The craziest thing happened the other day.
Graham was able to set up mail so that I can type offline.  
Thank you precious son!
Anyway, I was cleaning up the SPAM file and lo and behold I found an email.
The email was from a sweet college student named Brittany M.
It was her email in an attempt to be the 2,000,000th visit to 
this Place Called Simplicity.
I thought, “Uh-oh”.  
I never thought of checking SPAM.
I had just arrived where we were spending the night to leave for Uganda in the morning….
and it just never crossed my mind.
Well lo and behold, I checked her time and she was actually the first to email me!
{Except it went to SPAM}
Now, if I was Brittany I would be sad and bummed that mine went to SPAM.
So in an attempt to ease her belated-win-but-didn’t-know-it-pain,
I am officially honoring her today and I have already bought the two gifts for our two winners:
Brittany and Erica
Two beautiful gifts made by the precious women of Uganda,
each purchase proceeds go to the 
baby home where our treasure is.
Making it all-around-special!

11 thoughts on “SPAM

  1. Oh, that silly spam! I've had my own emails go into spam! Seriously? You'd think it was smarter than that! Congratulations Brittany! Enjoy your win and have another Popsicle!

  2. So happy to read your updates. I'm playing catch up after a few days. So happy to see the post about Karl – he is on my prayer list as are Ruby Grace and Sarah. Hugs and prayers. I was disappointed that the amazing post wasn't exactly there anymore, but praising God that He is mighty to save. Hugs!

  3. When I posted the above comment about praying for little Zac's heart, the word verivication showed "valve"

    I don't know if this is the Lord showing that it is a particular thing that He wants us to pray specifically about, but please, please pray for his valves that they are healed, restored!

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