Under the Covers

Psalm 121:1-8
I lift up my eyes to the hills—
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the LORD,
the Maker of heaven and earth.
A bloggy friend left that verse with her comment the other day when I shared about E.  Seriously friends, the verses you shared so ministered to our hearts.  Each and every one. God’s word comforts.

Thank you again. 

Most of the days we’ve had of Prayer and Fasting have been Wednesdays, but this week, 
it just seemed right to have one on Friday.
Thank you for joining in.
There are so many needs.
Ya’ know, obviously, I have been consumed with our E.  I know the Lord is going to use E’s situation in our lives in many ways.  No doubt, He already has.  But for me, when I think that our E is not the only little boy that this situation has happened to, well that very thought makes me weep even more.  
And so I am asking God what our part in all this is to be?  
The Lord doesn’t waste anything.
He will use it all for our good.
But really it’s up to us.
Being perfectly honest, I haven’t really felt like doing anything.
I just want to lay in a heap on the floor and sob and wail and weep. 
Then when I have the strength to get up, I’d want to crawl over to the bed and climb in and pull the covers over my head and not come out anytime soon.
I know many of you have felt like I’ve been feeling.
And so what do we do?
We have to bring it to the foot of the cross.
We have to.
There are no other options if we want to walk with Him.
In fact Jesus himself was well-acquainted with grief.
He knows our pain. 
He sees our sorrow.
He feels our heartache.
But we must bring all our pain to the cross through prayer.   
It does change things.
It really does.
It might not seem like it would, but at a 
minimum it changes our hearts.
I know for me, that the times He speaks the clearest, 
it seems it has been through prayer and fasting.
And so here we are.
I will share my specific requests in the comments. 
Please share your prayer requests in the comments section below – 
{a whole bunch of people around the 
world will be praying for each request!}

90 thoughts on “Under the Covers

  1. Pray for my mama. She's an only parent, and so the stress is great enough on that alone. I can tell she's fighting her depression majorly right now, and my 22 year old sister has Borderline Personality Disorder and a one year old and they live with my mom and that is just adding to the stress. Plus she's a teacher and her principal is doing everything he can do to make her life hell right now because he can't legally fire her. I'm so worried about her. I'm not even 19, and my mom is one of my best friends. I need her around, and so I'd appreciate prayers that she'll have the strength to keep fighting. Her name is Sheri. Also pray that God gives me the wisdom in how to best support her and not add to her troubles.

    I also ask for prayer that I can find a job for the summer. It's hard enough to find jobs in this economy, but I also have many physical disabilities that prevent me from being able to do fast food, or waitressing, or many other typical summer job. I really need to get one because money is very tight. Also pray that my health stays under control for the rest of the year. I've had 10 brain and foot surgeries in the past 2 years, and I desperately need a break.

    Thanks! Adding this to my bookmarks so I can come back and read all the requests.

  2. dear friends, i am new here and found this most wonderful place of healing and gathering last week. My heartfelt plea is that you pray for my brother, Christopher and his little children Natalia and Nikodem who live in eastern europe. 5 weeks ago his wife left him in grievous sin and disappeared with the children.They are gone! She is violent, they are in great danger and have been injured. My brother and children are under violent attack. Christopher has no recourse as an American in a foreign land, embassy, police, legally. He needs a miracle from God's own hand! please pray and fast with me that the Lord will release Natalia and Nikodem from being held hostage, restore them to the loving arms of their grieving father and will free our beloved babies to come home to america!They have suffered so long! thank you from the bottom of my heart and i pray blessings upon you as you believe with me our Precious heavenly Father will move mountains and part the red sea for my babies and for dear Elliot! We serve a mighty God, May we give God all the glory! Love, Lynn Marie

  3. Pray that I get a part-time job sometime soon and an internship this fall. I'm trying to get started in the career path that I believe God has promised to me, but to make it happen, I need all the prayers I can get.

    Linny, thanks for being so transparent about your trials and celebrations. I've been able to identify more of the Lord's promptings by learning how He works in your life and speaks to you.

  4. Praying for the whole team going to Uganda, praying for you, Linny, as you hold the home front down while they are gone, praying for your sweet children as they will miss their daddy, sister and brother very much. Knowing the Lord is going to use them all in a big way both with the Pastors they will be ministering/teaching to and with all the people they come in contact with, we know the Lord will be glorified! Praying Big for them! My heart is so heavy for the suffering of the orphans (just read about a precious girl enslaved in ch*na, my heart just breaks). Please pray that the Lord will use me in some small way…whether it's with the orphans, the tornado victims, Japan, so many places…so many people in desperate need. i pray unceasingly, but want to be used even more. Please pray for my family, my husband has been without work for 3 1/2 years (homebuilding industry is gone), he has grown so much during this time in the Lord and has such trust in Him to provide what we need. The financial mountains in front of us are huge, but with God nothing is impossible. i want to be able to support ministries/forever families around the world. Thank you Lord for what You are going to do this day of prayer and fasting. Please bless Linny with sweet comfort, renewed strength, bless her for her faithfulness and ministry to so many! Lifting up all who post and the needs listed. It is a privilege to intercede on their behalf. Thank you for this opportunity! Great is His Faithfulness! In Him<3

  5. *My internship/career path is in marine mammal training (dolphin/sea lion training). I was going to keep it to myself, but I believe in praying for specific things. I'm applying to aquariums & marine parks.

