
On Tuesday when Emma and I drove to Denver and 
back we were able to spend a bit of time with Karl 
{and Autumn and Vicki and Bob}.

It was such a tremendous blessing to see them all.  

Each day Karl has rigorous amounts of physical therapy, 
speech therapy, occupational therapy, etc. 
And he works hard.  
Really hard.  
He is not a quitter.  
No doubt, he is a fighter!

He has made incredible progress since 
entering the rehabilitative hospital.

And for those who have had someone they love experience a Traumatic Brain Injury {TBI}, you will understand what I am talking about.  The days are roller coasters.  Extreme highs.  Didn’t think we could get any lower-lows.   The physical side of a TBI is traumatic in itself.  Life as you know it will never be the same again.  The grief of missing out on days, weeks and now months of what was.  Now, a new normal.  

Then there is the emotional side of dealing with it all.  
What will riding in a car feel like?

I know for me, after losing our home in a fire – when I would see a fire truck?  A sense of panic would flood me!  And it was instant panic – no time to even think it through.   And if I smell smoke?  I can almost become frantic!  There was grief, too, and anger as I processed all the emotions of that day and the aftermath of living in a hotel, losing everything, inventorying, bulldozing the remains, rebuilding a house and eventually resettling.  The thing I resented most probably was the time stolen from us.  Literally years.  While the rest of the world went on, we had to deal with all of it. 

So the emotional side of a TBI is a whole other unique struggle.  
Sadness, panic, grief and even anger,  can all show up – 
just for starters.  

Bob and Vicki are amazing parents.  Dedicated to the umpteenth degree.  They have cheered Karl on with each victory and have agonized with each struggle.  

And as for Autumn?  As parents we could never be more proud.  She has been at his side every day that she could.  She is a supervisor with the airlines and rearranged her schedule at work so that her days off are in a row.  The second she can get out of there, she flies to be with him.  Once there, she does not leave his side. 

Karl loves seeing Autumn and the days she
 arrives are his ‘best’ days. 
The other day he was telling his doctor about his week-end.  The hospital had some pretty cool stuff that he was able to participate in.  But the only part that Karl thought was good was when his girlfriend got there! 
No doubt he loves her and adores her and, 
no doubt,  she is smitten.

Yesterday evening Autumn texted me.  
It was a tremendously difficult day for Karl. 
She was panicked, I could ‘hear’ it in her text.
Dw and I began to pray immediately.
We waited for news. 
Eventually I was able to talk to her on the phone.
More reality of a TBI. 
We told her again how proud we were of her. 

The road with a TBI is long.
And, no, life will never be the same again for all 
who are part of this journey.

Please continue to pray for Karl’s complete healing
 physically and emotionally. 
 For strength for Karl, Vicki, Bob and Autumn.
For all the necessary processing of the trauma
 that has resulted since July 17, 2011.

Lastly, I was peeking yesterday at all the names of people who still continue to pray for Karl.  {I know many cannot sign up for times.  I totally understand.}  
But to know that many have never met me, let alone Karl, and yet you continue to lift him up – u.n.b.e.l.i.e.v.a.b.l.e.  
Just to see the names that have signed up for slots in September, made me very emotional.
Many of your names appear multiple times. 
Some of your names appear daily, same time, different day.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
You are tangibly holding up the arms of those on this long and difficult journey.
May God bless you a bazillion fold!

And so I want to publicly thank the names of those who have appeared in September: 

Lynne in Missouri
Fireman’s Wife in TX
Tamara Michel
Erica Hami
patti, il
Craig and Dee Price
Connie P.
Lesa in TX
Steve and Annette Cox
kathy in rochester
Anna, Maryland
Shelley Price
Lisa in Cortez
Connie P – Pagosa
Jamie K – Pagosa
Faye Verquer
Liz Buttrey Acton, Ca
lori in fl
Peggy in Ohio
Susan A {Australia}
{if I missed anybody, forgive me}

Your commitment to Karl’s healing comforts us greatly. 
Thank you so very, very, very much.

8 thoughts on “Karl

  1. Continuing to pray for Karl! TBI definitely has many unknowns and difficulties ahead, but there will also be many leaps forward and leaps for joy in the journey. Praying!!! Karl is toward the top of my list in my prayer journal and I pray for each morning.

  2. LInny,
    I have a great documentary on TBI and I would love for you to have it! WHere should I mail it??
    A friend of mine has TBI and I completely understand what he is going thru! My friend was part of this documentary. Praying, Praying, Praying for Karl…
    CHeck your email, I've sent you one req a mailing address!

  3. Now that we are back in school, it is really hard for me to get computer time. It is so good to see an update. We are still praying daily for Karl, Autumn, Vicki, Bob, Jubilee, and Ruby Grace. And of course, for you and DW.

  4. I am new to this and was sent by a friend. I do believe in prayer. I am putting Karl and family into my daily prayers. My foster child is on his way for a weekend overnight visit, this whole thing scared me to the death because of how the parents are, and the only ones who thinks they are fine is just trying to rush them back. We're all worried for their wellbeing. If God's will is to send these kids home permanently please please keep them safe and give them a great life that they all deserve. If he's meant to stay here please let it be know now, time is just about ran out. We pray if it's God's will we would love to adopt him and hopefully a baby girl very soon. We just pray for our family to be complete. Please help pray for these kids and hopefully God will send us a daughter soon as well…Thank you God for all you've given us and we are so appreciative for all your blessings throughout the years and yrs to come.

  5. Thanks for the update! As I was praying for Karl this week, I realized that tomorrow (Saturday) will be the 2 month anniversary of his accident. WOW! I continually thank God for preserving Karl's life! He has an amazing plan for this amazing young man!

    Love you guys!

  6. Bless Karl's heart, and Autumn, and each one of you. My prayers will continue for Karl – and for all of your requests. I pray precious Jubilee is doing well, Ruby Grace, Sarah, and your entire family. You are all so loved – by all of us. Our God is able. "In His time, in His time, He makes all things beautiful in His time. Lord please show me every day, as you're teaching me Your way, that You do just what you say, in Your time." Sending prayers, love and encouragement – Always. xoxoxo

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