which is only partially controlled by medications. He has stolen everyone's heart with his gentle ways. He could be adopted but he is definitely a child with tons of unknowns. He will always have a place in the Chistian orphanage where he now lives, but they so much want a home for him.

    The second child I would love prayers for is Fabiola. She has Down syndrome and an inoperable heart condition. She could live for longer if she were brought into a lower altitude. Pray for that to happen! Thank you!!

  42. Oh, Linny, how my heart is burdened for orphans and those who hurt. I've been home from Africa 10 days now, but my heart still longs to hold those children.

    And, here in the states our I800A approval was delayed. Finally our 797 should be coming today! Praise the LORD!

    We have two prayer requests for our family:

    1-Please pray that there are not more obstacles in our paths as we continue to pursue the adoption of our two precious sons waiting in China. We soooooooo want them home for Christmas.

    2-We will need over $5,000 for the next step of the adoption process. We have available right now….not quite $4,000. Please pray that God will send what we need right on time!

    And, in South Africa:
    Pray for the completion of the Lighthouse where more orphans can find a home with Christian love! You can read more about the work there at

    Blessings and prayers going up,

  43. Please pray for my sons. I am a single, never married teacher who adopted two s of my students when they were 7 and 9. Prior to that they had been in the foster care system for about five years. The first couple of years were really hard, but since then, until this year, they have done pretty well. They have made some really poor/dangerous choices recently and the past six months have been really, really hard.

    Please pray for a supernatural intervention in their lives, that God would restore them to the men that He intends for them to be. Pray that he would heal the ache in their lives caused by their biological parents' abandonment. Pray that He would give me wisdom and strength in parenting them. And pray that He would bring godly men into their lives to mentor and lead them them in His ways.

    Also please pray for my career. I'm a long time urban educator. I love, love, love what I do and have always felt that I was fulfilling God's calling on my life. I have always dreamed of being a principal, but that dream seems like it's getting further and further away. I'm willing to switch careers or do whatever God is calling me to do, but I have no idea what that might be. Please pray for God's direction.

  44. Hi Linny: Thank you so much for this day of Prayer & Fasting. I have read through each person's requests. Throughout this day, I am going to start at the top, and pray over each person individually. So many needs of many different kinds. So many people hurting. I am requesting prayer for my daughter who is a single mother. She lost her job of 20 years with the State as a court reporter. She is devastated, I am devastated. I am single and retired, and barely make ends meet myself. I don't know what we will do. Prayers desperately needed for her 19 year old son as well, who is suffering terribly. Due to many factors we are all suffering disabling anxiety and depression, see no light, or an end to any of this. Things have been horribly bad for over four years due to my daughter's divorce, and a violent ex who continues to wreak trauma on our family. Law Enforcement is involved. We are in desperate need of God's precious healing hands, and for things to turn around……..immediately. We don't feel like we can go on like this any longer. Ijust wish I could sleep so I don't have to think, but sleep doesn't come. I will be praying for "everyone", including people who add after my post. I love each one of you, and I'm so thankful for this place to come and worship together, to lay it all at the feet of God.

  45. Am praying….
    Have a few requests breaking my heart…
    – A Good friend thinks her marriage (16 years) is over – both believers.
    – 40 y/o cousin with inflammatory breast cancer, spreading FAS;, getting divorced; and is in homosexual rltnshp now.
    – Our 2 y/o daughter, home 7 months, having minor exploratory surgery on Friday…asking for wisdom for DH and I.

    Thank you all!!

    Every child of God defeats this evil world by trusting Christ to give the victory. 1John 5:4

  46. This prayer is for all of my "friends" in this thread. A dear friend shared it with me yesterday because she knows the trauma and difficulties we are suffering within my family. My prayers, and love to each one of you. May God's love and peace surround you.

    I will pray for you, my friend.

    I will name you in my heart before God and ask all His blessing be upon you.