  6. Dearest Linny, I am in Louisiana now, just a quick look to catch up on blog posts. I just arrived here midnight yesterday and catching up with friends so I'm not sure if I can fast? but I will think about you and pray for you. That He will comfort you with His presence through this suffering. I will pray for everyone in here.

    My prayer request, that I may know Him, our Lord, more clearly and enjoy His presence and companionship. Many thanks 🙂 Also that His will may be done, always, with the person that I am going to visit some time soon.

  7. Pray for my dear friend leaving for Afghanist*n in a couple of weeks. He isn't a believer and does not want to hear any of my discussion of the subject. Bring him someone to listen to.
    For our adoption. Trying to bring home a precious 8 year old from India we have hit every roadblock. All of our paperwork is taking months longer than it should.
    For the funding. I know it will come from God's own hands.
    For my church. The leaders are so young. I worry about the path they are taking.

  8. I would be so blessed if you would lift my son in your prayers. He is struggling in his relationship with the Lord and he and a friend are riding motorcycles to Mexico, through Guatemala and Nicaragua to Costa Rica then taking a 30 day tug boat trip across the Atlantic and ultimately ending up in Scotland. I am so concerned for his safety in this very unstable countries.
    He leaves in 2 weeks and I am praying that God would cause the trip not to happen if this is not what Jonathan is supposed to be doing and if it is so, that this would be a time of eternal change in his heart.

    Thank you so much for your prayers-


  9. Dear Jesus, Please bless my sweet sister Linny and her dear family. Bless her for reaching out to bless us even through her pain and tears. Hold Elliot, your own precious child in your nail scarred hands and pour the balm of Gilead over each raw tender heart this day. Hear our prayers, incline thine ear to our cry and be ever near us as we seek to live simple lives of love that shine for Thee. Let all those watching see your mighty hand working as our prayers are answered! Glory, glory and honor to your Holy name! we love you Lord and we lift our voice, let it be a sweet sweet sound in your ears! Hallelujah. love, lynn marie

  10. Linny,
    thank you for having a day of prayer and fasting for everyone, praying for your strength, energy and pateince and grace each day with your kiddos at home, praying for little Elliot, praying for the Uganda team, wish I could be there to help with the kiddos and to have a cup of coffee with you.
    I just askfor prayer for GOd to keep providing for our adoption and he shows us our child or children soon! Lots of love and blessings! Thank you everyone for praying!
    Love the pictures too Linny!

  11. Praying for those of you on the list. Thanking you for prayers previously – we have seen some positive movement on our adoption since last prayer and fasting time so praising God for that! Please continue to pray for my daughter, Gemma who has lost her faith. Thankyou for praying.

  12. We have been through this situation as well Linny (heartache), but God does bring beauty from ashes. We have learned so much about Him! The heartache was and is so worth it. Close to Him!! We are stepping out again to adopt with His power, His strength, and His peace. Alone I am scared and guarding my heart, but with Christ I am not those things!! God will use this in your lives, it has in ours. We have ministered to families with the same situtions. We are praying for God to reveal to us the child He has for our family. God is so GOOD!

    God gave me this verse….

    He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken.

  13. When a ministry is thriving and lives are being saved – Satan goes to work. My heart is heavy and sad this week. I am watching the enemy attack a ministry that is near and dear to my heart. I can't share more but please pray.

  14. Linny, the words in your post I swear were written for me. I've been struggling lately. Wondering if all the prayers are worth it.if it really will change anything. I've never doubted before but things are so bad right now, I'm just at my wits end. We can't even supply the basic needs to our children right now, and that makes me so mad. Our lives are in turmoil and it seems everyday something else happens. just when we think there's nothing else that can go wrong, well we are proven wrong. Peter is still out of work. We are hanging by less than a thread.
    please, my request is that Peter finds a job… immediately.

    And that someone will give him a shot. He is one of those weird smart kind of people. Seriously a genius, but he has been self employed for so long he looks terrible on paper. His resume just doesn't look good. He really needs someone to just take a chance with him.
    Thanks Linny and everyone praying today. You are all in my prayers today too.

  15. Please pray for our family. We have 5 children and we are currently welcoming a 1 year old boy into our family. This is our 2nd adoption. We only found out about this little boy 2 months ago. (we hadn't officially started the adoption process again yet, but our agency thought of our family- so this is a surprise adodption 🙂 He has been living with his birthmom who has decided she can not care for him due to his extensive medical needs. It will be an open adoption which is so new to us as our last adoption was in China. The emotions in this situation are high. We are also beginning to question whether we can handle his medical needs. We need God's strength and wisdom. We have been visiting with this little one everyday this week and then on Monday he will come live with us forever. He is a lifer as you call it. Please also pray as we have daily contact with his birthmom as we transition him into our family.

