Two Days From Now…

The latest report from the hospital:
Karl’s fever is down to normal…
Yippee Jesus!
Karl was quite agitated all night long. 
This morning they found that his catheter had been blocked since sometime yesterday.
No wonder he was agitated!
Very stressful.  
We are so thankful for each person who will be joining us on Thursday for the day of prayer and fasting.
Seriously, words just don’t convey how 
comforted we are that Karl is on so many hearts. 
 Forever grateful that so many are sharing our burden.

13 thoughts on “Two Days From Now…

  1. hi Linny, I just signed on and in came your recentest post 🙂 been behind a bit. Will fast for Karl on Thursday. I loved reading how he is peaceful with Autumn 🙂

    I was on the Durango-Silverton train today and the scenery was absolutely stunning! Durango is such a beautiful place. We are here 2 nights and will return back tomorrow. I'm sorry to have missed you, Linny, and I hope to one day YHWH willing 🙂 I hope you have a lovely time relaxing with Tyler and his family 🙂

  2. Thanks for the good news that Karl's fever is gone! Woo Hoo!!

    I'm excited to fast/pray on Thursday for Karl….waiting on miracle after miracle after miracle on Karl's behalf!

  3. Just so you know…:) I wanted to list my name on the "prayer sheet" to promise a time, but worried about promising and not following through. (I always worry that if someone see's my name, and feels called themselves, they might use me as an excuse not to pray…you know, "Sandi's praying, I will ignore the call…" So, I didn't sign up, but I asked God to wake me up if I should pray in the night while I am asleep. (I have been praying all the time for Karl and for your little girls far away!) So, at 3 something am, I was awake…PRAYING. Then about an hour later (almost 5am) I was awake again…PRAYING! Yippee Jesus that I was allowed to be part of whatever God had in mind at those hours. I went to bed about 1am and I have felt great (not tired) all day! God provides all we need. Thanks for the updates my friend!!!!!! (Glad you are having fun with Tyler!)

  4. Continuing to pray & believe with you Linny…Today(Wednesday) our family is praying/fasting about a large "mountain" so I'll be fasting for Karl (and sweet Ruby Grace)a day early! Hugs & love to you all!

  5. No forgetting or growing weary over here! Praying and fasting tomorrow for Karl's healing, for your family, and for your two sweet girls waiting to come home to you.

    Love to you all!

  6. Hi:
    I am the same as Sandi, just praying everytime Karl comes to my mind which is very often.So glad to hear that the fever is gone and that they found out the problem for his agitation.Thankful too for the positive report on Ruby Grace.Praying for her also and that there is no hold up in the process so she can get home to her forever family. I will be praying and fasting tomorrow too.

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