    I will be concerned for your rising and your daily mood.

    I will be sympathetic to your personal needs and desires in each day of your life.

    I will wish you well in your learning, or your work, in your domestic round and your leisure.

    I will think of you in the morning, and at the close of each day and pray that God’s peace be with you.

    If you are in trouble or difficulty of any kind, or simply tired and worn down, I will do all and anything I can to lift your spirits.

    I will ache for you in your sorrows and disasters and rejoice with you in your joys and triumphs.

    I will love and care for you.

    God knows our needs. Let Him have them.

  47. Fasting and praying and *delurking*- I am a newcomer and I have finally caught up on your miracle adoptions from Uganda and am so thankful for this time of prayer and fasting that you have called us to.
    I am praying for our special little boy in Ethiopia who we were so honored to spend 5 days with for our first court trip. He has captured our hearts completley!! He is SN and his legs/feet have regressed and he is having a hard time walking. The judge requested more investigation into his abandonment- finally all papers were there for the second court date of June 3rd…yet we still wait for our MOWCYA letter and court decree….every step of the way this adoption has hit road blocks. We ask that you pray for our final documents and that we are submitted to embassy very soon. We have been matched over a year.
    Please help us pray for his transition and the transition of our family.
    Please also pray for me to have the focus and motivation I need for my doctoral studies (I am in grad school)- that I have clarity for my research- there is great work to be done in curriculum studies/teacher training and I need to be pointed in the right direction.
    Please also pray for my best friend whose marriage of 13 years is hit a very rocky, unstable patch that looks like seperation.
    I have read through all the requests so far and you are in my heart and prayers as well.

  48. I love these days when I can spend my time before the Lord praying for others. Thanks you, Linny. My request is still unchanged- for a financial breakthrough. My husband is 100% commission and the past year has been awful and we have had to put our adoption process on hold and struggle (and have failed) to meet monthly needs. The summer is even more difficult as I teach and so have no income again until Sept. Please pray for our marriage to strengthen and our faith to continue to deepen as we are learning to turn everything over to Him. We know He is fully in control, though many days the fear has us feeling alone.

  49. I will be praying and fasting today for all the requests here ~ In Jesus Name may all these petitions be brought before God.

    I humbly ask for prayers for:
    1. My husband's health to continue to improve with Lyme treatment and God's healing touch.

    2. My health to improve with treatments and the Lyme and coinfections to leave my body in Jesus name!

    3. Selling this home and finding the right home for us to retire in.

    4. For the next phase of ministry that God desires from us to be revealed in His perfect timing.

    To God be the glory as we gather in the power of the Holy Spirit to sing His praise and petition on bended knee.

    Knee Team Member

  50. I forgot to include my step-father who is in need of a new job. He left his job, of several years, after a manager kept making fun of a worker who has a learnign disability and dyslexia- then weeks later fired this man b/c of his disability. My wonderful step father stood up for this man and left his job, helping the man file suite against the company….and such he is also out of work as well. He is wonderful and i feel that this loss of income has caused him great anxiety, even though he and my mom are doing fine on their savings and her salary. Please pray he will find the right path and job and that he is successful in this case, standing up for a disabled man.

  51. Please pray for the restoration of my parents marriage. That the Lord would move and my father would see the deception he has been operating under the past two years.

  52. We really need prayer for our adoption. Last week, God dropped His beautiful plan for us to adopt from Taiwan in our laps. He also told us a year ago to put our house on the market to sell. We will be moving back to Hawaii, and then will be heading off to missions when He next leads. For a year we have been walking in obedience to sell our house, and He is now asking us to adopt a precious little one. This was not in our plans and has come out of left field. It was a surprise, but He has made it clear that this is His plan, and we are trusting Him for the outcome.