  16. Please pray for the paperwork and the finances for our adoption of 2 special needs adoptions from Ch*na. We need the paperwork to make it's way quickly through both gov'ts. Our oldest daughter will age out of the system in November.

    We are joining you in prayer today. I have already been in sweet fellowship with our Lord this morning. And–as a beautiful reminder of How powerful He is I watched the sun rise this morning and saw His creation reflect His glory.

  17. So many much more important needs than mine, but I ask for prayers that our house in France might sell, enabling us to return to England. Since my husband's stroke we realise how much we need to be near our families back in UK.

    Praying for the travels to Uganda, and also for Linny that your heart may be healed.

  18. i get a little disheartned to have to leave the same request time after time so please pray that I will not lose hope(hope deferred makes the heart sick)

    I really am enjoying my life but I know the Lord has a husband and waiting children out there for me, I know the promises He has spoken to my heart. Please pray that this would come to pass

  19. Thank you for this opportunity to request prayers. I am being transferred to another school next year. (This is good.) Please pray for me to be assigned to a better school and a better teaching assignment. Please pray for guidance on a possible 4th adoption. And now a praise report that my financial situation and my job situation have both improved over the last two months, as all of you and I had prayed and fasted for. Thank you.

  20. Thank you for the prayers, from the bottom of my my heart.
    – that our house sell when He wants it to
    – that we be able to raise the money needed for our adoption (we just started the dossier part but don't have the money to pay our home study agency until we raise some money from our garage sale)
    – for my best friend, Abby, who just suffered a miscarriage.

  21. We have been praying for you and Elliot since we read the other post! Huge hugs! I was planning on fasting today anyway for our life today, how awesome everyone else is too! 😀 So we have been praying for a child for many many years!! YEars of heartache and tons of tears… well we gave up abt a year ago! and out of the blue last week we heard from our social worker (we havent spoken to her in a year and NONE of our clearences or paperwork is updated) she called to tell us that we had been on her mind for months and she had a Expectant mother that she told about us and she wanted US to adopt her baby!!!!! Well the baby was born yesterday morning, and we have about 50 hrs to go until the papers can be signed and we can bring our baby girl home! the Lord has orchestrated all of this SO perfectly, we are asking that He give this Birthmom tons and tons of peace and that they continue to be commited to the adoption plan! Sunday morning at around 1130am, we go to sign the papers! PTL!

  22. Please pray for our adoption which has recently picked up some MAJOR speed. We are waiting for an answer from an organization about using the grant they offered us previously in a different way. Please pray that they would decide in our favor and soon to ease our hearts. Also for the birthmother that she is as painfree as possible these remaining weeks.

  23. Please pray for our adoption process. It has been very slow moving and I need patience to wait on the Lord for His perfect timing to bring home our little one.

  24. Praying and fasting with all the dear friends here is always a privilege and joy. Would you please lift up or financial situation. We are approaching the year mark of living in financial fear and it has been difficult to consistently request deliverance and see the situation only get worse. This has been a season of growth and utter dependence on Him. Finding hope has been a struggle. Yet there is hope in Him and Him alone! God allowed me to be His hands and feet and play a part in a miracle this week. It was so exciting and has renewed my faith in so many ways. This is mt first week unemployed for the summer (teacher) and I'm so worried about finances, but at every turn I'm hearing God tell me to believe and trust in Him.

  25. Please pray for my oldest son, Ethan, to give his life to the Lord. He knows the truth but is making poor life choices that are scary.

  26. Please pray for my husband and I. We tried for three years to grow our family without success until March of this year. We lost our baby a few short weeks later. We are also in the middle of an adoption that has taken well over a year now. Please pray God makes his path for us abundantly clear, and that his hope and love will surround us.

  27. Please pray for the team as they travel to Uganda. They have just finished flight #1. They have three to go, not to mention the stopovers in countries that they do not exit. I miss them already so much! And I haven't posted this, but Dw&Em are going to be gone THREE weeks, not two. They are going into Ghana {and Togo} and will be doing a Legacy conference there as well.

    Please pray for the grief surrounding Elliot. A blog friend {whom I do not know} wrote about an idea she felt was from the Lord. It has to be explored, but might provide a way to advocate for a family for him.

    As for our hearts, I really need a verse from the Lord today that He is going to do something so spectacular from this that all will stand and see "the salvation of the Lord".

    Thank you precious friends. Wish each of you who read this and pray could come have coffee with me on my porch.

  28. I posted this the other day, but will repeat it here for today's Prayer & Fasting…

    Oh Linny, my heart is breaking for you and your family. I will fast & pray on Friday with all of you!

