Little Miss R and Other Stuff

We are taking a few days to return home as Jubilee’s ears cannot 
return to our normal altitude {6700′} quite yet.  
A dear friend has offered us a place to stay and refresh.  
We are so thankful!
We really laughed when we were in California and saw the 
“Welcome to Emeryville”
 “Elevation 22 feet”  
That was pretty cute for us to see.
22 feet!
Anyway, I did call for a day of Prayer and Fasting for Friday.
Thank you to all who are willing to join in. 
There are so many concerns:
Just for starters:
The fires near Austin, Texas.
One report said there were over 60 fires near Austin.
I know the fire near our house two weeks ago was pretty creepy – and it was just one!
Then there’s the drought in Texas, Oklahoma and other places.
Horrible and such devastation! 
And even if it doesn’t appear to directly affect us, 
we ought to care, 
because Christ encourages us to bear one another’s burden.  
So we will be fasting and praying for God to bring rain!
And then there was also some deeply concerning news for us yesterday.
The orphanage director wrote us that Miss R had been checked again and her brain 
infection is still present
her head has grown.
She urged us to come as soon as possible and do whatever it takes to get her home!
I am planning on leaving for Africa as soon as I can get the stuff together when we get home.
And then I will {literally} be pleading with the courts to let her come home with me.
I am thankful for all the mountains the Lord has moved to bring our sweet baby girl home to us.
Now He just has to move on the judge’s heart to expedite the process!

27 thoughts on “Little Miss R and Other Stuff

  1. Yes, Texas is on fire and it is breaking my heart. It is so dry here and we have been praying for rain for such a long time. Please pray for Texas.
    Missouri City, TX

  2. Oh my- yes your little girl needs to come home asap! Will you be able to bring Sarah Jane home at the same time?

    Should DW go with you- sometimes those ex-lawyers do such a good job with the court systems!! BUT GOD does a much better job!

    I just got your text that you sent me on August 5th- that is so weird… hello it's Sept. 7th!! (regarding our friends little boy- he is happy with Jesus now and the family is struggling but finding comfort in God…)

    God Bless your sweet Jubilee! Praying for her recovery.

    Praying for your little Ruby Grace!

  3. My area of Upstate NY (and just up the road in VT too) suffered such distruction and flooding and mudslide a week and a half ago from hurricane Irene. And then today, with the non-stop heavy rains, everything that was finally drying out flooded again. FEMA and Red Cross even had to evacuate areas where they were helping. If anyone might want to include my little part of of the country in their prayers, so many would be grateful.

  4. Oh Linny, thank you so much for your prayers for us in Texas. The drought this last year has been terrible, and this is not the first time this year our state has been eaten up with fires. We need rain so desperately – lots of it in slow, steady, soaking showers.

    I am so very sorry for all that your sweet loved ones are enduring right now. I am praying for your beautiful Jubilee and Ruby Grace, and also still remembering Karl and Autumn. Will be praying for your trips and joining you on Friday. Love you, friend.

  5. I will be joining you tomorrow. I am asking God for 2 miracles. One for my friend's baby who was born a few days ago. . and did not breathe for the first 18 min of her life. . that God would restore that baby to perfect health. And 2 for our church who is going thru some yucky stuff. Oh Lord come. . .show yourself big.

  6. I live in South East Texas and it has been hazy and smokey here for a few days and we are far far away from the fires. I'll be glad to fast and pray with you tomorrow.

  7. I will be joining you tomorrow to pray. Am taking meds now soI need to eat. Remember when I asked for prayer for my friend Donna who buried her second son due to a tragedy? She is back at Christs Kitchen cooking for 90+ people and healing due to the prayers and fasting of Gods faithful people and Almighty God hearing our cry! Janet

  8. 22 FEET????? Bahahahahaha!!!! Too funny!

    Just got back from a 2-day motorcycle trip with hubby….had lots of time to pray so lifted up Jubilee, Ruby Grace, Sarah Jane, Karl, Bob, Vicki, Derek, Ryan and your whole family. Our God is a great BIG God to take care of ALL our needs! Love to you guys from me!!

  9. Will be joining you in fasting on Friday. When we all gather together and pray, God performs miracles!! We've seen it time and time again.

    I do have a prayer request. You all prayed and I was able to see my son graduate! That in itself was a HUGE answer to prayer. It has now been two years since I've spoken to him. I write to him every week. Tuesday I got one of my letters back that was stamped RETURN TO SENDER REFUSED.

    That broke my heart and I had myself a good cry. I feel God telling me to don't stop writing and to send two letters each week! So that's what I plan to do and pray a few of those actually make it into my son's hands.

    Blessings to you and your beautiful family


  10. Linny,

    Thank you for praying for Texas. I live in Bastrop, Texas were we lost 1,558 homes and over 25 % of our town. God is so good and even though we hurt for so many of our friends and family that have lost everything we know that God has a mighty plan for the rebuilding of this city! There are so many God stories!!!

    Also, I am SO happy you are getting little Ruby Grace. My daughter had hydrocephalus from an injury at birth. But today at 9 years old she is 100% perfect! God healed her beyond our wildest dreams! She is brilliant and now has a testimony of how God healed her little body! I am praying the same over Ruby Grace in Jesus Name!

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