    We could really use prayer for the finances to come in. None of what we are doing makes any sense to the human mind, but it definitely makes eternal sense. It's about trust and obedience. We need around $15,000 by mid August, and then $10,000 more by the time we travel, and have NO WAY of coming up with that in our own power. We used up everything we had during our last adoption. My heart just really needs a big shot of faith!! I'm truly overwhelmed, but trying with everything in me to NOT BE ANXIOUS. Please pray with me for our precious gift, for faith to walk this road, and for the finances to complete this adoption. Oh, and we need our FBI background check to come back ASAP!
    Thank you all so very much for your prayers!!!

    Praying with you too!
    jenn H

  53. Oh friends… would you please pray for E. For the past 6 months we have been dating and things have been going extremely well. We volunteer at an orphanage in Mexico and so our relationship has always been under a microscope…which is not a bad thing. But yesterday E. came over and said that he thinks we should just be friends because he doesn't feel God calling him to propose marriage. Yesterday morning I was planning my marriage and today I am sitting here crying my eyes out. God has very clearly said to me 3 times that he is the one. And now? I don't know what to do. How can I just be friends with the man I so desperately want to marry? Please pray for both our hearts.

  54. Please pray for Joy and Garred (a young married couple). Garred was told yesterday he is being "let go" by his company for lack of experience. He's a hard worker and kind man. They're hurt about this job situation and worried about finding another job for Garred.

  55. Thank you, Linn, for doing this! I am asking for the Lord to put adoption into my husbands heart. I visited Africa 10+ years ago and my hearts longs to adopt an orphan. I will help pray for the others in need.

  56. My husband and I are adopting two little boys from Uganda. After months of stalled paperwork and things not being done, we've finally decided to heed God's call and just relocate to Uganda until our sons can come home.

    This is such a huge, terrifying thing to me. We do have a court date for one child for August but no news on when we'll have a second court date. We're bringing our two daughters with us (ages 5 and 3) and adopting two little boys who are 3 and 2 so we're worried about the dynamic between the children. We feel that God has placed this calling firmly for us and so we're going.

    Please pray that our travel will go well, our finances will be in order, our daughters will adapt well, our sons will be receptive to us, my husband's job will be patient as he works from Uganda and that I will be able to be useful and a blessing while there.

  57. Hi again,
    I am asking for prayer again for my marriage and my husband who has moved out and gone astray. He has abandoned us financially, emotionally and physically. My twin 17 year olds are angry, hurt, confused, and at times defend him and his motivations and possible involvement with a much younger woman. I pray that my children will deeply understand that this is not "okay" for a man to do this to his wife and family, which it seems they believe now. He is incredibly mean and cold to me, and I have to hide that from the kids because I do not want them to have to be involved in this, feel they have to defend their dad, or have any ill feelings that would hinder their relationship with him. I am hurt beyond belief, and turn it over to the Lord every day, sometimes every hour or minute. Pray that the Lord intercedes mightily in him, he is filled again with the love Jesus offers anytime, softens his heart, and Satan leaves him alone. I know God's promises, and I believe, but it is honestly so hard sometimes. Pray for me and the peace that comes with knowing that God is in control. I pray for restoration of my marriage and family in Jesus' precious name.
    Praying with everyone today!

  58. I will pray! I have a praise though too. Remember when I left that comment about going to the Ramp, but I couldn't cause my Mom was sick. Well I prayed to God that he would make a way for me to go and he did! He didn't heal her before I left but my Mom and Dad prayed about it and said that I could go alone. With my group of course. See, I'm only 12 (almost) I had such a good time! Dancing before the Lord, getting babtized in Willams Creek! I come home with my throught soar from praising, my feet hurt from dancing, I'm tiered, but so hungry for more. We need an awakaning. That is my prayer request, that you could join us in prayer for this nation. Oh, and please pray for my Dad. He went to the Emergancey Room last night for some swelling in his head. They said he is all right and the swelling is still there. They dischared him but they need to find out what it is. Pray for my neighbor too. Her son is with his Dad for 6 weeks and she is tiered as she went to the Ramp too, and has been taking care of me and my sisters last night and the night before. Thanks!