    I would be so grateful for prayers for my financial situation. I have had some significant setbacks in my business as we start the summer (basically, people backing out at the last minute with no warning). This has resulted in a rather significant loss of income. Unfortunately, the bills continue to come, and they are significant! I have bills due next week – and all through the summer – and I have no idea where the money will come from! Honestly, I am feeling really afraid & somewhat paralyzed.

    Obviously, please pray that God would somehow provide every penny needed, and that I would take whatever action necessary. But please also pray that I would not be bound by this spirit of fear. Sometimes it screams so loudly at me!

    Thank you, dear sisters & brothers!

    I am also fervently praying for the salvation of a friend of mine. God knows all of the details. Thank you for joining me in this!


  29. Please pray for 2 little boys living in Eastern Europe with HIV. They had a family adopting them but last night I found out that their family could not finish the adoption. I am crushed. Please pray that God's will will be done in their lives. Also please pray for wisdom for our family, that we would know what role (if any) we are meant to take in their lives. And that if they are meant to be apart of our lives that God would go before us softening hearts and even 'laws'.

  30. For our continued trial that has left us not able to adopt our daughter's biological sister. That somehow God will show us His miracle working powers and we will be able to adopt her. For us to finish our basement and get our house to sell. For our daughter to continue to learn language and speech daily because of the miracle of hearing from her cochlear implant. For all of us to SEE through our pains and continue to use it for His glory. Praying for all of you sweet bloggy friends!

  31. I have so many burdens today, and I just need answers! We are praying about sending our two oldest(4th and 7th grade) to public school next year, after homeschooling them since kindergarten! They have so much trouble concentrating with 4 other children running around….please pray for a CLEAR open/shut door! Also, we have been waiting for our adoption refund for four months and we need it to send off our dossier to our agency for our adoption from Ethiopia….our "case" is closed, but we need them to just issue the refund. And…..I have really been "sensing" the Lord calling us to the mission field to serve orphans full-time…my husband thinks I've gone NUTSO, and maybe I have…please pray for clear direction from the Lord, and that my husband's heart would be WIDE OPEN to His will! I have a degree in Elementary Education and my husband works in Parks/Rec and security..just in case you hear of any openings in Africa…or Guatemala…or Mexico..or wherever;). And lastly, and most importantly, my relationship with my adopted daughter. It's hard, it's ugly at times, and I want desperately for the Lord to pour His love out on me, so I can love her the way she needs to be loved…I'm just really struggling.

    Please know I will be praying for ALL of you today, and Linny, may God pour out His amazing PEACE on you today and restore your joy. And praying for Elliot…that God would truly work to fix all the shattered places in this sweet boy's heart and life! In the mighty name of JESUS!!! AMEN!!

  32. I will be praying for all the requests today and giving thanks for how God will speak to each one.
    I am giving thanks today:
    ~ that all my post cancer tests have come back normal!
    ~I am giving thanks that my husband is getting stronger.
    I am requesting prayers for: ~recovery from an endoscopy and a return of my energy
    ~a stomach problem that seems to be caused by Lyme Disease and causes me great discomfort and emotional distress.
    ~Prayers for my focus to be on Jesus and not my symptoms believing fully in His healing power!

    Thank you Jesus~!!!!

  33. For my dad… he's been struggling with major health issues for several years now. He lives in pain daily but he just keeps going. He really needs a miracle. Thank you.

  34. Ra-Ra does not have a blog account and wrote asking for prayer. Here is her email:

    I am joining in Prayer with all today.
    And for all the team as they travel to Uganda.
    Sure am praying for all the work that will be done there this trip.
    And that it will have Huge Lasting impact or the People of Uganda and surrounding areas.
    I can't fast because of the pills I take but will surely pray !
    I would ask for prayer for some special needs as well there are too many to list !
    And for a number of souls who need Salvation ! ! The needs are great !
    And please pray for AMERICA and the great need to return to a more Godly stand !
    I would ask also for Churches to be strong in Moral principles and Honoring to the Lord !
    There are several of us that need healing of Arthritis as well !
    The Lord be Glorified in all that pray and hold up others in their needs today.
    Be blessed and lifted up through this time of struggle Thank You . Ra Ra

  35. Please pray for my adult children and grandchildren and their situations. Please pray for my husband and me as our situation at home changes, that we can handle it and stay strong and be a good influence.

    Please pray for my health.

    Please pray that we can make the final decision about whether to adopt and if the decision is no that I can deal with the loss of that dream. Right now it seems the answer is no and I'm struggling with it.

    Thank you Linny for this prayer day. My prayers are with you and your family!

  36. Hi Linny
    My prayer request continues to be the same – that my son and I are reconciled BEFORE he graduates from high school – TOMORROW JUNE 4.

    As it stands right now, I will not be able to watch my baby boy graduate. I do not have a ticket to graduation. The school will not give me a ticket. Long story short – they don't want to be involved in family matters. Our custody order is on file with the school which states my ex and I share joint legal and physical custody. The school's answer [and this is a private catholic high school!] is they gave my son 12 tickets and it is up to him to distribute them to who he wants to. I did not even receive a graduation announcement.

    I did mail my son a graduation card and a letter telling him how proud I am of him and that I'll love him forever, I'll love him for always.

    I even tried callein the parish priest and he did not return my phone call.

    I've been praying and told God if it is HIs will I not see my boy graduate, I'll try to do it with a happy heart. I know God works everything for good.

    EASIER SAID THAN DONE! But I will try to be obedient, that is what I desire most, to be obedient to God.

    Thank you for this opportunity to share my heart with you all.


  37. Praying for you Linny! Please continue to pray for restoration of my marriage and my husbands heart to be filled with our Lord's amazing grace and love again. Also, for my son and daughter who are struggling with him moving out. God is so good though and brought my son home to stay! Praising God today for that. All in his time, and he IS faithful!

  38. Hi Linny:
    I am Leveta. Wife to Carl,mom to Chad (bio)18, Sam 15 and Kaitrin 11 both adopted from India through Dillon International. I have read your blog for a long time but finally decided to post. I am praying for your hearts as I can just imagine the pain that you all are going throught with having to make this decision about your son. I can't imagine having to make that decision with our children.But as you know this is not secret to God and I know He has only the best for you all and for Elliot. My prayers are with all of you and for Elliot and his future.My only prayer request and it seems minor compared to everyone else's is a job for my husband in the teaching field.
    Love and prayers in HIM

  39. Linny,
    You are a such an incredible example to me (& all of us) – instead of giving in and wallowing in your terrible grief, you are turning it into good thru our Lord Jesus Christ! Thank you for your honesty, openness and willingness to lift all of us in prayer while you are in such pain… I have read all of these comments and my heart breaks for so many with so many needs, yet I know Our Lord can do great things – He is so awesome! Know that I will be fasting and praying for all of you.
    I would like to ask prayer for my family. Having just brought 2 older boys home from Ethiopia some of our children are really struggling with the adjustment. One of my children has true depression, 2 struggle with raw, ugly anger and 4 have anxiety issues. Their emotional needs are so great and it is so hard. They are all amazing children and we are truly blessed but I pray that we do the best job with them that we can & raise them to be faithful warriers for Christ.
    Please keep my husband in your prayers too – even though he still has a decent job he has been given tons more responsibility as others were let go and he makes less than 1/2 what he used to – so the pressure is on and it has made a marked difference in our lives. It is painful to witness. He is a Christian and at one time he was on fire for Our Lord but lately he is so ragged that he only goes through the motions…
    Please pray for me as I just don't feel well. I have not had energy since I gave birth to our 3rd child back in 1998 & was then diagnosed with having hypothyroid – I keep gaining weight no matter what and I just ache all the time.
    Lastly, please pray as we are in the middle of organizing our 2nd mission trip to Ethiopia and we need more doctors/medical professionals to join our team. Pray for orphans everywhere and for the unloved, exploited, vulnerable & desperate who cry out for peace, love and justice.
    Pray for those victims of all the recent tornados who must try to rebuild lives and conquer trauma and fear and for all those in Japan and in any disaster…
    God is faithful and makes things happen in His time I know, but all of your prayers are greatly appreciated.
    "Turn from evil and do good,
    that you might inhabit the land forever.
    For the Lord loves justice
    and does not abandon the faithful" Psalms 37: 27-28

  40. Linny, I'll be praying for the Go teams safety as they travel, and for God to help and guide them while in Africa. Also that the grief of losing Elliot to become less every day and that God will reveal the plan he has for that special little boy.
    I am asking for prayer today for my son. He has been seeing his gf for 2 years now. She has and continues to play games, lie, manipulate him and break his heart. I pray that he can see what she is doing to him and will walk away from the relationship and not fall apart emotionally. I also ask that you pray for the gf. I fell in my heart that deep down she is a good person she has just lost her way and needs help finding her way back but the relationship between the 2 of them is just not working and neither one wants to admit it.
    I ask that you pray for my niece and nephews who are being neglected by their parents. CPS has investigated their home several times but nothing is being done to protect them.

  41. Linny I wish I could come and have coffee with you on your porch too! Some day I hope I can. I will pray for you, the team, Elliot – and his circumstances and a special word from God for you today as well as the other requests posted.

    Please continue to pray for young Maddie – the 14 year old daughter of my boss who has tried to commit suicide. Since I last asked for prayer for her, she has made two other (and more severe) attempts at her life. She does not know Jesus. Please pray for her.
    Please also continue to pray for my husbands heart. Pray that he would open his heart fully and let God become so much more in his life. Pray that if we are to adopt again that God would speak to him about it and that I can be patient and faithful to pray for him.