  59. Hi Linny,

    I'm committed to praying over the needs listed here today.

    Please remember us as we continue to prepare to live in Kenya and serve orphans and widows. Some situations have arisen that are very complicated… BUT GOD – nothing is impossible with HIM.

    He loves the orphans and widows, and He will turn around the injustices that hold them in bondage.

    As Moses (God's spokesman) said, "LET MY CHILDREN GO THAT THEY MAY WORSHIP THE LORD!"


  60. Ok so I just ate toast and then logged in so starting to fast and pray with you all now.
    Please pray for my husbands heart. We had a good talk last night about how I've been feeling called to care for the fatherless.he is not there. He said he supports my 'cause' as he calls it but it's not his. He even said I could go on a missions trip but said it would be a bad idea for him to come because he knows it would be a disappointment for me when nothing changes in his heart.
    Please continue to pray for Maddie the 14 year old girl who has made several attempts on her life this year. I don't have a recent update as she and her dad have gone away for the summer.

  61. Will be fasting today and share in bringing everyone's petitions to Him.

    Could you join with me in prayer about something that I am still uncertain about if it is what God wants me to do… please pray for me that our God will confirm to me in my heart with His peace and presence so that I may know without a doubt and in clarity that it is with His blessings. Please, also, if it is not what He wants, that He will let me know with His peace and clarity, too.

    Thank you 🙂

    I need Him to speak to me in a way that will confirm to my heart with His peace and presence.

  62. Please pray that the Lord would stop the wildfires in LosAlamos, MN. There is a nuclear plant there and it is being threatened. We are experiencing air problems over here in Durango.


    Love each of you!xo

  63. I had so hoped that the next prayer day would be a praise day for me. Not yet, but I will forever trust and hope! Pray for my marriage and my husband who lives with another woman. Pray that his heart will turn back to the God he says he knows, and back to his family. Pray that he will be healed of his hurts, his deception, his selfishness and recognize the love and forgiveness that awaits him here. I pray that God's will will be revealed in every request put up here and His mighty hand to create praise from so much trouble in this world. I pray for peace in everyone's heart as God works in their lives.

  64. Dear friends in Christ-
    I feel honored to read through and pray/fast for you!
    Will you pray for our trial and tribulation that we have been dealing with for 7 months now. For God to work His miracles in our behalf. This trial has kept us from adopting and we long to adopt and care for the orphans. Pray for our home to sale quickly and we don't lose money with the sale. Will you pray specifically for July 14th and on that day if God brings it to your hearts? Thank you, sweet friend!

  65. Praying & fasting. (Wednesdays are actually the day when I usually try to fast lunch & pray for my best friend's upcoming marriage anyway!)

    If you pray for nothing else from my post here, I ask that you pray & pray hard for my anxiety disorder. I need freedom from it. Majorly.

    Secondly, I ask for wisdom for me & protection for my little love in Uganda. It's a long story (I'm actually working on writing it out & blogging it at the moment) but while I was in Uganda, I fell in love with a little boy. In my heart, he is my son… but there are SO many mountains. I know God's got it figured out and I'm resting in that right now. I miss my son. I got an update that he is developing (he was delayed for several reasons) but this mama's heart of mine is struggling.

    Finally, I am hoping to move to Nashville, get a job, & finish my degree online instead of at my old university. It will line me up to better work with orphans in the way God has put in my heart. I need to get my parents on board with the idea.

    Thanks for reading & praying! I love each and every one of y'all!

  66. have tried many times before to post prayer requests…something always happens technically…wonder who is behind that?!?
    -my husband and I are both feeling called to pursue Seminary…we have 3 girls ages 7,5,3…that's stuff ONLY He can work out…finances not only to cover the cost of it…but for us to live as well…and just ligistics of it all…we need major discernment as we pursue next steps…where, when, how. He is so faithful!!!
    -to walk in the confidence of what He is calling me to in the immediate future.
    Thanks and praying with all of you!