  42. Sweet friends and sweet Linny, I'm praying for y'all!

    For me, I have a few requests, but first a praise… earlier this week, after worrying & half praying about my finances, God orchestrated a crazyyy Him story that ended with a stranger giving me a book & $50! It's totally a MBM story!
    First prayer request is about my little boy in Uganda. I am struggling so much with seeing so many road blocks to actually being able to get back to him. In my heart, I am his mama. And because of that, I'd like prayers that he would be safe and keep getting stronger and healthier… and prayers that if I'm not able to be more than just his mama in my heart, that there will be a good, Godly family that will come and be allowed to adopt him.
    On the home front, I am at a crossroads. I have a ton of choices about what's next to choose from and I'm not sure which to choose, or how to explain it all to my parents, who are still paying for a lot of things. (I'm 21 and not done with college yet) At the moment, I desperately need a job, because I have things that I need to pay for. I need clarity about the next steps to take. (Go back to the same school & finish a degree I'm not interested in? Transfer to a different school's online program for a different degree path & move out of the house? Possibly to Nashville?)
    And finally, I need prayer over relationships with my family. While I was in Uganda, God helped me get to a point of forgiveness towards my brother, but I'll be seeing him for the 1st time soon & need wisdom in how to act now. And living at home causes a lot of friction between me and my parents.
    Thank you for praying!

  43. Praying over these requests and just rejoicing in the blessing of it all, to be able to humbly come before the throne of grace and make our petitions together!

    Sending all of you in all of your different circumstances and situations LOVE!

  44. linny–i keep thinking of you all & praying & getting all weepy to even begin to imagine your grief. praise God that, yes, He will not waste this. that even in your despair & in Elliot's pain, God is sovereign & He promises to make all things new. longing for that day.

    fasting with you all & will be praying through requests.

    my request this time is specifically for a court date for our 2 sons waiting in Ug@nda. as you know, they are 5 & 10 and one needs medical care. we've been filed for a court date for quite some time, but haven't gotten one yet. we trust in God's timing, yet the desire of our hearts is to have one before the courts take a summer break–which is scheduled for July 15th at this time. will you all pray for a miracle with us that we can have a successful court date before that time? thank you, friends.

  45. Praying for all the needs, broken lives and hearts posted on this post; yours, theirs, ours and more!!!!

    We live in such a broken world! It is only through prayer to our savior that we can find hope, be transformed and transform others!!

    Love ya! Miss ya!

  46. I am with you again in prayer and fasting today! I will be reading the comments and praying for everyone here during the day. Please pray for the mountains in my marriage to be moved. Mountains of adultery and divorce. Now that the bankruptcy is filed only the mountains in the marriage need to be moved! It is midnight as in hubby promised bankruptcy first then divorce, and if ever I needed God to move it is now! Pray for my daughters referral from Ethiopia to come soon. We have been waiting on God so long, but He has a purpose. Thank you for all prayers!

  47. Please pray for my husband and I. He told me 2 nights ago, he has been thinking of how we can adopt a little boy in China that we found out about last summer. We have many issues God would need to line up just so. A home to sell, a bigger house to find, cleaning both the home we own & the rental home we live in now out to simplify. Finding a new adoption agency since our last one "downsized." Finances, but more importantly a possible year long @rmy trip looms in the hubby's next 12 months to the hot desert area. And the biggest prayer would be that I have the energy and strength to do all the Lord wants me to do in preparation for adding another child to our family.
    Bless you all!

  48. My grandma is very sick. She just finished up chemo/rad a few weeks ago. Now she has infection in her blood and pnemonia on top of not being able to eat (the tumors are/were on her esophogus) she is very weak. My biggest prayer over her healing is that she would KNOW the Lord. Her time is coming to a close and I am uncertain of her eternal destiny. Will you please pray with me that my sweet grandmother will get to meet sweet Jesus and remain with him for eternity. Will you also pray that God would grant my mom and the rest of the family peace and comfort during this time. THANK YOU

  49. Praying for the Uganda trip and for Elliot and your family.
    Please pray for my son, Jacob's back to heal. He injured it 2 weeks ago and hasn't been able to work. he has a wife and baby to support.
    Also please pray for our daughter waiting for us in Ch*na. May God prepare her heart for the change in her life and our family ready for having her in our lives. She is 12 years old.
    My last request is for our 3 sons, Jeremy, Matt, and Nick to turn their lives over to Jesus.
    I have prayed over all the requests so far and will continue to pray.

  50. Praying for all….Please continue to pray for restoration of my marriage and my husbands heart to be filled with our Lord's amazing grace and love again.

    “If you have faith, it will happen.” Matthew 21:21


  51. Linny,

    I will be praying for you and your family. You are such a blessing. Thank you for what you shared today. It is just what I needed to hear. I am still praying for my (ex) husband, for his restoration to the Lord and to me. God has put this on my heart in so many ways. I know this is what he wants me to do, but it is the hardest thing I have ever done. Sunday, is going to be one of the hardest days of my life because of something my husband is going to be doing. I am in agony. My heart has never ached more than it does right now. I will continue to be obedient to the Lord, even though I am so confused about his plan. Yet I know it is perfect. Please pray for me and my kids as we face such a hard day. To God be the glory!!