  67. Just finished praying for each request before me and will come back later to pray for those after.

    Praying for my grandmother who hangs on in a nursing home, but is a shell of her former self. She was a pastor's wife, but not sure if she has a personal relationship with Jesus.

    Praying for a clear answer to where God wants me to be for work & family. And as I work, that I can see the priorities in caring for my family and the housework. I can't do it all while working, and I feel like I'm neglecting my home. Maybe it's perfection I need to let go of until God moves and I don't need to work outside the home?

    And it seems like a such a small request compared to everyone else's, but we have a foster puppy, a beagle, who has been diagnosed with an internal liver shunt. If it's inoperable, she won't live long. I've had one surgeon say it's inoperable, but we are getting a second opinion. It is exhausting to try to figure out how to care for her when she seems to decline just when you've figured out what works.

    Thank you everyone. Honored to be a part of the team…

  68. Praying for these needs and asking for prayer for my husband-he has been out of work for almost a year and has interviewed with several companiesto then be rejected at the last moment.Please pray for peace and understanding for him,and that the career he is supposed to have will come soon.We are blessed that so far we have been able to keep a roof over our heads and feed our 5 kids as well as clothe them through this all;I know only GOD could manage this.I try not to worry,but with nothing left to selll,and no more savings it is hard at times.Thank you for reading and praying!

  69. My husband is drinking again and its getting out of control, his name is Mike, he is a great guy when he doesn't drink, but its taking at toll on my teenagers, they are resenting him. I love my husband but its out of control. Please ask God to deliver him from this alcoholism. thank you

  70. I will be praying over each of these requests today and maybe over the next few days if I am unable to get thru them all…I have a couple of prayer requests. The first is that I will be healed of my anorexia. I am not doing well at all and no matter how much i pray and try I cannot seem to conquer my fear of eating and see myself the way God sees me. It is creating many problems in my family and I feel incredibly guilty and full of shame. I would also ask for prayer for my family as we mourn the loss of my brother from a drug overdose three weeks ago, especially my parents who had been estranged from him for several years and are experiencing huge amounts of guilt. Thank you.

  71. I am just going to sit down and pray through all the above requests, and add my own. We are currently waiting for a referral from Ethiopia and are considering updating our request to include a child with HIV. Please pray that we would be able to find out the information we need to, to see if this will be possible for our family.

  72. I have another request that I forgot to add.

    I don't have many details, but I was told just the other day that one of my neighbors in Uganda died. She had been caring for her son who is about 14 or 15 and her nephew who is about 2. I'm not sure about the son, but I know that the nephew is no longer living there since his aunt died. I'm not sure if he has been taken to the village to be raised by other family or what. And I also have no idea what has happened to the son. Please pray for these two boys J and T and for their extended family. Thank you so much!

  73. Lord Jesus, we Your children are so desperate for You. So many of our lives are full of need, hurt, disappointment, confusion, sickness, tragedy, woundedness, pain, brokenness. Jesus, we need YOU. You are the only answer to every circumstance, every hurt, every need. Jesus, please come and cover us with Your presence, fill us with Your Spirit and Your peace. Move in every situation, I pray. Show us Your mighty hand, God, and we will give You all glory and praise.

    Praying for all of you today, and so thankful to know that so many of you are praying for me too! I have 3 personal requests. Thank you, Knee Team!