  52. I would like to thank you and everyone for their past prayers for my sister, Susan, who has been battling lymphoma. She has completed a year's worth of treatment, and we are so happy that her recent follow-up PET scan was NEGATIVE! I feel that it was a miracle and that this prayer group had something to do with it. Thank you so much!

    My prayers go out for the other intentions on this list.

  53. Please pray that our daughter , who is 11, and waiting for us in China, will have an open heart to having a family, and that her heart will be open to hearing the gospel. Please pray that as a family, we remain God-centered and love Christ well with everything we do. Thank you so much. Wea re blessed to be able to pray for one another.


  54. Well, honestly after reading all these posts…my prayer request just doesn't seem that important, but I will add it anyway. We are waiting on our I800a approval to bring our little Sophia from China home. It's taking longer than expected…actually everything is. I just need God to settle my heart and mind down. Also, I have been grieving our country and the path that it is on and I have just been struggling with what I can really do about it…I am so saddened my the lack of righteousness in America…I hate how far we as a nation have gone from the Lord. Along with that I am grieved over all the tornadoes and flooding, etc that has been devastating peoples lives. Guess I am just grieving…in general, for a whole lot of things. Kinda need this weight lifted. Thanks.

  55. As you mentioned, Linny, prayer changes our hearts. I began today with a heart that wasn't in the right place, but after praying through all of these requests, I'm just feeling so humbled to be a part of God's work in ever so small a way as being able to lift up in prayer. Continuing to pray for God to be glorified in Elliot's situation, the Uganda team, and all the situations posted above. Psalm 40:3

  56. Please pray for my friend's 10 year old daughter Annalynn. She has been diagnosed with AML luekemia. Her best hope was a bone morrow match from her brother or sister. Unfortunately they are a perfect match for each other but not for Annalynn. Please pray for wisdom for her doctors, peace for their family. They are struggling and feeling angry with God right now. Also pray for safe travel as granparents make the trip across country in a motorhome to be with them.
    Thank you.

  57. Praying for you Linny that you and your family feel Gods peace right now through this hard time. Praying for all these request.
    Please pray that we will be able to start an orphan ministry in our church and that we personally have the funds to proceed with our adoption from China.
    Thank you.

  58. Praying and praising with all the above requests.. and continuing to pray and believe that God will open the doors to allow me to work from home in some capacity to be more available to our kids. Praying that I will see those open doors and my next steps clearly. Praying that the last week's many stresses resolve (soon!) and life will be peaceful again…

  59. Prayer request- Our adoption of Dalton. Its taken a very long time to get the homestudy done and from here the process of getting our Dossier completed. We desperately want to travel in the Autumn to bring him home. Please pray for our finances, the paperwork (Dossier), and adjustments.

  60. I'm with you today, fasting and praying. Please pray for my family. Emotional healing, comfort, and peace. We've been through a lot with our adopted daughter and really need God's healing hand on her and each of us, as well as our family as a whole. For God's will to be done in our family.

  61. Lord thank you for Linny and her witness and for the prayers she offers for us…and us for her.
    I would ask for prayer for our adoption today we went for our fingerprint appointment with USCIS. I pray that we have supernatural interference that would allow it to come back quickly so that our Dossier can get to the country. If we can get it there soon we have a chance of getting our boys home before the end of the year. Please stand in prayer with us that they are able to come home quickly and not wait another minute longer than need be! Also specifically for the 900.00 that we need to raise that will go with our Dossier submission. Thank you!

  62. Linny,

    I am so saddened by what is going on with precious Elliot. I can only imagine the pain you and your family are going through right now. I will pray for you and your family, the Uganda team, and Precious Elliot.

    Thank you for this day of prayer and fasting. My prayer request is for my husband and I to adopt a sweet little boy from China. That God would nudge my husband's heart for this adoption. Also for financial provision.

  63. Please pray for my mom who continues to fight stage 4 pancreatice cancer. Specifically, please pray that God completely heals her.
    Linny, I really appreciate these days that I can pray for others and implore more people to pray for my mom. Thank you!

  64. I am praying for you, sweet Linny. I appreciate your honesty and the way you 'keep it real'.
    Please continue to pray for Ethan (age 21) to be saved and have the desire to follow after the Lord with all of his heart. And for me, wisdom, peace and *courage* regarding a possible job change after working in one place over 30 years.
    I will lifting up the other requests.
    With a grateful heart,
    PS Ethan said he would pray for me about the job change! This is a huge praise.

  65. Update: Talked to the IRS again today..and now they're saying TWO MORE WEEKS before they grant our refund!! It's already been 4 months…I'm so frustrated…please pray that God works a miracle for us, and we can get it sooner. It just seems never ending!