  74. My husband and I are leading a team of 10 on a mission trip to an island in the Pacific. We leave tomorrow and are very excited. Do you mind to pray for one of the participants and myself? There is tension between us, and I have been praying for the Lord to forgive my attitude and help me to focus on Him, not the other person. Please pray that nothing will get in the way of the group's unity and that Satan will not cause division. We want to be effective and glorify the Lord. Also pray for all our activities while there! We'll be busy, but we can't wait to love on some missionaries and local people! Thanks 🙂

  75. We would so appreciate your prayers for our sweet girl in Ind*a. We are waiting for Ind*a to approve her adoption into our family. We have more children (5) than they usually like, but since she has special needs they may make an exception. God has done MANY miracles in this process already. Please pray that we hear from them soon (soon, soon, soon) and that they would allow us to adopt our little sweetheart.

    Blessings to you all!

  76. VALERIE IN TEXAS – Thank you so very much for your beautiful prayer. Your words have touched my heart so deeply. I'm saving your prayer so I can read it over and over again. I'm sitting here crying my heart out. Your prayer is so precious, and covers every single person here. From the depths of my heart……Thank You. You and your family are in my prayers as well, along with all of beautiful Knee Team. Thank you again for your prayer that touched each one of our lives. Lynne Thompson

  77. HUGE PRAISE: a friend was in the adoption process and the little boy she was referred was then revoked due to paper work, then while waiting for court the agency told her the 1st baby was back up for adoption and she tried to adopt both boys and yet again it failed and she only got to bring one home, and now 2 1/2-3 they told her he was REALLY adoptable… and when it looked like it wasnt going to work out yet again, GOD moved mountains and today she found out that he is her son! beautiful story of redemption and patience!

  78. What a blessing today is! To pray and fast for all the needs listed here! Thank you Jesus for hearing our hearts and answering with Your Perfect Will!

    Thank you for praying for us continually on the need of a job for my husband. CA job market is grim, but our hope is in Him and Him alone. It's so hard, but we know the Lord is our ultimate Provider. We are asking for His Perfect Will and the door to open to the job that He wants him to have. He just applied for a job 180 miles from our home, but we are willing. We are so grateful for this 3 1/2 year trial and have grown/learned so much from it. Our hearts so awakened to the needs and work of the Lord. Never again will we live selfishly (thank you Linny for opening my eyes and heart to the needs of the orphan). We ask that the Lord trust us again with income. Oh what i could do now w/his 6figure salary that i shamefully took for granted all those years. My heart grieves over the lost possibilities. i want to be trusted again and give and support all those that are doing the work of the orphan. That's my hearts constant prayer….for it to be used for His Glory. Thank you for praying…i am lifting up each post now.
    "The LORD your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing." (Zephaniah 3:17)

  79. Praying for these children to go home with their families.
    I have some prayer requests too. Friday morning my dh is going for the first job interview he's been called back for in 2 years. His unemployment runs out next week. Please pray that if this is the job God wants hime to have that he gets it. Also, I'm still asking for salvation for my dh and reconciliation within our relationship as well.

  80. This is y first time participating in a Day of prayer and fasting, and I've already received word on the answer to one request. Would you continue to pray for these as well:
    *that I would stay focused and diligent on preparing for my NCLEX approaching soon (State nursing boards)
    *that I would be approved for the financial assistance that I've applied for
    *a dear friend having financial and husband's job problems and seeking out whether she should find part time work on top of her full time school schedule.
    *another friend longing for another child and deciding if adoption is right for her family.

    Thank you all! I've been so moved already today!

  81. I am praying for all of those ahead of me.

    I have 2 requests:
    1) My mom lost her job. She is getting older and I think she needs a more simple/laid back not so stressful/complicated job to just pay her bills, I wish she could retire completely but she has some debts that will not allow it.
    2)My fiances are a mess. I order the Dave Ramsey stuff so many people have mentioned. Please pray I can apply his methods and get myself out of this hole I am deeply in!

  82. Hi all, I am praying for all of the "things" listed above and am asking that you will join with me in prayer.

    We would love to adopt a little boy who is caught in the foster care system. The story is long and I can not share it all. We are waiting for word that he can be adopted. Please pray that even though he is in another province that our God will move mountians and help bring him home to us. I would love for him to be here before Christmas…

  83. RaRa asked for prayer for:

    My son, Dan, has patented a product, but needs a grant to be able to produce and market it. Please pray for a grant to launch this in the market.

    Much of the US needs rain – AZ, NM, CO, TX & OK. Please pray for these areas. Fires are raging in some of the places.

    Also we need the Lord intervention in cleaning up what is happening in this Housing area for senior citizens. All I know is that only the Lord can intervene.

    A friend, B, needs healing for her sciatic.

    Thank you.

  84. Please pray for my son, Jacob. He has 3 slipped disks and is on disability. He has a wife and son to support. He is having trouble getting in to see the specialist he needs to see. Pray that he can get in ASAP and for healing. He needs to get back to work. He is a believer.
    Thank you and I am praying for your needs.

  85. I am praying! Please pray for me I was in the hospital with very high blood pressure!(235/188) God saved me from a heart attack or stroke!!! But I need pray so it will stay down. How like God to make a day of prayer. I was gonna e-mail for prayer! Janet

  86. There is a lot right in my life, but a few major things wrong – difficult job and financial problems. Please help me to focus on my blessings and to trust that the problems will be resolved. Please pray that I have patience for a summer spent with my children 24/7 with no breaks. That wears on me.

  87. Thank you, Valerie in Tx, for your beautiful prayer…speaking the hearts of everyone here.
    Privilege to be serving on the Knee Team with all of you! <3

  88. I am having 3 surgeries on my sinuses tomorrow morning (thursday) prayers for it to work would be wonderful, they have given me a lot of grief like pneumonia,and bronchitis for the past several yrs.

  89. Am I too late? My prayer request is also for an adoption. We have been trying to adopt from China (special needs) for two years. We still haven't been matched with our daughter. It is agony knowing she is waiting and we can't seem to find her. Also, we are still so very short on the finances. Please pray Jesus will provide.

    Thank you so much.

  90. Please pray for my son Ronan. He is 6 months old. He has been having seizures he was 2.5 months old. They have been getting worse and worse. So far in the month of June we have been in the hospital for 18 days. On monday we transferred to Texas CHildren's to see if we could get any answers. They are doing tons of tests. TOmorrow he has an MRI and Spinal Tap. Please pray for wisdom for the Drs, for Ronan to get the treatment he needs, and also for our daughter who is with her grandparents. Thanks so much.


  91. This couldn't have come at a better time. I've been trying to figure out what to do and all I can think of is to pray.

    We need to move from our current situation, but can't find another house in our price range in a decent area/school district. We'd like to stay where we are, but would need our landlord to work with our situation. I'm not sure exactly what to do as we cannot find a house, and I'm still concerned where we'd get the money to move.

    My Tara (5) had an MRI last week of her brain and spine. Thankfully (so thankfully!) there was no tumor present, but now we are left with many questions as to why she's still struggling with muscle strength in her leg. I just keep praying that she's in good hands with the trained doctors and specialists we are seeing, but I don't want to miss anything.

    I feel silly asking for prayers, but I'm just nervous about so much and not sure how we will make it work. I do find strength in praying for others, so I will pray through these requests this evening.

    Thanks, Linny. *hugs*

  92. Please pray for healing with my thyroid, that no more radiation or surgery would be needed….and movement with our adoption.

    THANKS!! Love from Nebraska!

  93. I am in on this late. I was in Tennessee…the land of no AT&T service. I will continue to pray for all these requests. I have a couple as well.

    I would love to make a trip to Uganda in September…God willing. I have 5 children and would need someone to keep them while I am gone and my husband works. I pray if it is His will I go He will iron out all the details.

    Second…I pray my husband and children will open their hearts for adoption. If people think we have a house full now…just wait until God changes those hearts! I would love as many as He would have for us!!!!!!!

    Love you guys! No…really I do!

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