  66. Praying through the list today with you all!!! Thank you for the blessing, Linny to join together in prayer! I am praying for the go team and continuing to pray for little Elliot and for you, Linny!!!!! God may be placing a special burden on my heart and I would like a little more clarification. That is my only request for today.

  67. Orphans and adoption are HUGE on my heart today. Seems like all week I've been inundated with news of wonderful families who long to adopt but things just are not working out.

    I think about Moses and Pharaoh and God saying through Moses, "Let MY children go that they may worship ME."

    Lord, we agree together that YOU set the lonely in families. Show us how to pray today. Let YOUR will be whispered from our lips today…

    Please pray for us as we pack our home away and move to Kenya to live among widows and orphans. Please pray for healing in my body. I'm asking God for new strong muscles.

    Thanks everyone.
    Thanks Linny.


  68. Please pray for my daughter Jolea and her husband chuey, That their relationship will be strong. Pray that Chuey can find study employment Thanks! Janet

  69. Linny, I have not found myself able to comment since you posted about Elliot. All the words within me simply won't come up and find their way to the keyboard in any way that grasps what I want to say. But I am praying.
    "For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. Now He who searches the heart knows what the mind of the Spirit is because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God"Rom8v26-27.
    Thank you all for praying last time for me. God has responded quickly.

  70. Sorry for leaving a second comment in here, I would love prayers for the Lord to deliver me and set me free from something (personal). Thank you.

  71. We are adopting a little girl with a serious unrepaired heart condition- and no immunizations at all. All kinds of delays have happened with the paperwork. I would love to bring her home and start treatment well before the next cold and flu season starts.

    Pray for speedy paperwork – really speedy! And thank you everyone.

  72. I've just returned from a long week in Joplin with my folks, who lost their home in the F5 tornado last week. Mama's injuries are fairly serious. She is able to be up and walking around, but the wounds on her legs (from the house beating her as it ripped apart) are deep, and the risk of bone infection is still quite significant. God has blessed her and my daddy with the opportunity to stay in the home of a nurse during these days of recovery, and my daddy was an EMT for 13 years when we lived in the Colorado Rockies away from traditional medical care, and there are several home health care nurses and therapists of various kinds who are visiting Mama during the days, so I know she is in good care. Just the same, I would appreciate prayer for my mama's swift healing and for both my parents as they attempt to rebuild their lives after this tornado. Also tomorrow, Saturday, is the funeral of their young neighbors across the street, a Christian couple from their church who died in the tornado. We have such heavy hearts this week!

    Thank you for your prayers!

    Your sister through Christ,

  73. Praises for the opportunity of Joining in the day of prayer and fasting. Praying for all the requests listed here and praising God for the blessings he continues to shower down upon me and my family.

  74. I am a little late adding our prayer needs but please pray for us during our adoption process. We are in the middle of adopting a special needs little girl from China and we keep getting hit with road blocks. Today we did make some head way with some of our paperwork.
    I am praying for the Go team.

  75. Hi Linny…
    this is a late request. My family is currently jobless but praising God for His provision currently. We are selling our home the end of June…and don't know where we are going to live. We are planning to move a significant distance to a job my husband has been offered but cant start yet. It is "complicated". Praying for your hearts to heal it is awful to love a child and have to let them go, knowing you would've been an amazing parent to them. (foster parent here, much MUCH experience with that). It feels like we have more mountains to overcome than ever…pray that God moves swiftly! Thanks and God bless!!!

  76. Requesting prayer for my daughter who lost her job of many years with the State, and for her children. She is a single Mother. We are experiencing many problems – physically, emotionally, financially, and mentally. Praying for you and your beautiful family each day. My Love, Lynne

  77. Linny – I have two things I would love to share with you, and with everyone on this thread who is need of prayer and God's healing hand. These are two things friends shared with me that I cling to. "God is working for You today – and every day. Heaven is holding conversation about you. Angels have been assigned to you…….Be at Peace.” "When you are down to nothing, God is up to something." God bless and be with everyone. My Love xoxoxo

  78. the comfort it brought to my heart to know that all you dear sisters are praying for my precious brother and his beloved babies to be freed and come home is indescribable! so much hope renewed and a blessing to pray with and for each one of you with fasting! thank you for giving of your hearts…

  79. please pray for my family as we still are dealing with the aftermath of a father and husband who left and in its wake our financial and other obstacles. Please pray for God to provide and continue to heal us. And that God would be glorified and use us as a family to minister to others. Praying for all and Linny and your sweet family. We have adopted as well and have gone through this very thing.

  80. The Lord has put adoption again so heavily on my heart. Please pray, that if it's His will, in His timing, he will speak to my husband's heart and give him the faith it would take to step out. Logically it doesn't make sense, but faith doesn't always go in sync with logic! A sweet little girl from China was brought to my attention who needs a family. Please pray for a forever family for her and our part in God's plan.
    Thank you all!
    God bless,

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